He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 185: I'm Glad You Caught Me

Chapter 185: I'm Glad You Caught Me

Lin Chang Lu jerked her head to the side to figure out whose dress the woman was praising at. "May I ask from where do you buy this dress?" 

"It's from a company called Azure." Xiao Yun explained. 

"Azure! I have heard the company name once, wasn't it currently on hiatus?" The woman spoke and unknowingly the rest of the women surged the place and ignore the existence of Lin Chang Lu. 

"It is currently at hiatus, however, the company would be open once again next week." 

"Oh my, I can't wait! The dress became even more beautiful since the last article that they sold." The woman tried to weave a good conversation. Suddenly the bravest or perhaps the woman who had been itching to ask let out a question. "Young lady, I'm sorry if this would sound rude, however, may I know what relationship that you and CEO Wang have?"

"Sorry for the late introduction, I'm Yu Xiao Yun, Wang Li Lei's fiance." Xiao Yun's crystal voice pierced the silence of people and quenched the burning curiosity of the people who were around and outside of the crowds. A confident smile that was akin to a serene lake, washed out the thoughts out of the people who look at her, making them to grow silence in a snap of a second. 

Liu Yan Hui who was leaning on the pillars with Wang Li Lei after greeting the people who met him heard the confidence that Xiao Yun uttered and whistled faintly. "She's quite gutsy, I see. Rather than a secluded princess, I would say she's the general." 

Wang Li Lei chuckled to his jokes for the first time and replied firmly, "She isn't the general, she's the empress. Yan Hui, isn't it time for you to begin the party?" 

Lin Yan Hui glanced over from the pillar he stood up to stare at someone and shrugged his shoulders. "You said it. I'll be going now." 

Wang Li Lei nodded and walked languidly to take Xiao Yun back to his side. The crowds were about to ask relentlessly for thousand of questions when they felt the pricking freezing air coming off from Wang Li Lei to have Xiao Yun by her side. "The party is going to start, let's go darling." Wang Li Lei extended his hand for her to lean on. 

The tip of Xiao Yun's ears flushed red. She did say that she loved the way he called her darling as it made her a million times special to him, but she didn't expect him to casually call her in the middle of the socialites. Her face felt a flush of heat and the smile on her face became untamed. Not only her who was surprised, but the rest of the people also had a blank white face, thinking of perhaps they were dreaming and doubted their own hearings. 

Lin Chang Lu gaped when she saw them walking away from the crowds, her eyes locked into the delicate hand embracing Wang Li Lei's hand and balled her hand into an angered fist. 

Night fell when the party Liu Yan Hui was holding finally ended. The front entrance of the hotel had a large pond beside the entrance with Koi fish swimming upon the still water. While Wang Li Lei had to entertain his business partner with their talk, Wang Li Lei gently told her that she could excuse herself and wait at somewhere as they were about to leave.

Xiao Yun agreed with his suggestion and walked alone to take fresh air around the pond. She crouched down on her heels over to the pond and cupped her cheeks to see the Koi flapping its mouth and found it a little adorable. 

"I have told you not to get close to him, didn't I?! You should have obediently abide by my words and I would have let you go easily!" A woman with a sparkling short dress shouted over her lungs, startling Xiao Yun from her place. She snapped her head to her left side to see at the girl with a short black hair in a working uniform that Xiao Yun discerned as the hotel staff or perhaps the waitress from the party. 

The short girl with short hair spoke something rationally with a calm voice, but her kindness instead made the woman to become more angered and she reached out her hand to push the girl toward the pond. 

In a surprise, Xiao Yun stood up in a hurry and ran to save the girl from falling. The distance between them wasn't far but the girl had tilted to the side before Xiao Yun was able to catch her. 

"You have gone out of the line, Ms. Tang." Liu Yan Hui angrily scolded. For a moment, Xiao Yun saw his irises turning red but thought it as only her hallucination from running too fast. 

She turned her face to see the girl who was about to fall saved with her waist wrapped by Liu Yan Hui. His elegant brows furrowed as she looked toward the girl and asked. "Are you alright, Li Xi?" The girl replied with an unstable yes. 

"From now one, let's stop the contract that you mentioned Ms. Tang, I can't see myself placing trust at a person who would step low and resort violence." 

Xiao Yun saw the woman who heard his cold words to have a horror smeared on her face. "Thank you very much, Ms. Yu." Liu Yan Hui spoke to meet his eyes at Xiao Yun and knelt down on the ground to carry the girl on his arm and walked from the pond. Xiao Yun felt the sour air and also walked behind to escape from the place and find Wang Li Lei standing not far from the place.

He stared at the girl that was carried on by his mentor and noticed him to have a very angry face for the first time. "Li Lei?" Xiao Yun called him. 

"Whenever I look away for a moment, you saved another person." Wang Li Lei walked over to her and took off his coat to place it over her shoulder.

"My body moved before I think." Xiao Yun giggled to feel a hand patting over her head and shyly snuggled to his arm. "And that's one of the things that I like from you." Xiao Yun replied to his words with a peachy giggle.

"I thought Mr. Liu as a very gentle person but for him to get that riled up, that girl must be very important for Mr. Liu." 

"That was also my first time to see him angry." Wang Li Lei replied as they both walk to the hotel entrance. 

"But isn't he is your mentor? You haven't seen him angry? Not even once?" 

"He was the type to keep smiling when he's angry." Xiao Yun could somehow imagine him getting angry with his smile. But that is also frightening in its own level.

"Before, you handled it very well." Wang Li Lei brought up the matter when Xiao Yun was swarmed by the socialites. Most people who came to the party would freeze up from the question given by them due to their overbearing and heavy presence, but Xiao Yun didn't let anyone to have the chance to look down at her by keeping her graceful figures. Instead, her elegant behavior made most of the people to stay quiet and admire her.

"It was nothing." Xiao Yun replied and entered the car he opened beforehand and began to point out. "Chang Lu, is she someone you're close with?" 

"She's my childhood mates. Her parents are my father's friend."

"Oh... Childhood mates." Xiao Yun wrinkled her lips at the thought that she wasn't at some space of Wang Li Lei's life. Although she acted as though she didn't care what Lin Chang Lu said, she was jealous of her when she brought up Wang Li Lei's past that she didn't know. 

Wang Li Lei noticed the jealous expression on her face and chuckled. "My grandparents have always wanted to make her as my fiance but I have someone staying in my heart for eleven years." He fixed his eyes on hers to have her smiling gingerly. 

"Eleven years is a very long time for a crush." 

"It was long, but now that you are by my side and forever in the future, I should say it's a fair exchange." Wang Li Lei intertwined their fingers and warmed up the cold palm on her hand. 

"I'm glad you caught me." Xiao Yun felt his lips kissing her forehead and heard a whisper beside her ears. "You were the one who caught me first."

"Really? Out of the women in your life, I must be the luckiest one then for being able to catch a good man like you." She giggled.

Wang Li Lei chuckled from her adorable answer. "Likewise."

"Oh- right, I have something I wanted to give you." Xiao Yun took the swan keychain from her purse and put it to Wang Li Lei's palm. "It's something that I bought in Hangzhou, you see if I do this, they became a heart!" Xiao Yun took out her swan keychain and place the head to the one on his hand. When the magnetic forced pulled the others, they stuck with their pecks for a kiss, forming a heart shape. 

The cotton laughter came to his ears, clenching a part of his heart from her cuteness. "Thank you." He whispered. "I'll treasure it."

"You're welcome! I'm just happy if you keep it every time with you. Every time you see this wouldn't I come to your mind?" 

"Even without this you always occupied my mind." He smoothly replied. Xiao Yun lightly cupped her cheeks. Wang Li Lei kept on feeding her sugar that she was sure her sugar level would shoot up to the highest now.

"I love you." She whispered with a giggle and leaned on to his powerful shoulder.

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