Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 553 123.7 - Rank-6 Gate

Chapter 553 123.7 - Rank-6 Gate


The creature let out a deafening roar as the fire's corrosive energy tore through its outer defenses, but it wasn't yet defeated.

Astron leaped back, his body tense as he observed the flames wrapping around the Yeti. 'Elena's fire is working, but it's not enough to finish it. The defenses are still tough, but they're crumbling.'

As the flames began to flicker, signaling that the spell's effect was nearing its end, Astron didn't hesitate. He felt a surge of mana rise within him, flowing through his body and into his legs. The familiar sensation of his 「Cyclone Stance」 enveloped him, enhancing his footwork and preparing him for the rapid movements to come.

In an instant, he blasted forward, his legs carrying him with incredible speed as he circled the Yeti. His daggers gleamed with a sharp edge of mana as he coated them in energy, sharpening their blades and increasing their effectiveness against the weakened defenses.

With a sharp exhale, Astron activated the final form of the common dagger art that he had learned: Nôv(el)B\\jnn

「Modified Form: Serpent's Dance」

It was something that most of the dagger users were given by the association, a common-grade art that everyone could have access to.

But he had modified the technique, improving it as he developed his combat abilities. This modified form was inspired by the [Martial Art] that he had learned from Dakota as he had adapted his dagger forms to flow seamlessly.

Yet, it still contained the base of the common grade art that he had practiced, making the fundamentals fitting for a dagger.

SWOOSH! His movements were a blur as he darted in and out of the Yeti's reach, his form weaving between its flailing limbs with deadly precision.

Eyes of Hourglass. The time was slowed right in front of him, as he could see the structure of the monster before him.

SLASH! SLASH! Each strike of his daggers was fast and purposeful, targeting the now-exposed joints and weak points that Elena's fire spell had revealed.

The venomous energy of the Serpent Fangs pulsed through the blades, spreading deeper into the Yeti's system with every strike.

Astron moved with fluidity, his body barely a shadow as he slashed across the Yeti's body, each cut leaving behind a trail of venom that corroded its insides.

The Yeti roared in agony, its massive form swaying as it tried to keep up with Astron's relentless assault, but it was too slow. Even in its peak-rank six strength, it couldn't match the speed and precision of Astron's 「Modified Serpent's Dance」.

The other members of the team watched in awe as Astron moved like a whirlwind of death, his strikes a series of controlled, lethal movements. He danced around the Yeti, cutting away at its strength piece by piece until the massive creature could barely stand.

Kurt, Gareth, and the others stayed on alert, but they could see that the tide had turned. Astron had taken control of the battle, and the Yeti was on its last legs.

With a final, powerful thrust, Astron drove his daggers deep into the Yeti's chest, right where its heart should be. The venom surged through the creature's body one last time, and the Yeti let out a final, desperate roar before its body went rigid, paralyzed by the poison coursing through it. The massive beast collapsed onto the icy ground with a heavy thud, the blizzard it had summoned dissipating into the cold air.

The battle was over.

Astron stood over the fallen creature, his breath steady as he withdrew his daggers, the mana around him slowly fading. He turned to the rest of the team, his expression calm despite the intensity of the battle.

"It's done," he said, his voice cutting through the silence that had fallen over the battlefield.

The team, still catching their breath from the fight, looked at Astron with a mixture of relief and respect. They had fought hard, but in the end, it had been Astron's speed and precision that had sealed the victory.

The team stared at Astron, their faces a mix of awe and disbelief. Kurt, still catching his breath, leaned on his shield for support, wiping the sweat from his brow. "You... is there something you can't do?" he asked, his voice filled with both exhaustion and admiration.

"You're a monster, Astron. No one should be that good."

Astron remained composed, though he could feel the strain in his muscles from the intense dagger technique. 「Serpent's Dance」 was an advanced art, one that pushed his body to its limits, even for someone with his experience.

He was already feeling the dull ache in his arms and legs, though his body was quickly adapting and recovering thanks to the [Everchanging Glyph]. Still, the toll it had taken wasn't something to be ignored.

"If not for everyone's combined effort to stack all those status effects, that would not have been possible."

Despite his words, the team continued to look at him with a mixture of respect and amazement.

Kurt finally stood upright, clapping his hands. "Still, you carried us through this. You don't give yourself enough credit."

Dorian chuckled though his exhaustion was clear. "Yeah, and here I was, thinking I was getting better with my blades. Then you go and pull that off."

Astron shrugged, trying to shift the focus back to the team's success. "We're alive, and we cleared the dungeon. That's all that matters."

Lila, still standing beside her battered golem, nodded as she activated her communication device. "I'll inform Liana that the dungeon is cleared."

While she relayed the message, the rest of the team took a moment to gather themselves. The tension of the battle was starting to fade, replaced by a sense of accomplishment and relief. They had faced their toughest challenge yet, and despite the odds, they had come out victorious.

Lila's voice echoed in the cold air as she finished the call. "Liana says the exit gate is active. We can leave whenever we're ready."

Astron gave a brief nod. "Let's not linger, then. We need to recover."

As the team began to move toward the exit, the oppressive atmosphere of the dungeon seemed to lift, the biting cold now feeling less harsh as the adrenaline from the battle faded. They walked in silence for a few moments, each member reflecting on the fight they had just endured.

The sheer power of the Snow Yeti had tested them, but it had also shown them how far they had come as a team—and how much they still had to grow.

****** Toren stepped through the front entrance of the guild, his usual commanding presence slightly dimmed by exhaustion. His dark hair, streaked with a few strands of gray, was damp with sweat, and there was a weary look in his sharp eyes. The weight of the rank-8 gate expedition clearly showed in the slight sag of his broad shoulders, but he carried himself with the same air of authority that defined him.

He made his way to his office with long, purposeful strides, acknowledging a few passing guild members with brief nods. Though tired, his mind was still focused, already thinking about the next tasks at hand. Once inside his office, Toren let out a long breath and sank into the large chair behind his desk. The familiar coolness of the room washed over him, a small relief after the grueling battle they had faced in the dungeon.

For a moment, he closed his eyes, allowing himself a brief respite. His body ached from the prolonged fight, and while they had succeeded in clearing the rank-8 gate, it hadn't been without its challenges.

A soft knock on the door pulled him from his thoughts.

"Come in," Toren called, his voice steady despite his fatigue.

The door opened, and Liana stepped inside, her expression professional but carrying a hint of warmth. She moved with her usual composed grace, though there was a touch of relief in her eyes when she saw him.

"Guild Master," she began, offering a respectful nod before stepping closer to the desk. "Congratulations on clearing the dungeon without any major injuries. The team has been eagerly awaiting your return."

Toren gave a tired smile, leaning back in his chair. "Thank you, Liana. It was a tough gate—tougher than we anticipated. But we managed to pull through."

Liana's gaze softened as she took a seat across from him. "I heard the monsters were stronger than expected. It's good to have you back in one piece."

Toren chuckled lightly, rubbing the back of his neck. "They were. Rank-8 gates always test the limits, but this one… it felt different. Like the energy inside was unstable. We had to adapt quickly."

Liana nodded, her eyes narrowing thoughtfully. "Unstable gates are becoming more common. I've been hearing similar reports from other guilds. The mana flows within them are shifting unpredictably."

Toren sighed, his expression growing more serious. "That's what I'm worried about. If these fluctuations continue, even our top teams could struggle to handle the more dangerous gates. We'll need to adjust our strategies."

Liana smiled faintly, hearing that.

Toren leaned back in his chair, rubbing his tired eyes before giving Liana a curious look. "How are the little ones doing?"

Liana smiled at his choice of words and nodded. "They finished their first rank-6 gate in six hours. No injuries, just fatigue. Right now, they're in the second rank-6 gate."

Toren's eyes lit up with pride. "Six hours might seem like a long time, but for a group of newbies to clear a rank-6 gate without any serious injuries on their first try—that shows real talent. They've come a long way."

Liana nodded in agreement. "They've exceeded expectations. Astron's leadership has played a big part, but the team is pushing themselves. They're growing more confident with every challenge."

Toren's smile widened. "That's what I like to hear. It means they're ready for more, and we can count on them when the tougher gates come."

Liana paused for a moment, then shifted to another important topic. "There's also something else. Since the media attention, quite a few companies have been contacting us. The small footage from the dungeon run, especially the rank-6 gate, has stirred up a lot of interest. The team is being seen as the next big thing, and companies are eager to invest in Vanguard Haven."

"Oh….." Toren raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "Companies? What kind of offers?"

Liana pulled out a tablet and scrolled through the details. "Sponsorship deals, equipment partnerships, even media companies wanting exclusive interviews and footage of the team in action. They're seeing potential, and the fact that we're guiding a team of fresh Hunters through rank-6 gates with this kind of efficiency is catching attention."

Toren leaned forward slightly, eyes narrowing as he looked over the media reports and sponsorship offers on the tablet Liana had presented. He tapped the screen thoughtfully, absorbing the attention Vanguard Haven was beginning to attract. After a moment, a small smile crept across his face.

"Hmm…" he muttered, looking up at Liana with a gleam of something calculated in his eyes. "If this is the level of interest we're generating with just a glimpse of what the team can do, then there's only one thing left to do."

Liana tilted her head slightly, curious. "And what would that be, Guild Master?"

Toren's smile widened, his tone almost casual but carrying a sharp edge. "Leak the location of the second rank-6 gate."

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