Hollywood What If

Chapter 107

Chapter 107

Just as Kazir thought, Disney was going to celebrate Ransom, which ended its run today. The last screening of Ransom ended in Japan and it was officially released out of the cinema worldwide.

The film grossed $309.5 million worldwide. It was clearly a successful movie. To make that kind of money was a miracle for movies in this era. Only abominations like Jurassic Park and Titanic could make a billion dollars at the box office.

Ransom was about a multi-millionaire, Tom Mullen, whose son was kidnapped. After initially agreeing to pay the ransom, Mullen decides to use the money as a bounty. (IMDb)

The film was well received in North America and internationally. With $136.49 million in North America and $173 million internationally, the movie was one of the top 10 highest-grossing films of 1996.

The production budget of the movie was $70 million with an estimated $20 million investment in advertising in North America. Definitely not bad results. After that, Walt Disney began distributing and selling videotapes of Ransom.

"Did you take my advice?"

"I didn't go to any of their parties. I'm not the kind of guy who likes to go to parties. I like to stay in my office and spend the rest of the day there."

"Hm, that's good to hear."

Mel Gibson nodded. He patted Kazir on the shoulder and walked away. His face was red from drinking. Mel Gibson and Kazir Grey talked a little. Their relationship was not that of friends. They were more like acquaintances.

Still, Kazir respected Mel's advice to stay away from Jeffrey Epstein. As a man from the future, Kazir understood that nothing good would happen if he went to Jeffrey Epstein's famous island.

Mel Gibson was the star of this party because he was the protagonist of Ransom. However, because of Mel's behavior when he was drunk, it was hard to talk to him.

In fact, everyone looked at Kazir with surprise after Mel Gibson left. Mel was known to be an alcoholic and it was easy for him to get angry when he was drunk. But Kazir and Mel had a peaceful conversation.

They even talked about their projects, since they were both directors.

To Mel Gibson, Kazir was a newcomer to the industry, untainted by the sins of Hollywood. As much as possible, he felt bad to see Kazir go down the dark path. Although it was ironic for Mel Gibson to think about it, he knew damn well that he was no saint.

'... It's really embarrassing when there's no one to protect me from the fierce gazes of women.'

Kazir sighed inwardly. Normally, Reese Witherspoon would be at the party with him.

Unfortunately, she was on a promotional tour with the cast of Napoleon Dynamite. They had just finished promoting their film in North America and were flying to Europe.

One of the tedious jobs of being part of the cast was signing a contract that they should join the promotional tour.

In fact, even a director like Kazir had to participate in such things. He had to attend TV shows in many countries just to increase ticket sales, even if it was one percent.

'Well, one percent of $100 million is $1 million, so I think it's a job that should be done.'

But the cast of Napoleon Dynamite was not that famous. Maybe Ed Helms and Pedro Pascal had a little bit of clout because of The Hangover, but they didn't have a loyal fan base to support them.

Fans were built slowly until their presence was enough to increase box office. Tom Cruise had so many fans all over the world that movie companies were willing to sign a losing contract just to hire him.

Anyway, Kazir was having trouble because so many women were trying to flirt with him. He kept his cool and smiled. He even saw some actresses blush at his attractive smile.

In fact, Jennifer Lopez, Angelina Jolie and many upcoming big actresses gave him their numbers. These actresses were not so famous yet and they were looking for an easy job.

Unlike most directors who had fat bellies, short stature, and eye bags, Kazir Grey oozed masculine vibes. The kind of person who qualified to be called a Chad/Alpha.

Well, some people cringed at the word Alpha. But there was a reason it was invented. To describe someone like Kazir Grey.

A quality man who had a successful career and was good looking.

Unfortunately for these girls, someone like Kazir was very hard to budge. He would not flinch even if a sexy woman stood in front of him with a lustful look... That might be a lie, but it was still true that Kazir was hard to seduce. He was almost immune to temptation.

For his status, it was a miracle that he could withstand the ravishing looks of the beautiful women around him. If not for his relationship with Reese Witherspoon, they might have thought Kazir was gay. Many men in this industry became gay for many reasons.

It seemed that Kazir Grey was just a simple man who was very loyal... That was what made him so interesting. Seducing a man like him could give them the satisfaction of proving their worth.

Forcing a loyal man to cheat might be the best way to assert dominance.

Still, Kazir didn't focus on the vixens trying to snatch him. His eyes were on a certain fat man.

While the party was going on, Harvey Weinstein was communicating with the higher-ups at Disney. The people who sided with the Disney family.

Harvey felt someone looking at him and turned around. He found Kazir Grey standing in the corner, surrounded by women.


Harvey Weinstein clenched his teeth for some reason.

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