How to get Healed at Demon Farm

Chapter 398

Chapter 398

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I blinked my eyes, looking around.

A well-maintained brick road.

Along the road, well-managed trees and grass stretched out on both sides.

The scenery was extremely clean and organized.

Judge Arc spoke to me, who was standing there with a vacant expression.

"Are you feeling terribly dizzy?"

"Ah, no. I'm fine."

At the worry-laden question, I immediately shook my head in response.

I was a little dizzy when the surrounding scenery changed, but now it was no different than normal.

"Heh, then that's a relief. I was a bit worried because it's been a while since I've used it."

"Wait, is this possibly?"

"You're right. This is the Angel Realm, the center of all dimensions and the homeland of all Angels."

"This is the Angel Realm"

"What do you think? What's your impression after seeing the Angel Realm for yourself?"

Judge Arc asked, with a slightly excited look, about my impressions. I looked around once again.

"I'm not sure yet. Honestly, I can't even believe that we're in the Angel Realm."

"Maybe I was too hasty. I got too excited because it's been a long time since we've had a guest."

He stroked his beard and smiled awkwardly.

"Let's start walking for now. I'll explain in more detail as we go."

We started walking along the well-maintained brick road.

At first, there were only trees and grass around, but as we walked along the brick road, statues, fountains, and large tombstones began to appear one by one.

The statues, made in the image of Angels, were so exquisite they could be placed in a museum right away, and the beautiful fountains lifted my spirits just by looking at them.

The large tombstone had tiny words carved into it, which, of course, I couldn't understand.

After walking for about ten minutes, a very large road appeared at the end of the brick path.

Unlike the ordinary brick road, the large road was entirely paved with a luxurious material similar to marble.

The luxurious and shiny feeling momentarily made me worry, "Can I even walk here?"

Seeing Judge Arc, Ashmir, and Urki start moving first, I belatedly began to walk.


But why is there nobody walking on such a wide road? You'd think there would be at least a carriage or two passing by.

As I was having these thoughts, a very large building started to come into view from afar.

As we approached along the road, the once-blurred outline gradually became clear.

It was a huge city wall and a golden gate.

The wall was so high and wide that, as we got closer, I had to bend my neck at a 90-degree angle to look up, which caused the back of my neck to hurt.


The moment our group approached the golden city gate.

From the top of the city wall, Angel soldiers descended with the sound of flapping wings.

Dozens of soldiers in thick armor coming down was quite a sight.

As soon as one of the soldiers landed, he ran toward Judge Arc, saluting him.

"Guard Captain Haruo, at your service, Judge Arc."

Judge Arc greeted him with a relaxed wave of his hand.

"It's been a while. You seem to be on duty."

"Yes, I am, Judge Arc. But why did you walk all the way here? You can fly over the wall anytime, can't you?"

"Heh, well, today we have a guest who can't fly. Also, the city wall and gate are one of the pride of our city. I thought we should show them off to our guest by walking all the way here."

Apparently, the three Angels had walked all this way because of me.

The Guard Captain slightly turned his head and looked behind Judge Arc. His gaze naturally landed on me. There was a flash of surprise in his eyes hidden behind his helmet.


"Judge Arc, that person is?

"He is a witness for the upcoming Council of Ekruas. He's a crucial guest we brought from far away. Open the gate immediately."

At his command to open the gate, the Guard Captain trembled slightly.

"But we can't let someone into the city without verifying their identity.

"A witness crucial to the council meeting can be brought in at my discretion. That means I can also allow them into the city."


"I guarantee his identity. Now open the gate.

After a moment of hesitation, the Guard Captain finally bent to his will.

"Understood, Judge Arc."

"Heh, thanks."

"All listen! Judge Arc and his party are entering the city. Open the city gate right now!"

At the Guard Captain's booming voice, the subordinate soldiers flew back into the sky and crossed to the other side of the city gate.

A moment later.


With a ground-shaking vibration, the giant city gate began to open.

The light leaking through the gap of the city gate grew stronger and stronger, until everything around us was dyed a golden color.


Could this be what the gates of heaven' feel like?

The majesty and mystery automatically brought out my admiration. Judge Arc patted my back with a satisfied smile.

"Quite a spectacle, isn't it? It's one of the city's pride."

"Yes. It's truly amazing."

"Well~! Let's hurry and enter. Welcome to the Angel City, Celestia'."


When I first arrived in Angel World, it was hard to truly feel that this was Angel World, but after arriving in the city Celestia', I could definitely feel that this was Angel World.

Tall, beautiful buildings blended with sparkling roads, and Angels freely flew among these buildings.

It was like witnessing a cityscape straight out of a myth.

"Over here, Sihyeon."

"Ah, yes."

I was engrossed in the cityscape when Ashmir tugged at my clothes, waking me. I realized I was falling behind the group and quickly quickened my pace.

"Hello, Judge."


Many of the Angels we passed recognized Judge Arc and greeted him.

"Heh heh, hello there."

Judge Arc also cheerfully returned their greetings one by one.

There were also people who focused their gaze on me, but there was no hostility, mostly just curious glances.

In the Demon world as well as in the Angel world, it seemed I could not help but attract attention.

As we walked, I felt more and more gazes focusing on me.

Feeling uncomfortable, I quietly spoke to Ashmir.

"Ashmir, when will we arrive at our destination?"

"Are you tired?"

"No, not tired. It's just that the stares are a bit uncomfortable."

"We're almost there. Please bear with it a little longer."

Saying so, Ashmir subtly moved to my side. It seemed like she was trying to shield me from the surrounding stares.

Like a sturdy man who shields a woman on the dangerous side of the road, perhaps?

Of course, the situation was reversed for Ashmir and me

Anyway, I gave her a small smile as a token of my gratitude. She responded with a nod and a composed smile.

Around the time I was getting familiar with the cityscape, Judge Arc stopped in front of a quaint two-story building and spoke.

"We've arrived. This is where you'll be staying for a while, Sihyeon."

"Huh? Just me?"

I asked in surprise.

"I'm sorry. The place I'm staying has many complicated conditions, so I can't bring you there."

"I and Apprentice Urki have to stay in the guard's dormitory. That place is off-limits to outsiders."

Even so

Leaving me alone in a city I've never been to before is a bit

Seeing my face clouded with anxiety, Judge Arc patted my shoulder and laughed heartily.

"Heh heh! Don't worry. Instead, I've asked a trustworthy friend in advance. I'm sure you'll like it when you get inside."

Then he led me to the front of the building and knocked on the door.

-Knock. Knock. Knock.

-Just a moment!

A female voice could be heard from inside the door. Shortly thereafter, the door swung wide open.

An Angel woman wearing an apron appeared from inside.

"You're finally here. I've been waiting for you!"

She greeted us with a broad smile, enough to ease some of my tension without even realizing it.

"Thank you so much for inviting us. Can we come in?"

"Of course, Judge Arc. Please, come right in."

The Angel woman in an apron stepped aside, gesturing us into the house.

Judge Arc, Ashmir, Urki, and lastly I, stepped inside.

As I cautiously entered, I caught the eye of the Angel woman standing by the door. I attempted to greet her with an awkward smile.

"Ah, hello."

She took a step toward me, staring intently at my face. I froze, wondering if I had done something wrong.

The Angel woman once again smiled brightly and gave me a hug. Her stature was quite large, and I seemed to fit right into her embrace.

"You're the guest Judge Arc mentioned, right? I'm so glad you're here!"


"Now, come on in. While you're staying here, think of this as your home and make yourself comfortable."

"Yes thank you."

Still in a state of bewilderment, I was led by her hand into the house.

By the time I regained my composure, I was sitting comfortably in a soft chair.

"Just wait a moment. I'll quickly prepare some tea and snacks. Ah! Will the rest of you be having dinner before you leave?"

"Heh, would that be alright?"

"Of course! I've prepared a special menu, so be sure to try it before you leave. Ho ho!"

The Angel woman covered her mouth and chuckled as she headed towards the kitchen.

After she disappeared, Judge Arc spoke to me, who still wore a startled expression.

"Sihyeon. Do you remember Executioner Clau, who came with us to the farm?"

"Executioner Clau Ah! I remember."

I recalled the male Angel who had assisted him and Ashmir when Judge Arc first visited the farm.

"This is Executioner Clau's house. The woman you just met is his wife."


In my mind, I tried to picture Executioner Clau and the Angel woman I just met.

Although I felt sorry for the couple, I couldn't feel that they were a match.

The fact that the wife of the rigid and mechanical Executioner Clau was such a warm and bright person was somewhat startling.

Apparently, there were still many aspects of the Angels that I was yet to understand.

CH 398-407 (Subduing the Angels) $2CH 408-417 (Farm family, Assemble) $2CH 418-424 (The END) $2

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