How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World

Chapter 184: Big Fish (3)

A few days ago, the misconduct of the Council of Elders came to light. I was leisurely spending my vacation at the mansion after all preparations were complete. The Kalas group had been dealt with effectively, and the publishing house had spread the news of my injured hand.

Though I felt somewhat sorry for the publishing house, it was unavoidable to fabricate such a story to attract attention. So, I planned to tell soon that a passing priest helped me, and that my hand was completely healed. Thus, at the moment, I was idly passing time, hoping Arwen would handle the follow-up measures well.

Three days after news of my injured hand had spread, Marie paid a surprise visit to our mansion. Usually, she would send a letter in advance and announce her intention to visit, but due to the circumstances, it seemed she had rushed over urgently. Coincidentally, I had also stepped out of the mansion to engage in some exercise.

When Marie got out of the carriage and our eyes met, she seemed startled before quickly hurrying over. Initially, I was slightly puzzled, but I soon smiled because I had a rough idea of what she might say.

“Oh, Isaac! Your hand…”


As Marie approached, I immediately showed her my right hand. My right hand, characterized by its long and slender fingers, was perfectly fine without a single injury. Upon examining my hand, Marie’s expression turned bewildered. Well, considering the commotion in the newspapers was far from reality, it was only natural for her to be taken aback.

“Oh? What’s this? I’m sure the newspaper…”

“Well… the story might be a little complicated. Let’s go inside for now.”

If I don’t explain the situation to my fiancée even after talking to my family, Marie will probably feel disappointed. As I entered the mansion, Marie followed along with a bewildered look on her face.

“Hello, Marie? I knew you’d come eventually.”

“Ah, hello. It’s been a while… Is that how I should say it?”

Although she had just heard Marie’s voice, Cecily warmly welcomed us as we entered the mansion. She was wearing a black dress with minimal exposure. She seemed to have already known that Cecily was at our mansion, and she brushed it off lightly.

Nevertheless, her expression remained the same. After exchanging greetings with my parents, Marie moved to the guest room for a private conversation. Incidentally, Cecily followed along too.

“…What was that all about?”

“Yeah. You don’t really need to worry.”

After explaining the situation for a while, Marie finally showed a reaction that indicated she had grasped the entire situation. She was surprised when she heard about the connection with Arwen due to the high-level theft incident, but she quickly regained her composure.

“I was worried, you know. When I heard that your hand was injured, you can’t imagine how surprised I was, right?”

While speaking with concern, Marie didn’t hide her disappointment. Well, it was my fault for not saying anything to my fiancée. Since it could have been an issue that would affect trust, I apologized properly.

“I’m sorry for making you worry. At least I should have told you.”

“No, it’s alright. I guess you didn’t tell me because you thought I’d be worried. Above all, I don’t think there would have been anything different if I knew it.”

Fortunately, Marie passed it off without much concern and even left a word of gratitude for Cecily. It was characteristic of her to think in such a way.

As I was smiling warmly, Marie alternated her gaze between me and Cecily, who was sitting next to me. Then, with a mischievous expression, she playfully asked in a teasing voice.

“By the way, Cecily. Are you now sitting next to Isaac as if it’s a given?”

“We promised. You said you’d give in during the vacation.”

“I remember well. So… did you?”

“… …”

Cecily responded to Marie’s curious question with a faint smile. Seeing her cheeks slightly reddened, she seemed to be feeling somewhat embarrassed.

In response to that reaction, Marie nodded as if she understood, then shifted her gaze to me. I wanted to divert my attention, but her gaze was so intense that I couldn’t help but nervously open my mouth.

“Why are you staring like that?”

“I hope the vacation ends quickly.”

Marie replied with a grin that carried her characteristic playfulness. After all, even with the compromise, there must be limits to how much she can endure.

In fact, considering her overwhelming desire, it could be considered remarkable that she managed to hold back until now.

“I can give in for a day. The choice always rests with you, Marie. Honestly, isn’t it hard to endure?”

Cecily willingly expressed her intention to compromise. However, Marie firmly shook her head and decisively declined.

“No, I can’t. A promise is a promise. You two should get along well with each other. It’s true that it’s hard to endure, but if I hold back for a few days, it’ll be okay. I plan to be more disciplined at the academy for a while.”


“My grades… have dropped a bit. Hehe.”

Marie brightly smiled while addressing a very practical issue. Studying is something that should be done consistently, not just during exam periods, but she has been cramming during exam periods.

The rest… you can probably guess. After classes, we would go on dates, and at night, we would head straight to an inn. With this pattern continuing, it’s impossible for her grades to improve.

Thanks to me rigorously teaching her history, her situation might be a bit better, but for other subjects, tears would probably be shed.

“While it might not be ideal, it’s still a matter of pride. Isaac might be able to write more as well, so it could be a win-win situation?”

“So how often? Every few days?”

“Maybe every 3 to 4 days?”

“… …”

Right back to square one. And although she says that, the probability of her not enduring even for three days is even higher.

“Anyway! Let’s stop the depressing talk here. So, what’s Isaac going to do now? Since you announced that you injured your hand, you won’t be able to write for a while, right?”

“It’s no problem. I plan to tell soon that a passing priest helped me, and that my hand was completely healed. Still, the next volume will probably be published late.”

“Sigh… a bit disappointing. But it was something you had to do someday, so I can’t help it. Will you go back to Helium?”

“I’ll go back eventually, probably a few days from now. I’m curious about any news from Alvenheim.”

The news of my injured hand has been spreading since 5 days ago. Arwen will reveal the culprit within a week at the latest. Until then, I plan to stay at the mansion. Even if I go to Helium, there’s not much I can do, and unexpected variables could arise. It’s best to at least discuss things roughly with the family.

“Really? Okay, then. I guess I should head back soon.”

“Huh? You’re going back right away? Take a day to rest first.”

“No, I shouldn’t. You won’t be able to focus with me around. I have some sense of propriety too. If you’re really sorry, give me a hug at least.”

When Marie subtly requested, I glanced at Cecily. It was a sign that I could hug in front of her. Cecily read my eyes, smiled gently, and nodded. Both Marie and Cecily, they were broad-minded in various ways. To have such women who even love me, I am truly a fortunate guy.

“Come here, Marie.”


As I opened my arms wide to welcome her, Marie didn’t miss the chance and jumped into my embrace. The warmth of her hug, something I hadn’t felt in a long time, made my heart feel warm.

While Marie and I shared a tight, intense hug for a while, she playfully pressed her face against my chest, showing affection. She was expressing the desires that had been suppressed during the vacation.

“Sniff, sniff. Yeah, it’s this scent. Isaac’s unique smell. I can’t even fathom how much I’ve yearned to feel this.”

“If you want, you can stay at the mansion for a few days.”

Seems like Cecily felt a bit sorry for Marie, as she kindly offered. However, even after hugging me, Marie shook her head hesitantly.

Then, while still holding onto me, Marie looked at Cecily and said with a bright smile.

“No, I’m content with this. I just realized something – having the person you love right next to you seems to fill up the empty places in your heart.”

“Ah, I think I know that feeling.”


As soon as Cecily agreed, Marie smiled brightly and pressed her ear against my chest. It was as if she was trying to listen to the sound of my heartbeat, enjoying the warmth with her eyes closed.

I gently stroked Marie’s snowy white hair and gave her a light kiss on the forehead. In response, Marie trembled and shivered slightly.

‘I hope this kind of life continues now.’

Enjoying a happy life with the women I love while doing what I enjoy. How blessed this life is. Compared to my previous life, it’s something that I could not have even dreamed of.

The Council of Elders, which had been annoying, is soon to be dissolved by Arwen. Now, there is only one thing left – to dispel the misunderstanding that I am a prophet. Of course, as time goes by, it’s something that will eventually be resolved, so I just need to continue writing Xenon’s Biography consistently.



“When did your hair get long?”

“Is there something wrong with that? Don’t you like it?”

“No. Even if your hair gets longer, you’re still Isaac. I love you.”

“I love you too, Marie.”

Could jealousy have arisen from the affectionate exchanges between me and Marie? Cecily pressed my arm with her fingers.

As I turned my head, Cecily was gazing at me with gleaming red eyes, as if she was eagerly anticipating something. Like a cat that wanted to be petted, I embraced her gently with one arm.

“Of course, Cecily.”

“Thank you.”

I hope these happy times continue like this.

[Shocking! The culprit who maimed Xenon’s right hand was the Council of Elders from Alvenheim! But…]

[Was there a romantic relationship between the Queen of Alvenheim and Xenon? Nothing has been confirmed yet, but there is a strange persuasiveness…]

[Were all the speeches by the Queen of Alvenheim actually the work of Xenon? Is it really true?]

[As the stories from the novel gradually come to life, their relationship is also becoming more realistic.]


What is this strange sound again?



Arwen let out a sigh of frustration. It was because of a single fact that had been spread before Fieren was captured, as she knew.

She couldn’t fathom on what grounds such an absurd act had been carried out, but as the situation came to an end and she slowly recollected the past, it was almost understandable to have such misconceptions.

In reality, Isaac had even shown kindness to her, so it was not strange to not think in that direction. Moreover, it involved the responsibility for an unforgivable act, the theft of the manuscript.

“To the bitter end…”

Since Fieren’s misconduct had been revealed to the world, the Council of Elders naturally went through the dissolution process. Public opinion had reached its worst, and the hidden corruption began to be unveiled one after another.

With the head gone, it was a natural course for the limbs that followed commands to be destroyed. It was a positive development that the troublemakers who had been causing problems for Alvenheim disappeared, but the post-processing was not yet complete.

The Council of Elders had been supported by the older generation of elves, but now the situation had turned into dissolution. Perhaps a second Council of Elders could emerge, so there was no choice but to be cautious.

Moreover, the biggest issue was herself. The rumors circulating within Alvenheim have unsettled Arwen’s ears.

‘Me and Isaac in a romantic relationship? That’s just absurd…’

While it’s true that Arwen was on friendly terms with Isaac, he already has two lovers. One is a human woman named Marie, and the other is Princess Cecily of Helium. Although Cecily hasn’t officially confirmed it like Marie, it would become insignificant after Isaac revealed his true identity. Considering that Xenon and the Princess of Helium being together was somewhat understandable.

However, with such rumors circulating while Isaac’s true identity remains undisclosed, it was an uncomfortable situation for Arwen. But there’s an even bigger problem here.

‘…But why is Isaac showing me favor?’

Arwen herself was starting to get confused. This phenomenon emerged alongside the kindness Isaac was showing her and the events from Xenon’s Biography becoming real. Even if it’s not now, isn’t it possible that it could become true in the distant future?

A groundless delusion. But given that Isaac was currently being speculated as a prophet or regressor, her thoughts leaned in that direction. Of course, it was all about ‘possibility,’ so no hasty conclusions were drawn.

However, the moment doubt creeps in, it tends to grow exponentially. The destination of that doubt was unknown, but at least it could be certain that it wasn’t in a negative place.

Knock knock knock

Someone knocked on the study door at that moment. Arwen, upon hearing the sound, turned her gaze from the documents to the door.

“Your Majesty. It’s Navir. May I come in?”

Navir was the newly appointed advisor. Among the capable individuals brought in as the Council of Elders was being disbanded, he was one. Navir was an ordinary member, having no distinct ideology, solely affiliated with the Council for the purpose of ‘work.’ That’s why he could be brought in without much trouble. Arwen cast aside her complex emotions and gave permission in a calm voice.



As soon as permission was granted, Navir entered. She was an impressive woman with round glasses and an expressionless face.

“What news do you bring this time?”

“The clergy have received a response from the deity.”

“What? Is that truly the case?”

Arwen was taken aback by Navir’s firm response and rose from her seat. Normally, she would have reacted indifferently, but not now. This matter was deeply connected to the rumors currently circulating, even causing confusion for Alvenheim.

The confusing rumor was about Arwen’s relationship with Isaac. To prevent further confusion in Alvenheim, Arwen sought help from the clergy, thinking that if the god, who presumably knew the future, could provide a clear answer. If the gods knew the future, wouldn’t they give a definite answer? With this thought in mind, Arwen personally asked the clergy for assistance.

“Then, what kind of answer did they give?”

“They didn’t say it in words. Just…”


Nabir raised the fallen glasses and calmly explained.

“They said that the glass is filled only halfway.”

“…What does that mean?”

“I’m not entirely sure either. But they said that’s the answer.”

For reference, the question they asked the priest was something like this.

[I wonder if Isaac and I will become lovers, just like the story in the book.]

But Luminous ambiguously said that the glass is filled only halfway. Normally, one wouldn’t be able to understand the meaning of the oracle, but…

‘…Filled only halfway? Does that mean they’re not denying? Because the future is uncertain?’

Hearing it like that, Arwen had no choice but to think positively.

“…Alright. Go out for now.”

Following Arwen’s instructions, Navir nodded and left the office. Alone now, Arwen sat at the desk, deep in thought, and muttered softly.


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