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Chapter 45

Gu Nanyan spoke casually, as if it were the simplest thing in the world.

Zhan Lingfeng listened with furrowed brows, suspecting that Gu Nanyan was trying to fool him. How could anyone so easily find someone else's weaknesses?

This was the art of understanding people, the technique of conquering hearts. In ancient times, it was even called the art of emperors.

It wasn't something an ordinary person could easily master. Gu Nanyan, a young girl in her early twenties who had just graduated, couldn't possibly have such insight and discernment.

Zhan Lingfeng felt that something was off about Gu Nanyan, but for some reason, he was unwilling to dwell on it, subconsciously ignoring the various peculiarities about her.

Gu Nanyan didn't pay attention to Zhan Lingfeng. After finishing her speech, she sat at the desk to practice calligraphy.

She used to practice calligraphy not because she liked it, but to temper her character.

But after being reborn here, far from the imperial court and state affairs, she actually came to enjoy calligraphy.

She liked the feeling of complete tranquility, the sensation of focused concentration.

She had been too exhausted before, her mind constantly thinking, rarely having free time. She had so many things to attend to - managing the court, caring for the common people, understanding the border regions, and even educating her younger brother. There wasn't a moment that truly belonged to her.

Now, she just wanted to do what she enjoyed.

Zhan Lingfeng had left at some point, but Gu Nanyan didn't mind. She focused intently on her calligraphy, each stroke meticulous and absorbing.

Her phone rang. It was her agent, Sister Li, an unfamiliar name.

Gu Nanyan thought for a moment before finding information about this person in her memories.

Sister Li was a somewhat famous agent in the industry, with many celebrities under her management. The original owner of this body was just an unremarkable presence among them. If it weren't for her lucky marriage into the Zhan Family, Sister Li might not have even remembered her.

After Gu Nanyan's arrival in this world, Zhan Yiran had suggested that she leave the entertainment industry, with the Zhan Family intervening to terminate her contract.

At that time, Gu Nanyan didn't understand the current entertainment industry. As a princess, she had her pride and couldn't bring herself to please others.

Later, through recording music and interacting with Zhan Yiran and Ji Ying, Gu Nanyan gradually came to understand the entertainment world. She realized that it was different from Great Qi - here, being an actor or singer was just an identity, a job, without distinctions of high or low status.

As Gu Nanyan slowly integrated into this world, her way of thinking also began to change.

To be honest, she preferred this world where everyone was equal. No one was born noble; everyone lived by their own abilities.

She picked up the phone and answered.

Sister Li's voice immediately came through like a machine gun: "I've got you a spot on a variety show. It's a big production called 'Extreme Running.' Get ready, filming starts in a couple of days."

A variety show?

Gu Nanyan thought for a moment before agreeing. This body was identical to her form in Great Qi, and participating in a variety show would allow more people to see her.

If her younger brother had also arrived in this world, it would make it easier for him to find her.

Sister Li was impatient and energetic. Seeing that Gu Nanyan agreed, she immediately said, "In a while, I'll have my assistant bring over the contract. Sign it as soon as possible. I'll also send you information about the show. Take a look and try to stay on for as many episodes as you can.

'Extreme Running' is a big production, a competitive variety show. Two people form a team, with five teams of guests competing. Two teams are eliminated each episode.

Originally, with your status, you wouldn't have been able to get such a big resource. But you're lucky, having married into the Zhan Family. Now you're all over the internet, with high popularity.

Three days from now, the production team wants to film a preview, showing you packing at the Zhan Family home before departing. You'd better communicate with the Zhan Family in advance. The Zhan Family Courtyard has always been mysterious, not allowing outsiders in, let alone being exposed to the public. They might not allow the production team to come in and film.

So, think of a way around it. Find another place to live and say it's your marital home with Zhan Lingfeng. Decorate it in advance and figure out how to get by with it."

Sister Li was very professional. After explaining everything, she couldn't help but add a piece of advice, "Gu Nanyan, this is your chance. You must seize it. I know you've married into a wealthy family now, but the waters of high society are deep, and with your bad reputation, it's hard to say how long you'll last. Take advantage of this opportunity to gain as much benefit as you can. Don't mess this up for me!"

After hanging up, Sister Li called her young assistant Feng Chengxi and gave detailed instructions.

Sister Li was too busy with multiple celebrities under her management, not just Gu Nanyan. She didn't have time to personally oversee everything, so she entrusted her assistant.

"Chengxi, remember two things. First, make sure Gu Nanyan signs the contract. Second, help Gu Nanyan set up the marital home. The production team is coming to film the preview in three days, so you must be fully prepared and have the marital home decorated. Don't let the netizens spot any inconsistencies.

Nowadays, netizens have incredibly sharp eyes and can spot even the tiniest clues.

If it were post-production editing, it would be fine as we could remove any discrepancies. But this show is in a live broadcast format. It will be streamed live online first, then based on viewer votes, the most popular parts will be edited into a 90-minute program for TV broadcast."

Feng Chengxi nodded, "Don't worry, Sister Li. I'll arrange everything in advance."

"Go on then." Sister Li trusted Feng Chengxi, but she was worried about Gu Nanyan.

That girl was too eager for quick success. She hadn't even learned to walk properly before trying to run.

She had very good conditions - good looks, good voice, and she was smart. Sister Li had plans for her, intending to start with small roles and gradually build a foundation.

Unexpectedly, the girl was headstrong and impatient. She couldn't wait at all and kept trying to create rumors with top celebrities, manufacturing gossip.

She didn't care about her reputation at all; she just wanted to be famous.

This approach was purely suicidal.

Sister Li had almost given up on her, but surprisingly, her luck turned, and she managed to marry into the Zhan Family.

That was the Zhan Family! The top-tier wealthy family. Zhan Lingfeng was the most eligible bachelor, the dream man of countless young women.

The 'Extreme Running' production team saw this opportunity. Now, netizens were all curious, wanting to know what Gu Nanyan's life was like in this wealthy family.

For this type of competitive elimination show, guests change frequently, and they usually don't film previews. The reason the production team wanted to film this preview was because of the Zhan Family.

The public was very curious about the Zhan Family, wanting to know what a top-tier wealthy family was like.

So, there couldn't be any mistakes on Gu Nanyan's end.

Feng Chengxi took a taxi to the Zhan Family Courtyard with the contract. She hadn't thought much about it before arriving, but when she got to the entrance, she realized just how massive it was.

My God, it's huge, like a scenic area.

From a distance, she could see mountains, a lake, and even a forest. How big was this place?

Feng Chengxi was amazed.

There were even guards stationed at the entrance. Feng Chengxi was a bit hesitant to approach, wondering if she should call Gu Nanyan.

The guard saw Feng Chengxi first and jogged over: "Are you Miss Feng? Our madam has instructed us. When you arrive, you can come in directly."

"Please, get in the car first," the guard said.

Feng Chengxi was stunned: "We need to take a car?"

The guard smiled and said, "This is just the main gate. The villa area is still far away."

Feng Chengxi maintained her composure outwardly, but inwardly she was utterly astonished.

This was truly extravagant!

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