Hunter of Immortals

Chapter 462: All-out Battle

Chapter 462: All-out Battle

As soon as Hebi no Miko sprang into action, Adam also entered the fray.

There was no way that he was going to just stand by and watch Diana face Hebi no Miko on her own, and this was never supposed to have been a fair battle to begin with.

However, he had only just instructed Sludge to spring up and attack Hebi no Miko when she pointed a finger in his direction, releasing a thick bolt of lightning that crashed into Sludge and sent it flying back through the air.

"Don't jump the gun, little boy. It's not your turn yet!"

Just that single attack alone was enough to char Sludge's entire body black, and its defensive prowess was severely compromised. A casual attack from Hebi no Miko was already comparable in power to an all-out strike from Masao Yamamoto.

As a psychic mutant, she had very few mental inhibitions, and as a result, she was able to tap into her full potential, thereby granting her more power.

Meanwhile, Hebi no Miko's giant blade was about to strike Diana, but the latter instantly released a pillar of draconic flames out of her mouth, melting the giant blade into molten liquid.

Immediately thereafter, the black ball of light came crashing down from above, having devoured to its full capacity.

It was imbued with indescribable power, resembling a tiny planet that was capable of warping light, magnetic fields, and even warping one's psychic perception.

Hebi no Miko was situated directly under the ball of black light, but she remained completely unfazed as she raised her hands up high, conjuring up a mountain that was several hundred meters tall and as thin as a sword to oppose the black ball.

Most importantly, the mountain obstructed Adam's vision, making it impossible to determine Hebi no Miko's location.

This was a signature earth-attribute ability of Yamata no Orochi's, and the fact that Hebi no Miko was able to unleash these devastating abilities at will while still in her human form indicated that this was not going to be an easy battle for Adam's trio.

The black ball had accumulated an incredible amount of power, and it instantly shattered half of the mountain below it upon contact. However, it was also torn open during the clash, sending tremendous destructive power raining down upon Hebi no Miko and the skyscraper beneath her.


The skyscraper that Adam was standing on was also trembling violently as if it could collapse at any moment, and he hurriedly reinforced it with more of his bandages so that he could maintain a stable footing.

In the wake of the black light, the building up ahead was completely destroyed, leaving a seemingly bottomless pit in its place. In the next instant, a wave of scorching heat erupted out of the pit, followed by a pillar of lava, as if a volcanic eruption had taken place.

This attack was already no less powerful than the one that Hebi no Miko had just unleashed.

Of course, this wasn't enough to kill Hebi no Miko, and in the next instant, she appeared in mid-air with a mocking sneer on her face.

"It seems like you've been working hard recently, but even an attack of this magnitude wasn't able to hurt me. What are you going to do now?"

Diana looked down at Hebi no Miko with a completely emotionless look in her eyes as she continued to accumulate power.

In order to assist her, Adam immediately invoked Clown, which conjured up its army of clones that spread out across the entire battlefield to attack Hebi no Miko from afar, trying to distract and frustrate her.

At the same time, he invoked Ogress for scouting purposes, but it had only just risen up into the air before it was struck down by a bolt of lightning.

He then invoked Nun to unleash its Fountain of Contamination into the volcanic crater down below, and it immediately evaporated into toxic mist that rose up into the air, permeating throughout an area with a radius of several kilometers.

Of course, this toxic mist wasn't going to be enough to harm Hebi no Miko, but it could obstruct her vision and buy him more time to unleash other abilities.

Hebi no Miko immediately released a burst of glacial energy, which reacted with the scorching heat in the air to produce a massive downpour of rain. Due to the toxic mist in the air, the rain was instantly converted into acid rain that further eroded all of the destroyed buildings, causing them to collapse one after another.

This was exactly what Adam was waiting for, and he instantly invoked Horse Face, which began to create its Lamenting Wall artwork in the wreckage of the city.

This was Hebi no Miko's psychic world, so Adam didn't know what she could've been plotting in secret, and he had to be prepared for everything.

Right at this moment, Hebi no Miko unleashed another attack, and countless arcs of light emerged within the storm before transforming into a forest lightning, further destroying the already severely ravaged landscape down below.

The Lamenting Wall didn't even get a chance to take shape before it was destroyed.

This was the main drawback of the ability. It required time to set up, so it could easily be cut off by a powerful opponent.

Hebi no Miko was cackling incessantly within the forest of lightning.

"I know all of your abilities like the back of my hand, so if you don't have anything new to show me, then all of you are going to die here!"

Adam wasn't surprised at all to hear this. He had conducted extensive research into Hebi no Miko, so it only made sense that she would've done her homework on him as well, and he had been forced to reveal all of his abilities during his battle against Masao Yamamoto, so it was no surprise at all that Hebi no Miko knew everything about him.

However, that still wasn't enough to dent his confidence.

He still had certain trump cards up his sleeve, but this wasn't the time to be using them. Adam was quite suspicious about whether this was actually Hebi no Miko's true body, so he had to keep probing.

Meanwhile, Diana had also finished charging up power for her second powerful attack.

Her enormous body was trembling slightly as she raised her head to the heavens, and a burst of light could be seen rapidly rising up from her belly to her neck.

She flapped her wings vigorously as she took aim at Hebi no Miko, then opened her mouth to release a beam of dazzling light that was traveling at an extraordinary speed.

This was the most powerful form of her draconic fire, with the flames being converted into a particle beam, and its speed and destructive power were both tremendous.

Hebi no Miko raised a hand to conjure up a wall of ice that was around a dozen meters thick, but the particle beam was able to punch right through it without trouble at all.

Immediately thereafter came a wall of earth, which only lasted a few milliseconds before also being destroyed.

After that was a swirling vortex of wind, but after being swept up into the vortex, the particle beam's power was only enhanced.

The final barrier was a condensed fireball that was glowing just as brightly as the particle beam, and it intercepted the particle beam several dozen meters above Hebi no Miko before exploding violently.

The explosion was no less formidable than that of a nuclear warhead, and shockwaves that were visible even to the naked eye erupted in all directions, liquefying everything in their path.

A dazzling halo of destruction appeared, encompassing an area with a radius of over a kilometer, presenting a stunningly beautiful sight to behold.

Hebi no Miko was too close to the explosion, and her body was instantly vaporized, but Adam didn't detect any psychic disturbance, so she definitely wasn't dead.

In that case, where had she gone?

A few seconds after the light from the explosion faded, two large red lantern suddenly appeared in the sky, each of which was around a foot in size. It was a pair of glowing red eyes that were surveying the earth, and Hebi no Miko's Yamata no Orochi form was finally revealed.

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