Host, Please Be Honest! What Exactly Are You?

Chapter 556 The End Is Near

Chapter 556  The End Is Near

Devil… Devil… "Let us out! Let us out!" Fleeing in different directions, all five slammed into the invisible wall trapping them in as hard as they could. If they spotted Dorian close to them, they would flee the opposite direction with their already badly injured bodies. Exorcize!

AHHHHHHH!!!! The woman in blue was the first to get strung up by the chains, screaming, waking and promising all sorts of riches for a chance of survival. And as she stretched her unnaturally broken neck side to side to beg for her life, the others tried their hardest to break free from the space with tear filled eyes. Please, please, just let them go already. Like trapped animals waiting to be slaughtered, their eyes danced around unfocused and maniacally, and their overall movements seemed unhinged and frightened. Who can save them? Who can save them now? They used to think that only humans could see their entire life flash before their eyes when death is near. But only now do they know that they could get life flashbacks too. Ahhhh!!! The blue woman vanished in the blink of an eye, and Dorian then turned around with a big unnatural grin on his lips. "Who's next?" [Monsters]: (:>>∆<<:)

…. Exorcize! Exorcize! Exorcize! Exorcize! One by one, they all found themselves captured by the golden chains that dropped from the heavens. Some even tried digging their claws into the ground to prevent themselves from floating high. Some also tried jumping like foxes to dodge the chains. But no matter where they went, the chains predicted their actions and cleanly hooked them up. "Mortal… human… Do you know who I am? Do you know the repercussions for your actions? You can kill the others, but you dare not exorcize me… No, no, no, no, no— Ahhhhhh!" The last of them was gone before Dorian propped a pill only in his mouth and also sat cross-legged. Dealing with these monsters,although he made it look easy, did take a toll on his overall strength. 'The formation…' Looking at the massive formation that was created by Beezelbub himself, Dorian had to admit that he wasn't strong enough to extinguish it yet. What's more, should he touch it, Beezelbub would sense it was tampered with, wherever he was. Looking at it, Dorian knew it was probably one of the highest grade formations set in this world. Dorian could destroy the other gateways connecting the underworld to this world because those didn't use one particular factor – the blood of a superior demon. The stronger the underworld creatures, the stronger the formation laid out for them. And Beezelbub, who was among the top 7 strongest creatures in the entire underworld, used his own blood to create this portal formation in the space. Just opening his 3rd eye and looking at the formation almost made him, Dorian, fall from dizziness. The amount of raw evil Qi emitting out was like a purple smoky mask that engulfed the entire place. Just like Dorian, the disciples didn't dare to look at the direction of the formation at all for fear of falling and passing out. Looking at it, would animate the famous ONE PIECE scene of shanks getting on Whiteboard's shipping and making people pass out with every step he takes. .

'Not yet…' After what seems like an eternity for those watching, Dorian finally opened his eyes, slowly rising to his feet and dispelling the trapped space he created earlier. At this moment, all disciples had also finished up their battle, eradicating all evil forces scattered about. Old Gia had also regained his strength too. Well, the only elephant in the room was the Beezelbub's formation hidden underneath countless prices of treasures… even the flesh-eating Beetles were clumped together and destroyed by the disciples. Raising both hands high, Dorian closed his eyes in deep concentration. And soon, everyone saw the many sparking and shiny prices of treasures turn into old rotting bone pieces, with some even turning into what looked like human and animal ears and other body parts. But what's this? Some partially melted like a candle, leaving a half price now colored purple. HD on, why did it now look like purple clay fled with disgusting insects and maggots? Uahhh! Those who still had greedy thoughts were so shocked they had to stand up and smack themselves in the face hard, especially when listening to the faint words of the disciples stationed to protect them. "Cursed objects… Everything here has been meticulously planned to only being grief and curses for those who take them out." "Some will drain your lifespan, others will make you mad, and some will make you act more radical than you'd normally act." In short, anyone who takes or possesses any treasure here will not have a happy ending. This revelation only made many, especially Bohania feel lost. Then, then… if nothing here is actually treasure worth taking out, why did he have to risk his life to join this exploration team? Where is the wealth? Where is the promised fame? (:TT∆TT:)

Bohania, a grown man, suddenly felt like crying.

He clutched his heart, feeling he was almost getting to the point of cardiac arrest. No! No! It's not supposed to be like this. So after everything he has been through, it was still all for nothing? This was like reading hard to write an exam, only to be told the scores for the exam doesn't count to your final grade. Then what was I studying day and night for? .


Bohania spat a mouth load of blood from shock. Obediah and many others sneered and looked his way with contempt. When they were all fighting for their lives, you never spat any blood out from shock. When human lives were lost, you still didn't care a lot. But only now after knowing the treasurer's weren't actually treasures, do you spit out blood and fall in shock and you expect them to take pity on you? Heh. The traveling medics, although disgusted by Bohania, still rushed in to assist him. In the meantime, everyone watched with interest, as Doiran shifted all objects in a particular spot. There, laid Beezelbub's gigantic formation. Only when looking at it with the 3rd eye does one feel like passing out. To ordinary humans, they only feel it was evil, as all their spidey senses tingled when staring at it. Obediah frowned, realizing the strange circle made him feel the urge to point his weapon at it. "Grandmaster, what is this circle lined with blood?"

Yeah, what exactly was it? Everyone's ears were perked to the skies with intensive gazes looking Dorian's way. n/ô/vel/b//jn dot c//om

"A doorway," Dorian responded calmly. "A doorway for more creatures to get in." Get in?

Everyone's eyes widened in horror.

The doesn't this mean the end of the world?



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