Holding Onto My Man

Chapter 29.2

Chapter 29.2

Edited by Rush

Each word and every sentence carried an undertone that expressed, “Master, this does not involve this servant, this servant has always been guarding outside the door, and does not know anything!”

As he listened to Fu Gui’s claims, Master Fu’s expression became increasingly ugly. Seeing this, Second Young Master Fu’s mother’s crying became increasingly happy. Gu Bai followed this trend, and in his heart he laughed increasingly evilly. He already long knew that this dog-like servant would pull a fast one, but luckily this grandfather already made preparations.

He waited until the Master slammed his hand on the table and bellowed, “How dare you disgrace have the impertinence to set up and harm my son!”

Gu Bai sucked in a breath of air and forced his face to become a few shades paler. He blinked, looking as though he wanted to cry, and only then did he start to explain in an ashamed voice.

“Master, how could Yunxi dare to disrespect the Second Young Master? In any case, Yunxi bears the scholarly honor of one who has passed the imperial exam. If you only rely on the account of one lowly servant to determine that this incident is Yunxi’s fault, is it not too arbitrary? The Kingdom of Chu has a law wherein only an official can determine whether a scholar has committed a crime or not. If you condemn me here, will you not still have to go through an authority? Master, please also listen to my explanation...”

When he heard these words, Master Fu paused. What Gu Bai said made sense. The Kingdom of Chu really did have such a law.

Usually, Gu Bai was stayed indoors and didn’t speak much, adding onto his appearance of being easy to bully. Only after he reminded them did everyone remember he was a scholar. In the Kingdom of Chu, even if a scholar was guilty, they still had to deliver them to an official to make the decision. He was not allowed to be punished in private.

The scandal of her son’s chrysanthemum bursting tonight, how could they just deliver it to an official and make this public? Master Fu used a great amount of effort in order to smother the rage in his heart. He glared tensely at Gu Bai as he spoke.

“Then you tell us, what the hell happened today? You and Tianci drank wine together, why did you go missing midway, and why did Tianci suddenly run over to another private room!”

Seeing that Master Fu was suppressing his anger, Gu Bai’s heart was determined.

It seems that his thoughts were correct. The original host really had encountered this kind of misery. He was forever unable to shed the origins of his birth. After all this was the ancient times, where identity and status were very important, and the difference in treatment of each social class very distinct.

Thinking of this, Gu Bai looked up and spoke.

“Today Second Young Master did invite Yunxi to go to Li Huayuan to drink wine and make friends. Yunxi did not dare to disobey. But when we reached the private room, the Second Young Master tried to force Yunxi to drink wine. He was fully aware that once Yunxi drank wine, Yunxi would get a red rash, one that won’t disappear or reduce if not given one or two months. But he still forced me to drink. Yunxi was afraid that this would affect this time’s preliminary imperial examination, so Yunxi could only endure disgrace and pour wine for the Second Young Master and wait on the young masters to apologize. But who knew that, who knew...”

Having said that much, Gu Bai deliberately paused, and on his face it looked like he was trying to repress the crimson blush rising on his face with great effort. His face had an expression called ‘so ashamed he wished to die’, which led to Master Fu to be even more anxious and angry.

“Who knew what? You, quickly speak!”

Afterward should be the crucial point as to why his son’s chrysanthemum was burst. This brat hemming and hawing was really making people angry to death!

“Who knew that after the Second Young Master finished drinking, he would actually go so far as to want to pull Yunxi to go do that kind of vile, filthy thing (sodomy)! Yunxi was afraid, and at once he jumped down from the window...”

“Then why didn’t you call someone! How did my son run to someone else’s private room? Fu Gui was clearly outside guarding the door the whole time...wuwu...”

The third concubine cried and interjected. She was aware of her son’s morality and conduct. This Du Yunxi’s body had grown into having a seductive appearance comparable to his mother’s. For her son, who didn’t abstain from men or women, acting like this was not unexpected.

But if Fu Tianci really managed to do it with Gu Bai, then that was fine, but now it was her own son that suffered this calamity! Once she thought about and pictured some of those horrible scenes, she was so angry she would cry.

“Call people? There were so many people in the tea house at that time. If Yunxi called out and this kind of thing was spread around, then wouldn’t the Fu Family become a joke in this county? Besides, when Yunxi jumped from the window, Yunxi broke his leg. He lay there and called for help for half a day, and yet no one came to help him...”

Gu Bai was ashamed and sullen,pointing to his self-inflicted and deliberate dislocation of the bones in his leg. After a short pause, he continued to speak.

“Third Madam, if the Second Young Master had such preposterous inclinations, would Yunxi dare stay in the room and call for people? As for the matter of the Second Young Master going into other people’s private rooms, how would Yunxi know about this?”

“Whether Fu Gui was truly outside guarding the door the entire time, who would know? Yunxi fell from the building and needed help, and yet didn’t see him. He also invited so many people to come and be noisy together while searching. If today’s matter is spread around, not only will the Second Young Master be unable to behave with integrity, Yunxi won’t have the face to participate in the preliminary exams...”

After he finished speaking, Gu Bai gave a meaningful glance to the Du Haitang standing next to him. Du Haitang immediately understood, chiming in to support him.

“Exactly, my Lord. Look, my family’s Yunxi’s legs have been broken, what should he do? No matter what is said, my family’s Yunxi is still a scholar. He’s a popular candidate to be the top scorer in this time’s preliminary examination. If this kind of thing spreads, how would he have the face to continue to behave with integrity? How could the Second Young Master have such preposterous thoughts? Also, my family’s Yunxi broke his leg and called for a long time, yet Fu Gui did not come to help him, what if this has crippled him, wuwu...”

As Du Haitang spoke, she also leaned forward onto Master Fu’s body. Being born into prostitution, she knew how to grasp a man. Although she had not given birth to any sons in recent years, and she was older now, she still remained as charming as before. At this moment, her weeping was like raindrops on pear blossoms. For a period of time, it actually made Master Fu speechless, his face betraying his softening heart.

Seeing this, the third concubine on the side became angrier, and could not help but point at Gu Bai and howl.

“Master, Tianci is a clever and cute child. Today’s matter must have been because he was seduced by this fox’s charm! Look, he grew to look like this despite being a man, is he not naturally just a seductress!”

Hearing the Third Concubine’s words, everyone subconsciously turned their eyes to land on Gu Bai’s confused face, and even Master Fu stared at his stunning visage.

Just now, because they were all focused on being angry and also the dim light of dusk, they did not carefully look at Gu Bai’s face. At this moment the youth’s starry eyes and exquisite nose, red lips and white teeth, cheeks red with a flush of shame, really displayed a gorgeous and unparalleled beauty!

For a period of time, the whole room completely quieted. It was only when a man’s voice sounded at the door that everyone’s spirits slowly returned.

“What happened?”

The voice was like the wind, clear and melodious as it floated in. The person who was coming was definitely an exceptional nobleman.

Gu Bai’s body trembled a little, then he felt the stirred up emotions of the original host bursting forth. without even thinking, he suddenly stood up and indignantly said, “You are all dishonoring me, what face do I have to see anyone?”

After saying that, he dragged his inconvenient leg behind him, turning his body. He seemed to be moving towards a pillar to knock his head against in an attempt to commit suicide. In actuality, he calculated the angle he moved in would directly cause him to bump into the person who just arrived.

When the two of them collided, he gently raised his head, revealing eyes moistened by tears.

Azure colored pupils, reflecting the undulating shine of water. The clear phoenix eyes were like resplendent sunlight throwing itself into the billows of a shining lake, and their beauty was breathtaking.


Fu Junli supported the boy in front of him, and something flashed in his eyes. His mouth slightly moved, and he whispered a name.

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