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Chapter 43

As the two walked together towards the study, Zhan Lingfeng could catch glimpses of Gu Nanyan beside him with just a slight turn of his head.

She walked with grace, exuding a calm and composed aura. Her entire being seemed to radiate light, irresistibly drawing one's gaze.

Zhan Lingfeng was typically a very cool-headed person, even somewhat cold at his core. Yet in Gu Nanyan's presence, he found himself losing composure repeatedly. Even now, he was acutely aware that he shouldn't be staring at her so intently.

But he simply couldn't help himself.

Upon reaching the study, Zhan Lingfeng spoke first: "What style of calligraphy do you usually practice?"

He wanted to regain control of the situation.

It was instinctive for a male to showcase his talents before a female.

"Regular script," Gu Nanyan replied.

She favored regular script because it was "square in form, straight in strokes, and could serve as a model." She needed to constantly remind herself not to let personal desires overshadow the welfare of the nation and its people. She wanted to be a role model for Great Qi.

Zhan Lingfeng, however, misunderstood. He assumed Gu Nanyan was just beginning to learn calligraphy, as most beginners start with regular script.

For an advanced practitioner like Zhan Lingfeng, regular script was child's play, something he could dash off effortlessly.

He walked straight to the desk, took a sheet of white paper, and wrote out the Yueyang Tower Record from memory.

He intended to give this piece to Gu Nanyan as a model for her to copy.

The thought of Gu Nanyan copying his handwriting, her style becoming similar to his, stirred an inexplicable excitement in Zhan Lingfeng's heart.

Taking a deep breath to calm himself, Zhan Lingfeng was about to hand the calligraphy model to Gu Nanyan when a doubt suddenly arose in his mind.

Something wasn't right. He had reviewed Gu Nanyan's profile before. This woman was described as impatient for success and clumsy in her methods, not the type to have the patience for calligraphy practice.

Moreover, her profile hadn't mentioned any skill in calligraphy.

If so, why did she say she liked calligraphy?


Zhan Lingfeng's heart suddenly began to race as he considered a possibility—

Could Gu Nanyan be trying to please him? Did she say she liked calligraphy simply because he enjoyed it?

With this thought, Zhan Lingfeng abruptly turned to look directly at her. "Why do you like calligraphy?"

Gu Nanyan had been examining Zhan Lingfeng's writing. Hmm, not bad technique, but lacking some strength and character, she thought, about to offer some pointers when she heard Zhan Lingfeng's question.

Why does one like something? Does there need to be a reason?

She raised her eyes, giving Zhan Lingfeng a cursory glance. Her calm gaze seemed to penetrate his very soul.

With just that one look, Gu Nanyan discerned the eagerness and anticipation hidden in the depths of Zhan Lingfeng's eyes.

What was he so anxious about? What was he anticipating?

If it were anyone else, Gu Nanyan wouldn't have bothered to care. She typically had no interest in what others were thinking.

But Zhan Lingfeng was different. He was her consort, her man.

And of course, one should indulge one's own man a little.

Gu Nanyan lowered her gaze slightly, her voice softening: "What do you think?"

Zhan Lingfeng's heart raced as he reflexively answered, "You like calligraphy because I like calligraphy."

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Her man was a bit narcissistic, wasn't he?

Though a bit narcissistic, he still deserved to be pampered.

Gu Nanyan nodded, "Just as you say."

Upon receiving this affirmation, it was as if fireworks exploded in Zhan Lingfeng's eyes. A joy he had never experienced before instantly swept through his entire being, his heart feeling as if it might leap out of his chest.

At this moment, he forgot everything else, his eyes seeing only Gu Nanyan.

This feeling was so unfamiliar, yet so intense, like a tidal wave.

Zhan Lingfeng couldn't quite identify what this feeling was, and just as he was about to analyze it more closely, Zhan's Mother's arrival interrupted everything.

Zhan's Mother came in, leading little Rui Rui by the hand.

As soon as Rui Rui saw Gu Nanyan, he rushed over, his small hand grasping hers as he looked up at her, blinking his eyes.

"Did Rui Rui miss his aunt?" Gu Nanyan gently tapped the little one's forehead.

Rui Rui's face remained expressionless, but his blinking eyes conveyed his joy.

Zhan's Mother approached, smiling, "Rui Rui has been insisting on going out. Nothing could stop him. He was determined to come find you."

Walking to the desk, she noticed the Yueyang Tower Record and exclaimed, "Who wrote this? It's so poor!"

She then pulled out a piece of Gu Nanyan's calligraphy from nearby and placed it next to the Yueyang Tower Record. The difference was immediately apparent.

Zhan Lingfeng looked at Gu Nanyan in disbelief, stuttering, "This... is your writing?"

Before Gu Nanyan could respond, Zhan's Mother interjected, "If not Nanyan, who else? Nanyan's writing is beautiful. Nanyan, could you give me a few pieces of your calligraphy? I'd like to take them back as models."

"Certainly," Gu Nanyan nodded.

With Gu Nanyan's approval, Zhan's Mother selected a few pieces.

Zhan Lingfeng stood nearby, examining each one. The characters were grand yet restrained, orderly yet flowing, far superior to his own writing.

His Yueyang Tower Record, lying to the side, now looked like a schoolchild's scribbles in comparison.

Zhan Lingfeng's ears reddened as he recalled boasting earlier and offering to provide a model for Gu Nanyan. He was so embarrassed he wished he could disappear into thin air.

He reached out to grab his own piece, intending to discard it.

But Gu Nanyan was quicker, taking it first.

She carefully put it away, then earnestly said to Zhan's Mother, "Mother, I really like this piece. It's not poor at all."

Zhan Lingfeng's ears grew even redder.

Zhan's Mother, wise with age, glanced between Zhan Lingfeng and Gu Nanyan, immediately grasping the situation.

She burst into laughter, "Right, not poor at all, not poor at all."

"Come on," Zhan's Mother bent to pick up little Rui Rui, "Shall grandmother take you back to practice writing?"

Little Rui Rui didn't want to leave, but Gu Nanyan soothingly patted his head.

At this, Rui Rui obediently left with Zhan's Mother.

Only the two of them remained in the room.

Having embarrassed himself twice in front of Gu Nanyan, Zhan Lingfeng was too abashed to speak. After a long while, having composed himself, he finally said, "Your calligraphy is so good. Why didn't you say so earlier?"

"You never asked," she replied.

Zhan Lingfeng: "... Then, why did you say you like calligraphy because of me?"

Instead of answering, Gu Nanyan posed a question of her own: "Did it make you happy when I said that?"

Zhan Lingfeng coughed lightly, somewhat embarrassed, but answered truthfully, "Yes, it did."

Gu Nanyan nodded, "I wanted you to be happy."

Zhan Lingfeng: "..."

At this, he flushed red all the way down his neck, the color spreading beneath his shirt collar and turning his entire body a vibrant shade of crimson.

This woman was truly... truly...

Zhan Lingfeng couldn't find an appropriate word to describe her. He had never encountered anyone quite like Gu Nanyan before.

This formidable titan of the business world found himself at a loss for the first time, unable to even string a sentence together.

Gu Nanyan didn't approach Zhan Lingfeng, nor did she speak. Instead, she walked to the desk, picked up a pen, and rewrote the Yueyang Tower Record.

Then, tilting her head towards Zhan Lingfeng, she asked, "Would you like to copy my handwriting?"

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