His Dearest Wife

Chapter 714

Chapter 714

"My cell phone is running out of power and I'm going to turn it off, Feng Li..." The phone's black screen is not finished.

"Ah Ji Youran uttered a cry of despair.

In the conference hall of a building in the center of the city, the man walked out of the meeting and strode toward the elevator.

When he dials Ji Youran's phone again, it has been turned off.

"Damn it." Feng Li low curse a, immediately dial Weining's phone, as soon as connected immediately ordered a voice, "I want you to check the season leisurely noon travel car, I want to know her specific get off the location, immediately, immediately."

Weining is the person who follows him. He arrives at the Security Management Office of the hotel for the first time and starts to check Ji Youran's vehicles. At 11 o'clock, he gets on a silver gray car and leaves.

Next, Weining informed the police that it took only 10 minutes to follow the car's route. The silver gray road to get off was a seaside town 30 kilometers away from the city.

And after receiving this news, the sealed car has already gone ahead.

Weining then asked the police to monitor the road section of the restaurant next to the town. One hour after Ji Youran's meal, Ji Youran got on a black business car. The direction of the car was the Bay Wharf, not the way back to the city.

In the forest, Ji Youran curls up in despair. When the last ray of light disappears from the skyline, the whole forest is like a hell scene shrouded in the dark. It's dark, and you can't see your fingers. But in the silence, there are all kinds of strange sounds from time to time.

Ji Youran's nerves stretch to the limit. She feels desperate and afraid. In order to overcome this fear, she has to cover her face and cry.

Through the surveillance shooting along the road by the police, we finally found the video of Ji Youran running into the forest, which is also the last clue, because Ji Youran can no longer be found in the forest.

The six bodyguards led by Feng Li quickly step out of the car with him and look at the dark forest in front of him. Feng Li's heart has never been so anxious.

The little woman was afraid of lightning and thunder, not to mention being in the dark forest like death hell.

"Look for her separately now. You must find her for me." Feng Li orders the bodyguards around him deeply. He takes the flashlight from the bodyguards and strides into the woods for the first time.

"Ji Youran..." Feng Li calls out Ji Youran's name. He is always elegant and noble. He strides forward in spite of the thick jungle in front of him and the sound at his feet.

The bodyguards are searching separately, calling out Ji Youran's name, forming a solid search and rescue team, not letting go of any corner.

After searching for about 10 minutes, they have crossed the kilometer distance, but there is no sign of Ji leisurely.

Because in the afternoon, Ji Youran ran ran out of the woods two kilometers away in order to escape.

Search and rescue team along the road investigation, Feng Li in the most central position, when feel more and more dense jungle, his heart is also more tight, this little woman difficult to encounter an accident?

No, she can't leave the world before he repays his kindness.

"Ji Youran, where are you? You answer me He opened his throat and roared.

Now, who cares about that damned grace and demeanor?

He just wanted to find the little woman as soon as possible.

Ji Youran cry hoarse, finally, into a burst of whimpering, people also have no strength, when she can't cry, all around is quiet.

At this time, she vaguely heard someone call her name, is it an illusion?

Or is it auditory hallucination?

Ji Youran once thought that Feng Li would come to save her, but he couldn't find her at all. This is her most desperate.

"Ji Youran..." A gradually approaching sound came to her ears with the wind.

Ji Youran looked up in her weakness. When she saw a trace of light reflected in the thick shadow of the tree, she saw the light flickering suddenly, and then someone was walking.

"Ji leisurely." Another voice called.

Ji Youran affirmed this time. She stood up, waved her hand and responded loudly, "I'm here I'm here... "

Her throat was hoarse and her voice was not far away. She forced her body to approach the light. At this time, a voice came closer, "Ji leisurely! Where are you? "

"Feng Li..." Ji Youran was very surprised. It was Feng Li's voice. He really came.

Ji Youran finally opened his throat and responded, "I'm here Feng Li I'm here. "

In the silent forest, Feng Li heard the woman's weak voice, and he ran to that side quickly.

Sure enough, she was scared to death when she saw Ji Youran shrinking in the grass.

"Feng Li, is that you?" She asked in horror.

"It's me!" The man quickly walked over and hugged her in his arms: "don't be afraid, I'll take you out!"Ji Youran's heart is completely settled. When she hears a man's familiar voice, she trustfully hooks his neck and buries her face in his chest.

"Feng Li, why did you come to save me? I thought you didn't care about me anymore! " Ji Youran is surprised and uneasy.

"I don't know!" The man's voice was tense and he walked out.

Ji Youran's expression darkened in an instant.

"Do you know who's hurting you?" The voice of Feng Li rang again.

"Except for my uncle, I can't think of anyone to hurt me." Ji Youran smiles bitterly.

Feng Li snorted coldly: "if I avenge you, how do you plan to thank me?"

"Avenge me?" Ji Youran was shocked.

"Yes The man's voice is firm and powerful.

"Why help me?"

"Because I want you to thank me!" There is a trace of evil spirit in a man's voice.

"How can I thank you?" Ji Youran only feels that there is a string in her heart pulled by him, and she can't help blushing and heartbeat.

The man suddenly stopped, put her down, Ji leisurely stupefied, the next second, she was his chin: "continue to love me, be my woman!"

"Ah..." I didn't expect that he would tell her at this time.

Ji Youran was frightened. She gasped and asked, "Feng Li, do you really want me to be your woman? Why? "

"I don't know, because I don't want to see your lost expression. Maybe, in my heart, I have feelings for you." There is a trace of uncertainty in the man's tone, but the weak woman in front of him, who needs his protection, touches his mood.

As if there was an illusion that he had really saved her many times.

He so cherishes the protection of the woman, so let her be killed by bad people, he will be distressed.

"Feng Li, you Have you recovered your memory? " Ji Youran is a little happy!

"No, but we'll start from now on, from the beginning!" Feng Li suddenly lowered his head, thin lips gently kiss on her soft lips: "Ji leisurely, I want you to be my woman!"

"I will, Feng Li, I will!" Ji Youran's heart, like the spring flowers, responds to him with excitement.

Looking at the enthusiasm of the little woman in his arms, Feng Li thin lips a hook, why he would be so happy, he himself is not clear.

All I know is that he's in love!

"What are you going to do with my uncle? He is a very cunning man

"Don't worry, he's not good enough in my eyes. I can make him bankrupt in one day!" Feng Li didn't pay attention to such a bad opponent.

Sure enough, Feng Li's words are true.

Ji's enterprise, in one day, was turbulent and directly acquired by mysterious people.

Ji Youran didn't expect that Feng Li was willing to be her boyfriend even if she didn't reply to her memory.

A lengthened car, parked in front of Ji's house.

With a long leg, the man stepped into Ji Youran's villa.

Everything here, for Feng Li, had a very familiar feeling. When he stepped into the living room, he came up with some fuzzy pictures.

The girl lolled on the sofa to eat snacks and asked jiao'er to serve tea, pour water and cut fruit

Feng Li's eyes were slightly dazed. These fragmentary pictures proved that he had a deep feeling for this woman.

"Feng Li..." Ji Youran ran down the stairs.

But at the moment when I went down the stairs, I almost fell down.

"Be careful!" Feng Li stepped forward quickly and put her in his arms.

That kind of familiar feeling protected by him makes Ji Youran's eyes hot. She reaches out her hand and hugs his healthy waist tightly: "Ji Han You are my cold season

Feng Li chuckled: "I only know that you are my woman. No matter what my name is, you will be protected by me in the future!" Ji Youran listened, the heart is very stable, she finally found her lifelong dependence.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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