How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World

Chapter 165: Night at Helium (2)

As I followed behind Eisilia, I ended up meeting the King of Helium and Cecily’s father, Descal Drat Eisilia Vin. He was staying in a private chamber, not the audience chamber, where he usually received guests.

Being the king of demons, it was natural for him to exude charisma, but he was also a handsome man with distinct facial features and a similar build to mine. At first glance, he looked young like Gartz, but in reality, he was over 300 years old.

Finding similarities between Descal and Cecily was quite challenging sinceCecily strongly resembled Eisilia, but I could tell that both of them had identical horn shapes. Eisilia’s horns extended straight back, resembling goat horns.

Nevertheless, as we sat facing each other while dinner preparations were underway, I started to engage in various conversations with Cecily’s parents.

It was a somewhat nervous occasion, similar to a formal meeting, but fortunately, Descal made me feel comfortable on his side, allowing me to relax a bit.

“First and foremost, I want to express infinite gratitude for saving the demons. I feel like giving up the throne out of my heart’s gratitude.”

“To that extent… Honestly, I never expected such a change in the perception of your kind.”

“Even in unexpected circumstances, thanks to Xenon’s Biography, our people have begun to see the light. Even if someone happened to rescue us by chance, it doesn’t mean we’re not indebted to them.”

Luminous and Mora’s words echoed in Descal’s mouth, making me feel peculiar. Now, I think I can humbly accept the role of savior for the demons.

Until now, I’ve been slightly burdened and avoided clearly acknowledging it, partly because it doesn’t suit my nature to bask in glory. But it seems better to recognize it clearly from now on.

“But, Your Majesty.”

“Oh, you can speak freely in private. It feels awkward for me to hear honorifics from a benefactor.”

“Well then… Lord Descal?”

“If possible, I would prefer that you call me father-in-law.”

Another thing I learned is that Descal possesses a somewhat gentle temperament. I couldn’t help but wonder if Cecily’s personality was inherited from Descal.

Anyway, since I’m uncomfortable at the moment, I decided to refer to Descal as “Lord Descal.” I also said that it’s fine for Descal to call me however he feels comfortable.

“So, what do you want to ask?”

“About Her Majesty, the Queen…”

“Please call me mother-in-law.”

As soon as the word “Queen” left her lips, Eisillia smiled and corrected herself. “…Lady Eisillia…”




Could it be that Cecily inherited both her father and mother’s mischievousness? If not, then Cecily’s occasional mischievousness, like a little devil, remained unexplained.

When I referred to Eisillia as my mother-in-law, Cecily seemed pleased and discreetly grabbed my hand under the table. She was sitting on my right side, and her hand naturally reached for my right hand.

And it would have been fine if she only held my hand, but she focused on a small pen mark on my middle finger. It felt strange to have someone fixate on a tiny pen mark.

“…I’m curious about how mother-in-law’s name ended up being the middle name. Is it a tradition unique to Helium?”

“That’s right. In Helium, it’s a tradition for the queen and her children to have the queen’s or princess’s name as their middle name. If you and Cecilia have a child, well… do you have any names in mind, by any chance?”

“…I don’t have any.”

I was taken aback by the sudden question, but I calmly replied.

“That’s a shame. Let’s say the name is Jin. It would be Jin Drat Isaac Vin. By the way, Drat and Vin are surnames only used by the royal family.”

“I see. What do Drat and Vin mean?”

“Drat is the name of the founding king, and Vin means ‘king.’”

I have gained a lot of information in various ways. By the way, let’s overlook the fact that Descal used the name ‘Jin’ as an example.

“What about our Helium? Gartz said you liked it because it smells like a place people live.”

“That’s exactly right. Helium is where people live, nothing more and nothing less.”

“I see. As you say. Helium has never ceased to smell like people since its founding. They say it’s a place where demons live, that once you enter, you can never leave. But we are human.”

Descal’s eyes, looking at me, were warm beyond measure, as if he had always kept me in mind. Though they were as red as blood, his pupils were filled with infinite gratitude, making me slightly embarrassed.

Meanwhile, Cecily didn’t stop touching my hand under the table. When I glanced at her, she was smiling brightly.

Is this moment of happiness? I held her hand without saying a word. Then Cecily’s face blushed slightly.

“It’s fortunate that you seem to have affection for our daughter. When I heard that you were the benefactor of demons, I thought it would be okay, but I couldn’t help but worry a bit.”

It seems that Cecily and I have been caught in the act of affection under the table. Surprised, I looked at Descal and noticed his face with a satisfied smile.

Eisillia sitting next to us was the same. She spoke in her distinctive mature voice, as if she was relieved.

“To be honest, I felt the same way. I can’t tell you how surprised I was when I heard that Cecily found Xenon and they even became lovers. And on top of that, Isaac has his fiancée, Maria.”

“Ah… Yes, that’s correct.”

“My husband and I respect our daughter’s choices. To our kind, it may be a fleeting moment, but it’s better to leave beautiful memories rather than painful regrets.

had a similar theme, didn’t it?”

“Mary said she would live a life full of longing instead of regret.”

The response came from Cecily. Then she slowly pulled up the hand that she had tightly held under the table and showed it to the two people in front of her.

I was initially taken aback, but it seemed like I didn’t have to hide anything, so I obediently did as she wished. Eventually, our hands, intertwined like lovers, were raised onto the table, and Cecily’s parents also turned their gaze in that direction.

“Mom, Dad, I will never regret it. No matter how many women are by Isaac’s side, I will love Isaac. Even if Isaac leaves me for Mora’s embrace in the future, I will live while missing him.”

“Noona, I have no intention of adding more women after you.”

Although Adelia might have some plans, for now, I have almost no thoughts of adding more women after Cecily. It is uncertain whether Marie will agree or not too.

However, Descal’s thoughts seemed a bit different. As soon as Descal heard my words, he firmly rebutted in a resolute voice.

“Well, it may be difficult realistically.”

“What? What do you mean?”

“Reconsider your value once again. From now on, even the leaders of countries could not deal with you lightly, considering the contamination of the World Tree’s roots and the signs of demon summoning. In Savior, to honor you as a saint even a cardinal was dispatched. The moment anyone touches you, not only Helium but even Xavier would join forces and thoroughly destroy that country. So, rather than interfering, they would choose persuasive tactics. And that persuasive tactic is…”

“Political marriage, right?”

After Descal, EAisilia spoke calmly. In response, Descal nodded and explained the situation in which he could stand up.

“There is nothing as beautiful as a marriage formed through love. However, marriage can also become a relationship bound by a kind of contract. I heard from Cecily that you have a deep interest in history.”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

“Well then, you can see why strategic marriage can be a ‘shield.’ You mentioned that you were engaged to the future Duchess of the Minerva Empire. If your true identity were to be revealed, the Ters Kingdom could aim to restrain you. In severe cases, they might even attempt assassination. Even for your own sake, you should consider strategic marriage.”


Hearing such reasonable words, deep contemplation was inevitable. Strategic marriage seemed like a story from another country, but hearing it directly made it feel completely different.

If I were to marry Marie as Descal mentioned, I would practically be affiliated with the Minerva Empire. Therefore, from the perspective of the rival Ters Kingdom, it would naturally become a source of animosity.

The Minerva Empire, as well as Helium and Xavier, would undoubtedly protect me. However, the affairs of humans are unpredictable. Of course, they would need to be prepared to face collective punishment if the Ters Kingdom decides to take action.

‘It’s not a problem that can be easily resolved.’

The power of strategic marriage, which takes place between countries rather than within one’s own country, is incredibly formidable. The moment a leader invades a country where their close relative resides, their reputation will rapidly decline, and the trustworthiness of their nation will plummet.

You might have heard the news about the princess of the Ters Kingdom transferring to the Halo Academy. It’s because they felt threatened by my mentioning the Michelle Territory as my birthplace.

“Especially in your case, since you have accomplished feats that even a nation cannot ignore, such qualities will be even more prominent. Isn’t it better to have more allies than enemies?”

“So… Are you suggesting that I should enter into a strategic marriage for my own safety?”

“If you prioritize your position. We will protect you, but there are clear limits.”

“It’s complicated.”

“That’s how politics works. Well, you don’t need to think about it complexly right now. I’ve just informed you of the most likely situation.”

Descal responded as if to reassure me, but I didn’t feel reassured at all. Perhaps Descal was right that, for the sake of my safety and the safety of those around me, I should accept a strategic marriage without any reservations.

However, the problem lies in the subject of the strategic marriage. If I were sent as a target for a strategic marriage not only by another country but specifically by the Minerva Empire to ensure their dominance, my position would become extremely precarious.

It wouldn’t be appropriate to make a princess a mere spy. Even Marie, who is savvy in politics, would likely consider it unavoidable, but she would still feel disappointed.

Therefore, if I were to accept the strategic marriage, I would need to handle it carefully to continue a smooth family life. It’s a decision that carries great responsibility in many aspects.

“Well, it’s probably best to stop with the bothersome political talk here. Let’s move on to another topic. Whatever you’re comfortable with, feel free to talk about it.”

“Ah, there’s something I’d like to ask. Isaac, may I?”

“Yes? Ah, yes, please go ahead.”

“What do you like about our daughter, Isaac? Since you have affection for her, as her mother, I’m curious about your acceptance of her.”


Upon hearing Eisilia’s question, Isaac turned his head towards Cecily. Cecily, as if suggesting that he should speak, gave me a mischievous smile and looked at me.

Meanwhile, I carefully examined Cecily’s appearance. The alluring red eyes shining with maturity. Even a slight downward glance revealed a chest that boasted an intimidating presence, as if a valley had deepened.

That alone is enough to feel affection for Cecily, and more. Even if Cecily only gives me a playful smile, there is no need for further explanation in my heart.

Any man would fall for Cecily, let alone if she were the one openly displaying affection first, it would be even more peculiar if it didn’t please one’s heart.

With an embarrassed smile, I responded quietly.

“…It’s difficult to pinpoint. She’s a woman without any flaws, each and every aspect of her. Her face and… yes.”

“Hoho. I like your honesty.”

“Cecily is indeed an exceptional girl.”

Eisilia elegantly laughed with her hand covering her mouth, and Descal wore a somewhat satisfied expression. Fortunately, it seems that they accepted it favorably, perhaps because they had a favorable impression of me from the beginning.

When a sense of satisfaction welled up from the front, I felt relieved inside. As if signaling me to look at her, Cecily tightened her grip on my hand. I shifted my gaze toward her.

She was gazing at me with warmth and affection, her chin resting on her hand. It was as if she was looking at me with eyes full of tenderness, like a painting that momentarily took my breath away.

If Marie energized me with her unique vivacity, Cecily drew me in with this enchanting atmosphere.

“Well, it seems like the meal is ready now.”

Cecily spoke after we locked eyes for a while.

“Is there anything you can’t eat? Let me know beforehand.”

Descal opened his mouth, as if receiving telepathy. Both Cecily and I instinctively turned our heads toward Descal.

“I can eat just about anything.”

“That’s good to hear. Well then, let’s get up from our seats…”

“Oh, wait. Before that, may I ask you for one favor? Is it okay?”

In the moment Descal was about to stand up, Eisilia hurriedly stopped him with an anxious voice. With a careful gaze, she lightly flicked her finger.

Surprisingly, a book popped out of thin air. It seemed like she used magic related to spatial teleportation.

Then, Eisilia handed me a book that looked somewhat familiar and excitedly asked me for a favor.

“Could you sign this before the meal?”

“I don’t mind signing, but this is…”

“It’s the fifth volume of Xenon’s Biography which contains the final moments of Sakran. It’s a book I always carry with me in Helium.”

Upon careful consideration, I realized that Gartz had conjured five books out of thin air using teleportation magic. Since then, I signed them for him as well. As I looked at the expectant Eisillia, her eyes gleaming, I chuckled and took out my trusty magic quill. I proceeded to inscribe the name “Isaac” in Korean on the first page of the book.


“Thank you so much. Did you also get a signature, Cecily?”

“No, she didn’t say anything…”

After glancing at Cecily, I cautiously asked her.

“Do you want me to get one for you too?”

“No, it’s okay. I’ll just receive the confirmation stamp(on the marriage certificate) anyway. What’s the point of getting a signature?”

“… …”

Indeed, it seemed impossible to surpass her sarcasm. While I laughed at her response, Eisillia held the book close to her chest and spoke joyfully.

“So, I’m the first one to receive your autograph? I’m really happy.”

“Well, actually Mr. Gartz received it first.”


As I revealed the truth, Eisillia’s eyes widened in astonishment. Not only her, but Descal and Cecily also showed similar reactions.

Confused by my expression, Cecily quickly asked in a slightly flustered voice.

“Balak received it first? When?”

“Um… He signed it when I first came to Helium. Before going to Noona cottage.”

“I see… But without saying anything…”


Cecily muttered under her breath, while Descal lightly stroked his chin, deep in thought. I started feeling uneasy, thinking that I may have said something unnecessary. However, not long after, Cecily smiled and spoke as if she didn’t care.

“It’s probably not a problem right now. Let’s go have a meal for now.”


“Oh, by the way. Since we’ll have dessert again tonight, there’s no need to force yourself to eat it, okay?”

“Dessert? What kind of dessert?”

Just as I was curious and about to ask, Eisilia, who was in front, seemed to notice something and exclaimed with an “Ah!” Descal was scratching his cheek, lost in his own thoughts.

As I became even more curious about their reactions, Eisilia raised the corners of her mouth and spoke cryptically.

“It’s a dessert I specially made. It’s the only kind of dessert that exists in Helium.”

“There’s something like that?”


Eisilia nodded her head and left a significant remark.

“It’s going to be really delicious.”



The true meaning of those words became apparent only after dinner, as night fell.

“Didn’t mom say that before we had our meal? That it’s the only dessert available in Helium.”


Inside the bedroom, with only a faint moonlight seeping in, I couldn’t help but stare wide-eyed. I had cleaned myself up neatly and was waiting for my first night with Cecily, but my eyes couldn’t help but be bewildered.

Despite the divine power I received from Mora, my heart was pounding madly, and I felt like I could be swayed by desire at any moment. Why? Because…


“How is it? The dessert personally prepared by my mom.”

Black lingerie and a garter belt. That alone would suffice as an explanation.

The black lingerie failed to fully cover Cecily’s ample bosom, causing her flesh to spill out, and the garter belt underneath stimulated primal male desires.

Furthermore, until a moment ago, it was covered by a gown, so now she stood there sexily, as if suggesting that she might take off the gown. Thanks to that, not only her breasts but also her ample hips are accentuated, rivaling those of Arwen.

Could Cecily really be the descendant of a succubus? I swallowed hard and quietly opened my mouth.

“It looks incredibly delicious.”

“Doesn’t it?”

She approached me slowly while saying those words, as I sat on the bed. Cecily’s figure, barely concealed even in darkness, came into sharp focus in my sight.

Before long, as she got closer to me, she began to straddle my thigh. My heart started pounding like crazy, and my gaze moved up and down repeatedly.


“…Yeah. Noona.”

“Don’t you have anything you want to say to me?”

What more words were needed? I smiled softly as I looked into her red eyes, brimming with desire.

“I love you, Noona.”

“Hmm~ Besides that?”

She was such a demanding succubus. While gazing at the trembling Cecily, I uttered the words she wanted to hear.

“I’ll eat well.”

“Okay. Then… mmm!”

Cecily’s words were cut off. Because I sealed her lips with mine.


Starting with a passionate deep kiss, the real night began.

Translators note:


Next 3 chapters are NSFW!

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