Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 546 122.4 - Fame

Chapter 546 122.4 - Fame

Liana stepped forward, her usual composed demeanor softening slightly as she looked over the team. "You handled that well," she said, her voice carrying a rare hint of warmth. Her eyes moved from one member to the next, nodding in silent approval. "I know the situation was unexpected, but you kept things focused and professional."

The team exchanged smiles, the praise from Liana clearly boosting their spirits. It wasn't every day they received such direct commendation from someone as respected as her.

Dorian was the first to speak up, still grinning as he twirled his sword. "I can't believe that actually happened! A reporter came all the way down here just to talk to us."

Kurt chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief. "Yeah, I wasn't expecting that. Feels surreal, doesn't it?"

Elena smiled shyly, her earlier nerves now replaced with a sense of pride. "I've never been interviewed before. That was… different."

Gareth, as stoic as ever, allowed a small smirk to cross his face. "First time for everything, I guess."

The team, still buzzing from the experience, turned their attention back to Liana, who was already gesturing for them to head toward their transport. But before they moved, the questions started flowing.

"So, Liana," Dorian began, his curiosity getting the better of him. "Is this what happens all the time? Do reporters just show up like that?"

Kurt chimed in before she could answer. "Yeah, seriously. Is this how it goes for the top-tier Hunters?"

Liana smirked, clearly amused by their sudden barrage of questions. "It's not always like this," she replied, her tone patient. "The attention comes when you start making waves. Right now, Vanguard Haven is gaining recognition, and you're part of the reason for that. But no, not every mission ends with a live broadcast."

Dorian raised an eyebrow, still pressing. "So, how often do we have to deal with that kind of attention?"

Liana tilted her head slightly, considering her response. "It depends. The more successful you are, the more attention you'll get. But you won't always have a camera following you into battle. Today was special."

Elena, always more introspective, asked quietly, "Does that mean we'll be seeing more of her? More media?"

Liana gave a small nod. "Possibly. Shira Fenn is actually quite a famous streamer and reporter who has made a name for herself just recently. If she's interested in your team, it means others will be too. But for now, let's focus on getting back. There's still more work to be done."

As they walked toward the transport, the team continued to chatter excitedly among themselves. Dorian was already imagining how they'd look on the live broadcast while Kurt kept shaking his head, still in disbelief. Even Gareth allowed himself a rare chuckle at the absurdity of it all.

Liana, ever the steady presence, led them with calm authority, keeping them focused despite the excitement. "Alright, enough questions for now," she said, her voice firm but not unkind. "We've got a schedule to keep, and the sooner we get back, the sooner you can process everything that's happened today."

The team, still smiling and buzzing with energy, followed her lead, climbing into the transport one by one. As they settled into their seats, the mood was lighter than it had been in a long time. The weight of the missions was still there, but for now, they had something new to celebrate—a small but meaningful victory in the eyes of the Hunter community.


In Liana's office, the atmosphere was more subdued than the whirlwind of activity that had followed the team's media spotlight. The room was minimalist, with sleek designs and a large screen at the center of the wall. Astron stood quietly as Liana adjusted the holographic display, showing the aftermath of the live broadcast by Shira Fenn.

Liana tapped a few buttons on her tablet, and the screen flickered to life. A series of video clips and social media feeds appeared all filled with images and commentary about Vanguard Haven's recent dungeon clears. The footage of the team, highlighted by Shira's interview, was front and center.

"As you can see," Liana said, her voice calm but carrying a note of satisfaction, "Shira's video is spreading quickly. It's exactly what we expected, though perhaps a bit faster than anticipated. Vanguard Haven is receiving a lot of recognition for your team's success."

Astron studied the screen, his gaze sharp but unreadable. The clips showed Shira's enthusiastic coverage of their dungeon clears, followed by a series of articles and comments praising the guild's efficiency and teamwork. The reactions were positive, with most viewers impressed by the team's ability to clear five dungeons in a single day.

"It's at the level we anticipated," Liana continued, scrolling through more headlines. "Nothing beyond what you'd expect for a B-rank guild like Vanguard Haven, but still, it's clear we're gaining momentum."

Astron nodded slightly, absorbing the information. The attention was welcome, but there was a measured calm in his demeanor. "This should be enough with recruiting and strengthening our position."

Liana glanced at him, her expression thoughtful. "Exactly. This kind of recognition opens doors for us, especially with potential allies and partnerships. The guild's reputation is solid, and this gives us a foothold to expand."

Astron's gaze flicked back to the screen, watching as comments and discussions about Vanguard Haven continued to flood in. It was all positive but controlled—just as it should be for a guild of their rank.

"What about Guild Master?" Astron asked, his voice steady. "He's still handling the rank-8 gate, correct?"

Liana gave a small nod. "Yes, he's leading the expedition there. It's a high-stakes mission, so his presence is necessary. The gate is under Vanguard Haven's control, and the team assigned to it is one of our most capable. The expedition is expected to conclude around noon tomorrow."

Astron's expression remained neutral as he processed the information. The rank-8 gate was significant, and Toren's involvement was critical to maintaining the guild's influence over it.

Toren was most likely the strongest person in this guild, and this made his presence necessary for the highest dungeons that the members would explore.

Liana leaned back slightly in her chair, her gaze lingering on Astron for a moment longer. She knew better than to pry too deeply. Astron's affiliation with the organization was well known within certain circles, and she understood the need for discretion. Still, she couldn't help but comment on how smoothly things had gone.

"You handled that interview exceptionally well," she remarked. "But it's clear you don't want to show too much of your abilities to the media."

Astron gave a slight nod, his expression as composed as ever. "It's the natural procedure," he said calmly, keeping his tone neutral.

"I see…" Liana trailed off, letting the conversation drop there. She knew better than to push further on that topic. Instead, she tapped a few more buttons on her tablet, bringing the video feed from the interview back onto the screen. As the footage played, she scrolled down, showing Astron the influx of comments and reactions from viewers.

"Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, as expected," she said. But then a teasing smile began to spread across her lips as she clicked on the comments section, highlighting a specific trend. "Though, I thought you might find this part interesting."

She turned the screen slightly, revealing a flood of comments from viewers, many of them fangirls, gushing over Astron's appearance.

"'Who is that guy with the purple eyes? He's gorgeous!'" Liana read aloud, her voice playful. "'Astron is so cool and mysterious. I can't stop staring at him!'"

More comments scrolled by, each one more flattering than the last. "'Those eyes! I've never seen anything like them!'" Liana chuckled, glancing at Astron, waiting for his reaction. "It seems you've gained quite a few admirers, not just for your skills but for your looks as well."

Astron's expression remained stoic, though there was the faintest flicker of something in his eyes. "It was bound to happen," he said flatly, though the corner of his mouth twitched slightly. "Not exactly relevant to the mission."

Liana chuckled, clearly enjoying the situation. "Perhaps not relevant, but certainly entertaining. And who knows? A little popularity can't hurt when it comes to recruitment."


Yet, something…. Nôv(el)B\\jnn

There was something that made Astron shiver in the process.

'This…..Why do I feel this way?' He had a feeling that something nagging was bound to happen. The instincts that he had developed in the face of danger were now screaming at him.

Yet, Liana, oblivious to his reaction, scrolled through a few more comments, most of them focused on Astron's chiseled face, pale skin, and striking purple eyes. It was clear his unique appearance had caught the attention of a significant portion of the viewers.

"Still," Liana added with a grin, "it's not every day a Hunter garners this kind of attention. You're becoming something of a sensation."

Astron gave a small shrug, unbothered by the attention. "It won't change the work we need to do."

"Well, I guess you must be used to it. There quite a lot of guys like you in the Arcadia Hunter Academy, aren't there?"

Astron nodded slightly at Liana's comment, his mind briefly drifting to the Academy. "Yes, there are quite a few," he admitted, his voice measured. "The Academy is full of Awakened with… notable appearances. It's one of the advantages of being Awakened—the stronger your rank, the more your body refines itself. Impurities are removed, making everyone appear more physically ideal over time."

Liana smiled knowingly. "Ah, so that explains it. The Awakened tend to stand out in more ways than one."

Astron nodded again, though his thoughts were elsewhere. He knew that in the Academy, it wasn't just about physical appearance. Strength, power, and the ability to master one's abilities were the true marks of status. But there was no denying that the higher one climbed, the more these physical changes became apparent. Handsome male students and incredibly beautiful girls were common sights, and they carried themselves with an air of superiority, their very presence demanding attention.

But even as he acknowledged this, that strange feeling—the nagging sense of unease—didn't leave him. Astron's instincts were rarely wrong, honed from countless encounters with danger.

He pushed the thought aside for the moment, focusing on Liana, who was still scrolling through the comments with mild amusement. She hadn't noticed his brief lapse in attention, and he wasn't about to bring it up—not yet.

"Looks like the media attention is here to stay," Liana said, her tone light. "But I suppose that's just another aspect of being an Awakened, too. Whether you like it or not, people are going to notice you."

Astron shrugged again. "Let them notice. As long as it doesn't interfere with the mission, it's irrelevant."

Liana nodded in agreement, her eyes flicking to him for a moment longer before she closed the display. "Well, at least you're not the type to let it go to your head. And don't worry, it won't stay like this for too long."

Astron remained silent, his mind already shifting back to the upcoming tasks.

'One final day and this mission is over.'

He needed to plan for his next action, as it was really important.

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