Hot Search Alert! The Princess Goes Viral Worldwide

Chapter 54

The luxurious meal was quite large, and Gu Nanyan couldn't finish it. She packed up the leftovers, planning to reheat them for her next meal.0

Gu Nanyan was adaptable. In good environments, like at the Zhan Family, she was very picky, requiring cold and hot dishes, pre-meal fruits, and after-dinner desserts. But in harsh environments, she wasn't fazed, not being picky about leftovers, grass roots, or tree bark.0

On Song Ze's side, Teacher Qi interrupted him, not letting him continue. This was a live broadcast for the whole internet to see. If netizens saw it, what would become of their image? They still had to make a living in the entertainment industry.0

"Song Ze, I know you have a sharp tongue but a soft heart. You're frustrated with Gu Nanyan because you can't shape her up, but you actually care about her deep down."0

Song Ze snorted. That wasn't what he thought at all, but he knew Teacher Qi meant well, so he didn't argue.0

Yang Tongtong was worried: "It's about to get dark. I wonder if Sister Gu can light a fire. There are wolves in this place."0

Teacher Qi comforted everyone: "Don't overthink it. People have tremendous energy in difficult situations. Gu Nanyan will be fine. If she can't light a fire, she can climb a tree. Our most urgent task now is to find a sheltered place to rest for the night. We need to take care of ourselves first before we can help others."0

Zhou Qinian nodded, "I found a cave on the western slope. We can make do there for the night."0

Hearing about the cave, everyone quickly headed towards it. Upon arrival, they found it was quite large, naturally formed rather than dug by animals.0

"This is great! How did you find it, Brother Qinian? You're amazing!" Yang Tongtong exclaimed in delight.0

Teacher Qi also said, "With this cave, we can use it as a base from now on. We can look for water sources and grass balls, and have a place to rest when we're tired or sleepy."0

Yang Tongtong nodded emphatically, "Yes, this is much better than a tent. We don't have to worry about wind and rain. Now both of our teams have a place to stay. We just need to hope Sister Gu can find a cave like this too."0

Without bedding, everyone could only lay their jackets on the ground to make do for the night.0

Lying on the hard, damp ground with mosquitoes constantly harassing them, no one had ever endured such hardship before.0

Yang Tongtong's body was covered in large mosquito bites. She scratched while sobbing, "I don't know when we'll be rescued. If this continues, I might be bitten to death."0

Everyone's mood was low, and even Teacher Qi couldn't help but sigh.0

But here, being the oldest, he was everyone's pillar. He couldn't give in to despair, so he mustered his spirits to encourage everyone: "Our conditions are actually quite good. We have fishing rods and a cave. If we hold on for a few more days, we'll definitely be rescued. The companies, families, and police in Hua Country are surely searching for us with all their might. Plus, the numerous netizens watching the live broadcast are cheering us on. So we must keep our spirits up and never give up."0

Hearing Teacher Qi's words, netizens' eyes moistened, and they sent a flurry of comments:0

[You must keep going!]0

[Hang in there, Teacher Qi!]0

[Hang in there, Zhou Qinian!]0

[Hang in there, Yang Tongtong!]0

[Hang in there, Song Ze!]0

And for Chen Tian's team, people also sent messages:0

[Hang in there, Chen Tian!]0

[Hang in there, Liu Sa!]0


Then it was Gu Nanyan's turn.0

When netizens saw Gu Nanyan lying on a luxurious bed, enjoying a fan, eating fruit, and reading a book, they couldn't bring themselves to type words of encouragement.0

This girl was simply on vacation!0

After a while, someone posted a comment:0

[The contrast between Gu Nanyan and the others is like heaven and hell. She's leisurely enjoying a vacation while the others are struggling to survive in the wilderness. The contrast is too stark.]0

[Not only is the contrast stark, but the others all think Gu Nanyan is worse off than them. I can't help it, I want to laugh so badly. I really want to see their expressions when they find out the truth, haha.]0

[Yeah, it's killing me. When Gu Nanyan was eating pork knuckle, the others were eating burnt fish and compressed biscuits, and then they were guessing that Gu Nanyan was gnawing on tree bark and eating grass roots. I'm laughing so hard I'm pounding my bed!]0

Gu Nanyan trended on social media again.0

Someone made a comparison video of her comfort versus the others' misery, which went viral on TikTok, making everyone laugh hysterically.0

Originally, Gu Nanyan was hated across the internet, but now some people started to like her, feeling that she was completely different from what was previously portrayed online.0

Her character couldn't be judged yet, but she was truly strong!0

Lightness skills, hidden weapons, and even taming a tiger - she was simply a badass among badasses.0

Many people admired her, thinking she was incredible.0

Gu Nanyan slept comfortably through the night. The next morning, she found it was raining heavily outside.0

With such heavy rain, she decided not to go out and just sat by the window, looking outside.0

In the past, she thought Great Qi was the center of the world. It wasn't until she came to modern times that she realized how vast the world truly was.0

Hua Country was already one of the largest countries in the world by area, but all the land areas combined were still not as large as the ocean.0

Last night, she had read a geography book.0

She learned that this was the Pacific Ocean, an incredibly vast body of water. For people outside to find them, they would first need to locate the island.0

Otherwise, it would be impossible to search blindly in such a vast Pacific Ocean.0

In the days since her rebirth into modern times, Gu Nanyan had read many books, but still felt her knowledge was lacking, especially about satellites, oceans, and ships. She only vaguely knew some climatic features.0

So, yesterday when she rode the tiger around the island, it was to let the live stream viewers see the island's vegetation and ecological features, to help with better location identification.0

The other two teams, upon discovering the rain, were extremely excited. Chen Tian's team brought out large iron pots to collect water, and even modified their tent to form a huge bowl shape, collecting a lot of rainwater.0

Teacher Qi's team had no tools and could only use bowl-shaped rocks and leaves to collect water.0

The group was soaked through by the rain, but they couldn't be happier.0

"We finally have water, we finally have water!"0

Yesterday they were all terribly thirsty. They couldn't drink seawater and didn't dare to venture too far. They had thought they would need to find a water source today, but unexpectedly it rained. It was truly wonderful.0

Yang Tongtong cupped water with both hands and drank it happily. After drinking, she licked her lips: "It tastes so good."0

This scene made the netizens' hearts ache.0

[Hugs for Tongtong, my poor Tongtong.]0

[Drinking rainwater, it's so sad.]0

[I can't take it anymore, my tears are falling. I can't watch this anymore. I'm going to watch Gu Nanyan to change my mood.]0

On Gu Nanyan's side, she was brewing tea, discarding the first brew and only drinking the second and third brews.0

Seeing this, netizens were speechless.0

[How does it feel like these two groups are in different worlds? Is this really the same show?]0

[Unbelievable, Gu Nanyan, can you tone it down a bit? The others are delighted just to drink rainwater, and you're brewing tea, even discarding the first brew.]0

[This is too outrageous!]0

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