House Dad's Literary Life

Chapter 37

Chapter 37 - Snow White

"Papa, Xixi wants to listen to astory."

At night, Yang Yi remembered MoFei's instructions and tried to coax the little girl to sleep at about 9o'clock, but perhaps because she came to her father's side, Xixi was veryexcited all day. Now she was wearing a nightdress, barefoot, and trampling abouton her father's big bed.

"All right, Papa will tell youa new fairy tale." Yang Yi sat beside the bed and smiled. "But Xixi,you have to lie down and be obedient!"

"Um! Xixi will be obedient!"Xi nodded happily, quickly got into bed, and then hugged her teddy bear she hadbrought from home, and eagerly looked at her father.

Yang Yi sorted out his thoughts andbegan to say, "Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess whose skinwas as white as snow. Everyone called her Snow White…"

Yes, Yang Yi is going to tell SnowWhite's story. However, this story is not as easy to tell as Frozen, becauseYang Yi has never read this story in his previous life. His childhood is onlykilling, no fairy tale.

So, he can only make up his ownstory according to the general direction of the plot he learned from differentplaces in his memory.

It seems that the effect is not bad.Xixi was very fascinated. She seemed to have integrated herself into the role.

When the little girl heard that SnowWhite's mother had died, there was sadness in her little eyes.

When she heard that Snow White'sstepmother did not like Snow White, she was also very scared and nervous.

"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who'sthe most beautiful person in the world?" Pretending to be the queen, YangYi raised his hands in front of him as if there were a mirror in front of him."Because Snow White has grown up and her skin was like snow, she wasbeautiful like an angel, so the magic mirror replied, "My queen, you are themost beautiful here, but Snow White is a thousand times more beautiful thanyou!"

Xixi hasn't realize the problem yet!Her big eyes show a happily expression and was proud of Snow White's beauty.

"The queen was shocked. Her facewas distorted with jealousy. She could not tolerate others being more beautifulthan her!" Yang Yi said in a soft voice, "So the queen ordered asoldier to take Snow White to the distant forest and kill her!"

In the original version of the story,it should have been a hunter, but where would Yang Yi know these details, sothe soldier came in handy.

"No, Xixi doesn't want SnowWhite to die." The little girl took her father's hand and said in a panic.

"Silly, how could Snow Whitedie?" Yang Yi calmed his daughter and said with a smile, "Snow Whiteis so lovely and beautiful, the soldier can't bear to do it. So, he let SnowWhite go, and then he killed a pig and took the pig's heart back to tell thequeen that Snow White is dead."

Xixi was relieved, and under thetension, the little girl was a little tired!

The story is still very long.Slowly, after Yang Yi said that Snow White, who died of eating a poisonedapple, was rescued by the prince riding a white horse, Xixi, who was nervousfor a long time, finally couldn't bear her sleepiness, closed her eyes, andfell asleep.

Yang Yi looked at his daughter for awhile before he smiled, tucked Xixi in, and quietly went out.


Outside, Guo Ziyi was sighing on thebalcony! Today the weather is a bit cloudy, the moon can't be seen, and the skyis dark, making the atmosphere more depressing and difficult to sleep.

Yang Yi came over and sat next toGuo Ziyi, thinking about what to say.

The little fatty opened his mouthfirst: "Big Brother Yang, I want to drink."

Yang Yi looked at the somewhatdispirited little fatty. He nodded silently, went back to the kitchen, mixed alarge plate of sweet and sour peanuts, and then pulled a dozen beers out fromthe refrigerator.

When he bought the beers, Yang Yihad no intention to drink it. He didn't like drinking alcohol. Even if hewanted to drink, he would drink red wine. These beers were only used forseasoning and stir-frying, such as braised duck in beer, steamed eggs in beer,and so on. They were delicious.

He didn't think it would come inhandy now!

"Come on, I'll drink with you!"Yang Yi opened two cans of beer, handed one over, toast beers with the littlefatty, smiled and said, "Man, what's the problem?"

In this world, it seems that minorsare not allowed to drink, right? But it is not as strict like those in abroad,and there's no such taboo here with Yang Yi.

"Thank you, Big BrotherYang." The little fatty said in a low voice. He was so depressed todaythat he even became a little silent.

After taking a big gulp, he became achatterbox: "Big Brother Yang, I really lost my face this time! Before Icame here, I told my teacher and classmates that if I failed the art exam, Iwould not go back…"

What was Guo Ziyi's mood at thattime?

Genius such as him, do not have towork hard, and his results can still dominate in school.

Genius such as him, who is two orthree years younger and active among his older brother and sister, stillreceives great attention, and even plays guitar at New Year's Party, moving thehearts of many young girls.

Genius such as him, after making uphis mind to take the examination of Jiangcheng Media Performing Arts Department,regardless of the teacher's dissuasion, he did not hesitate to devote himselfto the study of the performance course. Although he started late, but his halfa year's effort made the other students in the remedial class feel ashamed ofthemselves.

He thought he was invincible, so heboasted excitedly, but now he has been hit hard by reality.

After drinking two cans of beer and talkinga lot, Guo Ziyi vented some of his depression, but Yang Yi did not comfort him,just listened, just accompanied him by drinking.

"Brother Yang, I want to singyour song "Once You"!" The little fatty said.

Yang Yi nodded his head. He taughtthis song to Guo Ziyi that night. However, Guo Ziyi did not intend to take theexam. This guy is a little proud, and wanted to use his own strength to conquerthe examiner. Of course, the result is quite miserable…

"Dreams of grandeur and heroism,to see the splendor of the world…" Guo Ziyi took the guitar, plucked thestrings and began to sing.

Yang Yi couldn't help raising his eyebrows.He didn't know whether it was because the little fatty is drunk, or he experiencedsetbacks, but today, he actually sang with a bit of vicissitudes, and unexpectedly,is nice to listen to!

"…Dilililidada…" The boy actuallysang to the back, and started to cry and howl wildly.

Yang Yi interrupted him angrily:"All right, stop singing. You're going to wake up Xixi!"

The little fatty laughed, put theguitar down, and he took another mouthful of beer. He then quietly said thelast few words in a low voice: "Let us drain this glass of wine / true menhave hearts vast as the sea / seen the world, felt pleasure and pain / still, apure smile warms the heart like nothing else…"

Two people drink, drink quietly.

It was not until the little fattywas a little drunk that Yang Yi slowly said, "Do you want to continue tobe an actor?"

The little fat man nodded withouthesitation. "I want to!"

"Do you have to care about otherpeople's looks?" Yang Yi said faintly, "Do you need to be bitter aboutone failure?"

"I'm not bitter, it's just thatI don't have the face to go back to meet people." The little fatty saidfaintly.

"Then, with this humiliation, comeback, and tell them with your results that they were all wrong! Let them beashamed of their ignorance! " Yang Yi said. (TN: Like make a comeback)

In his previous live, were therebeen less people who looked down on him? In particular, a group of foreignpeople who always called him yellow-skinned monkey, but in the end, these luckypeople who survived the training camp did not escape his pursuit!

Guo Ziyi opened his mouth wide andlooked at Yang Yi in a daze.

"Don't tell me, you've justbeen beaten once and now you've lost your spirit!" Yang Yi laughed andlooked disdainful. "Don't let me look down on you!"

"How is that possible?"The little fatty jumped up excitedly, not knowing whether he was ashamed ordrunk. With his face flushed, he patted his chest and said, "Big BrotherYang, you wait!" I'll make a comeback!"

"I want the dogs to look downon them, and regret today's humiliation!"

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