Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 532 119.2 - Guild

Chapter 532 119.2 - Guild

The train began to slow as the first light of dawn peeked over the horizon, casting a soft, golden hue across the landscape. Nexoria City was coming into view, its towering skyscrapers a stark contrast to the wilderness that surrounded it.

The city was waking up, but the atmosphere was already charged with a sense of purpose—a city of hunters, always ready, always on edge.

As the train came to a halt, I gathered my belongings, my mind already shifting gears to the task ahead. The cabin door slid open with a soft hiss, and I stepped out into the brisk morning air. The platform was surprisingly quiet, with only a few early risers moving about.

Standing near the exit, a woman caught my eye. She was dressed in a sharp, tailored suit, her posture rigid and her expression serious. Her dark hair was pulled back into a tight bun, and she held a tablet in one hand, her eyes scanning the crowd with practiced efficiency.

As soon as she saw me, she straightened even further, if that was possible, and approached with a measured stride. "Astron Natusalune?" she asked, her voice calm but carrying an underlying tone of authority.

I nodded, meeting her gaze evenly. "That's me."

"Welcome to Nexoria City," she said, extending a hand in a gesture that was more formal than friendly. "I'm Liana Marcellus, the assistant to the Guild Master of Vanguard Haven. I've been assigned to escort you to the guild and brief you on the situation."

I shook her hand, noting the firmness of her grip and the cool professionalism in her demeanor. "Thank you."

She nodded curtly and turned on her heel, leading the way out of the station. "The guild is expecting you, Mr. Natusalune. We've prepared everything for your arrival. The situation here is tense, as you might have been briefed. We're facing significant pressure from rival guilds, and your presence is intended to bolster our position."

As we walked, Liana continued to provide a succinct overview of the current state of affairs in Nexoria. The streets were beginning to fill with people, most of them hunters and those who supported the hunting industry. Nexoria was a city built on the edge of danger, and its inhabitants were accustomed to the constant threat that came with living so close to untamed fields.

"Our primary concern at the moment is maintaining control over several key gates and fields," Liana explained as we exited the station and made our way toward a sleek, black car parked nearby. "There have been increased movements from rival guilds, and while the Vanguard Haven has held its own, the competition is fierce."

I listened carefully, taking in the details she provided. The car door opened with a soft click, and I slid into the back seat. Liana took the front passenger seat as the driver nodded in acknowledgment and pulled away from the station.

"The Guild Master is looking forward to meeting you," Liana added, her tone slightly softer now that we were inside the car. "Your reputation as the Arcadia Hunter Academy Student will certainly help us; at least, that is what we wish for."

I simply nodded in response to that since she was just briefing.

The city's skyline passed by outside the window, a mix of towering buildings and the distant silhouette of the wilderness beyond.

It was a place of contrasts, where civilization met the wild and where survival often depended on the sharpness of one's skills and the strength of one's resolve.

'But still similar to that time.'

The Nexoria City Trip somehow held quite a bit of time in my memories. That attack that happened in the museum, the first Moonstone and seeing Kaya Hartley in action.

In one way or another, this place was where I had experienced my first deviation from the storyline of the game.

"We'll be at the guild shortly," Liana said as the car turned onto a wide boulevard lined with modern buildings. "If you have any questions or need anything, please don't hesitate to ask."

I considered her words for a moment before asking, "What's the general plan? You must have been informed that I won't be able to stay here for long."

Liana nodded, her expression shifting to a more businesslike demeanor. "Yes, we've been informed. You'll be with us for three days only. But that's sufficient for our purposes. Following next week, many other interns from various institutions will also be joining us. Your presence here is actually laying the groundwork for the future manpower that's about to come."

"So you're planning to use me as a face?" I asked, my tone more observant than questioning.

Liana didn't hesitate, and her tone was straightforward. "That's indeed the case. While you might not be one of the most famous students at Arcadia Hunter Academy, simply having a student from such a prestigious institution lends us credibility. It makes others believe that we're capable of attracting top talent, even at the intern level."

She paused for a moment, glancing back at me before continuing, "This will open up the potential for more manpower from the organization. By using you as a figurehead, we can bring in more young Adepts without raising too much suspicion. It's a strategic move—both for the guild and for the organization you represent."

I nodded, absorbing the information. Their plan was sound, leveraging my presence to bolster their standing and attract additional resources. It was a tactic I could respect—efficient, with a clear goal in mind.

"I understand," I replied, my voice calm. "As long as the mission objectives are clear and I can operate effectively, I have no issues with that."

Liana allowed a small smile to tug at the corners of her mouth, perhaps in relief at my straightforward acceptance of the situation. "Good. I think you'll find that our guild operates with a similar mindset. We value efficiency and results above all else."

The car continued its smooth ride through Nexoria City, the tall buildings giving way to a more specialized district filled with facilities clearly geared towards hunters and guild operations. It was evident that this area was dedicated to the business of monster hunting—training grounds, equipment shops, and medical facilities lined the streets.

As we neared our destination, Liana added, "The Guild Master will brief you personally once we arrive. He's eager to meet you and discuss how we can best utilize your skills during your time here."

"Looking forward to it," I replied, my mind already turning to the tasks that awaited me. The next three days would be crucial, both for the guild's immediate needs and for the longer-term strategy they were putting into place.

'At the same time, it can also act as a future station for me.'

If I were to make a good impression here, I could build a reputation. Before, I was not that interested in such things, and I still do not favor fame. n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

But at the same time, I started thinking about my plans with a little change.

Now that I have good backing and my stats and other things have significantly improved, changing the approach could also prove to be better and more efficient.

As the car pulled up to the guild building, I took in the sight before me. The structure was impressive, a testament to the wealth and resources that even a mid-ranked, B-rank guild like Vanguard Haven could command.

It was a multi-story building, sleek and modern, with large glass windows that reflected the morning sun. The architecture was a blend of functionality and style, designed to project an image of both power and professionalism.

'Befitting of a guild with significant influence in a city like Nexoria,' I thought as I stepped out of the car.

Despite being mid-ranked, the guild clearly had access to considerable capital. The monster-hunting industry was lucrative, and even a B-rank guild could command large sums of money.

This was one of the reasons why many corporations in history had tried to take over the industry—it was profitable, and the potential for growth was immense.

Liana led the way, her stride confident as we approached the entrance. The inside of the building was just as impressive as the outside—polished floors, modern furnishings, and a layout that spoke to both efficiency and comfort.

The reception area was staffed by well-dressed attendants who greeted us with polite nods as we passed.

"This way," Liana said, guiding me toward a set of elevators. "The Guild Master's office is on the top floor."

I nodded, following her into the elevator. The ride up was smooth, and I could feel the subtle shift in pressure as we ascended. My mind was already working through the possibilities of what the Guild Master might expect and how I could leverage this experience for future opportunities.

When the elevator doors opened, we stepped out into a corridor lined with large windows that offered a sweeping view of Nexoria City.

The city sprawled out beneath us, a mixture of towering skyscrapers and the distant, untamed wilderness that surrounded it.

Liana led me down the corridor to a set of double doors, intricately carved with the guild's emblem—a shield with a crossed sword and spear, symbolizing protection and strength.

She knocked once, and after a moment, a voice from within called for us to enter.

The Guild Master's office was spacious, with large windows that let in plenty of natural light. The decor was tasteful, with dark wood furnishings and shelves lined with books, artifacts, and trophies from past hunts. Behind a large, imposing desk sat the Guild Master himself.

He was a man in his late forties, with a strong build and an air of authority. His short-cropped hair was graying at the temples, and his sharp blue eyes assessed me as I entered the room. He stood to greet me, extending a hand.

"Astron Natusalune, I presume," he said, his voice deep and resonant. "Welcome to Vanguard Haven. I'm Guild Master Toren Vanek."

I took his hand, noting the firm grip. "Thank you, Guild Master Vanek. It's a pleasure to be here."

He gestured for us to sit, and once we were settled, he leaned back in his chair, studying me with a discerning gaze. "I've heard a lot about you from Shanks."

"You knew Warden Shanks?"

"Haha…" Toren chuckled, a deep, rumbling sound that seemed to echo through the room. "That's right," he said, leaning back in his chair as he recalled the past. "Shanks and I go way back. We were in the same base when we were trainees, cutting our teeth on missions that were often more dangerous than they had any right to be. We spent years working together as Adepts, and there's no one I trust more in the field."

He paused, his sharp blue eyes locking onto mine, the weight of his words clear. "When I called Shanks, he told me about you and what you accomplished in Veilcroft. I knew I had to bring you here. He spoke highly of your abilities, and coming from him is no small compliment."

I nodded.

When on the mission, Shanks looked serious, so it made sense to me that it was rare for someone like Shanks to vouch for another.

And the fact that he had done so for me must have meant a lot to him. It wasn't just a matter of professional respect; it was a connection forged through shared experiences and mutual understanding.

Toren continued, his tone serious. "According to him, your performance in Veilcroft was impressive, to say the least. That's why you're here now."

I met his gaze, my expression calm. "I appreciate the trust, Guild Master Vanek. I'll make sure it's well-placed."

"I have no doubt you will," Toren replied, his voice steady. "Shanks wouldn't have recommended you if he didn't believe in your capabilities. And from what I've heard, you more than lived up to his expectations. Your work in Veilcroft was top-notch, and it's clear you have a sharp mind for strategy as well as a strong hand in combat. And considering your rank in the Arcadia Hunter Academy, which was recorded before you even went under training, I think I can expect much from you in terms of combating."

He leaned forward slightly, his expression thoughtful. "That's exactly what we need here at Vanguard Haven."

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