I alone am the Honoured One!

Chapter 240: A fire!

Chapter 240: A fire!

Zhao Tian glanced at the man in front of him and raised an eyebrow. "So you are the one, huh, who tried to kidnap my family?"

Hearing his cold mutter, Alex Brell stayed silent and Cai Luo let out a soft sigh, retracting the sword back into her storage ring.

"Yeah, he is the one. After searching through nearby cities, I finally found his presence as he flew in this direction."

*swish* Suddenly, Alex Brell lunged towards them for a surprise attack and Cai Luo took a step forward to block his attacks but as he neared them, the air cracked with sparks of red lightning.

Zhao Tian's eyes narrowed as the spark of red lightning shot at Alex Brell. He was taken aback by the sudden counterattack, and before he could respond, the lightning hit him.

*thriissh* The fiery, intense blaze and lightning coursed through every inch of his flesh, bringing him to a sudden halt as excruciating pain ruptured his body.

"Grrr." He let out a low growl as he clenched his jaw, enduring the intense pain coursing through his body. Once the lightning finally ceased, wisps of smoke began to rise from his charred skin.

'D-Dual elements? Fire and Lightning?'

Cai Luo was surprised to see this and again looked at Zhao Tian's cultivation. 'He is on Emperor stage.. how could he?'

'H-Huh? When did he step into the Monarch Astral Stage?'

"You are now in the 2nd level of Monarch Astral Stage?" Cai Luo muttered in surprise and Zhao Tian simply shrugged.

Cai Luo's confusion only deepened as she struggled to comprehend: 'But how could his attacks hurt an 8th-level Monarch Astral Stage cultivator?'

Alex Brell's body instantly healed and Zhao Tian asked, squinting his eyes, "Is it Orlando or Miles who ordered you to kidnap them?"

Alex Brell scoffed with a faint chuckle. "Like hell, I would tell that."

Cai Luo grinned upon hearing this: "No problem, you have instant regeneration, so we can torture you as much as we want and we don't even have to waste healing pills."

Alex Brell frowned, his eyebrows and his eyes glimpsing at Cai Luo standing in front of him. 'Seems like I have underestimated the Battle Maiden. She is powerful...'

'I can manage if its 1 vs 1, but this brat has also come here and he has the rarest Dual elementals, which easily hurt me.'

'Now... all I can do is fight them and slip away from here when I get the chance. I also have to inform the Emperor that Yu Hua is still alive.'

As he contemplated in his mind, *flick* he saw Zhao Tian disappearing from his place. Huh?

*woosh* Using instantaneous short teleportation, Zhao Tian reappeared in front of Alex Brell and clenched his neck in a tight grip.

"So, who told you to?" He muttered as he slammed his body on the ground. *booom* *crack* Because of the impact, the floor cracked, causing web-like cracks on the soil with a huge dent.

"Urghh!" Alex Brell grimaced in pain, feeling the force on his spine and he quickly twisted his leg, kicking Zhao Tian in the abdomen.

However, Zhao Tian released his grip on the man's neck and swiftly took a step back, managing to avoid his attempted kick. Alex Brell, too, quick on his feet, regained his footing.

*treeek* He tore away the suit he was wearing as his body began to transform but Zhao Tian was relentless.

*flick* Zhao Tian grabbed the half-transformed wolf face and asked, "So, who told you to?" a flicker of black glint flashing through his eyes.

As Alex Brell stood frozen, a deafening *friiisshshhhhh* filled the air, In the next second, intense black flames engulfed Alex Brell's body, burning him from the inside.

Alex Brell's eyes widened in horror as he felt the darkness fire rampaging inside his body, eating away his flesh, his body losing balance as he fell to his knees.

"ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs, feeling sheer pain radiating across his whole body.

The intensity of the blaze was so overwhelming that even the air around him seemed to shimmer and distort.

"RRRAAAGHHHHH!!!" His mouth stretched wide in a gut-wrenching scream of pain and fear, the sound reverberating through the air in a crescendo of terror.

Cai Luo was shaken to the core, seeing the black flames illuminating Alex Brell's body totally consume him.

"I-Is that an Empyreal flame?" a mutter escaped her lips still terrified, The intensity of the heat radiating from it made her shiver, sending a chill down her spine just from standing in its presence.

"ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" The sheer echoes of horror continued to echo through out the forest making Cai Luo snap out of her thoughts.

"NOO!! GRRRAAAHH!" Hearing the man crying under him, Zhao Tian had an indifferent face his hand still clutching his face, which was burning in black flames.

He shows no mercy to his enemies and especially the ones who dared to touch his family.

"So, care to tell me now?"

"ARGHH!!! ARGHHHHHHH!!!" Alex Brell just screamed in pain as the flames continued gnawing upon his skin and sucking his blood with each passing second.

But his body is instantly regenerating, making it impossible for him to die and he could only suffer.

"I don't know your wolf language. Speak in English."

All Alex Brell could see were the burning flames that covered his eyes, and Zhao Tian has also lowered the intensity of darkness elemental not to kill him instantly.


Zhao Tian narrowed his eyes "That's not the answer to the question I asked."


The feeling of helplessness and impending doom gripped his heart, leaving him gasping for air as he struggled to break free from the grip of the darkness that threatened to consume him whole.

"Hmm, Young Lord, so its that Orlando huh." Zhao Tian hummed under his breath.

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