How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 404

Chapter 404

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Thanks to the chairman's decision, the situation that was once chaotic quickly calmed down.

The security guard captain led his subordinates out of the meeting room. Just before he left, he glared momentarily in my and Kirwan's direction, but he could not ignore the chairman's orders.

"It seems my role ends here."

Kirwan, who had been by my side, prepared to leave the council chamber as well. I locked eyes with him and expressed my gratitude.

"Thank you so much for your help."

"No need to mention it If there's a chance, I hope we could have a conversation separately later."

"I would really appreciate that too."

"Then I wish you luck."

Kirwan, who wished me luck, left the council chamber with a relieved expression and headed straight for where Ashmir and Urki were.

Ashmir and Urki were being led out by the security guards, but in the meantime, they waved at me, sending a signal as if to encourage me.

For the sake of the two who had worked hard and risked punishment, I made a resolution in my heart to get a good result from this meeting.

Ekruas Council.

As the most critical decision-making body in the Angel realm, the meeting proceeded very solemnly and seriously.

Was it Leto?

Even he, who had shown the most agitated expression earlier, maintained a composed appearance once the meeting started.

Of course, he still found faults in everything Judge Arc said

I was placed on the periphery of the round council chamber and was to watch the proceedings.

The stares pouring towards me from the spectators made the back of my head tingle, but it was bearable.

At first, I listened attentively to the meeting in a tense state, but as time passed, unbearable boredom and tedium set in.

The difficult terms poured out like water and legal interpretations that were hard to understand even the content. Just listening made my head dizzy.

On the other hand, the council members in the meeting poured out such complicated words but logically explained their opinions and thoughts.

Those in the audience were equally focused on the meeting.

One would think that someone would be doing something else or nodding off from sleep, but everyone seemed fully engrossed in the meeting.

Sometimes, even those in the audience were given the opportunity to speak and actively participated in the meeting.

Everyone, with their own logic and thoughts, participated earnestly in the meeting which I found very impressive.


If I were to summarize the difficult and complicated meeting in simple terms.

There were two main opinions on how to solve the serious imbalance of dimensions.'

One side argued to continue responding as now, according to established rules and procedures. The other side argued that the current approach was useless and needed a different response.

Those who advocated for maintaining the status quo justified their opinion on the basis of long-held Angel laws and traditions. Those who believed alternatives were needed emphasized the severity and danger of the unprecedentedly serious dimensional imbalance.

Opinions in the audience were also split in half, and the outcome of the meeting seemed to be heading into a labyrinth.

Then Leto requested to speak by raising his hand.

With the chairman's permission, he began to speak with a troubled expression on his face.

"I agree that the risk of imbalance is growing, and it is becoming harder for us to respond. But how can we find a better response than the way we have been dealing with it so far?"

Representative Leto's gaze turned toward Judge Arc. A natural response flowed from him.

"I have already explained that method several times."

"Ha! You're not thinking of repeating that nonsense again, are you?"

Despite the snickering response, Judge Arc was not fazed.

"Surely it's a hard thing for us to believe, and a truth we don't want to face. But we no longer have the time to hesitate. Even if it tarnishes our pride in preserving the balance of the dimensions, it's time to face it."

Judge Arc's eyes sparkled quietly. Perhaps feeling his strong will, Representative Leto trembled slightly.

"Fi, fine. Then let's see it."

Instead of replying, Judge Arc turned his gaze toward the chairperson.

"I request the chairperson to allow the witness to testify in this meeting."


As if he was waiting, the chairperson approved the request for the witness.

Judge Arc got up from his seat and walked over to where I was.

He smirked and whispered in a volume only audible to me.

"Sorry for making you wait. I hope you're not too nervous."

"At first, I was really nervous. But now, I just wish the meeting would end."

"Ha! I feel the same way. But I don't think I can end this meeting."

While saying this, Judge Arc glanced at me as if saying, The one who can end this meeting is you!"

I let out a sigh full of complex emotions.

"Sigh I'm not confident, but I'll do my best."

"Don't feel too pressured. If things don't work out, I might just retire and spend my last days on your farm."

"Im sorry, but could you not include someone else's farm in your retirement plans? That would be even more pressuring."

"Ha! You're colder than you look."

Judge Arc and I shared some small talk, which helped relieve the tension.

"Judge Arc? Is the witness not ready yet?"

The chairperson, thinking the preparation was taking too long, hurried us.

"Eek! You've been too leisurely. Prepare yourself. Just tell it as it is."

As Judge Arc guided me towards the conference hall, he whispered one last thing.

"Mr. Kaneff said this about you. Although he doesn't seem reliable normally, he always pulls through when needed. I will trust his words."


For some reason, I could hear Kaneff's voice in my head and let out a small laugh.

-Thunk, thunk.

I slowly moved toward the center of the conference hall.

All the gazes in the vast space followed my footsteps.

I sat stiffly in the prepared witness chair. Once I sat down, I felt the tension rushing back.

"As this is a temporary meeting, I will approve the request for a witness by the authority of the chair, without a separate approval process. However, there will be a short Q&A session for the witness. But before that, witness?"


"We haven't received a request form containing the witness's name and affiliation. Can you briefly introduce yourself?"

"Ah, yes."

I never thought I would introduce myself in the far-off Angel World.

This was probably the most nervous I've been since introducing myself in front of my elementary school classmates.

"I am Lim Sihyeon from Earth. Currently, I'm working on a farm in the demon world. The name I received in the demon world is Sihyeon Lephmir Cardis. Also, I'm running a small territory called Cardis Estate."

The reaction was colder than I expected.

The atmosphere was so frosty that I wondered if I should break the ice by singing a song. As a song list scrolled in my mind, the previously silent chairman spoke up again.

"If the representatives have any questions for the witness, feel free to ask. The witness has the right to refuse to answer if he does not want to."

Contrary to the icy response, as soon as the chairman finished speaking, a barrage of questions poured out from the representatives.

"What made you start working in the Demon World?"

"How did you come to know Judge Arc?"

"There were rumors you tamed a divine beast"

"Why did the high-ranking Surveillance Officer, Kirwan, protect you?"

With the shower of questions, I maintained my composure as best I could and answered them one by one.

I answered most questions earnestly, saying I didn't know for only a few vague ones.

When the questions gradually started to subside

The person who made me feel the most awkward opened his mouth. It was Representative Leto, who had always been at odds with Judge Arc.

"I have a question as well."


"According to Representative Arc's claim, the witness created a complete dimension. Was it called Vision World? Huh!"

Just ask your question Why are you laughing so mockingly? It's even more annoying since it involves my name!'

Though Representative Leto's attitude was extremely unpleasant, I maintained a neutral expression so as not to appear weak.

"I find it hard to believe that the witness created an entire dimension. I assume most of the representatives here would feel the same, am I right?"

Leisurely, he looked around the assembly seeking agreement with his assertion. Most of the representatives seemed to echo his sentiment.

"To accurately determine the truth here, can the witness show us that dimension?"

I asked back, slightly flustered.

"Here, right now?"

"Yes. If it is a complete dimension as Representative Arc claims, then we should be able to verify its existence from Angel World."

Leto added another comment with a smug smile.

"You can refuse if it's too difficult."

Ah, he's so annoying!'

Part of me wants to wipe that smug smile off his face, but another part of me was worried if I could present the evidence.

I glanced at Judge Arc. He looked back at me with trusting eyes.

That's right! I can't back down here. For Ashmir, Urki, Judge Arc, and Kirwan, I have to succeed!'

I steeled my resolve, thinking of those who had faith in me.

As soon as I showed signs of doing something, all the Angels' eyes were focused on me. I could see a hint of anxiety in Leto's gaze.


I lifted my hand imbued with the power of the Fairy Queen. It was something I had done easily in the Demon World, but whether it was possible in heaven was uncertain.

I focused on the memory of Vision World. I tried to recall the feeling I naturally had in the Demon World.


Was it because I am nervous?

Something that was usually clear felt blurry.

I closed my eyes and focused again. I didn't want to see Leto's smug face when I opened my eyes.

I struggled for a while, focusing on the power of the Fairy Queen.

Ah! The sensation the sensation is strange. Is it impossible here in Angel World?'

Just when I was about to give in to despair

"Kyahaha! Shiyeon's expression is strange, pipi!"

"Are you in pain, kapi?"

"Is Shiyeon hurt? Then we'll heal you. Gipi!"

At the scent of fragrant flowers and familiar voices, I opened my eyes with a bright smile.

CH 398-407 (Subduing the Angels) $2CH 408-417 (Farm family, Assemble) $2CH 418-424 (The END) $2

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