How to Live As the Vampire Lord

Chapter 59

Chapter 59

Fuck! Maybe he ran off? Or he became blinded by the silver mine and defected.

Galfrediks words had their merit. It wasnt just a simple village, but a silver mine. It was definitely worth risking ones life for.

Im sure thats a possibility. Well, if he wants to die, then sure. But I dont think that he is so foolish.

I agree. It wasnt as if he was putting up a decent fight against you, sir. He was completely dominated. Im certain that hes not stupid to that extent. Partec also shared his opinion. He was quite good at gauging people.

Galfredik spoke with a frown. Then was he done in by Balmong? Maybe he was captured?

Thats what Im thinking as well. Maybe Balmong wasnt inferior to Rudrian at all.

Or it might have been because they were outnumbered.


Eugene fell into thought with a frown. Either way, it appeared that Balmong and the Hounds were quite capable.

We should keep in mind that he could have spilled all of our plans to the enemy if he was captured. That bastard Rudrians not a real knight, so he doesnt care about things like honor. If we consider the possibility, then we should rethink our plan to launch a raid at night.

Right. That sounds like

Eugene suddenly stopped and raised his head. A cold smile was caught around his lips.

There wont be a need for that.

Hmm? Three people responded inquisitively.

Eugene continued while pointing his finger at the sky.

It doesnt seem like the moon will rise tonight.


The others raised their heads at the same time, then came to a realization. It was no wonder. It had been darker than usual, which wasnt due to the sun setting, but rather the dark clouds looming from the far sky.

At that moment


Thunder could be heard from afar. Soon, raindrops began to fall from the darkness.

Sir Eugene. This is even more troublesome. It seems that we have entered the rainy season. The astrologer did say that I would return with heavier shoulders after this trip.

Verons complexion darkened. Climbing a mountain full of traps and pitfalls on a rainy night was akin to suicide.

Not at all.


We will wait for another 30 minutes. If they do not return, we will set out. Galfredik, get ready.

Hehe. Got it, Galfredik answered as if he had been expecting Eugenes response. Verons confusion only grew deeper. Were they actually planning to climb the mountain amidst the heavy rain?

Ah, there wont be a need for all of you to follow.


Veron was even more surprised.

You all know that I inherited the blood of an elf, right? I will give a signal, so come then.


Veron knew that Eugene would have good night vision thanks to his elven heritage, but what kind of signal was he talking about?

As you wish, sir.

Ah, yes. We will follow your orders, Partec answered before looking sideways at Veron, and Veron nodded quickly as well. However, his expression was still filled with concern and confusion.

Then get going. Make sure to dig trenches and be vigilant as well.

Yes, sir!

Veron and Partec left Eugenes tent after saluting.

Partec, can we really just do as were told? Just the two of them? It might rain all night, but theyre going to climb the steep mountain and attack the bandits with just the two of them?

Tsk, tsk. You still dont get it, do you? Dont bother thinking about it.

What do you mean by that?

If Sir Eugene says theres a way, then it means theres a way. We just need to do as were told.

Even so...

Veron. Do you know what Sir Eugenes biggest strength is?

that hes crazy strong? Or that hes generous? Ah, that hes handsome like a theater actor?

As expected, you dont know.

Then what is it? Veron asked with frustration.

Partec replied with a smile. Sir Eugenes biggest strength is that he will ask questions if theres anything he doesnt know, even to his subordinates.


Come on, dont you get it? Im telling you that hes acting like that because he already has the answer. If he didnt know or wasnt certain, he would have asked you or me.


Veron exclaimed as he recalled his experiences with Eugene thus far. It was certainly true when he thought back. The knight he decided to serve always asked him many questions, from the moment they first met.

- I heard this area is dangerous. Is it enough for me to worry about?

- Tolls? Is there anything wrong with not paying?

- As expected, right?

And all the subjects involved in Eugenes question were either utterly smashed or were killed.


Veron made up his mind. If Eugene made a decision without asking him a question, he would shut up and follow it.


Rudrian and the rest of the scouts did not return even after 30 minutes. The rain continued to intensify without showing signs of stopping. Eugene and Galfredik climbed onto their saddles.

Luke, Lavan. Keep the campsite safe.

As you wish, Master.

As the Master wishes.

Please leave it to me, sir.

Although they were somewhat disappointed to be given the guard duty, the two bowed their heads. Lavan and Luke were similar in age as well, so they had good chemistry.

Lets go!

The troops were dressed in dark outerwear as they quickly followed behind Eugene and Galfredik. After walking 30 minutes along the muddy road, the group arrived at the entrance of Mount Nadir.


Heavy rainfall was being washed down the mountain in the form of many small and large streams, and the soldiers had dark, frustrated expressions as they laid their eyes on the mountain. They couldnt get a grasp on where to start climbing due to the darkness.

You guys wait here. If theres no signal, climb up after the rain stops.

I guess they really are planning to climb up by themselves.

Wow They truly are amazing knights.

The troops began whispering with surprise. Eugene and Galfredik started climbing the foot of the mountain after slinging their crossbows over their backs.



The intensifying rain would surely disturb anyones line of view. However, a vampires eyesight easily penetrated the rain and located a clear path that was often used by humans or beasts to climb the mountain.

Whoa! My dear lord. My good sir, that way shadnt do, Mirian spoke arrogantly while pointing in a certain direction. She seemed a little chubbier, though Eugene wasnt sure if it was because she always indulged herself with food and sleep, or because of the heavy rain.


That way will lead to a valley where thoust water flows originally. I dare say, that I would give my opinion on this particular matter. Ehem. You will need to head towards the boulder on the left to reach the path used by humans.

He wondered why she was speaking like this again, but Mirian was the spirit of water, so he decided to accept her suggestion.

Galfredik, this way.

Got it.

Galfredik quickly followed behind Eugene while inwardly admiring his own strength and stamina. Being reborn as a vampire had truly left its mark on him. Even the pitch-black darkness and heavy rain posed no problem for vampires. Rather, he was invigored after liberating his abilities as a vampire during the night.

Now I understand why he wanted to climb with just the two of us. Ha!

Regardless of whether Rudrian had been captured or had betrayed them, they needed to assume that Balmong and the Hounds were aware of their existence.

Eugenes group was composed of two knights armed in plate armor and dozens of veteran mercenaries. As such, the enemy would definitely be in a tense state and should be preparing themselves for a potential attack.

However, there was no need to prepare or be nervous on a day like today. No one in their right mind would think that the enemy would attack during a dark night filled with heavy rain. The enemy wouldnt climb a mountain in this weather unless they were suicidal.

However, such presumptions were only true for regular human beings. Common sense didnt apply to vampires.

Is fortune really with us?

Galfredik smiled, recalling Eugenes habitual response. Luck was a skill in itself as well. For a knight, luck was no different from receiving Gods grace. One of the most important factors that separated ordinary knights from distinguished, world-renowned knights was luck.

A vampire loved by God. How humorous.

Perhaps his master was a prodigious, unparalleled being. But regardless, Galfredik continued grinning because he found the whole thing extremely enjoyable.

Galfredik. I think I found them. Eugene suddenly stopped and crouched low before whispering.

You see something? I cant see jack.

Not seeing, sensing. Over there, on that peak. Its faint, but I can sense heat and the smell of humans.

Hmm. Huh? Youre right.

Galfredik was surprised that he could clearly sense heat signatures, although he was unsure about the smell.

I cant believe this works.

Youll do better if you focus. Anyways, suppress them without killing them.

Leave it to me, Master.

Galfredik revealed his fangs and stepped forward with a rondel dagger in his mouth. He gracefully climbed the steep slope by grabbing onto various branches without making any noise. His movements were reminiscent of a feline predator.

Although any sounds would be muffled by the rain, Galfredik did not let his guard down as he finished climbing and grabbed the dagger from his mouth. The stench of blood suddenly thickened one minute after he disappeared, and Eugene climbed up without delay.

Eugene conquered the slope much quicker than Galfredik, then entered a small tent that was leaking light.


Three figures were lying on the floor, bleeding from their throats and chest. The only survivor was profusely bleeding from his mouth, and his eyes widened as soon as he saw Eugene.

He tried to scream, so I cut off his tongue.

What? Then, he wont be able to answer even if we interrogate him. Eugene answered with a frown.

Galfredik remained calm. There is no need for us to listen to what he says anyway. He will simply nod if its right, and shake his head if its wrong. And what if hes even a second late? Then, he will end up like those three on the floor. Oi, what do you think?

Ugh! Uh!

The bandit nodded frantically. His hand covered his mouth to stop the bleeding.

See? I was right.


Eugene agreed silently. Although he had already absorbed Galfrediks combat skills and experiences, it appeared that he still had more to learn.


Tsk. I had been curious, but he really did get captured. That bastard Rudrian is so weak.

He must have been outnumbered or fell into a trap. Am I right?

The bandit once again nodded. His complexion was pale as it had been five minutes since he started bleeding out. It was clear that there was no hope of survival for him unless he was treated immediately. However, Eugene had no intention of showing grace to men who dared to attack and capture his subordinates.



The bandit died instantly after having his throat pierced with a dagger.

Should we head right away?

Yeah. Oh, by the way, you never had tasted a humans blood, right? Take your chance now.

Now that you mentioned it, youre right. Hehe!

Galfrediks crimson eyes sparkled as he raised the corpse of the bandit. He was able to control his thirst at will.

Gulp, gulp!

Galfredik tossed the body aside after fully indulging himself with the blood flowing from the bandits throat.

Keugh! Theres not a huge difference between human blood and monster blood. It didnt taste very good either, probably because he was just trash. Galfredik sounded like an actual vampire.

Eugene could sense that Galfredik had recovered fully from the meal.

Is it because he is my vassal? How strange.

Since there are about thirty of them, should we go in together?

No. Ill be heading in first. You take care of any stragglers or escapees.

Huh? Ah, I see Galfredik immediately accepted it after realizing something. He initially assumed that he would fight as a human since he was a human until not long ago.

Haha. I see. Its just us, so this wont be a battle of knights.

Exactly. This

The rain showed little sign of stopping. Eugene turned his head. He growled lowly while staring at the top of the mountain, which conveyed to him the vitality and blood of numerous bandits.

...Is a battle of vampires. Krrrr!

The eyes of the two vampire knights flashed with killing intent. For the first time in a long while, they were about to rampage freely.

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