I alone am the Honoured One!

Chapter 199: A date with the Queen!

Chapter 199: A date with the Queen!

Cai Luo's expression twisted into a deep frown and she raised her eyebrows, looking at the woman with brown hair and black eyes floating in front of her wearing black robes.

Her gaze shifted towards the woman's hands, which firmly grasped Zhao Tian's arm, their fingers delicately entwined together.

Ning Xue also narrowed her eyes, looking at the policewoman before her.

Cai Luo looked at Zhao Tian and said, "I never expected you would get a lover from Zhenzhu." She spoke, taking a glimpse at the woman's robes.

Zhao Tian just showed a faint smile and Cai Luo again turned her gaze to the woman, curiosity brimming in her eyes "What is your name? Which sect in Zhenzhu?" she asked as she looked through her cultivation.

Heavenly Astral Stage?

Huh? Ning Xue spoke, her tone dripping with arrogance "I don't think I need to say that to a random woman I just met."

The frown on Cai Luo's eyebrows deepened, as no one has ever talked to her like this and everyone respects her as the Battle Maiden. Even the Queen of Zhenzhu won't look down on her like this.

"It seems like you don't know who you are talking to."

Ning Xue scoffed. "Why do I need to know about a weak cultivator from the human world?" she spoke as Cai Luo is also hiding her tru cultivation.

Zhao Tian chuckled in his heart hearing the conversation. Two arrogant women, who were at the pinnacle of cultivation, were talking to each other, hiding their cultivation.

Huh? Cai Luo was frustrated by the behavior of the woman and she was about to unleash her aura to show her place.

"Miss Cai, are you trying to threaten my woman?" Zhao Tian intervened, understanding her intention with a playful smile on his lips.

Cai Luo snorted, "That's because this lover of yours has a foul mouth."

Foul mouth? Ning Xue clutched her palm as a cold voice left her lips "I am only calm because Tian seems to know you; if not, I would have burned that mouth that dared to speak audacious words against me."

Cai Luo is not the one to back away and replied, "Try to burn my mouth and see how I slice you to pieces."

Zhao Tian facepalmed himself, seeing these women bickering. He moved his hand to Ning Xue's back as he gave her ass a tight squeeze.

"Hngh~" Ning Xue was startled by his sudden squeeze and turned her eyes at him, a faint blush painting her cheeks.

Cai Luo also noticed this and anger welled up in her heart but before she could explode, Zhao Tian said, "Miss Cai, I am on a date with my woman... so I hope you won't disturb us."

Ning Xue stayed silent, feeling his fingers fondling her ass.

*swish* Cai Luo saw Zhao Tian and Ning Xue vanishing from her sight and she gritted her teeth, feeling a pang of hurt in her heart.

"When did he go to Zhenzhu? When did he get a woman from there? Or.. he got her when she came to the human world?"

She has seen him hanging out with Chi Miya and being close with Mei Xiu; they are just normal humans. But... it bugs her heart to see him with a woman from Zhenzhu.

"Why is he with a woman like that from Zhenzhu? She is not that beautiful and not that powerful, but she is just so arrogant."

"And he is speaking up for her against me? Urgh, why did she choose that woman? I am way better than her in everything. This is frustrating." With a click of her tongue, she also disappeared.

Woman, your problem is that you are just jealous.


Zhao Tian and Ning Xue landed in a dark alley. Ning Xue pouted her lips "Why did you stop me, Tian."

Zhao Tian raised his hand, pinching her cheek "That's because you are getting into fights with every woman you meet."

His gaze then fell on a ring in her finger. "But still, I am amazed by this artifact."

Ning Xue smiled proudly "Yeah, this ring is great, right? By creating a powerful illusion, it masks my appearance, my aura and even my voice."

Zhao Tian frowned in his mind, wondering if he could recreate this artifact. Xia Shenyi would also be excited about this artifact.

Ning Xue looked around the empty street. "Where are we going now, Tian?"

Zhao Tian said, "First we have to buy you a couple of dresses, and later we can have lunch with a special surprise for you."

"Surprise for me?"

"Yeah, you will know at that time. Come, let's go."

And as they took two steps, Ning Xue suddenly halted. "Wait, Tian!" she muttered, quickly turning her head to the sky.

A slight frown appeared on her eyebrows as she used her astral sense and was quite confused.

Zhao Tian raised an eyebrow "What happened, Xue?"

"I just felt a strong presence gazing at us... but suddenly it disappeared and I couldn't sense that presence anymore."

Huh? Someone is following us? Zhao Tian narrowed his eyes and Ning Xue said, "Well, I will tell if I feel that presence again."


They quickly entered the mall and the people in the mall were surprised to see a woman wearing traditional robes.

Some people wondered if that was a cosplay.

Ning Xue doesn't mind, as she has been the center of attention for a long time as the Queen but still, she felt the gazes were quite weird, rather than in Zhenzhu, where people look at her in admiration.

At this time, a man walked near them with a digital camera in his hand. "Um, miss, the cosplay looks good, mind if I take a picture." he asked with a smile on his face.

Hm? Ning Xue turned her eyes at him and uttered coldly "Fuck off."

*gik* The guy shivered upon hearing her voice and quickly backed away "Sorry, Miss."

Zhao Tian and Ning Xue quickly entered the clothes section and even though quite bewildered by her outfit, they invited her in with a warm welcome.


Meanwhile, opposite to the mall, a middle-aged man wearing a black suit was standing atop a building.

Antony Evans glanced at the mall, a calm look on his face "So he is the Zhao Tian Young Lord mentioned and his girlfriend. Is that her?" he muttered under his breath.

"It is not nice to peek on a couple, you know?"

Suddenly, he heard a voice and he turned his gaze, looking at the policewoman, who was behind him on top of the building.

Antony Evans frowned his eyebrows looking at her "And it is also not nice to spy on other people like this. Who are you?"

*swoosh* A long red sword appeared in Cai Luo's hands and as the illusion collapsed, her light-blonde hair fluttered in the air revealing her gorgeous face.

Her body adorned with a beautiful armor that leaves no place to show her skin.

"A dog from Lycan Syndicate sent to kill Tian. Sorry, you can't touch him when he is under my protection."

(A/n: Thankyou Maplemoron bro for giving 34 Gts. hehehe... and I came to know that Maple nro gain mystical powers from maple syrup and poutine lol.)

I hop you guys liked this chapter!

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