Hot Search Alert! The Princess Goes Viral Worldwide

Chapter 48

Gu Nanyan dismounted from her horse, her clear gaze sweeping across the crowd. She seemed slightly surprised, "Why are you all here?"0

At this moment, whether on-site or watching through the livestream, everyone fell silent, eyes widened, staring at Gu Nanyan.0

A world-class beauty, truly a world-class beauty!0

Was this really Gu Nanyan? How could she be so beautiful? Her stunning appearance left them breathless.0

No matter how many handsome men or beautiful women they had seen before, none could compare to the shock Gu Nanyan gave them at this moment.0

The director was the first to react, explaining, "We came to film the pilot episode. The Zhan family's housekeeper said you were in the backyard."0

Gu Nanyan nodded, said "Go ahead and film," then turned to walk towards the villa.0

Her demeanor was graceful and unrestrained, without a hint of nervousness or awkwardness. Every movement exuded elegance.0

This wasn't something that could be faked with a few years of etiquette training; it was innate.0

The netizens in the livestream who had originally clamored for less filming of Gu Nanyan all fell silent, holding their breath, unable to take their eyes off her for even a moment.0

They were all inwardly exclaiming, "Holy crap!"0

This Gu Nanyan was too impressive; they wanted to lick their screens.0

Gu Nanyan was like a born luminous body, able to attract everyone's attention wherever she went. Whether it was the production team or the vast number of netizens, they all forgot their initial purpose of viewing The Zhan Family Courtyard.0

Now everyone was focused on Gu Nanyan, filming her wherever she went.0

It wasn't until Gu Nanyan returned to her bedroom to change clothes that the production team reluctantly turned their cameras away and began filming the scenery of The Zhan Family Courtyard.0

But by this time, everyone's minds were elsewhere, their thoughts and eyes still on Gu Nanyan from earlier.0

The netizens were engaged in heated discussions.0

[Holy crap, holy crap, holy crap! No words can express my amazement. Gu Nanyan is too beautiful!]0

[She's practically stolen my soul!]0

[Alright, alright, it's just a pretty face. Don't forget, Gu Nanyan has a bad character. She even tried to scam Zhou Qinian before.]0

Many people in the livestream were Zhou Qinian's fans. Seeing this comment, they began to come to their senses.0

[That's right, Gu Nanyan is just a big green tea b*tch. She tried to scam our brother, and even though she's married, she's still not behaving properly.]0

[So what if she's beautiful? She has a viper's heart.]0


The original owner's reputation was truly terrible, and it couldn't be turned around just with a pretty face.0

Gu Nanyan didn't care about these things. The world's abuse and disdain, she ignored it all.0

She participated in the variety show to let more people see her. As for what others thought, it didn't matter.0

After showering and changing into comfortable clothes, Gu Nanyan followed the production team to the airport.0

The filming location for this variety show was far away, on a small island in the Pacific Ocean. Everyone had to first fly to the coast, then take a cruise ship to the island.0

Gu Nanyan arrived neither early nor late. When she got to the cruise ship, there were already quite a few people on the third deck.0

However, she didn't recognize any of them.0

She found a seat and sat down, lowering her head to read a book.0

Gradually, all ten guests arrived. They thought they would set sail, but instead, arguments could be heard coming from the dock.0

None of the original production team responsible for filming the pilot had come aboard. Instead, all the newcomers were strangers.0

Seeing this, Gu Nanyan frowned slightly.0

Although she appeared silent and unconcerned about her surroundings, in reality, she was aware of everything going on.0

Gu Nanyan felt something was wrong. Why wasn't the production team coming with them? And what was the deal with these new people?0

She decided to go and ask, but as soon as she stood up, someone blocked her path.0

It was a scowling young man.0

"Gu Nanyan, are you trying to cause trouble again? When will you ever stop? The livestream hasn't even started yet, who are you putting on this act for?"0

The young man was Song Ze, a recently popular young singer from a wealthy family. With a rebellious personality, he had rushed into the entertainment industry against his parents' wishes because of his love for music.0

He was from the same company as Gu Nanyan. During his last album release, he had already arranged for promotion and bought trending topics, but on that day, his efforts were overshadowed by the gossip about the original owner and Zhou Qinian.0

The original owner had liked Zhou Qinian's Weibo post and subtly posted about wearing the same brand of shoes as him.0

The whole internet was discussing this matter.0

#Who is Gu Nanyan#0

#Zhou Qinian's relationship#0

#Zhou Qinian's explanation#0

#Gu Nanyan's shameless scam#0

These hashtags occupied the top trending spots, stealing all the traffic. No one paid attention to Song Ze's album release.0

Because of this incident, Song Ze had always hated Gu Nanyan, thinking she loved to create hype and scam people. He found her character despicable and detested her greatly.0

So as soon as Gu Nanyan made a move, Song Ze immediately started accusing her, thinking she was about to cause trouble again.0

The young man's voice drew everyone's attention. An older person tried to play peacemaker, "Song Ze, mind your language."0

The speaker was Teacher Qi, an evergreen tree in the entertainment industry and a veteran actor.0

Song Ze greatly respected the senior, and explained, "Teacher Qi, it's not that I don't want to speak nicely. It's just that Gu Nanyan is always causing trouble. Everyone knows she loves to create hype. She must be up to some mischief again. We're about to set sail. It's fine if she wants to cause trouble for herself, but she shouldn't hold everyone else up."0

Although the others didn't show it on their faces, in their hearts, they all agreed with Song Ze.0

In fact, everyone was puzzled as to why Gu Nanyan had been invited. This woman had poor character, no works to her name, and not even the most basic sense for variety shows.0

She just sat there on the deck without saying a word, not even making a peep.0

What was there to be so arrogant about? Did she really think marrying into the Zhan family would make her soar to great heights?0

Hmph, someone with such a vile character would fall sooner or later. It wouldn't be long before the Zhan family kicked her out.0

Teacher Qi frowned slightly and turned to Gu Nanyan, "Little Gu, we're about to set sail. Let's sit quietly and wait."0

Gu Nanyan's uneasiness grew stronger, but she didn't understand much about the entertainment industry, especially things like variety shows and reality TV. For her, it was a completely new field.0

Seeing that everyone else seemed unconcerned, as if it were all normal, Gu Nanyan thought she might be overthinking things. She nodded and sat back down in her chair, only saying, "The production team has changed. I'm worried there might be some unexpected developments."0

"You think you know everything. Just mind your own business!" Song Ze's tone was impatient.0

Gu Nanyan looked up, casting a cool glance at Song Ze. Her gaze showed no fluctuation, yet it made Song Ze's heart skip a beat.0

It was as if he were nothing but a clown to her.0

Song Ze gritted his teeth in anger. When did this woman become so intimidating? He glared back fiercely, "What are you looking at?"0

Gu Nanyan spoke calmly, "I read a few novels recently and found that you're very similar to a certain type of character."0

"What type of character?" Song Ze inwardly sneered, thinking this Gu Nanyan was trying to flatter him by comparing him to a male lead.0

"Cannon fodder."0

Everyone: "..."0

Song Ze was about to explode with rage. He clenched his fists and shouted, "Gu Nanyan!"0

Gu Nanyan nodded, "Now you resemble it even more."0

Argh! Song Ze was driven mad with anger, his hair standing on end. If it weren't for Teacher Qi forcefully holding him back and reminding him about the cameras, he would have rushed forward to hit her.0

The netizens in the livestream were laughing hysterically.0

[You know what, you really can't deny it. Song Ze does look a lot like the cannon fodder in novels.]0

[Oblivious to the danger he's in, yet constantly picking fights and causing trouble. It's so accurate!]0


The livestream was filled with merriment.0

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