How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World

Chapter 158: Winter Break (2)

My mother gave birth to my older brother, Dave, when she was 21 years old. Then, seven years later, at the age of 28, she gave birth to me. Now, after 17 years have passed, she is exactly 45 years old. Due to good management and her inherent youthful appearance, she may look like someone in their early 30s, but in reality, she’s approaching 50.

Taking into account common knowledge and societal norms, it’s considered quite late to have a child at her age. Moreover, in this day and age, with advanced contraceptive technology, having a late-in-life child is rare.

However, this is mainly applicable among the nobility, commoners tend to have children later as well. Contraceptive methods have primarily spread among the nobility, while the commoners have not adopted them yet.

Nevertheless, having a late-in-life child at the age of 45… It’s practically like being a grandmother rather than a mother. Even if I were to marry and have a child with Marie right now, it wouldn’t be considered unusual in this day and age. However, my parents were a very exceptional case.

When my future younger sister, Lily, is born, if she calls me “Daddy,” people would naturally find it normal, but they might give me strange looks if I’m called “big brother.”

“To be honest, we never imagined having Lily. We thought it would be fine with our age, and that we didn’t need any medication. But now… Hoho. It’s a bit embarrassing to say it out loud.”

“Isn’t it risky? They say that the risk of complications increases significantly for women over 40.”

“It’s alright. As long as I maintain a steady flow of mana, both the child and the mother will be safe. Of course, it’s a good idea to invite a clergy member just in case.”

My mother, Cecily, and I were currently enjoying a snack in the parlor while engaging in a pleasant conversation. The seating arrangement was slightly unusual, with my mother and I sitting side by side while Cecily sat alone across from us.

It was a layout that made sense since Cecily was the guest, but my mother had already sensed what Cecily was trying to achieve. If she had willingly accepted it, she would have seated Cecily next to me. However, the fact that she didn’t meant that my mother hadn’t fully given her approval. Cecily seemed to be aware of that, smiling outwardly but with a hint of tension in her expression.

“And there’s one more method. It can only be used while in the unsafe period, but the effect is guaranteed.”

“Can I ask what it is?”

“Well… I’ll just let you know that it’s a slightly savage method.”

“Aha. I think I know what it is. Well, it must be easy for the Baron since he’s the Red Lion.”

“Hoho. My dear husband does have quite a bit of strength.”

“… …”

The time the exhibition began was in June. And today is the end of January, well into the new year.

Calculating the time from the day the exhibition ended until now, it’s been at least six months, which means that they poured tremendous effort into it every night during that time.

Even amidst recent busyness due to territorial affairs, my father also exerted his strength for my mother, so even if he was the Red Lion, he wouldn’t have recovered quickly.

I respect you, Father. I wish I had as strong a physique as you do.

“Come to think of it, Your Highness, do you have any siblings? I don’t recall hearing about it last time.”

“I am an only child. My parents didn’t have any specific plans after giving birth to me.”

“I heard that elves consider nighttime activities as a form of ritual. Is it similar for demons, perhaps for a similar reason?”

“No, demons are different. They have a much longer reproductive cycle, like elves. And most of the time, it overlaps with their evil cycle, making it quite challenging for the males.”

As I listened to the response, my gaze shifted slightly upward. Cecily’s horns were now completely filled with red, except for the tips.

The mention of the upcoming evil cycle, just like in the previous exhibition. Luminous had also advised me to make sure to take contraceptive pills when going to Helium, and the timing seemed to fit perfectly.

If I hadn’t taken the pills with me, wouldn’t it have been the first time a human-demon hybrid was conceived? From my perspective, I could only consider it fortunate.

“Indeed, demons are intriguing since very little is known about them, so each detail is fascinating.”

“If you have any more questions, feel free to ask as much as you want.”

“Really? In that case…”

As if it was the perfect moment, Mother opened her mouth while maintaining a gentle smile.

“What did you like about our Isaac?”

“… …”

It was a straightforward and heavy question. The atmosphere was the same as before, but the underlying weight in the question was entirely different.

Cecily momentarily flinched in response to my mother’s smiling question, then straightened her lips. There was a slight tension in the two hands hidden beneath the table, barely noticeable.

I also started to watch their conversation nervously. It wasn’t a problem that I could intervene and solve, after all. Of course, if Cecily gets in trouble, I’ll be willing to help. Since I’ve already accepted Cecily as my woman, it would be disappointing if I didn’t show my support.

“To be honest, I’ve been vaguely aware since the last exhibition. No matter how close you and Isaac are, you wouldn’t normally visit our mansion. Especially as a princess of another country.”

“…So you knew.”

“Yes. Not only that, but I could see the way Princess Cecily looked at our Isaac. As a fellow woman, I could tell. It was the gaze of a woman in love. Warm affection, love, and… even a sticky desire.”


As Mother finished speaking, Cecily’s face hardened slightly. Considering the circumstances at that time, it might have been difficult for her to keep her composure.

However, Cecily knew well that bringing up that topic now would only be an excuse. For now, it was more important to sit quietly and listen to Mother’s words.

“Princess, you must know. Isaac is already engaged to a girl named Marie.”

“Yes, I’m aware.”

“Have you talked to that girl?”

“We resolved things amicably.”

“Hmm. You resolved things amicably, you say…”

Mother gracefully placed her teacup down and caressed the growing belly of Lily.

And as if pondering deeply, she blinked her eyes while looking up at the ceiling before turning her gaze back to Cecily.

“May I ask how you resolved it? I’m curious.”

“Yes. Actually…”

Cecily relayed the exact words she had spoken to Marie to Mother. She shared her true feelings and future plans, which she had brought up during the exhibition when she had argued with Marie.

I already knew it, but Cecily seemed much more tense than she was back then. It was as if she was in a position similar to an interview, or perhaps being judged.

Fortunately, the more Mother listened to Cecily’s story, the brighter her expression became. It was clear that she was pleased.

“That’s… truly touching. To protect Isaac without minding the difference in lifespan… and even the descendants.”

“Instead of living a life full of regrets from giving up love, I will live a life filled with longing. It’s a line from Xenon’s Biography.”

“Yes, I know that too. Thanks to that line, the interaction between different species has increased.”

“But, Lady Baroness, did you know? That line, Isaac said it to me before the book was published.”


Cecily’s shocking confession made her mother widen her eyes and look at me. It seemed like there was some misunderstanding, but since what Cecily said was the truth, I couldn’t help but be taken aback.

My mother looked at me with a subtle expression for a moment, then smiled and gently stroked my head. Her touch, as if comforting a young child, made me feel unexpectedly embarrassed.

Indeed, no matter how much a child grows, they always seem like a beloved son in their mother’s eyes.

“Hoho. This child, really. Now I clearly understand why the princess has fallen for you. What woman wouldn’t fall for someone who says such things? Just with that one line, the number of cross-species relationships has skyrocketed.”

“When I first heard it, I was truly moved. It can determine whether a lifetime with that person will be a painful regret or a cherished memory.”


Why is embarrassment my share? I couldn’t say a word and only coughed awkwardly.

Meanwhile, my mother continued to stroke my head.

“I understand Princess Cecily’s heart well. In fact, everything that happened after Marie gave her permission, it left my hands.”


“But before that.”

Just as Cecily was about to rejoice, thinking she had received approval, my mother interrupted. She stopped stroking my head and firmly pinched my cheek downwards.

If it was just a light pinch, I might not have noticed, but because she exerted force, I felt a sharp pain.

“Ah! M-Mother?”

“Our Isaac needs to be scolded a little. I was worried that a situation like this would arise because of his deep consideration and kind personality. But not only a duke’s daughter, but also a princess of Helium…”

“I-I’m sorry! I would never do something like that on purpose!”

“That’s why I’m even more worried as a mother. Isaac will officially marry Marie, but what about Princess Cecily? We need to consider Princess Cecily’s perspective too. Are you suggesting she should be a concubine?”

“Well… Lady Baroness, I’m really okay…”

Cecily tried to calm my mother down, but she was at a loss for words.

“I’m not okay at all. Since Cecily realized, unlike Marie, that Isaac is a Xenon. I would have felt the same way if I were the princess. In the eyes of the demons, Xenon is nothing short of a salvation from God. Perhaps there was even a willingness to sacrifice your body and mind. Isn’t that right?”

“Yes, yes… That’s… accurate.”

“That’s the problem. Even with that kind of determination, you only care about Marie? Isaac, you will truly receive divine punishment from Mora. So you must take care of Princess Cecily so she won’t be lonely. Do you understand?”

“Oh, I understand! I got it!”


With a sigh, Mother let go of my elongated cheeks. It was difficult to regain composure in the face of such a fiery feeling.

“Well… Will the princess not officially get engaged with my son?”

“Oh, don’t worry about that. When we go to Helium, we will inform my parents as well. Once they learn that Isaac is Xenon, everything will go smoothly.”

“I’m glad. If you ever regret this decision, please let me know. I will humbly accept it.”

“My heart will never change. Even if Isaac returns to Lady Mora, I will continue to live while cherishing his memory.”

“I’m glad to hear that.”

Cecily, whose determined will was evident, pleased Mother with a warm smile. If one smiled for a long time, wrinkles would naturally form, but Mother didn’t show any signs of aging.

Continuing, Mother gently stroked her belly with one hand, took a graceful sip of tea, and spoke in a more relaxed tone.

“From now on, I should call you Cecily, not Princess. Marie calls me Mother, but it would be difficult for you to do the same.”

“Ah…! Thank you so much. May I call you Mother-in-law?”

“Of course.”

“Thank you, Mother-in-law. As I mentioned earlier, I will protect this territory and the descendants of the Michelle’s for the rest of my life.”

“You don’t have to do that. You also need to find your own happiness.”

“This is my happiness. Doing my best for the savior who saved the demons. If it weren’t for Isaac, I wouldn’t even be able to sit here, and I would have spent my whole life confined to Helium.”

In response to Cecily’s fervent devotion, Mother let out a bitter smile. Then she looked at me, and when Cecily was like that, I couldn’t help but shrug my shoulders.

Well, thanks to that, Mother now knows exactly how much Cecily loves me, so there shouldn’t be any major issues.”

“Do all demons have similar thoughts as you?”

“Yes. If it were in the past, demons would have been treated as an enemy. But as you know, things have completely changed now, including Mother. Furthermore, with the rediscovery of Jin and Lily’s romance, such words have emerged.”

“What do you mean?”

“For demons, love is a difficult thing, but deciding to love someone means having the courage to give everything for that person. Even if I were to transform into a devil, my sincerity towards that person would not change.”

“… …”

I remember reading that in a newspaper. It was probably written by a certain critic after the release of the 12th volume.

However, I know it was buried at the time due to the issue of half-bloods, but it seems Cecily managed to find it somehow. Perhaps if Lily’s past was revealed, those words will regain attention.

It may be seen as philosophical in a positive light, or cringe-worthy in a negative light, but given the times, it will certainly leave a strong impression on people.

“In reality, demons only transform into devils when they have lost their beloved lover or experienced despair comparable to that.”

“… So, Cecily, you too?”

“If Isaac passes according to nature, it doesn’t matter. However, if an unexpected situation arises… I am also prepared to become a devil, Mother.”

“I guess it’s your choice, but… I’m still worried. Should we assign a guard to Isaac just in case?”

My mother looked at me with a concerned gaze. We may not need a guard right now, but once I reveal that I am Xenon, wouldn’t it be appropriate to have one or two people accompanying me?

Siriss is already a messenger and Arwen’s bodyguard, so it would be difficult for her, and the only possibility is to have Gartz assigned from Helium. However, other countries might also intervene.

Since I am a citizen of the Minerva Empire, there is a high possibility that they would assign a guard from the Minerva Empire. Although the Ters Kingdom may try to keep tabs on me and assign a guard, the Empire will likely prevent it.

‘Oh, right. Xavier.’

Come to think of it, they said they put a cardinal on the pilgrimage path to find me. They’re causing a commotion, claiming they will favor me as a saint, so they would obviously interfere as well.

Once I reveal my true identity, the world will be in chaos. Thanks to Luminous trolling, I have no choice but to hide my identity completely.

“A guard… For now, Helium will assign a guard until Isaac reveals his identity. Gartz Balak, as you know, Mother.”

“The knight with the horns. Does he also know that Isaac is Xenon?”

“Yes, he knows. He’s a trustworthy individual, of few words and strong self-restraint.”

“Well, that’s a relief. So when do you plan to go to Helium?”

I answered that question instead of Cecily.

“We have set it for three days from today. I still need to finish organizing Volume 14. Cecily also decided to come back by then.”

“I see. So, how many days are you planning to stay in Helium?”


“Maybe we’ll spend the entire vacation in Helium. I got permission from Marie as well.”

Before I could even say a word, Cecily interjected briskly. I was taken aback because it was a part that was not included in the plan at all. While it was true that Marie had given her permission, spending the whole vacation in Helium was not part of the original plan.

“Oh my. Then… Could it be?”

“Yes. I’ve already made up my mind. Isaac has too.”

“Hehe. Isaac?”

“Yes, yes?”

Why did I feel so nervous at my mother’s call? As I nervously responded, my mother gently stroked her belly and spoke.

“Take care of yourself and don’t forget to bring your medication. Understood?”


“Our son is quite popular. I’m worried that he might attract more girls.”

After my mother said those words, exactly two days later.

“Say hello. This is Adelia, who will receive training from me starting today.”

“Oh, hello? Long time no see.”


Adelia visited our mansion. She was dressed in a neat black suit, not in casual clothes like usual but in a clean black suit like Nicole’s.

While I was staring blankly at Adelia, my father spoke in his characteristic solemn voice.

“Nicole asked me to teach this child. It would be fine to use her as a guard when you inherit the estate in the future.”

“Um… I’ll do my best.”

I shook hands with Adelia with a dumbfounded expression. Then I noticed that her face had slightly reddened.

Not only did she grip my hand tightly, but she also subtly caressed it as if she didn’t want to let go.

“Our son is quite popular. Don’t you think so too, Lily?”

“… …”

Mother smiled mysteriously and gently stroked Lily’s sleeping belly.

Translators note:

I think Isaac only has one brother Dave, but the author sometimes forgets his name and calles him Bryce… Like wtf it’s so confusing…

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