How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 157: Power... 2

Chapter 157: Power... 2

In the game, power meant overcoming any obstacle that stood in your way.

It was the key to clearing your path and securing a brighter future-a necessity, really, to solve most of your problems.

With enough power and strength, even the most formidable endgame bosses posed no real threat.

Grind after grind, my patience was tested, but it was all for a purpose. In the game, there was only one route where you could elevate your power to the utmost limit.

It was a power I only ever achieved after pushing myself through the most grueling, painful, and time-consuming hours I spent in the game.

But I did it all for the sake of immersion, and more importantly, for the perfect happy ending where everyone was content, and I was victorious.

It was a world where no one was left behind, all because I became the strongest.

This wasn't just any ending-it was the secret ending, the harem route.

The one and only perfect ending of the game, where every character found their place in a world shaped by my power.

[Note: Fantastical Cat Cheshire's authority has been granted to the user!]

[Note: Mana stabilization underway... mana synergy taking place]


[Note: Congratulations! The skill effects of Wonderland will now be under the user's authority.]

[Skill: Wonderland (EX)]

[Effects: Skill: Wonderland (EX)]

[Description: Born from the will of the fantastical Cheshire. This skill allows the user to manipulate the boundaries between reality and fiction, making any imagined concept a tangible part of their world. By visualizing or describing a concept, the user can bring it into existence, regardless of its logical or physical impossibility.]

[Effects: The user can now create any object, creature, or phenomenon they can imagine, regardless of its complexity or scale. Existing objects, creatures, or phenomena can now be altered or transformed into something else based on the user's imagination.] [Note: The laws of physics and reality will accommodate the user's creations.]

[Note: Skill effectiveness will be reflected upon the user's will and imagination.] System notifications flashed before my eyes, but I barely registered them.

The moment Cheshire's authority was granted to me, the knowledge of how to use it seemed to seep into my consciousness, as if it had always been there.

It was a surreal sensation, the instinctive understanding of a power that transcended logic. The skill, Wonderland, wasn't just a tool-it was a canvas, and my imagination was the brush.

Anything I could conceive, no matter how fantastical or impossible, could now be brought into existence.

The very fabric of reality would bend to my will, accommodating whatever I created or altered.

It was as if I had stepped into a dream where the rules of the waking world no longer applied. Ideas and possibilities swirled in my mind, each more outlandish than the last, but each one as feasible as the next.

I could feel the power thrumming in my veins, waiting to be unleashed, to reshape the world around me in whatever way I desired.

Yet, despite the overwhelming potential at my fingertips, there was a calm clarity in my thoughts.

I knew exactly what I needed to do, as if the skill itself was guiding me, ingraining its principles and limitations into my mind.

Looking at the girls in front of me, the tension in the air was almost suffocating.

The clash had yet to begin, but their fierce glares held the promise of devastation.

A golden sun, ready to obliterate anything in its path; a purplish void, poised to sever and erase everything in its wake; and an army of red knights and mages, glaring down from the ominous red clouds above...

This whole scenario was the very definition of chaos.

Each of them embodied a different facet of power, their abilities a testament to the terrifying strength they wielded.

For most, the strongest might be defined by a devastating attack, an unstoppable weapon, or a world-ending boss.

Some might even consider the goddess herself to be the pinnacle of strength.

But for me, the definition of the strongest has always been the protagonist.

The one who was born without limits, a being closest to the gods yet furthest away from them, making him an equal to both humanity and the heavens above.

The protagonist wasn't just powerful-he was the embodiment of potential, the one who could surpass any obstacle, defy any fate.

As I watched the numbers climb, there was a thrill in seeing the exponential growth of power

[Level: 83] to [Level: 121], then to [Level: 322], continuing to skyrocket beyond anything imaginable.

Each increase brought a rush, a feeling of omnipotence as I envisioned the culmination of all my efforts taking form in this ultimate power.

[Level: 456] → [Level: 691]

This power wasn't mine by birthright, but I had nurtured it, guided it, and now it was an extension of myself.

I had been a player in this world once, shaping it, influencing it, and now, I was about to see just how much this imaginary realm could handle when faced with the strongest entity I could


[Level: 691] → [Level: 821]

Each stat reached the pinnacle of what this world could offer.

[Strength: EX]

[Agility: EX]

[Endurance: EX]

[Luck: EX]

[Power: EX]

I couldn't help but marvel at the sheer potential that lay before me.

This was more than just raw numbers; it was the realization of an ultimate being, born from the limits of the game's mechanics but nurtured to break those very boundaries.

'This feeling of absolute strength is this how Lucas felt at the end?'

[Level: 821] → [Level: 999]

[Note: Maximum level reached!]

[Congratulations! You have unlocked a portion of divinity.]

The system's notification confirmed what I already felt-a power that transcended the mortal


[Status Info:]

[Riley Hell]

[Race: Ascended Human]

[Level: 999]

[Strength: EX]

[Agility: EX]

[Endurance: EX]

[Luck: EX]

[Power: EX]

[Available Status Points: 999]

[Congratulations! You have unlocked all skill libraries.]

[All S skills acquired...]

[All A skills acquired...]

[All B skills acquired...]

[All C skills acquired...]

[All D skills acquired...]

[All Unique skills acquired...]

[Note: All skills will now be applied!]

With that final confirmation, I felt the surge of all these powers combining into one

unstoppable force.

Riley Hell, now the embodiment of ultimate power, was no longer bound by the constraints

of this world.

Looking into Cheshire's surprised and fearful face, I couldn't help but chuckle inwardly.

He was the one who had demanded a demonstration of power, yet now he looked on with wide eyes, unable to mask his apprehension.

I opened my palms, and as if summoned by my very will, a sword began to manifest. The blade materialized, its presence imbued with an overwhelming aura.



[Note: Tempest Sword Valeria has been acquired]

This was no ordinary weapon; it was the strongest sword in existence, its power surpassing

even that of the legendary Holy Sword of Light.

The Tempest Sword Valeria was renowned for its destructive capabilities, a testament to its

unrivaled status.

[Skill: Lord of Light] → [Activated]

[Skill: Sword of the Divine] → [Activated]

With a surge of divine energy, I activated two legendary S-rank skills. As they synergized with

the blade, its tip glowed with an intense white light.

The air around it crackled with power, the sword's brilliance amplifying as it prepared to

unleash its devastating force.

I needed to be careful.

'With my strength just a single step from me would be enough to break this world....'

The urgency to end this swiftly was paramount.

I knew that if I hesitated, the consequences could be dire-both for the girls and for myself.

This battle was not just about strength; it was about ensuring that no harm, whether physical

or mental, could befall them.

'Seo, Rose, Alice...'

I'm sorry but I'll need to erase you three completely,

Ensuring that their pain was ended before their minds could even register the unfolding


I gripped the handle of the sword tightly, feeling its weight and power resonate with my own


My mana surged, a powerful wave of energy amplifying my aura.

As I focused on the task at hand, the world around me seemed to shift, turning an ethereal


The Tempest Sword Valeria, charged with divine and destructive power, was now ready.


Rose's irritation surged as she observed Seo's transformation.

The apathy in Seo's gaze was infuriating, as if she were daring Rose to challenge her despite

the evident disparity in their powers and mana.

Fueled by this annoyance, Rose decided to unleash her most formidable spell.


The invocation of Solana, the strongest S-ranked light affinity spell, summoned the very

essence of the sun.

Thousands of magical circles formed in the air, their energy converging into a brilliant, blinding radiance.

Rose, her face a mask of intense concentration, directed this overwhelming power at Seo.

Despite knowing that the spell's effects wouldn't translate fully into the real world, she was determined to use it to deliver a decisive lesson to the audacious woman before her.

As the immense light from the descending sun bathed the battlefield, Seo readied herself. Her movements were instinctual, her body reacting as if guided by an inner rhythm.

Her blade began to slowly emerge from its sheath, a dark, ominous void prepared to counter

the searing brilliance of the sun.

The contrast between the golden radiance of Solana and the purplish darkness of Seo's

[Hidden Blade Final Form: Null Space] created a dramatic clash, a fierce standoff between light and void.

The red-tinged skies above seemed to hold their breath as the forces below prepared for the

inevitable confrontation.

The clash of these two potent powers promised chaos, a cataclysmic event that would shape

the very fabric of their world.

And then, as the opposing forces collided, something extraordinary occurred.

The world turned white.

Seo, Rose, and Alice stared in sheer and absolute shock as the white light enveloped

everything around them.

It wasn't just a blinding glare; it was as if the entire universe had been reduced to a blank

canvas, stripped of all color and meaning.

The very fabric of reality began to tear apart, manifesting as cracks that spread like spiderwebs across an infinite expanse.

The initial cut, a mere fissure, rapidly multiplied.

One became two, two became hundreds, hundreds became thousands, then millions, and

finally billions of fractures.

Each crack seemed to pull at the essence of their surroundings, warping and distorting reality

in ways that defied their comprehension.

Time felt like it stopped.

The girls were frozen, unable to move or process the surreal spectacle unfolding before them.

Their senses were overwhelmed by the chaotic storm of white light and fragmented space, their minds struggling to catch up with the accelerating disintegration of their world. Just as abruptly as it began, a golden flash erupted through the void.

The blinding light was followed by an oppressive darkness that swallowed them whole.

When they opened their eyes again, they found themselves lying on the beds of the academy's


The sterile white walls and flickering fluorescent lights seemed impossibly mundane

compared to the celestial chaos they had just witnessed.

The harsh brightness of the room contrasted sharply with the overwhelming darkness and power that had filled the previous moments.

As they slowly lifted their heads, the confusion on their faces was palpable.

The once vivid memories of redlightning and impending doom were now fading, replaced by

the cold sterility of the infirmary.

Cold sweat began to bead on their foreheads as the enormity of the power they had just experienced started to sink in. Alice, Seo, and Rose exchanged bewildered glances, their breaths coming in uneven gasps.

The sudden shift from an intense confrontation to the calm of the infirmary was disorienting.

'What was that?'

The sheer force they had felt was still lingering in their senses, making the mundane

surroundings seem almost unreal.

"Oh my, are you three awake now~?"

Cheshire's teasing voice cut through the haze of their thoughts.

Startled, they turned their heads to see him standing by the door, a playful grin on his face.

It was only then that they began to realize they were all in the same room.

[Note: An Evil God wants you to accept her blessing!]

[Note: An Evil God wants you to accept her blessing!!] [Note: An Evil God wants you to accept her blessing!!!] [Note: An Evil God wants you to accept her blessing!!!!]

'Fuck off.'

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