His Contractual Mistress

Chapter 281 - Resigning

Chapter 281 - Resigning

Vincent's face shows much relaxation, while Bryan remains frowning. He senses his foul mood, but Vincent was too happy right now to worry about what upset the guy.

He had the idea that he was the reason Bryan looked irritated, but he didn't care at all. He owed nothing to him. It is what Vince thought.

"Mr. Anderson, I would be honest. Although I'm glad the divorce papers have been signed… However, I would not feel..."

"No need to thank me." Bryan cut whatever words Vincent liked to say. He went on, "Don't think I did it for you. I only care what made Hailee happy."

"I don't consider I am indebted to you, Mr. Anderson. And so, I will not be going to thank you," Vincent retorted. He then added, "My feelings aren't yet relaxed around you."

Bryan let out a ridiculous chuckle. Vincent is a straightforward man; he could see that.

"The feelings are mutual, Mr. Shen," he muttered.

The surrounding air suddenly becomes heavy. Tim and Pitt, who took the left turn, halted and watched the two men's back.

By looking at them from a distance, they could already tell that they were having a serious talk. Pitt and Tim retreated from their tracks, headed back to the elevator, then sat down in the waiting lounge near it.

They understood they should not interrupt their talk. It was what they had to do the most, as Hailee's two favorite people in the world.

May one is the past, and the other is the present. A pleasant talk to close the past and let the present open the door to future happiness.

Bryan and Vincent remain standing near the floor-ceiling windows. After a long silence, it was the former who broke the silence.

"I realized… I may give up pursuing Hailee to forgive me and accept me again to start over again. However, it does not mean I will stop caring for her, Mr. Shen."

His tone is low, but there is a firmness in his words, and he sounded threatening instead. Vincent squinted his eyes.

He scoffs, "You have nothing to worry about, Mr. Anderson. Like what I've already told you before. I would never do what you did to her. I cherished her, and I will love her until I stop breathing."

Bryan had stiffened his back and darkened his face. He casts a sidelong glance at Vincent as the guy keeps reminding him of how he betrayed Hailee before.

He would not deny what he'd done. But for Vincent, boldly mentioning this in front of him is pissing him off.

However, he should not lose his cool. That is not a good move if he suddenly punches Vincent Shen out of annoyance. If he does that, Hailee might hate him even more.

He wanted to regain their friendship, or at least as business partners working together to finish Dream City and launch it to the world… because he couldn't think to live peacefully that Hailee was still indifferent toward him.

Bryan heaves a long sigh inwardly. Thinking of what Vincent told him, he could only grit his teeth and clenched both of his hands at his sides. It felt ridiculous that Vincent would use the past to strike on him every time they talked like this.

"Mr. Shen, you don't need to put salt on my wounds," he retorted afterward.

Vincent cast a glare in his direction, then the corner of his mouth contorted a smirk. He returned, "You can stop asserting that I would hurt Hailee in the future. Breaking her heart? Then I am probably seeking my death."

To what Vincent had said, he finds no answer. He is right. Right now, it kills him to see that there is someone who can make Hailee happy.

Every day, he is dying inside that he is not that person who could make her smile. Her eyes don't twinkle the way they are when she sees him arriving.

That was the absolute truth. He is just simply the stranger guy now.

Bryan sighed. He had many things he wanted to say to Vincent. But now, it's unnecessary to express himself further.

He turned his head to look at him. Staring at Vincent, he could not suppress his jealousy that Hailee was determined to marry him. He understood. He has no right anymore as he wasted the chances he had before.

That day, he lied to Hailee about the reason he's going to Sydney. Unknowingly, Eva sent Hailee a text message, pretending it was him and he has a surprise for her.

She excitedly flew to Sydney, but then…

His heart shattered into pieces one more time, thinking about it.

Bryan heaves a long sigh. He is the one who breaks her heart, but he was the one who suffered from the pain every time he could recall that.

"Can I talk to her?"

Suddenly, Bryan asks Vincent's permission. He laughs at himself because, in the past, he was the man who other men feared as they cannot approach her.

But the cycle of fate had a change. Now, he's the last person who should stay near her, and he is the person who should not approach her.

It was a sort of joke.


Hailee was seated on the sofa uncomfortably. She's been restless on the soft cushion as she wondered what happened to Vincent and Bryan's conversation.

She prayed that both would have a peaceful talk. Somehow, she is familiar with both attitudes when it comes to her. Vincent and Bryan shared the same behavior.

They quickly get jealous.

Hailee quickly lifted her head when the door opened. She sighs with relief that their talk has ended right away. However, the smile on her face turned awkward.

"Bryan…" she looked at him, her gaze quickly shifted behind him. But she only sees Bryan walking toward her.

Her eyes expressed wonder why he's the one who was here, but Vincent didn't come back.

On the other hand, it hurts him to see that Hailee's smile quickly disappears when she sees it was him and not Vincent.

"Can I take a seat?" Bryan asked, gesturing at the empty sofa across from her.

Hailee glanced at the door one more time before she nodded. Bryan faintly smiled after he sat down. He could see how Hailee only relied on Vincent.

She has changed a lot. Bryan thought; his eyes remained to stare at her pinkish cheeks. She was too pale the last time he saw her, like a ghost after losing too much blood. Now, her glow is coming back.

"I'm happy to see that you are okay now," said Bryan, a faint smile appearing on his lips.

Hailee nodded and said, "I can go home tomorrow."

"I'm glad."

Hailee clasps her palm on top of her lap; she remains to stare at the coffee table. Facing Bryan like this, she could not conceal the sadness from flashing in her eyes.

If it were the same as in the past, she would coquettishly pester him with many things, which she had no idea that it was an intimate interaction between the opposite sex.

She was very na?ve not to understand what effects it had on a man.

"Do you want some coffee?" she asked afterward. She could not think of a topic to open up, which Bryan remained silent, staring at her. It made her uncomfortable.

"Sure. Thank you." Bryan nodded, then smiled.

She stood up from the sofa. While Vincent leaves to meet Bryan, she already brewed a coffee for him.

Hailee gets a mug and then pours the hot black liquid, then offers it to Bryan.

Sadness exhibits in his eyes while sipping on the mug. After Hailee learned how to make lattes, she was too excited to make him one. He was her taster if she mixed right.

Bryan constantly sipped the coffee until he drank half of the mug. He placed it down on the coffee table. He lifted his gaze and stared at Hailee for a long moment once again.

"Do you have something to say to me?" Hailee takes the initiative to open up a proper conversation.

Bryan breathed in before he smiled, then spoke…

"Hail… My mind still messed up," he began to express his true feelings to everything that had happened to them. "To the point that… I'm thinking of typing my resignation letter soon…."

Hailee raised her head and met Bryan's sad eyes. All of a sudden, inexplicable emotion lingering on her beautiful face. She was confused about what to feel at the moment.

She was hurt by him, yes. But thinking that the dream she started with Bryan, still, her emotion torn into perplexity.

"Are you… serious about that?" she asked.

There is a dot of pain inside her heart. Her broken friendship with Bryan is a big loss for her. Even though they broke up, she never thought of throwing him out of her projects. And so she was confused.

"I don't know, Hail…." Bryan replied honestly. His voice is full of pain and regrets. "I don't know how I can stop loving you."

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