I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 378: Burning Charcoal for heat, and eliminate the whole tribe

Chapter 378: Burning Charcoal for heat, and eliminate the whole tribe

The things happening in the Flying Snakes Tribe, Han Cheng is entirely unaware of. If he knew, he would be dumbfounded and would surely give a thumbs-up to the shaman of the Flying Snakes Tribe.


It's truly unique!

Compared to the shaman of the Flying Snakes Tribe, he, the first and second shaman of the Green Sparrow Tribe, is far inferior. To think that just some animal fat he despised could cause such a stir, produce such effects, how could one not admire it to the fullest?

Han Cheng no longer has time to consider whether deer milk or animal fat is better for making snowflake ointment.

At this moment, he is shivering under a thick animal hide blanket.

He isn't sick; what caused this result is that he took a bath just a while ago.

But if this trend continues, with more baths, he might catch a cold soon.

No way!

The bathhouse must be built!

This is Han Cheng's furious roar, holding onto his two eggs that have vanished without a trace due to the cold.

In later years, a hot bath is the most comfortable thing during winter. After bathing, the whole body is warm, and it's beyond enjoyable.

But now? Even though it's hot water, one doesn't want to take another after one bath!

Even he, who loves bathing, feels this way, let alone the others in the Green Sparrow Tribe.

Bathing, something that should have been extremely enjoyable and relaxing, has become like this, which is not what Han Cheng wants to see.

The bathhouse should have been built long ago, but it was delayed from last winter until this winter for various reasons.

Han Cheng doesn't want to delay it any longer.

So, after staying in bed for a while to recover, Han Cheng immediately gathers the shaman, the eldest senior brother, the second senior brother, Shang, the third senior brother, and others to discuss building a dedicated bathhouse.

It has been long since the Divine Child called everyone together so seriously. In the past, every such meeting led to significant events for the Green Sparrow Tribe.

So, this time, everyone came prepared to listen to the Divine Child's farsightedness.

The warlike Shang and third senior brother even brought their iron spears, bows, and arrows and placed them outside the door.


The elderly but extremely stable shaman widened his eyes, showing an expression of disbelief.

It's not just him; the other few who understood the Divine Child's meaning reacted similarly, not much better than the shaman.

To start construction in the dead of winter, to build a bathhouse?

They all know the Divine Child loves cleanliness, but can't it be this terrifying?

After a round of glaring at each other, the shaman spoke. He felt that it wasn't necessary to go to such trouble if it was to avoid the cold during baths. It would be simpler to build a separate room.

After this, he proposed his solution: seal all the doors and windows of the room, fill it with a large tub of hot water, and jump in and bathe.

If it's still too cold, light a pile of firewood inside the room to raise the temperature.

If the great Divine Child finds lighting a fire too smoky, you can use charcoal that doesn't produce smoke...

The shaman spoke calmly about his solution, watching as the Divine Child's mouth widened and his eyes bulged, feeling quite pleased with himself.

The Divine Child, unable to solve the problem, was solved by himself in just a few words. How could he not feel proud?

Seeing the Divine Child's appearance, it's clear that he's stunned by his superb insights.

He should be incredulous, feeling embarrassed about something that troubled him endlessly, and yet it was solved so easily by himself, right?

After hearing the shaman's words, the elder senior brother and others nodded continuously, indicating their agreement with the shaman's proposal.

Even the second senior brother and Shang gave a thumbs-up to the shaman, expressing their praise for his wisdom.


Watching the smug shaman waiting for his praise, Han Cheng finally let out a sigh of relief to calm his complex emotions.

Han Cheng would have doubted their intentions if he weren't sure that the shaman and the others were genuinely advising him.


Sealing the room and lighting a fire inside, and if that doesn't work, lighting charcoal, is this for bathing or wishing oneself dead faster?

Han Cheng's face twitched uncontrollably.

"Shut up!"

Finally, Han Cheng, whose body was trembling, spoke up.

"No one can use this method!"

He calmed down for a moment before shouting, his voice unusually severe.

Burning charcoal for warmth inside a sealed room could wipe out the whole tribe!

The shaman and the others looked at the angry Han Cheng, all dumbfounded.

Isn't this a perfect solution? Why is the Divine Child getting angry? And why does he look so angry?

"This will kill people!"

Han Cheng explained the serious consequences of such actions to them.

People will die?

That serious?

No way!

They've dealt with fire a lot; they use it for cooking every day.

Before the shaman arrived, a fire burned in the cave all year round. Now, fire beds burn in the rooms for warmth, and nothing dangerous has happened. So why would using fire for warmth while bathing lead to death?

Not to mention the elder senior brother and the second senior brother, even the shaman himself is filled with confusion.

They don't understand how such a seemingly ordinary thing could be associated with death.

Seeing their expressions, Han Cheng knew they didn't believe him. This matter had to be explained clearly; otherwise, it would be regrettable after the tragedy.

People die not at the hands of enemies or prey but because of ordinary charcoal; no matter how you look at it, it's a loss.

Once again, the Green Sparrow Tribe has become very active in winter. People who understand the cause and effect can't help but exchange glances.

They all have great faith in the Divine Child, but this time, it's not like other times; it's about fire, something they're all very familiar with.

They deal with it every day, and everyone lives fine. They haven't seen anyone die from it. So why would the Divine Child say people would die?

Seeing the crowd's expressions, Han Cheng could understand what they were thinking. He secretly felt fortunate that he had discovered this matter in advance. If it had been discovered later, some people might have tried to do it the way the shaman suggested.

Han Cheng stopped explaining the situation to the shaman and the others. It would have been better for them to experience the danger of such behavior firsthand rather than explain it.

Han Cheng entered the room, carefully inspected it, saw that the windows were completely sealed without any gaps, left the chickens and rabbits with tied legs, and then brought in the prepared charcoal brazier.

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