Hunter Academy’s Battle God

Chapter 228

Chapter 228

Verdans tavern on the 1st floor of the Tower was located in a corner very few people frequented.

"We havent met like this for many years," The Dark Witch, Aris, said.

"20 years? No It's been longer. Unlike you or Arden, I still struggle with alcohol," Fist King Yu WonHak replied.

The two of them were legendary hunters whod conquered the Towers 60th floor, but theyd let go of that life to become masters and raise disciples.

Aris smiled when she saw WonHak pouring a drink. "Still, I want to have a sincere conversation, so Ill drink with you today." She brought her cup to her lips and took a delicate sip.

"You're weird. Meanwhile, WonHah brought the entire bottle to his mouth and gulped it down. So, what did you want to talk about?

"Getting straight to the point?" Aris sighed, but she was used to WonHak's direct way of speaking. "Hmm. It might sound like small talk to you, but I was already at my limit when we conquered the 50th floor."

Theyd left those adventures far behind, and WonHak picked up his bottle again when he heard her bring it up. "You looked fine, but I guess you werent."

"Don't worry. I didn't expect you to notice. When we subjugated the 60th floor, I truly felt that it was, at the time, humanitys limit." Aris picked up her glass again. Maybe it was because she was hoping for some liquid courage, but the usually bitter drink tasted sweet that day.

"That's why, she said, when the Sword God was cursed I felt grateful. Though her expression remained stiff, her voice shook a bit. She was one of the few rank 8 hunters in existence, so it was rare for her to be so shaken. "I'm sorry for this but you guys wouldn't have stopped, right? You wouldve kept going until someone died."

"Yes WonHak agreed. That's probably what would have happened." He emptied his bottle, and the tavern keeper silently brought him another. Though he and Aris had been comrades since they first became hunters, theyd never had such a conversation.

"Even though that was the end of our era, Aris said, I'm still grateful you guys didnt die " She looked down into her empty glass; then, just like WonHak, she grabbed a bottle and gulped it down.

Wiping the alcohol from her mouth with her sleeve, she seemed to have gained the courage she sought in exchange for reddened cheeks. "In a way, I'm probably different from you. Maybe I just didnt have as much conviction. Even if it was for a noble purpose, I didn't dare let go of what was precious to me."

WonHak looked at her and said, "Aris, you're too compassionate. That's your problem."

"No. I swear you're the most compassionate one in our party." Her cheeks were already flushed, but she continued to gulp down alcohol before giving him a pitying look. "Think about it. You, who wanted to see the end of the Tower more than anyone agreed to give up on that dream. Why did you do it?"

WonHak didn't answer. No answer was necessaryAris already knew. "Wasn't it because of the Sword God? Her swordsmanship was screwed up by the switch. If shed climbed the Tower in such a state"

WonHak finished her sentence. "Someone would have surely died."

Ariss tone softened. "I know you You wouldnt have stopped if youd been able to climb to the 61st floor yourself. Fortunately, it required a minimum number of members.


She rested her forehead on the table before turning her head to look up at him. "People always long for what they don't have For example, even if shes raising a disciple I wonder what the Sword God is longing for now." She remembered the Sword Gods dream to reach the pinnacle of swordsmanship.

"You really don't know?" WonHak asked.

Aris looked up at him with dazed eyes; her atmosphere suddenly changed. "WonHak What is it that you want?" She knew the truth. "Why did you take so long to start making a family? You took in that child, but why? What made you want to raise him as your disciple?

"Aris, you seem drunk."

"Are you trying to avoid my question?" She lifted her head sluggishly, like a zombie, and reached out for her bottle again.

Gulp, gulp - Tap! Clang!

The bottle slipped from her hands, bounced off the table, and fell to the floor. WonHak just quietly watched.

Aris staggered to her feet and teased him. "You just didn't want to have anything precious. Such a thing would only make your steps heavier, right? Didn't I tell you? You're very affectionate. You dont need a disciple to fulfill your dreams. Instead, you need someone" She stumbled and almost fell.

WonHak reached out and caught her in his calloused hands. "Ive always had many things on my mind, but to think you'd do this to console me How messed up."

Pat, pat

Aris, utterly drunk, rubbed her face against WonHaks arms and happily said, "Oh You've become a bit perceptive."

"People change as they age. Even at your age, you're still the same." WonHak decided to indulge her whims for the day as he thought of what shed said.

[You just didn't want to have anything precious. Such a thing would only make your steps heavier, right?]

'Something precious'

Even humanitys strongest hunter had things he struggled with.

* * *

* * *

It wasnt the first time KangYoon, HaYoon, YuSung, and MinSeo had gathered together. After all, thered been quite a few such situations before YuSung turned five, but it hadnt happened for 12 years.

"Fufu, welcome!" MinSeo still looked the same, but YuSung felt a sense of unease from her greeting at the entrance. What had changed in the 12 years theyd been apart? What could have made her so welcoming?

Tap, tap

Her heels clicked across the floor as she approached with a sad look on her face. "My child From the moment I heard you were okay I've been waiting for you." Ignoring Sumire, who was standing right beside him, she tried to wrap YuSung in a hug.

He stepped back at the last moment and stopped her. "Im only here to talk.

MinSeo thought his reluctance couldnt be helped, and she gave him an awkward smile as she returned to her seat and sat down.

"What a moving reunion, right?" HaYoon asked before smiling and waving at Sumire in what couldve passed for a warm greetingher attitude toward the girl was completely different.

KangYoon, YuSungs father, sternly said, "I want to apologize to you So, if it's alright, Id appreciate a chance to explain things."

HaYoon piped in, "We always felt emotion welling up whenever we saw your empty seat."


KangYoon took out what hed prepared beforehand. "I had this made in the hopes of restoring our relationship." What he handed over was a contract.

"What's this?" YuSung asked.

"This is everything youd gain if you returned to us. Just like HaYoon, youd receive shares from the YuSu company and the ShinOh family guild.

After Shin KangYoon finished explaining, MinSeo gave YuSung a pleading look. "It's our way of showing sincerity. I hope you can consider it"

"Right, HaYoon said. I'm even willing to give up my shares if necessary. Since you're on good terms with the heir of the Shinsung Group, Im sure youd get all sorts of good opportunities if you had the YuSu companys shares. She was, of course, talking about EunAh.

YuSung's expression stiffened. He had no intention of exploiting EunAh's goodwill when she already trusted and believed in him.

MinSeo opened her mouth and sadly said, "It was just a mistake that anyone could have made. If you could forget about it just once, we can go back to being the happy family we were. Please remember. I'm sure you have some good memories with us."

YuSung remembered how shed taken great care of him when he was four years old and had caught a cold, back before he awakened his Trait.

[Don't worry. Pain is a sort of medicine to help you grow stronger. Going through these trials will strengthen you.] Though all of MinSeos actions had been for the sake of raising a child that could fulfill her dreams for her, YuSung still felt relief.

'If' If he hadn't been born with an F-rank Trait, if he'd met his mother, MinSeo, and his father, KangYoon's standards, then what kind of relationship would he have with them? No matter how much he thought about it, he couldnt picture himself as a member of the ShinOh family.

On the other hand


He looked at Sumire, who was holding his hand.

'YuSung!' He felt her cheering him on with her eyes. The two of them were so close that they didnt even need to speak to know what the other was thinking; imagining himself being happy with her wasnt difficult.

'What is family for me?' He recalled his master, WonHak. Though the Fist King had been bad at expressing himself, he knew his masters feelings were genuine.

YuSung began to speak. I came here so I could face the two of you, my sister, and my past self from 12 years ago. Those were his honest feelingshe was there to confront the past. "I appreciate what you said but Id like to ask you for something" He squeezed Sumires hand and stood.

Of course, MinSeo and KangYoon looked upset when they saw his unexpected actions, but he didnt care.

"I spent five years here, YuSung said, but then I spent much more time outside of this house. It's been 12 years." He slightly bowed his head. "During that time, the void in my heart was filled with the people I hold important now, and those whom I share blood with were nowhere to be seen.

MinSeo and KangYoon mightve been his biological parents, but they werent the type of family he wanted. "Just as you said, I'm not a member of the ShinOh family. It wasnt what he imagined a family to be. Instead, family was just as Sumire had described it. "Sumire, let's leave."

"Huh? Yes!" Sumire exclaimed in surprise, looking happy to leave with him.

Just before they left the room, they heard MinSeos ice-cold tone. "Won't you regret this?" She seemed to be the complete opposite of the affectionate mother theyd seen just moments prior. Even still, YuSung left without replying and didnt feel a moment of regret. Instead, he felt lighter, like hed been freed from a heavy burden.

"YuSung! Wait for me!" He strolled out so quickly that Sumire had to hurry to catch up.

'Yes, family is'

His family were the people he could trust to be by his side through thick and thin, and the ShinOh family didnt meet that qualification.

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