He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 187: Don't Make The Same Mistake

Chapter 187: Don't Make The Same Mistake

Wang Li Lei had just come back from his work when he heard that Xiao Yun came to talk with his grandparents. He stopped at the door and told the servant to be quiet and to not inform of his arrival. He watched Xiao Yun talking brightly with Wang Yan Zhi and Wang Yongyi with excitement written all over her face. It made him to question himself just what had made her to become so happy. 

Although he had guessed that the girl wouldn't back down by anything his grandparents said, he actually found the air in the room have gotten a little more relaxed. Judging by his grandmother's expression, she must have forgotten their rejection to Xiao Yun and instead now his beloved had risen up the favor to her heart but the problem to this wasn't Wang Yan Zhi but rather Wang Yongyi-

"That's very great to hear." Wang Yan Zhi spoke out with concern diminishing from her eyes. She and her husband have been too caught up at grieving for their son when they didn't know the damage that Wang Li Lei have suffered from and unknowingly neglected him when he needed them the most.

Even though they were happy to hear Wang Li Lei slowly improving, the part of their heart who want to oppose Xiao Yun's engagement with Wang Li Lei still stayed. They wanted the best out of everything for both their son and grandson especially in their life.

"Ms. Yu. What do you think of Xiao- Lei?" She asked to see Xiao Yun's misting a little sadness and gentleness. 

"People told him as a very cold person, however, he wasn't a very cold person at all. He is a very warm person and selfless. He looked perfect in surface but that was all the fruit of his labor. He worked hard and I found that all sides of him are amazing and dear." 

Wang Yongyi gave a silent reply. Although he could acknowledge that Ciao Yun was able to change something in his grandson, she still wasn't suitable to their eyes to become Wang Li Lei's wife and brought up the heaviest object. "You do know that Wang Family isn't like any other family, don't you? For generations, we have been protecting the noble blood and have no intention of marrying others from a normal background." 

"Of course I understand that." Xiao Yun didn't falter and didn't take his words to her heart. She knew just like Wang Li Lei, Wang Yongyi had his responsibility for the family as the elder but that would never mean that she would want to leave him. "And I also know that there are many women in the capital that suit him but I wouldn't lose to them in any matter." She confidently stated, having Wang Li Lei to become astonished by her words. 

Wang Yongyi knitted his brows at Xiao Yun's confidence and thought her words as a childish answer. "I still think you do not understand our concern, Ms. Yu. The conditions of being Li Lei's fiance and the future wife couldn't be taken carelessly. It isn't anything simple as you think it is. The seat couldn't be fulfilled only because of a simple word of love."

Xiao Yun frowned, the grip on her white dress tightened. Was this what he told to Wang Li Lei's mother? Haven't yet he learned the pain of losing his son? She wanted to beat everything to his head now, but she knew better she wasn't in her place to do so. 

Wang Yongyi marked Xiao Yun at childish and egoistic, but there wasn't anyone far more selfish than himself in the room.

Hearing no answer from Xiao Yun, he continued. "It is still not late for you to turn back and find someone from your own world, Ms. Yu. There are still many men out there that could suit you other than my grandson." 

Wang Li Lei came to the room, opening the door to make all the eyes to come toward him. "Li Lei!" Xiao Yun called. 

"Xiao- Lei." Wang Yan Zhe called up as Wang Li Lei walked over to take a seat next to Xiao Yun. He looked at Wang Yongyi's face that was black as the back of a pot.

"Grandfather as I have said many times the only person who would be my wife would only be her. Suitable or not to you, she's the only one for me." Xiao Yun's eyes turned up to see his serious expression. His words shook deep to reverberate her heart. 

"You have to open your eyes now. I still could understand if you only fond her, but to announce your engagement publicly? I can never agree with you!" Wang Yongyi slammed his hand to the table surprising Wang Yan Zhi who sat beside him. 

"Darling, calm down." Wang Yan Zhi spoke, he clicked his tongue and retract his palm. 

Wang Li Leo glanced the person beside his shoulder and took her hand to stand up. "Grandfather, do you want to have a grandson?" 

Wang Yongyi questioned with his face and replied skeptically. "Of course... Why?" 

"Without Xiao Yun, you can never have one. I can never sleep with anyone other than her." Wang Li Lei briefly declared with his ice tone cold and serious face leaving his grandparents gaped with their paled face from his sharp words. 

Xiao Yun still gaped her mouth even as they stepped out of the room. Suddenly she understood why when everyone looked at Wang Li Lei they found themself kowtowing on the floor because now she really felt the need to do so!

"Your face is too red." Wang Li Lei mentioned, his hand sweeping her cheeks gently. 

"No, it would be weird enough if my face didn't get red and whose fault do you think to make my face this hot?" Xiao Yun rebuked and cupped her cheeks, reminding back what he had just said and found herself waving her hand over to her steaming cheeks. 

"Grandfather wouldn't stop if I didn't speak that way and my words aren't wrong so it's fine." 

'How is it fine?! How can I face them again? I'm not that thick-skinned like how I was before! I'm too embarrassed now!' Xiao Yun decided to stitch her mouth and restrain herself. However, her happy face grew gloom when she thought that she wasn't able to repair the sore relationship between Wang Li Lei and Wang grandparents made her felt a little sullen. 

Xiao Yun felt a hand resting on her head with a gentle rub. "Don't worry, you did great." 

Although she wasn't able to convince Wang Yongyi, he could see that his grandmother has gotten a little closer to her. Xiao Yun has the power to bring warmth to the people around her and unknowingly save them. It will take time for con finding his grandfather, but it isn't impossible.

Xiao Yun balled her both palms into a fist and placed it over her face. "I'll do my best to make your grandparents acknowledge me!" 

"Thank you." Wang Li Lei took a kiss at her forehead and waited to see her waving her hand as she went out of the house. 

Wang Li Lei walked back to the house having his face turn freezing. The servants around the house could feel as though the AC was switched on to the highest volume even though it was off.

He met Wang Yongyi when he walked out of the room. "Can't you think about this once again? Don't make the same mistake as your father!" 

"Darling!" Wang Yan Zhi warned him but Wang Li Lei could never be in a good mood especially when his grandfather called his mother as a mistake. 

"Grandfather from your words then I'm the result of the mistake that they made." His sharp words left the two elder silenced. 

He walked off to his room and closed it to take a seat as his chair. Too noisy, he thought. 

The next day, Xiao Yun woke up with a bad hair day. Her hair puffed up after some friction from her sleep but fortunately, she could tame it up before she went to school. 

The atmosphere in the class turned very tense as the university exam grew nearer. Xiao Yun also decided to place her focus on her studying and crammed up the lessons that were quite hard for her. 

After the school, Xiao Yun parted with her friends and dressed herself in a semi-formal clothe and went to Chu Bing Luo's entertainment company to wait for her friend, Zhi Ling Ling to arrive.

Although in the school trip everyone had been asking over and over of the identity of the Goddess that they saw, Zhi Ling Ling went back to her usual look in less than an hour after they got in a bus due to her feeling uncomfortable from the stares she received. 

Xiao Yun and Nie An praised her for her beauty to raise her self esteem but as it was the first time for her to receive intense stares, the Goddess of the school trip was only said to be a legend to some people. 

Spotting Zhi Ling Ling walking down from her car with her gloomy dress, Xiao Yun waved her hand to walk toward her. "Are you nervous?" Xiao Yun saw her breathing in and out as she nodded and took her hand.

"Don't worry I'll be with you and Mr. Chu is a person that you could place your trust to."

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