His Contractual Mistress

Chapter 230 - Their Connection

Chapter 230 - Their Connection

[2011-- Fifteen Years Ago in the Province of South Island.]

"Madam Shen, look!"

Hilda glanced at her driver, then followed his gaze. She looked outside the window, a horrible scene that she saw.

"Stop the car and tell the bodyguards to check those cars!" she ordered.

Immediately, her bodyguards and driver get out of the vehicles to check the two cars that collided. Hilda could see how badly the two vehicles had formed after the accident. It threw one car on the foothill, and it looks like it exploded because there are still traces of fire and smoke.

Not long, Hilda's driver came back to report it to her. "Madam Shen! All the passengers in the other car are dead. But the woman in the other car is still breathing!"

"Then what are you doing? Call a rescue!"

"Okay, madam! I will call the city hospital!" The car driver took out his phone and dialed the emergency hotline to the City Hospital.

Unfortunately, they were still an hour away from the largest city on the South Island.

"Madam Shen! The response will take a while! And the nearest hospital here is half an hour away!"

"Dammit!" Hilda cursed. She gets out and checks the woman herself.

The car driver hurried to get an umbrella, but Hilda only shoved it away. "That is not needed now!" she yelled at her driver.

It was pouring heavily, and the wind would only fly the umbrella away. Hilda got still wet from the rain.

"How was her situation?" she asked one of her bodyguards.

"Madam Shen, she was stuck in her seat! It will be dangerous if we pull her out, but we don't have first aid medicine and tools!"

Hilda pressed her lips. Before she worked at Lopez Steel Corporation, she took a six months' Paramedic training course. She has a little knowledge of first aid, but they have nothing here.

"Did you call the nearest town?"

"We called the police, and they were on their way. Unfortunately, the town that has Medical Rescue is in the next town."

Hilda frowned. "This is ridiculous! Where is the Lopez Steel Corp. donation to these towns!"

'It looks like she has to look at this issue.' she mused inwardly.

Hilda kneels on the ground to look at the woman. She looks up and yells at her bodyguards. "Can't you do something? Find a way that this seat is taken off from her body?"

"We will do our best, madam!"

Some bodyguards search around to look for a pole or metal they could use to destroy the seat. And some of them check their tools if they could use something from them.

"Help me…"

Hilda leaned over to listen to the woman's faint voice. She could tell how the woman was suffering from pain.

"Don't worry! We already called for help! Hang on! Don't close your eyes!" Hilda tried her best to comfort the woman.

"I… I'm pregnant…."

Hilda covered her mouth. 'She's losing so much blood!'

She turned around and shouted at her bodyguards. "Hurry! Do something!"

"Madam Shen! We can't find anything!"

'Dammit! Is the countryside that poor? Lopez has been donating to the government! What are they doing with the funds?' She couldn't stop stressing out.

There should be a Medical Rescue in every town since this part of the island is prone to accidents, especially in terrible weather.

"Call the Lopez Steel Corp. to get the Safety Officers' asses here! Use the helicopter!"

It stunned her bodyguards for a moment; then, one called the Steel Plant. Hilda kneeled again and leaned over to talk to the woman. She is gasping and groaning from the pain.

She reaches for her hand and coaxes her, "Hang on! Help is coming! Don't close your eyes!"

The woman gripped her hand, sobbing. "I am going to die, right?" her voice was shaking, stuttering her words.

"Don't say that! We will do everything to get you to the hospital!"

Hilda knew she was in great danger. But she has to show the woman that things will be okay.

"What is your name? Do you remember your name?" Hilda watches the woman's mouth stutter at random words. "Can you repeat that?"

"Ma… Marley Da… vies…."

"Marley?" Hilda repeated. Although she didn't hear it clearly, she just presumed it was the name the woman had said.

But then, her eyes scanned the crushed vehicle; her eyes saw the woman's bag. He reached for it, but she couldn't pull it out.

Hilda stood on her foot; she turned around and looked at her driver. "Get her bag to see any information about her!"

She pointed her finger at the bag under the seat. The driver quickly squatted on the ground and used all his might to pull the bag. After a great effort, it successfully pulled out.

Hilda quickly checks the woman's bag. She saw a mobile phone, passport, and identification cards. She checked her IDs, and she found out her name is Marley Davies.

She checks Marley's phone; it works and is in roaming service. However, this place has terrible reception. She tried to call some number.

Hilda went back to her car and took out her phone from her bag. With her mobile, she dialed the contact number, stating to call if there is an emergency.

She attempted to dial the mobile number three times to connect to her international call, but the person who owns this mobile number didn't pick up the call.

'Dammit!' Hilda reached for her head. She inhales a long breath and calms herself; again, she dials another contact number.

This time, it was a telephone number; she waited until someone picked up the telephone.


It surprised Hilda to hear a sweet voice from the other line. "Hello? Can I talk to Mr. Jacob Davies?"

"My dad isn't here!" said the little girl on the other line. "What do you want from him?"

Hilda fell silent. She could not tell this little girl that her mom got into an accident and is probably dying.

She pressed her mouth and thought about what she had to do.

"Hello?" the little girl checked if she was still there. Hilda tried to sound casual while she talked to the girl.

"Hi, sweety. Listen… Can I talk to any adult in your house? Whose with you?"

"Um…" The girl fell silent on the other line. "I'm sorry. But dad and mom said I should not give any information to strangers."

Hilda has rendered speechless. She couldn't blame this little girl because she is also teaching her children about this. But she has to pursue this smart girl.

"Listen to me, sweetie. I need to talk to an adult. This is about your mommy. Do you know where she is?"


"Okay. You don't need to tell me. But is she in P Country?"

"I think so…" the girl replied timidly from the other line.

"Okay. Can you tell me your name? I am Hilda Shen." She introduced herself to the girl not to feel stranger toward her that she might be someone who has an ulterior motive.

"Okay. My name is Hailee."

"Hailee Davies?"


"Okay, Hailee. Your mom is Marley Davies. Can I talk to your nanny now? Or anyone?"

"Do you know my mom?"

Hilda remained silent for a moment. "Yes. And I just saw here just now. Can I talk to your nanny now? Or anyone?"

"Okay. My grandma is here! Grandma, it's for you!"

"Hello?" This time, an older woman answered the phone. Hilda immediately explained what's going on.

"No! Oh, my god! I have to call Jacob! He was in Metro City!" said the other line.

"Madam Shen!"

Hilda looks at her driver, who has an ugly expression on his face. "What happened?" She asked, then followed her driver.

She could see that the women began vomiting with blood. Then, a helicopter arrived. Finally, Lopez Steel Corp. Safety Officers arrived with tools.

They took the woman out, but she is losing so much blood. They brought her to the nearest hospital. However, she was declared dead on arrival.

Hilda couldn't tell her family. And so she called Fred to look for Jacob Davies. But what breaks her heart is the woman's last words.

"Please…. Tell my daughter… I'm sorry… and I love her so much…."

Tears once again flooded Hailey's eyes after she heard the whole story from Hilda. She was grateful that Sheena and Deana were there, holding her tightly the entire time.

"Thank you… mom Hilda," she said afterward.

Life is indeed full of mysteries. And the world they were living in was just small.

Who would have thought that almost fifteen years ago, she talked to Hilda over the phone? Although the memories are vague, there is no doubt in her heart. And she is the person who tried to save her mom.

Hailey sat up; she rushed toward Hilda and hugged her one more time. In this way, she let herself immersed in Hilda's memories about saving her mom.

On the other hand, she hugged Hailey back, rubbing her back to comfort her.

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