How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World

Chapter 173: Book 14 (2)

As the 14th volume was released, I suddenly had a thought. Perhaps, by now, the world might hate me. Luminous and Mora may have different perspectives, but from my point of view, it’s hard not to think that way. The contamination of the World Tree’s roots, devil summoning, reapers, mana engine, and so on – there were already enough headaches with all these elements, and now people are making a fuss about forbidden magic and whatnot.

I merely wrote the novel based on my imagination, but now that those imaginings have manifested into reality, it feels surreal and overwhelming. Maybe it’s time to give up. Why should my imagination turn into reality anyway? What’s the point?

What’s even more distressing is that even if I deny being responsible for those events, nobody will pay attention to my excuses. The incidents have been piling up consecutively, making it hard to dismiss them as mere coincidences. The only silver lining is that some factions acknowledge the danger of the knowledge I possess and attempt to exclude it. However, they surfaced momentarily, facing fierce criticism, before retreating back into obscurity. In truth, I’ve faced resentment and jealousy before, so it didn’t bother me much.

However, now the scope seems to have broadened slightly. While it was common for novelists to criticize me in the past, now even nobles were getting involved.

And they thought just like those at Alvenheim. ‘If one knows forbidden magic, wouldn’t they also know other dangerous knowledge?’, like that.

Before Alvenheim, Xenon had faced many situations where he was mocked and even attacked by human nobles. He found himself cornered in various ways.

As a result, some prominent figures spoke harshly, but they soon met with backlash and faded away. However, the cautionary atmosphere remained, and it weighed heavily on my shoulders. What started as a hobby, writing novels, became a burden because I didn’t know what might become reality in the future, making it difficult to continue.

I even had to contemplate completely revising the part about the beastmen I had carefully planned. But it’s tough to get into that part of the story as well.

I had no choice but to think about whether I should continue writing steadily while clearing my mind or take a break for a while.

[Isn’t it better to keep going like this? Whatever you write from now on, I’m sure it will have meaning.]

‘You’re just piling on the burden without giving any advice.’

[Even if I wanted to help you, neither you nor I can do anything, right? The future that’s already set in stone can only be prepared for, not stopped.]

In the end, I visited Mora to receive advice and gain divine power for the night activities with Cecily, but it yielded little.

According to what Mora told me, the signs of devil summoning were just the beginning, these events were already destined to happen.

One of the reasons I answered “I don’t know” when asked about fusion was because of this situation. I had no idea what would happen in the already fixed future.

[Didn’t you have such a saying on Earth? ‘First, poop. Then you’ll become famous. Right?]

‘Become famous first. Then even if you poop, people will applaud you. What will happen if you just poop carelessly? They’ll treat you like a crazy person.’

[Oh, I see. But as long as they understand, it’s fine!]


I let out a deep sigh in my heart. Anyway, there’s a very high chance that from now on, regardless of what I write, people will try to figure out if it’s true or false, just as Mora said. They treat the novel as if it were an actual prophecy, not just a work of fiction.

The problem is, it’s ambiguous whether Luminous and Mora would approve of it, as their involvement might have unintended consequences. As the saying goes, once a fixed perception is formed, it’s hard to change. You don’t have to look far back, just think about how the demons were treated for over 1,000 years.

The contamination of the World Tree’s roots alone was at a suspicious level, and now with the revelation of the forbidden fusion magic, Xenon’s Biography will undoubtedly be treated as more than just a novel—practically as a prophecy or something of the sort.

‘…Isn’t there any way?’

[Of course, there’s nothing we can do to help. The best way is to include stories that are impossible in this world.]

‘And the result is what it is now.’

[Well… that’s true too.]

After contemplating for a while, Mora tried to persuade me with a casual tone.

[Just ignoring it seems like the best way. It’s true you came from a different world, but you’re not a prophet or someone who regressed, right? As you keep writing your book, someday people will understand.]

‘The problem is the impact that might occur before that. As you said, misunderstandings will probably be resolved, but the phenomena caused by the book…’

[We can handle that from our end. Or ask us. Write about it and see how people react.]

‘When I asked about the fusion last time, you said you didn’t know.’

[You should have asked more specifically. Instead of ‘Is it okay?’, what kind of reactions will come out? If you ask vaguely, we can only answer that we don’t know. You have to ask the right questions if you want a definite answer.]

Seems like some coded program. I was in liberal arts, but I had a rough idea about programs.

‘It feels a little unfriendly, though…’

[Well, as my brother also mentioned, knowing the future means buying time. And except for us, most other gods don’t even bother with divination. It’s often a difficult task to speak so candidly like this. You are special in that sense.]

‘…I’m sorry. I was rude.’

I almost made a big mistake confronting a god. If their kindness continues, I may end up taking it for granted, but they are gods. Though not all-powerful, they are transcendental beings who can see into the future.

Throughout history, there are numerous examples of those who received the favor of gods but became arrogant and faced divine punishment. I must make sure not to become like that and should remain humble, at least as much as I can.

[It’s okay. You’re handsome, so I’ll look at you with a generous heart. How about growing your hair long just once?]

‘I’ll pass on that. It’s too much trouble to manage.’

[Oh, come on. Give it a try. There are plenty of men with long hair in this world, you know.]

Like Mora’s complaint, there were more men with long hair in the world than one might think. However, most of them simply don’t bother with maintenance, not for fashion reasons.

There are no places like salons where professionals cut hair, and there is no standardized hair style either. The exception might be soldiers who tend to keep their hair short because it could get caught on something during deployment or get pulled by an enemy.

I, too, considered growing my hair long at least once, but I gave up because I realized too late that even tying long hair is a cumbersome task.

‘I’m sorry…’

[Alright, I understand. If that’s your choice, there’s nothing to be done. It’s a pity though, I think it would suit you really well.]

‘If the opportunity arises, I’ll consider it.’

[Really? Alright then, I’ll have to ask that person for a favor. Hehe.]

‘… …’

What a manipulative way to go about it. Hearing Mora’s teasing laughter, I felt a mix of annoyance and excitement.

I can understand why the other gods find Mora exhausting. Being so frivolous, it’s no wonder that mortals find it hard to deal with her.

The only fortunate thing, perhaps, is that she doesn’t have a narrow mind and possesses a broad tolerance. Even the believers would find it difficult to confront Mora, but they don’t fear her.

‘…Mora, are you still there?’

[Yeah, did you call me?]

‘Then, if I were to release the fifteenth volume now , what kind of response would I receive…’

I stopped myself from asking about the response to the publication of the fifteenth volume. While preparing thoroughly by checking the reactions in advance might be a good choice, it could inevitably affect my writing, both big and small. Moreover, there was the worry that my pre-planned story might become a complete mess. Knowing the future has its merits, but on the other hand, it means not experiencing growth.

Also, it wouldn’t be right to keep seeking help from the gods every time I publish a book. I should find my own way forward, relying on others would mean standing still.

So, I gave up asking about the response to the fifteenth volume. It was evident that the reactions would be similar, and until people’s misunderstanding was resolved, the only answer was to consistently release books.

Though I couldn’t predict what incidents might occur during that time, it still wasn’t a good choice to depend on someone else.

‘…No, you’re right, Mora. It seems the best way is to continue writing steadily until the misunderstanding is cleared.’

[You thought well. We can warn, but we can’t force. The ‘penalty’ you know can only happen in the temple. The reason why wicked people can exist is also because of that.]

‘Then, is it impossible for the believers to unite and pray for that wicked person to receive a penalty?’

[Before that, if we speak up, wouldn’t people take care of that scoundrel on their own?]

‘Oh… That makes sense.’

The word “take care of” didn’t suit the mouth of a god, but that’s why it left a stronger impression. In fact, after Luminous spoke, even Xavier’s cardinal became dedicated to the pilgrimage to find me. It was as if she had made it her life’s mission.

I pondered on what question to ask and recalled the reactions that came up last time. Unlike before, they said my knowledge was dangerous and I needed to be found immediately. Though my existence was only reported in the newspaper, there were still those who sought to protect me. Moreover, I heard that Alvenheim nobles had come looking for me as well.

If things continued this way, there might be a riot, so it seemed best to be prepared, especially for this aspect.

‘Mora, then, can you tell me what I need to be cautious about from now on? I would be grateful if you could also warn me about any dangers that might befall the people I love.’

[Hmm… Well, it seems like something interesting will happen soon. And it will happen at your mansion.]

‘What do you mean?’

I flinched at the thought of something happening at our mansion. I urgently asked with a sense of unease.

While I didn’t mind incidents occurring elsewhere, I wanted to prevent any trouble at the mansion. My mother had recently gotten pregnant with Lily, and if she were to experience any stress or complications, it could be a big problem. As I mentioned earlier, my mother is older than one might think.

Despite my concerns, Mora responded with an intrigued voice, leaving me with incomprehensible words.

[You’ll be able to witness hyenas sneak into a lion’s mouth without even realizing it.]

‘…I don’t really understand what you mean.’

[You’ll find out exactly one week later when you return to the mansion. There’s no need to worry about anything, nothing will happen to you. I’ll make sure of it.]

‘If that’s the case, then I’ll be relieved, but…’

Just the occurrence of any incidents at the mansion worried me greatly. During the exhibition, Rain once broke into the mansion, causing chaos. I think it’s better to be thoroughly prepared. I wanted to prevent any harm to those around me because of me.

‘Wouldn’t it be better if Cecily noona was with me too?’

[That way, you can handle it more confidently. Oh, but I recommend you just sleep on that day. You might face an awkward situation for no reason.]

‘…I understand. Is there anything else?’

[After that, you don’t need to be involved, it will be taken care of automatically. You just focus on writing your book.]

‘Do you mean I can just stay still?’

[Instead of staying still, how about writing a little letter? It could be quite amusing.]

I wonder what’s going on at our mansion to make it sound amusing. I tilted my head in puzzlement, but until that day comes, it will be hard to figure out.

It’s difficult even for Mora to tell me directly, because if that happened, the future could be completely messed up. To prevent that, I didn’t ask for details.

‘Thank you. Then I’ll trust only Mora and return to the mansion in a week.’

[Alright. Before you leave, you’ll receive divine power, right?]


Before Mora left, as always, she transferred her divine power to me. As Mora’s divine power was absorbed into me, I felt my mind becoming calmer and my thoughts clearer.

Unlike Luminous, Mora’s divine power didn’t give an immediate impact. But if Luminous’ divine power could make you feel its strength directly, Mora’s was different, stabilizing the mind.

Still, through the first night with Cecily, I could understand how crucial Mora’s divine power was. If it weren’t for her divine power, I would have exhausted myself and collapsed before Cecily did.

‘But today, it feels like there’s more… Is it just my imagination?’

[It’s just your imagination. Having more divine power is better, right?]

‘That’s true.’

At first, I accepted it without any suspicion, but the problem arose the next morning. Cecily, not being affected by the evil cycle, fell asleep after a few attempts, allowing me to rest comfortably as well.

Huh? Isaac, your hair… Why is it so long?”

“…Oh, really.”

And when I opened my eyes again, my hair had grown long, reaching down to my shoulders and even beyond. It was obvious that Mora had played a prank on me.

Even without trying, my red hair stood out, and as it grew longer, it exuded even more vibrancy. Eventually, with irritation in my heart, I asked Cecily again to tidy up my hair, but…

“Has it already grown? It hasn’t even been an hour.”


No matter how much she cut, my hair grew back quickly like seaweed. Cutting it seemed pointless as it continued to grow endlessly, so I had no choice but to give up.

“Just let me take care of it and tie it up like this.”

“…Do as you please.”

“Am I the first one to tie your hair?” I feel good that I’m doing what Marie couldn’t do first. Wouldn’t I be in the lead at this point?”

“… …”

And so, a peaceful day passed at Helium.


“…So, he secretly sent a letter?”

“Yes. He wrote it at home instead of at the publishing company, and considering he didn’t put it in the mail, it must have been a letter to Xenon.”

“Good. Well done. If we just follow that guy, we’ll find him.”

A glamorous and beautiful elf raised the corner of her mouth and muttered as if it were nothing.

“No matter how much they fly or crawl, in the end, they’re nothing but humans.”

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