How to Live as an Illegal Healer

Chapter 457

469. Peaceful Knights

“Mr. Min Soo-yeon, what is this?”

“huh? Mr. Kang, what’s wrong?”


Kang Seung-hyeon showed the rest of the party pictures of Peaceful Knights.

“uh? Do they all look the same?”

“Did you use [alter ego] like me?”

“Then it would be just a single knight, not a guild.”

“As expected.”

“It’s me, Miss Alba. If you think about it common sense, it would be 100 twins.”

“Is common sense of the Azul Continent dead?”

Even in the eyes of others, the members of the Peaceful Knights were not ordinary.

It was because the soldiers all had the same face and the same expression, as if they were printed in a factory.

“That’s why the members of the Peaceful Knights, to be exact, all the soldiers in the combat team are artificial life forms… homunculus.”

“Homunculus? Ugh.”

At that moment, Kim Ho-jung’s face crumpled like paper.

“Those are the names of the kids who fought in the Golden Tower. I don’t have very good memories of them.”

“As expected, it was a homunculus. If you look at it in a form that is so close to a human, it’s not a low class, but a high class or superlative class.”

“Well, the homunculus I met back then were just monsters, but they look like real people.”

“Because it is a polluted area, it will be difficult to use cheap products.”

Kang Seung-hyun looked at the photo-like picture with a puzzled face.

“They’re a special unit made up of top-notch homunculus… There’s nothing they can’t make if they put money and time into it, but ‘those bastards’ do a good job of letting things go.”

“Those children? who?”

“Well, of course they are members of the church, right?”

Alec said with a smirk.

The church hates the homunculus, whose very existence violates the creation of life, one of the three taboos of the Azul continent, and regards their creator, the alchemist, as a thorn in the eye.

“Well, normally the church would have frowned and interfered. What is it?”

“A rough guess, it must be because of the characteristics of the Eastern Contaminated Zone, right?”

Kang Seung-hyeon looked over the documents of the contaminated area and handed out information about the eastern part.

“The rest of the contaminated areas are in a situation where normal creatures cannot live because of environmental problems such as decay, severe cold, and desertification, but Raek Gehlhi is a little different.”

Laek Gerlhi is a contaminated area that looks just like any other normal eastern region on the surface.

Clear river water, deep blue sky, and vast fields unique to the eastern part.

Unlike the other three regions, where monsters, let alone people, couldn’t stand it, Laek was so clean that even farming was possible, so the Peaceful Knights actually had an agriculture team.

“Then why is this a polluted area? You seem to be fine.”

“I go crazy when I go in.”

“Short and strong.”

The environment of Raek Gerlhi is fine without any problems, but instead it contaminates the minds of humans who set foot there.

aka ‘brightness’.

“When you go berserk, you get caught in a rage for no reason and attack everything in sight.”

“In a word, the rage virus. Real experience after 28 days.”

“Pollution that makes people violent… It’s scary. It’s like noise pollution.”

“When you say that, it seems completely absent.”

“Noise between floors is such a big problem that it even appears in the news.”

As such, no matter how thoroughly trained knights were, it was not possible to avoid Raek Gerlhi’s mental contamination.

“It is basic for a soldier on duty to go berserk and attack fellow soldiers, unable to withstand the contamination.”


“In the process, the attacked soldiers go berserk as well.”


“As the soldier who attacked him who went berserk was beaten to death, and other comrades who tried to stop him were also attacked, the contamination spread gradually and in the end, the Knights self-destruct.”

“It’s a zombie apocalypse.”

Thanks to this, Raek Gerehi, which looks the safest from the outside, was actually the most dangerous area on the Azul Continent, with the death rate of special forces members ranking first among the four most contaminated areas.

“If you form a team with strong soldiers, they will fight with each other and destroy themselves, but if you form a team with weaker ones, you will be killed by monsters in the Contaminated Zone.”

“It’s really scary. A dungeon would be safer.”

Thanks to that, it is said that no knights could last long in the East.

“All you have to do is internal division, murder, kill, self-destruction, self-destruction, escape ending.”

“So I looked it up and found out that they really tried all sorts of ways to prevent the fall of the Knights.”

At the center, all sorts of groups were formed to find a way to survive Raek Gerlch’s madness.

A team made up of people from the same hometown, a team made up of friends who have known each other for a long time, a team where all members of the team are related by blood, and so on.

“So what are the results?”

“What do you expect the ending to be?”

“Looks like you’re screwed.”

Whether it’s a hometown, a close friend, a loved one, a precious family member, whatever.

They were meaningless to a person who went insane from berserk.

Earlier, Kang Seung-hyun and his party were roughly overlooked, but the manager explained that the nickname of Raek Gerlhi, the barrier in the Eastern Contaminated Zone, is ‘the one who spreads madness’.

“Then, was the church the last choice?”

He thought that if he believed in God, he would be able to overcome madness, so he created a special unit made up of fanatical priests and paladins.

– Do you believe? do you believe do you believe do you believe





– Die, die, die! Dying!!!!!!

Their faith was also consumed by madness.

“You bastards are useless.”

“The very existence of the Contaminated Zone was the intention of the gods, so they probably didn’t help on purpose.”

There are many reasons why Kang Seung-hyeon hates the gods, but this is one of them.

“Is there really no way in the Eastern Contaminated Zone? Then, in the blink of an eye, someone made a groundbreaking proposal.”

Min Soo-yeon presented a picture of a cream-colored haired man wearing glasses.

He was Chester Pilatus, the current leader of the Peaceful Knights.

‘A place that pollutes the spirit of Raek Gerlhi. To be precise, it is a place that causes pollution that goes berserk when you feel the emotion of anger.’

‘yes. Who doesn’t know that?’

‘Then why don’t we create an order of knights made up of selfless beings?’

‘A being without a self?’

‘Because if there is no mind to be contaminated in the first place, berserkness won’t happen.’

In fact, only creatures with a certain level of intelligence can cause mental pollution in Raek Gerlhi.

Creatures with simple survival needs, such as small insects and plants, did not go berserk.

‘Is there such a person?’

‘No. All human beings have emotions. It’s just that there are people who have less empathy than others.’

Having said that, Chester smiled and gestured.

‘But the homunculus is different.’


Then the door to the conference room opened and a man with blank eyes and a man who looked just like him but with lively eyes and a smile came inside.


‘Hello! Humanoid Homunculus P135-26… It’s hard to remember the name, so this is Vesch, I’m Athio!’

When the two appeared, the meeting room fell into a great uproar.

Even if one was so, the other was so perfect that it was really indistinguishable from a human except for the fact that he couldn’t feel any magic power in his body.

‘If you want, you can form a personality and make it a being that is no different from a human being, or vice versa, it is possible to make a perfect doll that obeys commands faithfully without an ego.’

You may be able to guess at this point, but Chester before becoming the leader of the Peaceful Knights was an alchemist specializing in homunculus conversion.

‘A homunculus without ego doesn’t have to worry about Raek Gerlhi’s mental contamination or battles with monsters, and if anything happens, it’s enough to recreate it. It will cost some money.’


‘If you leave it to me, I will create the strongest knights that will not be stained by any madness.’

Chester’s remarks were persuasive, his skills were unquestionable, and above all, he had no reason to hesitate, as he had to find a new knights to stop the invading monsters from Raek Gerlhi right now.

‘I accept the offer.’

‘From now on, I appoint you as the eastern polluted area and allow you to lead the special knights using homunculus. Everything related to that will be supported by the center.’

‘thank you.’

‘Have you thought of a name for the Knights?’

‘How about Peaceful, an order of knights who want to keep peace in a land stained with anger?’

Thus, the special unit ‘Peaceful Knights’ in charge of the current Eastern Contaminated Zone was established, and as Chester thought, the homunculus soldiers silently blocked the attack in the Contaminated Zone as given orders without going berserk due to Raek Gerlhi’s mental contamination.

“So after the creation of the Peaceful Knights, the berserk damage on the side of the Knights was 0. Civilian damage was definitely reduced compared to before, so it’s worth the name.”

“Wow, you are such a nice person.”

“No, he is a very clever man.”

“huh? why?”

“If he was a really good guy…”

Kim Ho-jung admired with a thrilled face, and Kang Seung-hyun, who was next to him, pointed at something with a sneering face.

“I must have left earlier without seeing this.”

Those were examples of knights who failed or were annihilated and fell before the establishment of the Peaceful Knights.

“The reason they didn’t come forward from the beginning is because they waited for the other knights to fall and tried to raise their ransom, and the church’s knights had to collapse so that they wouldn’t be hindered even if we proposed the establishment of the Homunculus Knights.”

“Is that so?”

“Well, I’ve never met this guy myself… but Kang Seung-hyun’s guess is correct.”

Min Soo-yeon also nodded and agreed with Kang Seung-hyun’s words.

“Peaceful Knight Commander Chester Pilatus is the strongest alchemist in the Azul Continent, with no one who can match him with homunculus transformation even at this point.”

“Then he must have been a professor belonging to the alchemy, not an ordinary alchemist.”

“What is an alchemy house?”

“In terms of wizards, it is an institution that corresponds to the Mage Tower. The difference is only for alchemists.”


“If the Magic Tower has a structure that rises high into the sky, this one, on the contrary, goes down deep underground, so it is not noticeable.”

Chester’s alchemy skills can be guessed just by looking at the production of homunculus active in the polluted area, not in a regular place.

“Seeing that such a person stayed silent, saw the Order collapsed, and then proposed the Knights Templar, he must not be a good-natured guy.”

“But that is normal. Because I would have done that too.”

“Kang Seung-hyeon calls abnormal abnormalities normal.”

“I think Lee Ji-ah is normal.”

A man who treats others as colleagues instead of denying it when others curse at him.

That is Kang Seung-hyun.

“Anyway, the Peaceful Knights won’t be able to cooperate. Because this is the ending for disbanding the unit once the contaminated area disappears. I don’t think they will welcome us.”

If Kang Seung-hyun’s idea (probably 100% certain) is correct, then Chester will not want the Peaceful Knights to disappear, where he can study homunculus for free, receive a salary, and even build up a reputation.

“Then what?”

“Well, you can just go in. Like other dimension movers, they came to catch mobs.”

“Oh, I didn’t have to go in there to say it.”

A very simple answer.

Alec’s face came into Kim Ho-jung’s field of vision, who was nodding blankly.


Alec had been staring at the same painting since earlier.

“what’s the matter? Do you like the picture?”

“It’s not like that, it’s because I’m used to this green hair somehow. Where do you think you saw it?”

What Alec was looking at was the painting of the Peaceful Knights research team, and Alec was pointing at a green-haired man wearing a hood among them.

For reference, the research team is not a [Ctrl+V] clone troop like a combat team because the research team consists mainly of alchemists, not homunculus.

“But I can’t see his face because of the hood, so I don’t know who he is. Who is it? Where did you see it?”

“That’s just pretending to know someone who doesn’t know that.”

“Don’t associate.”

“No no, this subtle olive-colored hair… I’m not familiar with it. It seems like there was a fateful encounter.”

“In delusions.”

Kang Seung-hyun and his party neatly ignored Alec’s words and continued talking among themselves.

“Anyway, we’ve roughly finished grasping the atmosphere in the contaminated area, so buy what you need in the village before you leave.”

“Well, there are so many people now, so it would be nice to get something without going far.”

“Ah, let’s split up and act separately for now.”

Everyone has different jobs, so the things they need are different, and there are too many people on the streets now, so it would be inconvenient to go in a group.

“Then, when you’re done, let’s meet at the inn.”

“That would be nice.”

“There are freesia communication services hidden all over town, so communication is okay with that?”


Seunghyun Kang and his party got up from their seats after the discussion.

“So leave this one to me.”

The manager of the basement is setting up a barrier, but Lee Ji-ah’s body remains and watches so that she can quickly lift and bounce if necessary.

“You know? If something goes wrong with this guy, Jiah Lee’s lottery ticket will disappear.”

“I will consider it more important than my life.”

“Jia must protect her life!”

In the meantime, the rest of the party and Lee Ji-ah’s alter ego went outside to do their own business.


before going out. Kang Seung-hyun stopped walking for a moment and approached the manager.

“I will ask you something.”


“Do you know what my favorite drink is?”

[Stamina Potion]

The administrator answered immediately without a second’s hesitation.

“…yes. answer.”

[But why do you ask that?]

“Just in case you don’t know.”


[I’ll be sure to include stamina potions in my rewards from next time.]

“Take care.”

Kang Seung-hyun gave a rough answer and went outside.

Of course, I didn’t ask this question because I really wanted a stamina potion.

‘You don’t know either. That’s right.’

Kang Seung-hyun’s favorite drink is not a stamina potion, but the blue apple cider Baek Seon-ho gave Kang the other day.

‘They’re the only ones who know I like blue apple cider, so how does that bastard know?’

The problem is that when Seunghyun Kang obtained the [Master of the Magic Tower] achievement, a bottle of blue apple cider rolled into his inventory out of the blue.

‘What was that? No matter how much I thought about it, it felt like I was sending it as a congratulatory gift. Didn’t that child send it? Then who?’

It’s unnatural to be a coincidence.

There’s no reason to lie.

‘I don’t know what it is, but let’s keep our mouth shut for now.’

I don’t know which one, but I was able to know this one thing for sure through the conversation I just had.

‘Anyway, the manager must have not seen me trading drinks with Baek Seon-ho. This must be true.’

It’s not like a manager can know every move of a dimension mover.

‘Then let’s have Lee Ji-ah stop talking about the black beast first, then let’s go do my own thing.’

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