Hunter of Immortals

Chapter 471: One Man Bringing About a Revolution

Chapter 471: One Man Bringing About a Revolution


Was it really true that Adam had failed to consider the consequences of his actions? Perhaps that could've been an oversight that he would make in the past, but that was no longer the case.

Increased psychic power didn't just make one a more capable psychic combatant. Instead, it also enhanced one's cognitive and analytical abilities.

The amount of information that he was able to process was definitely far beyond what the vast majority of people could imagine.

In just a single second, he was able to consider countless fine details regarding his plan, extrapolating all of the short-term and long-term consequences that could arise from his actions, thereby allowing him to decide on the best course of action to take.

All of this appeared to have unfolded far too quickly, and one could easily be forgiven for thinking that he had been caught completely off? guard, but that was far from the truth.

The smile on his face was genuine. He was happy to see a situation like this unfold as unbeknownst to his enemies, they were currently being swept up into his tempo.

The law enforcement operation taking place within the Gaia Organization branch was still ongoing. No matter how many people were protesting outside, they weren't going to be able to alter the programming of the Mechguard units, and the things that Adam needed were going to be unearthed very soon, providing him with even more data to consider.

Inside the technical center of the Gaia Organization's headquarters, there were countless world-leading computer experts and powerful AI programs working under an extremely high-pressure environment, trying to track down exactly what it was that Adam could've been searching for in the branch's database.

The top dogs above them may not have cared about this so-called evidence being unearthed, but for the sake of their own jobs, they had no choice but to work tirelessly.

Over at the election center, not only were the employees not panicked in the slightest at the sight of the protesting masses, they were all elated instead.

Toshiyuki Matsumara was sipping on a cup of coffee, looking completely relaxed and content.

What a masterstroke this is! We haven't had to spend a single dime for promotion purposes, yet this event in itself is the best promotion that we could ask for. I really hope this situation will continue until the end of the election. That would save all of us a lot of work.

As a veteran election manager, he was well aware that the so-called election was nothing more than a massive show. Essentially, the process of creating a star politician was no different from that of the entertainment industry manufacturing celebrities.

All of the complex strategies and tricks that politicians employed had a single core objective, and that was to garner more attention.

Of course, Adam was carrying out these operations in order to uphold justice and punish the wicked, but at the same time, he had managed to attract the attention of the masses, and that was certainly an added bonus.

In the political sphere, there was no such thing as negative attention. The best way to completely snuff out one's campaign was to ensure that they didn't make any headlines at all, but keeping Adam's name out of the headlines was proving to be an impossible task.

However, the election managers were still feeling quite anxious. After all, this type of clout generally passed just as quickly as it came, and negative consequences could easily arise. Toshiyuki Matsumara was more than happy to address their concerns.

"There are two types of people in this world, trend-followers and trend-setters, and the latter are always the ones to start revolutions."

It was clear that Adam was a trend-setter. He had started from nothing and propelled himself up the ranks in a meteoric rise, establishing himself as an enforcer of justice and receiving widespread support from the general public in the process.

"Your concerns are completely unnecessary. Mr. Adam will only continue to jump from strength to strength, and he'll keep forging ahead at all costs. No matter how much the people behind him hesitate, everyone will be forcibly dragged along behind him, and they won't be able to stop even if they want to."

A faint smile appeared on Toshiyuki Matsumara's face as he spoke. He was also among the camp of people being dragged along behind Adam, but he had learned to accept his fate and place his faith in Adam.


Toshiyuki Matsumara wasn't the only smart person in the world, and it didn't take long for Adam's enemies to realize what was happening, upon which an instruction was immediately passed down to the Adam Eradication Group.

"Immediately cease all operations attempting to slander Adam. At the same time, try to manufacture new headlines to take attention away from him. We can't allow him to keep building up clout."

Blake was not a seasoned veteran, and it took him some time to understand why this situation was undesirable. By then, it was already too late. The entire internet had already completely spiraled out of control, and it was virtually impossible to try and divert attention away from Adam in a short time.

At the same time, the prices of all the stocks of the companies related to the Gaia Organization and the Metaverse were continuing to plummet.

The southern congress and all of the giants in the business sector had decided that they weren't going to intervene. If Adam wanted to tank the stock prices, then they would allow him to do as he pleased as in their eyes, he was playing with fire.

Adam spent an entire day in the Gaia Organization branch, and during that time, the Mechguard units had collected a vast amount of data.

However, this wasn't a problem. All he had to do was input the individual information of the elderly people at the retirement homes and sanitariums before conducting a search, and he would be able to find the data that he needed to condemn the Gaia Organization.

In the digital world, it was very risky to go around deleting things willy-nilly as doing so could cause the entire program to collapse, so the safest way to proceed was to preserve all data.

The data from the horrific experiments that the Gaia Organization had conducted in the past had already become a part of the foundation of the Metaverse and the Digital Life project, and no one dared to delete it. Now, it was going to be used as incriminating evidence against the organization.

Adam was carrying out his work simultaneously alongside the Mechguard units, finding the data that he needed before releasing it directly to the media. He wasn't afraid that the Gaia Organization would seek legal action against him as that would only increase his clout.

Regardless of how much anger and discontent was building toward him, he continued to release one set of data after another, displaying the records of the horrific experiments that the elderly people had undergone for everyone to see.

All of the media outlets associated with Golden Teeth Incorporated and the northern congress were eagerly piling on the coverage, ensuring that the data that was being released was seen by as many people as possible.

The people who were affected by the plummeting stock prices were still protesting vehemently, but as they checked their news feeds to see the data that was being put on public display, all of them fell into a state of internal conflict.

They began to fall silent and consider whether they were doing the right thing. Should they turn on the Gaia Organization to support Adam, or continue denouncing him and turning a blind eye to the data that he was releasing?

Were they just going to keep lying to themselves until the day they died? Some people were suffering mental breakdowns, cursing Adam for forcing them to see the horrific truth.

This was an extremely painful choice to make, but it was one that was unavoidable, and that was what made it even more grueling.

This is the outcome that I want.

Adam was very pleased with how the situation was unfolding. This was only an experiment, and it was working far better than he had predicted.

He didn't have the time or patience to educate people or explain to them why what he was doing was right. All he had to do was present them with irrefutable facts and evidence, and the decision would be up to them.

The individual person was too weak. They needed a powerful fist to squeeze all of them together in order to unify them and liberate them.

In just a single day, Sandrise City had been completely stirred up into a chaotic frenzy.

The next day, the stock prices continued to plummet, and everyone could see that a stock market crisis was looming.

In a private conference room in the Metaverse, the projections of Mr. One and several other figures were present, and after a lengthy discussion, a decision was made.

"We'll try one final time."

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