Hunter’s Blade

Chapter 6

C6 Arguments

Shire still remembered the scene when they left. At that time, they were in high spirits.

The eight Devil Hunter gathered at a place called the Pea Mill. Everyone saw that Shire and Denver were young. They ordered the two of them to clean up the tables and look for candles and meat everywhere. Shire then stood at the table with reverence, watching the people solemnly swear to God Roman. He wanted to drive the Blade Demon that descended into the real world back to hell. The situation was solemn and stirring. He felt that there was no greater cause in the world than hunting demons.

“I can’t take it anymore” Waren’s scolding broke Shire’s memory. “We don’t even have a chair. Do we have to stand and make plans?”

“This is Dew Camp Stone, not a hotel.” Only Master Frederick’s words could slightly restrain Waren. He was dressed in black, and his attire was experienced and capable. He carried a long sword on his back, and his face was thin. His red hair was neatly combed back, and his beard was neat and tidy. It was as if he still had time to tidy up his appearance during the hunting days, forming a sharp contrast with the others who were in a sorry state.

The remaining six Devil Hunter stood in front of the Dew Camp Stone. Each of them had a different expression on their faces, and their hearts were filled with worry.

Shire felt a cold breeze in the forest. The cold wind was bleak, and his clothes were thin. He was not wearing any armor, and his short clothes were covered with mud and grass.

“That’s why Julius died. “Frederick looked at the empty seat.” I am so upset. ” He noticed the gemstone gold necklace on Shire’s neck. “You took his necklace?”

” Yes. ” Shire nodded at Master Frederick.

“Very good, inherit his spirit.” Frederick sighed, “Julius said something that I still remember clearly, you must be careful and make others rely on you. ”

Shire kept it in mind, and the necklace around his neck seemed to become heavier.

“This way, you will be the only hunter and recruit in Upper Lawman.” Frederick paid attention to Shire. He looked at Shire with a serious look. “You need to know what this means…”

Shire felt a little scary. It sounded like some kind of great responsibility. It was a kind of responsibility that he didn’t know yet, but it was definitely a very important one.

“I will…” He felt that his tone did not sound very confident, so he repeated it again. This time, he was even more determined. “I will work hard.”

“We all need to work hard, especially in this dark day Our country is enduring unprecedented chaos, just as we know, The king has been ignoring politics for a long time, only sending out special envoys with strange styles to monitor the various places. As a result, elves, barbarians, flying dragons and ancient threats… many chaotic and evil spirits are rapidly growing. We should destroy the Blade Demon earlier. The sooner we can return to the civilized world, the sooner we will be able to clear out the other dangers that may exist. This is our mission as the Devil Hunter, the witness of the Heavenly God. ” Frederick’s tone was steady.

“We are only one step away from failure.” To Shire’s surprise, Etienne started to speak. Shire thought that the old hunter wanted to see the situation and finally spoke.

“You are right. We are in danger. It is very easy to fail. But have we already lost? Even if the odds of winning are only one in ten thousand, we still have to use all our fighting spirit to chase after this slim chance. You don’t know how deep the crisis the Hunter Palace is facing is. If we can’t quickly achieve some results, we will immediately be dragged down by our own debts.” Frederick’s words always carried an unquestionable tone. Shire really wanted to learn this way of speaking, as if it could increase his own persuasive power.

“We have already lost, because the devil is among us.” Dalton said with a pale face.

“What do you mean by a rare accusation?” Frederick frowned.

“It’s him.” Dalton pointed his trembling finger at Waren. “Are you all so slow that you can’t sense the evil aura coming from his body?”

Waren let out a burst of rough laughter, then he walked towards Dalton.

Frederick reached out his hand to stop them, in case Waren caught Dalton. With a cold face, he said, “You better not mess around. Both of you are.”

Shire did feel that Waren gave people an unpleasant feeling. He was a fierce and notorious person. Shire had doubted more than once how such a person could be ranked in the ranks of Devil Hunter. But Waren did have a place in the Hunter’s Register. If the Holy Church were to record history in the future, the officials would also record Waren’s achievements in hunting demons.

“Is Waren a demon?” Shire asked Etienne.

“Silence. “Etienne’s lips moved, and his voice was very soft.

“You would believe such stupid words?” Waren stared at Frederick with a ferocious expression.

“Frankly speaking, I have indeed received many charges regarding you. People say that you…” Frederick turned to Shire. “Shire, leave this place.”

“Why?” Shire was shocked and surprised. What reason did he have to leave the Hunter Conference?

“What we are going to talk about next needs to be highly confidential.” Etienne urged, “Let’s go. If you hear what you shouldn’t hear, you will fall into the hands of wizards or devils in the future. They will torture you to steal secrets. ”

Shire walked outside dejectedly. They just don’t believe me and think that I still don’t belong to the hunters? Or do they think that I am too weak and will tell them all the secrets once I am questioned?

However, Shire knew that they were serious. If he really fell into the hands of the enemy, ignorance would become the best protection.

He left Dew Camp Stone and couldn’t help but start guessing what the hunters would talk about and complain about Waren. He heard that Waren had the habit of going out at night and could communicate with animals. It was very easy for people to accuse Waren of these dark habits. It was reasonable and reasonable to think that he was involved in some dark magic.

In fact, when he thought of Waren’s mean face, he felt that he was suspicious.

Humans were wild beasts driven by desire. Waren had said such words before. But could this sentence explain everything? Didn’t people also make selfless sacrifices? These things couldn’t possibly come from the primitive impulse of humans.

Shire climbed onto a stone wall. These stones all had traces of being burned and melted. He believed that these long stone walls had been straight and solid before, but now the surface was covered with water-like patterns. The surface was rough and unstable, and the rocks formed waves.

An intense argument came from the direction of Dew Camp Stone, attracting Shire’s attention. He saw the hunters in front of the stones, and they were closer to each other. They seemed to be shouting, cursing, and even colliding with each other face to face. Only Etienne’s tall figure was further away from the center of the chaos, as if he did not want to join in the debate.

Not long after, Geffany left Dew Camp Stone and walked to the two stone walls outside. Seeing Shire, she greeted him. “Newbie.”

Shire jumped down and greeted Geffany, “You want me to go back?”

“On the contrary, I couldn’t stand their argument and just walked out.” She shrugged. “I don’t like it.”

“What are they talking about?” Shire asked.

“Some trivial matters. Waren tried his best to prove his innocence, but the more he drew, the darker it became. Dalton is about to break down. Frederick wants to understand what happened first before making a decision. Your master doesn’t want to get involved in the debate.” Geffany climbed to the stone wall and sat down.

She was very beautiful. She was tall and thin, had dark green eyes, red hair braids, wore a skin-tight leather armor, carried a camping bag, and a thin silver sword on her waist.

“Waren said Master Etienne has lost his emotions.”

“This is the only way we have to go. All the hunter incantations cost souls. Do you know why?”

A pessimistic idea popped up in Shire’s mind.

“Because we have nothing but souls.”

“Ha!” Geffany was surprised by Shire’s answer. “Don’t think like that. We still have a lot of things, like companions, equipment, and skills. Actually, it’s also good for us to burn our souls. ”

“Is it worth exchanging our souls for it?” Shire found it hard to believe.

“Of course. The field of vision of devils is different from ours. In the eyes of devils, all living beings are shells that carry souls, the more powerful the living being. The soul flames are more vigorous, enough to make them give up everything to chase after them. And the weaker our souls are, the weaker our souls become. We are almost invisible to the senses of the Abyss Devils.”

” Then I should use more incantations and lose my soul as soon as possible ” Shire was deep in thought.

“This is another thing, at different stages of life. We have to do different things. Once you become middle-aged like me, or age like your master… Our path of life has already been decided, there is nothing else we can do besides hunting the Evil Demons. At this time, we have no worries. Since every day in the future and today will not change, then we will treat every day as the last day to live. Sacrifice yourself to the Hunter profession. ”

Shire felt uneasy. As a Devil Hunter, it meant that they could only hunt devils? Wouldn’t that mean that his life would be too bleak?

“Look, don’t you think it’s not good? This is the benefit of being young. You’re still young. You can pursue any ideals you like: wealth, status, food, sex… Only after you have experienced every kind of happiness in the world will you understand how precious the world is… It’s worth us selling our souls to protect it.” Geffany smiled.

“I understand.” Shire nodded solemnly.

“How many spells have you mastered now?” Geffany asked.

“Only Aphen Flames.”

“Oh, aphen Flames… A powerful incantation. I respect your master very much. He has inherited this legendary incantation. Now, let me teach you a new incantation. It’s very simple and important. Although it’s not as famous as Aphen Flame, it doesn’t consume as much energy as it does. Go pick up a stone and throw it at me. ”

A new incantation! Shire was a little excited.

The Dew Camp Stone ruins did not lack rocks. He grabbed a rock and gently threw it at the female hunter. She chanted an incantation, and the rock seemed to be hit by an invisible force in the air, and then fell to the ground.

“There was once a demon who lured a hunter in the forest, and had the hunter invite the demon into this world. The hunter agreed, but at the same time, the hunter also made a request to the demon, asking the demon to give him wisdom” Geffany gestured for Shire to throw another one. The second stone also could not get close to Shire. It fell because of Geffany’s spell. “So the devil agreed. It gave the intelligence beyond that of a mortal to a hunter. Then, with the help of the hunters, they entered this world. The hunter used the infinite wisdom that the devil shared with him to understand the principle of controlling this world. He created a powerful spell to seal the devil in the secret sanctuary. He also predicted that the Evil Demons would continuously try to attack this world, so he created the Devil Hunter organization. ”

“Secret Holy Church?” This was the first time Shire had heard of this place.

“It’s in a faraway place.” Geffany’s tone was mysterious, “No one knows its location, because there is a terrifying devil in the Holy Church. The initial hunters were afraid that the later people would enter the Holy Church and accidentally released the devil.”

“If there is no one guarding it, what if the devil ran away by itself?”

“Yeah, just like our Holy Church. We all gather together to chase after the Bladedge Demons. The demons in the Holy Church might take the opportunity to escape. However, there was no other way. Because a big shot has offered a generous offer to Frederick, and it requires us to defeat the Bladedge Devil.” Geffany explained,” These are all trivial matters. We just need to put in a lot of effort. In short… try to use the exact same tone, tone, and rhythm as me to release this spell. It restricts the flow of air and commands it to flow in a fixed direction – [Phantom Divine Power].”

The light in the air trembled slightly. This time, Shire saw it clearly.

He memorized the incantation and imitated Geffany in the exact same way.

“Phantom Divine Power!”

Shire looked around but did not see any reaction. He did not know if it was effective. To accurately control the range, duration, and effect of the incantation, he needed to practice day and night. Just now, he had only stirred up a small gust of air in a small place.

“Come, I’ll try to throw a stone at you… “Geffany wanted to practice with Shire.

However, the noise in Dew Camp Stone was getting louder and louder. In the end, Shire heard an ear-piercing curse from far away, covering all sounds.

“Go to hell! I quit!

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