Hunter of Immortals

Chapter 220: Battle of Titans

Chapter 220: Battle of Titans

With absolute confidence in his own body, Diamond threw an almighty punch at the dragon in the sky.

His fist clashed with the dragon's claw, resulting in such a powerful impact that a loud explosion rang out in the air.

The explosion was so violent that powerful shockwaves were sent weeping through the area in all directions, blowing away all of the smoke left behind by Clown's explosives.

In the wake of the clash, both Diamond and the giant dragon were sent flying back a roughly equal distance through the air, much to the astonishment of all of the spectators and Diamond himself.

Diamond was ranked in the top half of the S tier, but he didn't possess any powerful abilities. The only thing that allowed him to maintain such a lofty status in the S tier was his tank-like body, which was near indestructible, extraordinarily powerful, and extremely heavy.

In short, his strengths were so exceptional that they were more than sufficient to make up for his shortcomings.

Otherwise, there was no chance that he would've ever made it to the S tier.

Aside from the hardness of his body, Diamond was also renowned for his enormous weight, so it was incredible that he had been sent flying in a direct physical clash.

The logic that governed the psychic world was very similar to that of the real world, so even the heaviest humans were still several hundred kilograms in weight, while the likes of Sludge and Mummy weighed only a ton at the very most, a far cry from Diamond's purported bodyweight of around 100 tons.

100 tons was the equivalent of a super truck at full capacity, or the weight of an entire massive train carriage. Due to his tremendous weight, it was no exaggeration to call Diamond a human freight train.

How did Diana suddenly become so strong?

Hook was astonished as he looked on from the corner that he was hiding in.

At this point, Diana had already risen up into the air again. After undergoing complete mutation, not only had her physical prowess reached the same level as Diamond, her draconic technomancy had also leveled up significantly.

After taking to the sky, Diana opened her mouth, and even though the shape of her mouth wasn't displaying any change, a mysterious, ancient voice suddenly rang out in the air, following which countless balls of black light appeared around her.

The balls of light resembled black holes that threatened to suck in the soul of the beholder, and all of them rained down upon Diamond at Diana's behest.

Diamond had only just clambered up from the ground at this point, and he immediately took evasive measures, not daring to withstand the attack head-on.

Despite his enormous stature and immense weight, Diamond was still relatively fast and agile. He was able to evade the majority of the balls of black light, but there were simply far too many of them, and they were falling like rain, making it impossible to avoid them all.

Ultimately, he was struck by one of the balls of black light, and as soon as it made contact with his body, an extremely loud and irritating noise resembling the sound of a sawblade slicing into metal instantly rang out.

At the time, sparks began to fly in all directions, and Diamond felt as if his body were about to be sucked in and pulverized by the ball of light.

For the first time in this battle royale, an overwhelming sense of fear welled up in his heart. He had only just withstood one of the balls of black light, and several cracks had already appeared on his body.

Following this brief clash, Diamond knew that he was no match for Diana in her current form, and he immediately initiated a tactical retreat, fleeing toward Oni no Miko at full speed while calling for help.

"Help me!"

Oni no Miko had no choice but to comply with his request.

Of course, there was no significant bond or friendship between the two of them. Unfortunately for Oni no Miko, she was in a rather terrible situation herself. The Technomancy Tiger was dead, while the Shelled Tiger was virtually useless aside from acting as a suit of armor for her, so if Diamond were to perish, then there was no way that she would've been able to survive to the end.

Hence, as soon as she heard Diamond's cries for help, Oni no Miko immediately ignored the howling wind and sea of flames around her as she nocked a series of arrows before firing them at Diana's head and heart.

Three arrows were sent flying from her bow in rapid succession, and all of them were traveling at an incredible speed, while ghostly faces were forming on the arrowheads.

These arrows possessed extremely penetrative power, and they had just put an end to King Arthur's life.

However, Diana's mind had already been completely clouded by her fury, and flew directly toward the arrows without any regard for her own safety.

The ghostly arrows raised a flurry of sparks as the arrowheads ground against Diana's black scales, and much to Oni no Miko's alarm, the arrows were unable to inflict any meaningful damage upon Diana, only managing to leave some marks on her scales.

Diana let loose a thunderous roar as she released a blast of dragon's breath in Oni no Miko's direction.

In her current form, her breath consisted of a pillar of black flames that enveloped some type of strange, corrosive acid.

Furthermore, the pillar of fire had become far thicker than what she had been previously able to unleash, and the flames were reacting with the corrosive acid, resulting in a string of explosions as they surged through the air.

It didn't take a genius to see that one definitely didn't want to be struck by this attack.

Oni no Miko had no intention of testing Diana's newfound power herself, so she immediately spurred her Hyakki Yagyou into action to protect her.

Countless demons that were capable of flight rose up to oppose the oncoming pillar of flames, only to be quickly incinerated. Meanwhile, the remaining Hyakki Yagyou on the ground below arranged themselves into a defensive array in an attempt to ward off the attack, but right as Diana's draconic breath reached the Hyakki Yagyou, the black flames completely reacted with the corrosive acid to trigger a violent explosion.

Just a single breath from Diana had eradicated around a third of the Hyakki Yagyou, and another third of them had sustained rather severe injuries from the attack.

Ikkaku had been battling Oni no Miko this entire time, and he was naturally quick to seize this opportunity, unleashing his most powerful ability, the Hundred Tornado Technique, once again.

Countless tornadoes swept down from the heavens, but what was different from last time was that these tornadoes were all intermingled with bright, crimson flames that illuminated the entirety of the dark basin.

The fiery tornadoes swept directly toward Oni no Miko and what remained of the Hyakki Yagyou, destroying everything in their path.

The Hyakki Yagyou were frantically unleashing all types of attacks in a show of resistance, but they were all quickly incinerated into ashes, and Oni no Miko herself was also unable to withstand an attack of this caliber, as evidenced by the cracks that were appearing on the suit of armor that her body was encased in.

At this point, Oni no Miko knew that she had no choice but to resort to her final trump card. With that in mind, she pulled out her pendant before impaling herself with one of her own arrows.

In the instant that the arrow pierced into her body, boundless black mist surged out of the wound. The Yamata no Orochi within the pendant absorbed the black mist, and its body began to gradually expand, quickly reaching over 10 meters in size before shielding her from the onslaught of fiery tornadoes.

Immediately thereafter, Oni no Miko pulled out a talisman, then began to perform a strange dance that was accompanied by a peculiar incantation. All of the remaining Hyakki Yagyou and her shikigami guardian were instantly transformed into more black mist at her behest before being devoured by Yamata no Orochi, causing it to swell even further in size.

The Yamata no Orochi was a legendary deity that was said to have once destroyed the entire nation of Japan, and in its ultimate form, it filled the entire basin with its enormous body, which was over 100 meters in diameter.

The Yamato no Orochi and the giant black dragon in the sky faced off against one another from afar, resembling a pair of prehistoric titans that were about to go into battle against each other.

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