I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 143 Call

Elffire City, Tokyo Animation Studios.

While Theo spent his day working on his music album, the 35 teams with the task to make an animation of one minute were working day and night to finish in time.

Most of the teams were in process of drawing the frames.

Team 19 Workspace.

The team only slept 4 hours at night so that they could start drawing as soon as possible.

"No, no. In this frame, the dragon needs to be more imponent. We want the viewer to be impacted by the visual of the dragon." Urata said as he reviewed the keyframe drawings of one of the animators.

"Be more specific." The animator replied.

He didn't understand what Urata was asking.

"Imagine a dragon full of might that spits fire with rage. We want to pass this impression. So, the visual has to pass that so that when the break of the mood happens the viewer can be amused." Urata replied.

The animator nodded as he thought it over.

The other keyframe animators also became thoughtful when they heard that.

Even though the keyframe that the animator presented to Urata was good, it was not good enough for this competition.

They needed to strive for excellence if they wanted to stand out in this phase.

After all, another 34 teams were working with full might to get better jobs in the studio.

While the teams were working extra hard on their projects, Ryoko was in her office.

She had just called the last TV station to inquire about the broadcast spot for the spring anime season.

And the results were suboptimal.

Most of the spots were in the morning or afternoon.

But these spots had the least appeal possible because most people were at work or school at this time of the day.

The best spot was still the Wednesday 11 pm of the Chrome Channel that Ryoko called yesterday.

Ryoko knew that most animes that passed during the day had a low audience, and the only choice was picking the spot from the Chrome Channel.

But that still was a risky choice because even though people were at home at this time of the night, the audience would probably be sleeping or watching other animes.

She couldn't choose, so he sent her findings to Theo.

@Ryoko: Boss, these are the spots available for the spring season.

Ryoko proceeded to work on the other things that Theo asked her while she waited for his answer.

She started by searching for buildings in Sakura City to open the branch of their studio.

After all, it was necessary to open this branch as soon as possible so that they could operate things like the voice acting of the animes.

She called some real estate agencies in Sakura City and searched on the internet.

After two hours of search, she found four buildings that fitted the description that Theo told her.

She then started looking at the neighborhood of these buildings, and as a local of Sakura City, she knew which neighborhoods were ideal to open the branch.

She instantly eliminated two buildings, after searching where they were located, because they were on the outskirts of the city.

The studio building needed to be located somewhere they could operate without hindrances.

After looking at the remaining two buildings, she couldn't choose between them because they both had good locations and fitted the description Theo asked for.

The only difference between them was that one had modern architecture and the other had classic architecture.

The modern building was priced at 4 million because of the fancy architecture.

And the classic building was priced at 2.5 million because it was an old building. Even though it had all the modern appliances.

Ryoko forwarded these two buildings' details to Theo after checking on them.

When she had just sent the details, she received a call from him.

"Hello, boss!" Ryoko answered the call.

"Hey, Ryoko!" Theo greeted his employee with a gentle voice.

"I went through the document you sent me and it seems that we only have one option huh?" Theo said.

"I thought the same thing, boss." Ryoko replied with a sigh.

"We need to secure the spot with the Chrome Channel. Make a proposition to buy all the spots for the 12 weeks of the spring anime season." Theo said with a calm voice.

"That will be at least 1.8 million, boss. There are also other costs involved like hiring a team to broadcast the episodes. So, in the end, it will be at least 2 million dollars." Ryoko said with a worried voice.

Just imagining the amount this amount of money, she became nervous about it.

Even if she was becoming a mature boss, she was still a freshly graduated girl that never dealt with this amount of money.

"Oh, it will be cheaper than I imagined. I guess we were lucky with this spot being so cheap. Call the Chrome Channel to reserve the spot as soon as possible." Theo said with a happy voice.

Theo was relieved that he received 5 million from the System from the mission of writing a novel, or he would have to borrow money from a bank.

The novel was being reviewed by the editor team of the Fuji Co. and it was predicted that the novel would be released next month.

Ryoko was taken aback when she heard his relieved voice.

'I guess this is the world of millionaires.' She thought.

"Sure thing, boss. I will call them as soon as we finish the call. Did you see the building details that I sent you?" Ryoko asked.

"Building details? No, I didn't. Give me a minute to go through it." Theo replied in surprise.

"Okay, boss." Ryoko said.

Theo opened the document she sent and looked at the building details.

After looking for a minute through it, he already knew which one they would buy.

"I've seen the details. Let's go with the one priced at 2.5 million. I liked the architecture, and even though it is an old building, it has all the necessary framework for us to open our branch studio." Theo said with a calm voice.

There was another reason that he chose the cheaper building.

Currently, he didn't have much money in his bank account, so he chose to buy the one that was within his budget.

"Okay, boss. I will make a proposition to buy the building. I will keep you informed through the details of it." Ryoko replied.

"Great. I believe in you." Theo said as he smiled in his house.

"How the task is going with the candidates?" Theo asked when he remembered that it was the second day of the third phase.

"The teams are behaving with excellence so far. Most of them are already in the process of drawing the frames." Ryoko replied.

"Oh really? Is there something interesting so far?" Theo asked.

"Hmm, there's a group that chose to animate a fight scene and another group that chose to animate the process of an animation studio. They even named the studio Tokyo just like that. From their conversations, they wanted to make a tribute to our studio." Ryoko replied with an amused voice.

"Wow! There are indeed some bold and creative people there!" Theo exclaimed in astonishment.

First is the group that chose to animate a fight scene in so little time. Theo could only say that their project was bound to fail or be a huge success.

And the other team that chose to make a tribute to his studio had such a good creative mind.

He loved it!

"I'm looking forward to seeing their projects then." Theo laughed.

"Me too." Ryoko giggled.

The two of them talked about the details of the projects for a while until they hung up the phone.

Ryoko had to call the Chrome Channel to buy the broadcast spots.

She was looking forward to seeing their anime on that channel!

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