His Dearest Wife

Chapter 643

Chapter 643

After agreeing to Leng Yaochen's proposal, Lin Xi decided to quit the entertainment industry.

All the itineraries, the endorsements, have been cancelled.

Her two assistants couldn't understand her arbitrary behavior.

Lin Xi, are you sure you want to give up all your efforts? The next few advertising orders, you have tens of millions of revenue. "

" that's right. It's a pity that you give up after working hard for such a long time. Are you under any threat? "

facing the incomprehension of the two assistants, Lin Xi just gave a smile.

Still persistent and firm answer: "I think very clearly, this time I am serious, I am very grateful for your help and care in recent months. "

the two assistants were surprised and completely stupid.

Lin Xi was very loyal and said to them, "before I quit, I will arrange a better job for you. I listen to Hu Yang recruit two assistants, and I will strongly recommend you two. "

" Hu Yang? He has such a big hand now, how can we be his assistant? Don't make us happy. "

" that's right, Lin Xi, we still want to follow you. Don't leave, OK? "

Lin Xi didn't want both of them.

They are all of the same age. Although their occupations are different, they can talk together.

"I'll try my best. I owe you. "Lin Xi replied with a gentle smile.

"But we can't bear you. Where are you going next? Right? Never see you again? "

" yes, yes, will you stay? "

Lin Xi's eyes were slightly red, and he replied in a soft voice," no, we will meet again in the future. "

when Lin Xi said goodbye to his assistant, a very hot news happened downstairs.

A man with a bottle in his hand stood outside the hall shouting.

"Lin Xi, you come out, I want to see you. You are Lao Tzu's woman, you come out for me. "

" Lin Xi, come down and meet me. I still love you. "

the man's mouth is full of crazy words, causing passers-by to watch.

There are paparazzi at the entrance of Chanyu gate, and Lin Xi is a hot person recently. When he suddenly sees a man playing with wine, he is crazy, and everyone is very excited.

Immediately a reporter ran to ask about the situation.

"Sir, do you know Lin Xi? What's your relationship? "

" she's my woman. We've known each other for ten years. I didn't expect that when I became famous, I would not recognize my poor boyfriend. She's a snobbish woman. "The man was obviously hit and scolded bitterly.

When the reporter heard what he said, his eyes were blue, and he immediately asked for more powerful news.

What kind of girl was Lin Xi before, and where did your relationship develop? It is said that she is the idol of pure jade girl. What do you think of this? "

the man sneered angrily:" what pure girl, do you know where she worked before? Clubhouses, entertainment clubs, women coming out of those places, do you think she's clean? Is it pure? "

all the onlookers were in spirits immediately. It seems that there is a very interesting and wonderful play today.

Far away, Lin Xi heard the man talking, a pretty face immediately, angry white.

She quickly rushed to the past, facing the man is a scold: "Liu Qingping, you don't talk nonsense here.". "

the man with an angry face just now changed his attitude immediately when he saw her.

"Xiao Xi, you are finally willing to see me. What I said just now is just to urge you to come out to see me. You haven't answered a phone call in recent months, and I can't find you. I have no other way to see you in this way. "

Liu Qingping's eyes immediately became affectionate, and he immediately apologized to Lin Xi for his words.

Lin Xi's face was cold and angry.

"Liu Qingping, are you finished? Have you had enough? "

Liu Qingping looked at the beautiful woman in front of him, and his eyes were shining.

The packaged Lindsey is really beautiful.

His temperament is more and more elegant and pure.

Is no longer a small place out of the kind of yellow girl, do not know how to decorate their natural beauty..

At the beginning, he brought her out of his hometown. Originally, he wanted to live with her as an ordinary couple.

Unfortunately, he fell in love with gambling and was forced to sign an agreement with the leader of the club.

Sold the forest mat to the club.

Lin Xi didn't know anything at that time. He only trusted his boyfriend and thought he had found her a job.

Until he entered the club, the people around him told her that her boyfriend forced her to sell her here.

That day she hid in the hut crying, was found by Leng Yaochen.That is, she knew that the man had sold her. When she was sad, she called the man to scold him and then broke up.

She never wanted to see this man again.

But I didn't expect that he was so cheeky that he dared to come to her.

Liu Qingping had the audacity to kneel down on the ground and slapped himself in the face. He apologized and said, "Xiao Xi, I'm such a jerk. Please forgive me, OK? I really only love you. "

" during the period when you left me, I've changed my mind. I've never gambled any more. I'm very painful and regretful. Let you leave me, Xiao Xi. Let's start again. "

the man's affectionate and remorseful expression attracted the attention of some people nearby.

Lin Xi trembled with anger. He didn't expect that there were such shameless and cheeky bastards in the world.

She wanted to have a good fight with him, but all around were reporters, colleagues and company staff.

Lin Xi didn't dare to quarrel with him. He was afraid to tell his unbearable past.

"Xiao Xi, please forgive me, OK? I really will change, I swear that I will be good to you in the future, no longer make you angry, OK? "

in this moment, men's vows are so ridiculous and hateful.

Lin Xi didn't want to look at him any more. He turned around and left.

Liu Qingping refused to let her go.

Finally, when he saw her, he naturally wanted to get some benefits from her.

So he jumped up and grabbed Lin Xi's hand.

Lin Xi, will you not forgive me this time? Do you have to be so heartless? "

Lin Xi didn't expect that this man's face was so ugly. He was angry and resentful, and he couldn't shake off his hand, so he said coldly and angrily," if you don't let me go, I'll call the police. "

Liu Qingping was very reluctant to give a cold snort:" call the police, OK, why don't you think about it again, I'll have something to do with it. "

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