He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 194: Off To a Battlefield

Chapter 194: Off To a Battlefield

"But how about the ready made dress? He could steal them too." Chuan Huan Jing expressed his concern.

Xiao Yun chuckled and stood up to see the dresses that were behind the curtain. "That's exactly my plan." Chuan Huan Jing didn't ask deeper into it and nodded.

In late evening on the other side of the city, Wang Li Lei ended the meeting with the dragon group. Although he was a new successor people have began to see him as the perfect leader of Dragon Group. He wasn't a cold-blooded bastard who would do anything for the Dragon Group but if there are anyone who dared to trespasses the iron rules he made, the punishments he gave were weigh heavily to their violation.

"That should be it for tonight. Thank you for your appearance to today's meeting." Jang Hyun who was standing beside Wang Li Lei's seat spoke and closed off his folder. 

Wang Li Lei didn't say much and exited from the place with his ice-like face. Stepping a few meters away to enter the elevator, Jang Hyun pushed the button to the last floor and spoke. "Master, the people in the South District have their people wounded and killed, the preparator haven't found yet however, there's a gossip roaming regarding that issue in the underworld."

"What did the gossips said?" Wang Li Lei went straight to the point. 

"People from the Wushin Group are the one who is starting this in order to show your incredibility as the new successor." Jang Hyun waited for Wang Li Lei to exit the elevator first and walked from behind silently. 

"Wushin group." Wang Li Lei whispered the name again and narrowed his thoughts. The head of Wushin Group, Zhao Min was the person who objected him to fulfill the seat as the next successor. He could see Zhao !in as a very reckless person and seem to still hold his opposition to him. 

"What should we do about it, master?" Jang Hyun opened the car for him to enter and waited for his words.

"Search the source of the gossip first and continue to report me any new information to the murderers in South District. The rest, I will handle it myself first."

Jang Hyun bowed to received his order and closed the door to enter the driver seat and rode to his house. 

Wang Li Lei propped his chin to his right arm, gazing the crescent moon and recall back Xiao Yun's face. The soft smiles that she gave and her gentle eyes, he wondered what is she doing now?

His phone vibrated and light on the screen with the background of their selfie. He slide the screen upward and read the message that came from the girl.

[Dear Xiao Yun: Li Lei, what are you doing now? Are you busy?] 

He chuckled from her adorable message. Just as he thought of sending her a message, the girl sent one before him. 

[Darling Li Lei: I'm not busy, I'm in the car on the way back home.]

Xiao Yun received his message while rolling to her bed and giggled. 

[Dear Xiao Yun: Don't forget to eat dinner and don't skip meals, alright! Before sleeping remember to drink the herbal tea. *heart*] 

Xiao Yun sent a rabbit that Wang Li Lei discern to have some similarities to her and the smile couldn't stop raising up. 

[Darling Li Lei: You too, take care of yourself you have just finished your exam, take care of your health.]

[Dear Xiao Yun: I can't wait to meet you again this Sunday, I miss you a lot.]

[Darling Li Lei: Me too.]

For the whole day and in any day where he parted away from the girl, the only person who filled his mind was her. Every time he closed his eyes the image of her warmly smiling and the cotton giggle that she gave flooded to his mind, lingering like an unsentimental enchantment. 

The word 'miss' sounded too simple as he was drunk in love and yearning for her. He traced his finger on her picture, keeping his smile on his face undendingly.

Hang Hyun sitting I'm the driver seat saw him smiling from the rear-view mirror and guessed the person who messaged the Master was none other than the young lady just by seeing his wholesome smile. The Wang elders, Wang Li Lei's grandparents have often gave him endless questions of how Xiao Yun is and he always explained truthfully of how the young lady's warm heart and her intelligence. But no matter what he said, Wang Yongyi alway spot mistakes and holes in Xiao Yun and claimed that Jang Hyun was only bluffing to hide Xiao Yun's nasty personality. 

Every time he heard Wang Yongyi's spiteful words, he could understand why his master had such a sore attitude toward his family, they always placed their eyes somewhere else and believe what they only want to see. 

That could be seen by their poor judgement on claiming Lin Chang Lu as by far the most suitable lady as Wang Li Lei's fiance.

'They should reflect to what had happened from master's parents rather than avoiding their eyes and blaiming other innocent people.' He sighed. 

When the long waited Sunday arrived, Xiao Yun who had prepared her clothes from her company wore a light dress that could show her feminity and her gentle charm. Putting on the necklace Wang Li Lei gave on the day of their engagement, Xiao Yun walked down from the second floor to the door and met her mother. 

"Where are you going in this early Sunday?" Yu Yang Lu asked and squinted her eyes to recall that Xiao Yun had informed her few days ago that she'll be going out to Wang Li Lei's friends party. "That's right, you're going there." Yu Yang Lu swirled the teaspoon in her teacup with clinking sounds and saw Xiao Yun nodding. 

"Mm! I'm off to a battlefield." Her words made her mother to burst into a laughter. 

"What is there someone you will be fighting with today?" She rose her eyebrows. 

"Lin Chang Lu is her name, she want to embarrass me today." 

Yu Yang Lu laughed, "Just do what you want to do, Xiao- Lei would be going today right?" 

"Yes?" Xiao Yun slanted her head to the side.

"If Xiao- Lei is there, then you don't need to worry about anything. Do what you want and don't hold yourself back." Yu Yang Lu saw Wang Li Lei's car arriving to the entrance and gave a light push to Xiao Yun's shoulder. "Go, he arrived." 

"I'll make sure to keep your words in mind, ma'am!" Xiao Yun waved her hand and entered the car. 

Not long after Xiao Yun left the mansion, Yu Xing Fu also walked out to see his mother leaning on the frame of the door and sighed. 

"Why are you early too today?" Yu Yang Lu danced her brows playfully and teased, "Is it a date with Ms. Han?" 

Yu Xing Fu's ears turned red, he pursed his lips and grumbled. "I'll go now, bye!" He strode as fast as he could and left with his car, making Yu Yang Lu to shake her head and enter again to the mansion to wish the best for her children on their date. 

The place where the party was held at was in a summer house of Lin Chang Lu. The summer house of the socialite couldn't be look down upon. It had horse shed, horse track, separate building for the guests, golf track, and many other attraction that would never bore the elites. 

Xiao Yun wasn't at all surprise by the summer house, in the past she had seen Wang Li Lei's more than tenth houses that were similar to this.

The car hiked the tall cliff and entered the house after confirming their identity with the security and stopped at the main entrance. 

Xiao Yun placed his hand to turn down the knob and felt Wang Li Lei hand halting her. 

"What is it?" 

"Don't push yourself today and remember to keep Tian Yi and Hi Gu Yan close with you today. Don't drink or eat anything before your bodyguards check them. Don't stay too far from me, don't get too close to people and don't do anything-" 

"Don't do anything reckless, aye, aye darling!" Xiao Yun finished his words and giggled. "Don't worry."

He looked at her with eyes doubting whether she could really keep her words. When her head filled up to one thing, she turned tunnel vision and would often jump into doing something reckless. 

But saying now wouldn't do anything. He tucked her hair before her ears and kissed her forehead to release his hand from her. "Let's go." 

They bothe walked out of the car and held hands to quickly greeted by Lin Chang Lu with her confident smile. "Li Lei!" She called with a bold daring tone.

Wang Li Lei didn't greet her and saw her with distant eyes. Lin Chang Lu glanced down and fixed her eyes at their fingers linking to each other and subtly frowned. 

"Chang Lu, thank you for the invitation."

Lin Chang Lu snapped her eyes away from the hand and forced a fake smile. "That isn't something to be thank, instead I should be thanking you for coming here today. How's your trip here?"

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