How to survive in the Romance Fantasy Game

Chapter 149: Wits and Plays 5

Chapter 149: Wits and Plays 5

Riley had already disrupted his initial plans with Seo, and Luke was eager to seize this opportunity to end Riley's interference once and for all.

A blue trajectory gleamed in front of Luke as a crescent arc of mana sliced through the air, narrowly missing his neck.

His reflexes were sharp, and he dodged the attack with a swift, practiced movement.

'As expected, this brat is still not used to fighting humans' Luke thought, a cold smile creeping across his face.

'He's full of openings.'

Riley's initial momentum from the slash had left him momentarily exposed. Luke seized this opportunity, his mind already calculating his next move.

He leaped through the air, his aura wrapping around him in a defensive cocoon.

In an instant, the tip of his blade began to transform, morphing into the head of a serpent.

The green aura of the sword brightened, casting eerie shadows across the dimly lit room. [Gorgon's Blade 7th Form: Rattle!]

With a fierce shout, Luke unleashed his advanced aura attack.

A blinding green flash erupted from the blade, and hundreds of spectral snakes slithered out, their venomous fangs glinting ominously in the light.

The snakes writhed and twisted, their movements a deadly dance designed to overwhelm and ensnare.

Riley's eyes widened in shock as the serpentine attack surged toward him.

His surprise was evident, but Luke was not about to let this advantage slip away.

He charged forward, his aura snakes swirling around him like a living shield.

The moment the snakes' aura wrapped around Riley and restrained him, Luke's plan would come to fruition.

He would make his move, aiming to deliver the killing blow and sever the brat's head from his shoulders.

Luke's expression was a mix of determination and cruel satisfaction as he prepared to end the battle.

One by one, the spectral snakes lunged at Riley, their venomous fangs sinking into his skin with relentless precision.

Each bite delivered a paralyzing toxin, preventing him from moving or using his mana effectively.

Riley's attempts to expand his mana and create an explosive counterattack were futile, as Luke's blade technique suppressed even the use of mana itself.

Green aura crackled around Luke's sword, amplifying his speed and power.

He seized the moment with ruthless efficiency, positioning himself to deliver the finishing blow.

With a menacing grin, he twisted his body, preparing to condense his aura into the sharpest and deadliest form he could muster.


[Gorgon's Blade 9th Form: Ripped Fangs!]

The blade transformed, its aura mimicking the lethal fangs of a serpent.

The sword glinted with a deadly light as it sliced through the air, drawing closer and closer to Riley's neck. Luke's murderous smile widened, his victory seemingly within grasp.

'I win!'

Luke exulted inwardly; his triumph nearly tangible.

But his exultation was abruptly cut short as he felt an unnerving weakness spreading through his body.

Despite his sword being mere millimeters from Riley's neck, Luke found himself frozen, unable to move.

Confusion and frustration clouded Luke's mind.

"You bastard, what did you-" he began, his voice strangled by the sudden, inexplicable weakness.

Before he could finish, Riley's hands, now infused with a potent blue mana, wrapped around Luke's neck.

The force was immense, and crackling sounds of energy filled the room as Riley's grip tightened.

His blue eyes, cold and filled with disdain, locked onto Luke's struggling form.

"Silence... suits you, bug,"

Riley said, his voice calm and measured.

The venomous snakes of Luke's aura flickered out of existence as Riley's grip held him in place.

Luke's eyes widened in terror, realizing the true extent of his peril as Riley's mana-infused hands constricted around his throat, leaving him powerless and gasping for breath.

[Note: Conditions have been met!]

[Skill: Monarch's Will (Unique)]


[Effects Applying]

[Effects: Absolute Command] [Active]

[Effects: 90% Stat Reduction] [Active]

[Note: All enemies in the user's presence will now have their stats reduced!]

[Note: All enemies in the user's presence will now have their wills subjugated!]


A sense of resignation settled over me as I observed the scene unfolding before my eyes.

The system notifications flashed rapidly, each one announcing the activation of my newly unlocked skill.

Despite my efforts to face Luke on my own merits, the unexpected and overwhelming strength he displayed forced my hand.

I had hoped to overcome him without resorting to any cheats, to prove my capability purely

through skill and determination.

But reality had proven far harsher.

'I'm still lacking....'

Luke, despite lacking a physical sword and relying solely on his aura blade, had displayed a level of proficiency and power that was formidable.

His aura consumption, likely higher than mine due to his extensive experience and mastery, had allowed him to maintain a fierce struggle against me.

It was clear now that my initial assumptions were flawed. Luke's skill and technique were more than sufficient to challenge me.

Even with my own proficiency in mana amplification, his superior aura control and fighting ability had pushed me to the brink.

The realization was frustrating but also enlightening.

As the effects of the Monarch's Will skill took hold, I felt a surge of power and influence.

The absolute command granted by the skill began to subdue Luke, his once formidable aura

now reduced and his will bending to my control.

Ahh... this feeling.

'I really can't have myself get used to it.'

As I locked eyes with the perverted professor in front of me, he appeared as nothing more

than a bug in this colorless world.

The way he struggled to breathe in my grip was both satisfying and exhilarating.

Just moments ago, his screams of frustration had filled the air, a cacophony of rage and


But now, his silence was far more fitting. His eyes, once filled with fury, were now wide and


"Silence... suits you, bug."

My grip tightened slowly, each twist of my hand infused with more intent, until I felt his neck beginning to crack under the pressure.

His skin paled as he struggled to escape my grasp, gasping for breath.

I could see his life force draining away with each passing second.

Seeing him on the brink of death, I decided to amplify the power in my hands with mana once

more, preparing to end it.

But before I could execute the final blow, a sudden notification flashed before my eyes.

[Special abilities]

[Crazy Magnet] [Activated!]

[Affected Beings: 4/∞]

Crazy Magnet? another one?

Who is it now? The system message jarred me out of my focus, and I glanced around in confusion. It was then

that Janica's voice pierced through the tension.

"R-Riley, you can stop now!" she screamed, her voice sharp and urgent.


I turned to see her, a mixture of panic and desperation etched across her face. Her eyes were

locked on me with a pleading intensity.

I glanced back at Luke, who was on the verge of unconsciousness, his half-dead face contorted in agony.

My grip slackened slightly as I tilted my head, puzzled by her sudden intervention.

"Riley!" Janica's frustration escalated as she grabbed my arm, pulling it away from Luke's


I hesitated, letting my hand fall slowly.

The professor, barely able to breathe, struggled weakly against my release. His face was a

stark contrast to the satisfaction I'd felt moments before.

'I almost killed him...'

The realization hit me like a cold wave.

My intention had been to bring him to justice for his despicable actions, but Janica's distress and the system notification reminded me of the fragile line between vengeance and brutality.

As much as I intended to kill him, the twisted enjoyment I felt from his suffering wasn't part

of the plan.

It's one thing to seek justice, but deriving pleasure from another's pain crossed a line I hadn't

anticipated crossing.

'What's going on with me?'

Since when did it became natural for me to consider murder as a means for Exp?

Slowly, the effects of Monarch's Will began to wane.

I looked around the field, taking in the scene before me. Janica was struggling to stand, her

legs trembling as she clung to my left side for support.

Her uniform was disheveled, her face pale with the remnants of fear.

Meanwhile, the professor lay on the floor, crawling away from me with all the strength he

could muster, a pitiful sight.


Even though the effects of Monarch's Will were fading, Luke still clung to life like a stubborn


Despite my sense of pity for him, I gathered my mana once more, preparing to incapacitate

him by severing his limbs and rendering him immobile.

The urge to act, to ensure he could never harm anyone again, was strong.

But before I could carry out my decision, a voice interrupted my thoughts.

"What's going on here?"

I turned toward the doorway, where a figure stood in the threshold.

The voice was unmistakable, and as my eyes fell upon her, I was met with a sight both

unexpected and jarring.

Princess Snow, with her white hair as pure as the wintery world outside and eyes like sapphire,

stood there, shock and surprise etched across her features.

She took in the chaotic scene, her gaze moving from me to the professor and back.

'Why is she here?'

"Y-Your highness p-please save me!!!" This maniac really has no shame huh....

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