How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World

Chapter 169: Morning at Helium (2)

Until just before lunch, Cecily and I messed around. Frankly, the remark she put into her mouth, “Master,” was enough to rekindle dying embers and even linger on.

Clearly, she must have done it on purpose to provoke me. I can be sure of that.

It was exhausting, as if I had been exercising intensely for over 12 hours, but thanks to Mora’s divine power, I didn’t feel physically drained. However, the divine power couldn’t prevent the physiological effects, so I still felt hunger and thirst.

Fortunately, Cecily seemed satisfied enough that she wouldn’t want to continue any further, so we barely managed to conclude. Then we affectionately washed each other’s bodies in the bathroom and came out dressed in bathrobes.

As I stepped outside, I found the maids who had arrived in the bedroom, tidying up the beddings and its surroundings diligently. The beddings were in such a filthy state that they seemed beyond reuse, and they would have to be completely burned.

I gazed at the mess of bodily fluids on the beddings and asked Cecily.

“Noona, can magic clean something like that thoroughly?”

“Yes, it can be done, but why bother? Even with magic, the discomfort would remain the same. It’s easier to just get new ones.”

She gave a smile filled with various meanings and continued.

“Besides, it’s going to get dirty again throughout the vacation. Is there really a need to clean it up with magic? I don’t think so.”

“Yeah, you’re right.”

“By the way, it’s really dirty. It’s hard to believe most of it came from my body.”

She looked at the soiled beddings with a more curious expression than embarrassed. Cecily had no reservations about saying explicit things, likening herself to a dessert or asking to be messed up. Towards the end, she even discarded shame and embarrassment and called me ‘master’.

Marie had been shy about sexual desires until recently when she opened her eyes to pleasure, but Cecily was not like that. If this continued, I worried that I might have to deal with both of them at the same time.

I absentmindedly traced the now entirely black horns of hers and cautiously asked in a hushed voice. The maids who were tidying up the beddings and its surroundings had already left.

“Noona, I’m curious, is this prolonged arousal only during the evil cycle, or does it happen regularly?”

“Well… Let me think. According to what I heard from Mom, the evil cycle is when desire, or you can say sexual desire, is the strongest. Before that, it varies for each individual. It’s like everyone has their own differences.”

“Then, what about you?”

“I’ve already fallen for you, so I’m not quite sure~ Maybe after the vacation, Marie and I might fight frequently?”

Cecily replied playfully in her unique tone. With mischievous smiles, it seems the future was promising.

Perhaps I should visit the temple more often. However, I feel a bit awkward since I don’t know how Luminous’s divine power will affect Cecily.

I patted her horns, which she cutely nudged against me while pouting. As I showed affection, Cecily smiled and enjoyed the feeling.

“Noona, does Luminous’s divine power have a negative effect on demons?”

“Hmm? No, not really. Although the efficiency is much lower compared to Mora, our origin is still human. If Luminous’s divine power was harmful to demons, then even Mora’s divine power would cause harm. Why do you ask?”

“Actually, last night, Mora granted me divine power. It seems like it was to help me not get tired and also to share it with you.”

“Really? No wonder you kept feeling energetic even though you seemed tired. That must be the reason. The fullness in my stomach is from the succubus’s blood, not the divine power, right? And I feel like my mana has increased even more.”

As Cecily gently caressed her abdomen, I couldn’t help but chuckle. After a full 12 hours, her belly protruded slightly.

While some people get thirsty and hungry after such a night, she gets her hunger satisfied and mana increased. Moreover, with her skin glowing, she’s undeniably a genuine succubus.

‘I must visit Mora before doing anything with Cecily.’

If that’s not the case, then it occurred to me that I should either build up my stamina to last 12 hours or consider getting knight training from my father again.

It’s not just something I could do haphazardly, but it’s quite a good option because now I have to deal with not only Marie but also Cecily. If the two of them don’t compromise, there’s a possibility of facing both of them at the same time.

Increasing my stamina might become a necessity rather than a choice. I can’t rely on divine power forever, it seems like I shouldn’t postpone it any longer.

‘Polygamy isn’t all that great, after all.’

Of course, it’s not to say that it’s bad or that I’m not happy. Marie and Cecily have both made concessions to each other, so we can continue to live a happily fulfilled life.

Afterward, both of us changed into our regular clothes instead of bathrobes to have a combined breakfast and lunch. The maids had prepared clothes that fit us perfectly in advance.

Cecily wore an off-shoulder dress like yesterday but with her chest completely covered, revealing only her shoulders and collarbone. I, on the other hand, just wore a simple black suit. Nevertheless, since it was made in Helium, the comfort was unparalleled.

While changing clothes, due to our exposed bodies, Cecily’s desires were about to lead us into the second round, but I vehemently stopped it. The effects of the contraceptive pills had worn off, and we couldn’t predict how much more we would do, so we needed to be cautious. The power given by Mora and Cecily’s fertility period ending completely made it better to endure until then.

“Do you want to eat anything? Tell me in advance.”

“I just want to eat anything. I’m thirsty too.”

Afterward, I moved my feet to the place where the meal was being held with Cecily. Thanks to her telepathy, the meal was prepared in advance.

Unlike street food, the meal served at the Helium Palace consisted of ordinary dishes, such as steaks or simple chicken dishes, stews, and so on. They particularly used stimulating spices that perfectly suited my taste. Demons have enjoyed using spicy spices as a means of mental cultivation since ancient times.

In the past, people enjoyed spicy food for mental training, but now it’s merely a matter of gastronomy.

“Are you awake? Please take a seat.”

As I entered the dining room, Eisillia was already seated at the distinct long table’s end. However, Descal was nowhere to be seen. When I questioned it, Eisillia read my expression and promptly answered,

“He’s briefly away due to work. He has a lot of tasks piled up lately due to recent diplomacy. He barely managed to find time yesterday too.”

“I see. I understand.”

Indeed, Helium is currently busy with diplomacy with neighboring countries. Naturally, the top officials, including the King, would be stretched thin even if they had two bodies.

Upon hearing the reason for Descal’s absence, I took my seat. Naturally, Cecily sat beside me in an elegant manner.

On the table, there was steak with a red sauce already prepared. From its color, it looked like it would be spicy, but it actually boasted a delicious and piquant taste. It is one of the spices that Helium has been steadily developing since its founding.

In my past life, being Korean, it seemed to fit my taste perfectly, so while living in Helium I thought I would eat it often.

“So, did you enjoy the dessert I prepared for you yesterday?”

“… …”

At the moment when I was about to grab the tableware, preparing even the napkins, Eisillia asked with a subtle voice. I was momentarily taken aback and turned my gaze to her.

Eisillia wore a smile that was hard to read, waiting for my answer. Until yesterday, she even used honorifics like “Mr. Isaac,” but seeing her drop the formal speech, it seemed that she had started treating me as her son-in-law from today.

I was at a loss as to what to answer her smile when Cecily came to my rescue in that situation.

“Oh, Mom. Is that even a question? You can probably guess from what just happened.”

“This child. Can’t you give your mom a break? Do you know how much your mom and dad went through to prepare the dessert?”

“Isaac is feeling awkward. Stop with the teasing.”

“Hmph. That’s why raising a daughter is useless.”

At Cecily’s scolding, Eisillia grumbled with a pouting expression. I felt like I should comfort her, feeling a bit guilty because of me.

“Don’t worry. I enjoyed it. It was one of the best desserts of my life.”

“Oh my, really? I’m glad. Since you said it was one of the desserts, the other one must have been prepared by the Requilis family, right?”


Once she actually said it, embarrassment overwhelmed her. However, seeing Eisillia smile gracefully seemed to ease her mind.

“Can I ask Requilis how he prepared the dessert? By the way, I personally prepared it yesterday.”

“… …”


Due to the follow-up question, I lost my words. Thankfully, Cecily called out in a cold voice, ending any further questions.

Eisillia also seemed to realize her slip of the tongue and bowed her head in apology. Indeed, as a son-in-law of the demon race, I had to be cautious.

Though the atmosphere became a bit awkward, I opened my mouth first to quickly break the tension.

“Ahem. Ahem. By the way, what is the name of this dish? The sauce seems a little different from yesterday’s.”

“Ah, that’s a good question. Have you heard of a monster called Ringkel?”

“If it’s Ringkel… I heard it’s a mollusk covered in flames. It’s known to mainly live in volcanic areas.”

“And it’s filled with the energy of fire, especially rich in nutrients for men.”

“… …”

“There’s also a vegetable next to the broccoli that looks similar. It resembles broccoli, but it’s called Cadid. It’s also good for men.”

Moreover, the ingredients used in the soup are said to be good for vitality, and the dessert also contains ingredients that are good for energy, and so on. Eisilia did her best to support and advance my relationship with Cecily as it was. At first, Cecily was uncomfortable with it, but after realizing that it was also beneficial to herself (?), she didn’t say anything. On the contrary, she even offered it to me, saying she was full.

I, too, couldn’t refuse, although I felt embarrassed. She had prepared it for my well-being, and there was no reason to decline, as it was like returning the favor and providing great help to me.

We cannot rely on Mora’s divine power forever, so from now on, I need to consume what is good for my bodies in advance to ensure a comfortable future. Above all, it perfectly suited my taste, so I could eat it without hesitation.

“Thank you. I feel energized already, thanks to you.”

“You’re welcome. The grace given by a son-in-law to our demon race is something that can never be repaid in a lifetime. If you wish, you could become a Buma, you know?”

‘Buma’ is a term that refers to the husband of a princess, in other words, the son-in-law of the king. Technically, I am already a Buma, but what Eisilia means is settling in Helium, leaving the Minerva Empire. Therefore, it would mean being naturally separated from Marie, so I don’t want that. This wouldn’t just be crossing a line, it would be betraying Marie ruthlessly.

I feel sorry for Cecily, but it’s best to politely decline the position of a Buma.

“I’m sorry. As Mother-in-law already knows, the decision has already been made.”

“That’s right, Mother. I’m happy just being Isaac’s woman, so there’s no need for you to do that.”

“Hmm. If you say so, then I suppose that’s the case. Still, come visit Helium occasionally. If you want, I can install a teleportation magic circle in the mansion for you.”

“That’s fine too, but I think it would be much better if I personally visited. After all, inheriting the throne will take a few hundred years anyway.”

“Alright then, that should work. However, our future son-in-law might have some difficulties, so let’s make arrangements in advance. We should ensure that we can contact each other if needed.”

The mother and daughter were happily chatting away about me. Although I wanted to interrupt and join the conversation, they started talking about magical topics, so I just listened with one ear. The unfamiliar jargon makes it hard for me to intervene.

I vaguely understood that they were trying to find a means of communication between us. I’ll just have some tea as a dessert.

Eisillia mentioned that this tea was good for vitality, and it tasted similar to green tea. It feels like it would be perfect for someone with sinus problems.

“Oh, speaking of which, the son-in-law.”


“You sent the manuscript for Volume 14 to the publisher, right?”

While sipping my tea without a word, Eisillia asked me a question about the soon-to-be-released Volume 14.

It caught me off guard when Xenon’s Biography was mentioned out of the blue, but I answered her question first.

“Yes, I sent it, and it should be released soon.”

“When exactly?”

“I’m not entirely sure, but usually, the first edition is printed about 3 to 4 days after sending the manuscript.”

“I see. Then I should ask lord Balak to start preparing soon.”

It seems like they were planning to buy the first edition as soon as it was released. Although the publisher had announced the release schedule, it would still take some time for the news to reach Helium.

Nonetheless, the situation in Helium seemed to be better. The race that showed the second-highest purchasing power after humans was the demons.

According to what I heard from Cecily, even when the demons had a bad reputation, there were still those who traveled to Helium, and through these individuals, they obtained Xenon’s Biography.

No matter how much Helium’s demons were stigmatized as a nation of demons, there were always people willing to risk their lives for money in the world. And such people were not much different from ordinary humans, which made them reliable contractors even to this day.

“But Mom, what happened to Balak?”

“Oh, that? We seized the original copy for now. The signed version itself was not a problem, but the issue is that he didn’t report it. We will decide whether to return it or not based on his future behavior. Ah, if our son-in-law wants it back, we might return it soon.”

“… …”

Poor Gartz. Just the thought of him getting punished over one signed copy brought tears to my eyes. I imagine his usually gruff face distorted with sadness and gloom, and I empathetically spoke quietly.

“…It might be best to just return it.”

And after the morning in Helium, the day passed ordinarily.

“Did you go to the temple? How will you torment me today?”

“…Wasn’t the evil cycle over?”

“Even if the evil cycle is over, my heart has already fallen for Isaac, hasn’t it? I think I know why Marie is acting like this.”

It wasn’t night, but I had a strong feeling that it would be a memorable vacation in various ways.


While Isaac was spending a thrilling vacation with Cecily in Helium, the release of Volume 14 of Xenon’s Biography was just a day away.

Fans who had been eagerly awaiting the release news were already waiting in front of bookstores, and some even had people lining up for them. Originally, Xenon’s Biography was limited to one purchase per person, but that restriction was lifted after the introduction of new printing technology.

The reason for the one-per-person limit was that Xenon’s Biography frequently sold out, leaving many unable to purchase them. Now that there was no need for hoarding, an official announcement was made to allow multiple purchases.

Some high-ranking nobles paid hefty sums and secretly received the first edition from the publisher. Additionally, the top officials, who travel around the world, invested money to make contracts that allowed Xenon’s Biography to be sold in other countries.

As a result, if you don’t buy them directly, it takes time for Xenon’s Biography to be available in countries other than the Minerva Empire. For your information, the country farthest away from the Minerva Empire geographically was the Elf nation, Alvenheim.

Thanks to Arwen’s speech, Alvenheim was handling the issue of half-blood tensions well and entering a stable period. Furthermore, they had practically no issues since they managed to stop the contamination of the World Tree.

What changed was the significant increase in interest towards Xenon’s Biography, and more importantly, a shift in feelings towards Xenon. Since they had saved the World Tree, it was only natural for them to feel that they had received a divine gift.

Because of this, there was a belief that they must find Xenon and repay the favor. This certainty that Xenon must be the Prophet caused Arwen a headache, but it was something she had to let go of.

“…I wish we could relax the immigration screening criteria a bit more.”


Inside Alvenheim’s audience chamber, not for official duties, Arwen was sitting on the throne, receiving a report from Keir, the immigration inspector.

Even if they were not part of the Council of Elders, those responsible for important tasks had to come to the audience chamber and report. The same applied to the overseer of immigration, Keir.

He was currently giving a report about Alvenheim’s strict immigration screening criteria and requesting a relaxation of the rules.

“I understand your request well. It might be worth considering easing the screening criteria. However, it will likely take some time.”

“Is it due to the trade issues?”

“Yes. Easing immigration screening means more diverse races can come and go. Not to mention various organizations. We’ll have to discuss this separately with the Council of Elders.”

“But those stubborn folks are likely to reject it…”

In the midst of talks about attending a council meeting, Keir grumbled. Despite his position as an advisor to the queen, he was uncharacteristically carefree for an elf.

Arwen could only smile wryly because she knew how much Keir resented the council. The reason he had withdrawn from active duty and became an immigration inspector was also due to the council’s influence.

“It’s not like I can handle everything alone. I know very well that you dislike the council. But it would be better if you could separate personal feelings from official duties.”

“Sigh… I understand. I suppose I have no choice but to trust you, Your Majesty.”

“That being said… Can you tell me about the current situation of Ikher, the former warrior commander?”

Arwen inquired about Ikher, the ex-warrior commander of Alvenheim and Keir’s former superior. Once hailed as a hero who almost saved Alvenheim from defeat during the racial wars, he was betrayed by his homeland and imprisoned due to the council’s interference.

Since the end of the tribal wars, he had been living in seclusion, never leaving his residence. However, recently, there were occasional sightings of him showing his face or engaging in training in his martial arts dojo. There were signs that he might be considering a comeback, which garnered a lot of attention.

“I’m not sure about Ikher. I don’t know if it’s really because of that book or if there’s another reason… Anyway, if Ikher returns, I would welcome him. I can’t predict how the council will react, though.”

“People’s hearts can change for various reasons. It would be a good sign if he returns.”

Elves, like soldiers for example, typically devoted their whole lives to one profession unless there are special circumstances.

Especially the elves who become warriors tend to stay in the military until the end unless they suffer severe injuries. Ikher, who felt disillusioned after being betrayed by the Council of Elders, was a special case.

As a result, elves can be seen as having all their strength displayed outwardly. Skilled individuals retiring and living their remaining years like humans or other races are rare.

‘This must be thanks to Xenon’s Biography.’

Anyone with even a slight interest in history would know that. The elven hero appearing in Xenon’s Biography was inspired by Ikher.

The hero in question was betrayed in the past by their homeland, but they come to realize that what they protect is not the noble families but the nation itself, and they stand against the devils. In the process, they meet the Dark Elves and join forces.

To someone unfamiliar, it might seem like just another setting, but for those who know Ikher well, the story takes on a different meaning. In reality, Ikher only felt disillusioned with the Council of Elders and went into hiding, but his affection for Alvennheim remained unchanged.

If the Devil War had actually broken out, everyone acknowledged that Ikher would have acted in the same manner.

‘Is Isaac truly a prophet?’

Arwen couldn’t easily dismiss the contents of Xenon’s Biography from her mind. She had been contemplating this since the last time she heard from the Council of Elders, and Xenon’s Biography truly felt like a prophecy.

The pollution of the World Tree’s roots, the summoning of demons, and the succession of “coincidences” like Reapers, to be honest, should be seen as almost impossible. Luminous also mentioned that while they may be coincidences for now, they would become inevitabilities in the future.

Since many people may have mentioned the ‘constraints’, Arwen couldn’t easily overlook it. Moreover, as the council had mentioned, Isaac was showing endless favor to Arwen. Reason dictated that it was just Isaac’s pure nature, but emotions were telling a different story. All of this felt like the story that was almost about to come true.

If that’s really the case…


Just before Arwen could immerse herself in her own delusions, the tightly closed door of the chamber suddenly swung open with force. Both Arwen and Kair turned their gazes towards the direction of the door, startled.

As they looked, a member of the council, Fieren, was approaching sternly with a determined expression. There were no other council members present, only Fieren.

No matter how chaotic the council might be, they still follow some basic rules. They wouldn’t rudely and loudly open a door like just now, especially the door to the Queen’s chamber.

Normally, they would have been scolded and reprimanded for such behavior, but Arwen noticed that something was off in Fieren’s expression, so she waited silently.

“… What’s this? Have you already made up your mind to leave?”

“Shut your mouth and get out of here. There’s something important to discuss with the Queen.”

Even when Kair asked in a sarcastic tone, Fieren uttered harsh words that he rarely used, ordering them to leave the audience chamber. Kair’s eyes widened in surprise.

Fieren usually spoke politely, but there was no trace of that aspect now. It meant that a serious situation had arisen.

Moreover, the fact that he came alone to see the queen without gathering the members of council indicated that it was urgent. Keir observed Arwen’s reaction with a surprised expression.

Arwen, too, seemed curious about Fieren’s unusual behavior, so she refrained from reprimanding him and remained silent. Then, after locking eyes with Keir, she quietly instructed.

“It’s better to discuss this later. Please go inside.”

“Yes, understood.”

Keir politely greeted and then gave Fieren a sly smile before stepping out of the audience chamber. Eventually, only Arwen, sitting on the throne, and Fieren, standing before her, were left inside the chamber.

Arwen pierced through Fieren’s stiff expression and softly spoke.

“Fieren, esteemed member of the council. I assume this is an important matter, given that you made the breach of etiquette.”

“Your Majesty, please pardon my impertinence, but I have one question,”

Fieren said, even though the queen had asked the first question. For a moment, Arwen’s lower eyelid twitched, but she could tell that he was holding something in his hand.

Judging by its square shape and slight thickness, it seemed to be a book. As Arwen became suspicious again, Fieren asked a strange question.

“Your Majesty, do you truly have no connection with Xenon whatsoever?”

“What nonsense is this you’re talking about? I have already said there is absolutely none.”

“In that case, please take a look at this book. It’s the 14th volume of ‘Xenon’s Biography,’ recently released by the Minerva Empire.”

As Arwen had expected, the item clenched in Fieren’s hand was a book, and it happened to be Volume 14 of Xenon’s Biography. She couldn’t help but wonder why an unreleased book in Alvenheim was in his possession, but she soon realized one crucial fact.

On a previous occasion, he had sent someone to the publishing house to find Xenon independently. With the help of those resources, he must have obtained the book.

Meanwhile, Fieren used magic to levitate the book and handed it over to Arwen. Though she felt skeptical at first, she accepted it without a word of complaint.

The book that Firren delivered was undoubtedly Volume 14 of Xenon’s Biography. From the brand-new cover to the honest inscription of “Volume 14,” there was no doubt about it.

“You can start reading from page 100 of the book. If you wish, you can read it from the beginning as well.”

“Before that, I doubt why you’re asking me to read this. First, tell me the reason. This is an order.”

Even in this situation, Arwen had no intention of giving up her initiative. No matter how urgent things were, some principles had to be upheld, right?

Fieren knew this well and nodded before speaking in a composed tone.

“The book contains forbidden magic.”

Translators note:

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