House Dad's Literary Life

Chapter 41

Chapter 41 - What? Introduce Someone?

In his previouslife, he had never been an online writer, and thus he didn't care about theresult of the novel. Yang Yi uploaded a few chapters, saved a few days ofupdates in the draft folder, set a timer, and then closed the webpage, and didn'tmanage it any more.

As for therecommendation given to him by Editor Qiang Zi, it was pitifully neglected inthe author's inbox…

It wasanother morning, the sky was still dark grey, and mist envelops the campus.Yang Yi still got up early to exercise and crossed Ting Moutain to buy freshingredients for Xixi.

The largest marketin the Tingshan District is located in the western foothills of Ting Mountain.It is also where the largest residential area in Tingshan is located, and it isclose to a pier on the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. So, whether it isagricultural products, seafoods, poultry products, or even some precious,high-quality ingredients, it can be bought in this market. After all, there is alsoa villa district where rich and powerful people live.

If one will gofrom the main entrance of the campus, one will have to walk a long way aroundthe foot of the mountain, but as long as one cross the Ting Mountain, thevegetable market is on the right side, but the shortcut takes a lot of physicaleffort on the rugged mountain road.

What Yang Yidoes not lack is physical strength. The energy consumption brought about crossingmountain after mountain is enough to force his inner strength to flow and speedup his training.

"LittleYang is here again!" The aunt who sells vegetables in two rows and fourstalls in the market has recognized the young man who comes every day. She saidwith a smile, "Today, I picked some bamboo shoots. Would you likesome?"

Yang Yi isvery picky about his foods. He has walked through a lot of stalls, and onlythis one sells vegetables of the highest quality. The aunt said that they areall vegetables grown in the mountain land she contracted, and that they do notapply chemical fertilizers or pesticides.

"Then I'lltry some." Yang Yi smiled, picked up a tender bamboo shoot, and put it inthe bag handed over by the aunt.

These peoplewho sell vegetables like idle talk very much, and Yang Yi also didn't behave tooarrogantly, and he also responded. Over time, Yang Yi has adapted to thisfeeling of greeting people, and his personality has also been unknowingly infectedand become easygoing.

When Yang Yiwas picking mushrooms and lettuce, the grandmother, who sold chicken and duck eggs,leaned over and looked cautiously at Yang Yi, her eyes sweeping Yang Yi from headto feet and then turned back to Yang Yi's face.

Yang Yisensed it, and he raised his head puzzled.

"LittleYang, where do you work?" The aunt was pushed by the grandmother and askedhelplessly.

"Well,I started my own business and opened a coffee shop at Jiangchuan." Yang Yididn't know why he was asked with that question, so he had to answer honestly.

Unexpectedly,Yang Yi's answer made the grandma feel very satisfied. She grinned her teethand said, "It's good to start a business and make money."

"As Itold you earlier, Little Yang's family is well-off!" The aunt smiled andsaid, "It turned out to be in JIangchuan, that's more appropriate!"

"Yes,yes!" The grandma smiled from ear to ear. "How old are you this year,Little Yang?"

Yang Yi hasnot seen this situation, so he was a little confused.

Why are youasking these questions?

However, dueto human feelings, Yang Yi didn't stay silent, and said a little embarrassedly:"31 years old."

Grandma'sturbid eyes are shining at the moment, she said with a smile: "31 yearsold is good, 31 years old is good!"

What's sogood about being 31? Yang Yi was dumbfounded.

"31years old is not old, just one or two years older, and you see Little Yang,exercise every day, and has good figure!" The aunt also goes all out torecommend, and Little Yang will definitely be a person who loves his wifedearly, buy vegetables and cook every day, perhaps you do not need Yanyan toworry about housework at home!"

"Yes, yes…"Grandma was so happy that she is smiling from ear to ear.

Wait, itseems that something is wrong.

No matterhow slow Yang Yi was, he also realized it.

But notwaiting for Yang Yi to say anything, under the urge of the grandmother, theaunt smiled and said to Yang Yi: "Little Yang, is it okay for auntintroduce you to someone?"

"Ah?"Yang Yi was dumbfounded.

"Thegranddaughter of Grandma Wu is also working in Jiangchuana Media as a counselor,right?" The aunt saw the Grandma nod, and then smiled, "Before, shewas too busy with work and had no time to talk about getting a partner. Now, herfamily is very anxious. You are close, you can communicate with her more…"

"It'snot that auntie is bragging, but their family's Yanyan is as beautiful as aflower. She is also a native, and have a house…" The aunt was going all out torecommend.

"Wait aminute." Yang Yi said with a wry smile, "Auntie, Grandma Wu, you havemisunderstood. I have a family!"

Suddenly, completesilent, the aunt and grandma looked at each other. The atmosphere was a bitawkward.

The grandmalooked at the aunt with some complaint, as if to say, "Didn't you say he wasn'tmarried?"

He is notmarried! She had observed Yang Yi for many days. He did not wear a wedding ringon his hand, and did not see him shopping with a girl. He had been alone allthe time.

The auntsaid somewhat unconvinced, "Little Yang, don't you lie to auntie! Do youthink Yanyan is old? She's not even thirty!"

"28, 29,it's still far from 30!" Said the grandmother unhappily.

Yang Yi hadno choice but to take out his cell phone, flipped through the photo album andhanded it to them: "This is my daughter. I really didn't lie to you!"

He hardlytook pictures in his previous lives, but because Mo Fei missed her daughteryesterday, Yang Yi was forced to take a picture and send her an MMS. Yang Yitook a picture of Xixi. He didn't expect it to come in handy today.

"Oh…"The aunt and grandma saw it. They first sighed with regret, and was thenattracted by the cute little girl in the photo. "Wow, Little Yang, yourdaughter is so beautiful. She looks just like you!"

Yang Yi tookback the phone. He said slightly proudly, "Of course, she's my own!"

On the topicof Xixi, it lessened the embarrassment of the aunt and grandmother. They talkedwith Yang Yi very talkatively, and asked Yang Yi what he usually gave Xixi toeat. The daughter is so white and tall.

Yang Yi feltquite embarrassed. Just now was the first time he was introduced to a partner!

He answered afew questions, and fled on the pretext of rushing home to take care of hisdaughter.

Behind him, YangYi's sensitive ears heard the grandma's impatience complain: "Really, yousaid he wasn't married. Introduce my family Yanyan to someone who already havea child…"

Yang Yi wantedto cry but have no tears. He feels a little embarrassed to go to this stall tobuy vegetables in the future.


When he gothome, Xixi hadn't woken up yet!

Yang Yi tooka bath, changed into dry clothes, and was going to wake the little girl up.

"Whoo,I don't want to get up, whoo, I don't want to cuddle, I hate it!" Xixi'shair was fluffy and could not open her eyes in her father's arms.

It's goingto take a while to get up!

Yang Yikissed her daughter on the tender little face and said, "Okay, okay, Papawill take you to wash your face. You have to get up for breakfast."

He secretlysmiled in his heart: "You're still saying you don't want your Papa's hug,you don't know, just now you almost lost your Papa!"

It's too scary, unexpectedly someone can introduce a partner for him after only meeting them a few times…

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