He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 167: Power Of Love

Chapter 167: Power Of Love

"Yes. I had a hard time finding out the sponsor as they seemed to be wanting to hide their identity no matter what, but I found out the lead that they sent the money in Korean currency."

Wang Li Lei's steps stopped. "Korean currency?"

Not Chinese or Dollar but Korean currency? The school was made only for Chinese students and from the background research that he performed in Xiao Yun's school no students had any relation or foreigner parents. Especially Korean. 

Jang Hyun replied with a short yes and continued again, "-After following the leads, I found the bank account that sent the money named Zheng Xi Shi." 

"Have you investigate his background?" 

"Yes." Jang Hyun paused his fingers down from the tablet on his hand, his eye stuck on the screen turning his voice tense. "Master, I think there's something deep in this. It wasn't any normal person who sponsored the young lady's school trip, this person is Choi Group's young Head second-in-command."

Wang Li Lei had noted down the name of Choi Yeon Jun is his mind, but he didn't expect to hear it again so soon. A storm passed through his heart and another black cloud over his chest. Every time he felt his wild instinct warning him when he heard the name. 

"Again. Choi Yeon Jun," he whispered aloud in a cold tone. "Do he have any acquaintance in the school?"

"No, I can not find any reasoning behind him sponsoring the school trip." Jang Hyun heard his master thinking the same thought as him. Choi Yeon Jun wasn't the type to make small moves in an unpredictable move and more to say, he left out a track enough for him to find. Jang Hyun predicted that Wang Li Lei must have known this too. Although they don't know what Choi Yeon Jun was scheming at, keeping an eye on him would be the best choice. 

Wang Li Lei pulled his ties down and unbuttoned two buttons from his shirt. "Call Tian Yi and Hi Gu Yan bring them to follow Xiao Yun's movements secretly and keep an eye on Choi Group. Bring me his background."

"Yes, master."

Wang Li Lei took a seat on his chair after ending the call with his secretary. His black eyes gazed at the moon swallowed by the black clouds from the window across him. When he closed his eyes he remembered again, Xiao Yun's face crying with her lips trembling. It was truly a sight that was enough to throw him off the loop. 

His worry about the girl wanting to hide her troubles behind her to keep him from overburdening came true. Just a moment of looking away and troubles had come to her. Initially, he was angry, not at her but at himself for not being able to notice it faster. But if the girl knew his anger, she would blame herself even more. She was the type of person who wouldn't want to see anyone hurting especially if they got hurt because of her. 

Bullying, thieving, and something else that she hadn't tell him yet. 

The last matter that Xiao Yun kept quite must be something deeper, something that was able to make her cry. Wang Li Lei took the glass to his hand but failed to control his power and shattered it to the floor. 

He drew out a sigh and leaned his neck to the couch. He has to wait for tomorrow to come to hear her secret.

Xiao Yun after parting with Wang Li Lei entered again to her room and clasped her hand when she sat on her bed. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't know what I was thinking when I took him in." 

Nie An packed her clothes in her bag and turned to her to wave her hand. "No, I know that you brought him in by mistake."

Ming Ran lay on the bed with her beauty mask and cupped her hand to comment with a smirk. "It must be the power of love."

"P-  Power of love?" Xiao Yun's face flushed red.

"I know- You must felt upset from parting away from him and your hand moved on its own." The words hit perfectly on the mark.

Xiao Yun gulped and turned her head away in embarrassment. "That- no."

"Hehehe..." Ming Ran's brows jumping up and down as she probed. "Where did you two go? To the lobby? or perhaps a dinner? or maybe..." she turned her volume down to a whisper, "perhaps... a suite...?" 

"Hey! Shush!" Nie An walked over to Ming Ran's bed and covered her mouth to warn her. "Ming Ran, you better not tell anyone about this, alright!" 

"Of course, of course, I will stay quite... but I will stay quieter if you... tell me how your skin gets so smooth, Xiao Yun!" 

Xiao Yun laughed at her childish question and heard Ming Ran's phone rang from the side. 

"Oh no! My mother! Wait for a moment okay." Ming Ran picked up the phone and heard her mother speaking aloud. "What?-  uh, uh, I understand. Wait a moment-" Ming Ran turned her face toward the two girls and whispered. "Can I have a paper and a pen?" 

Nie An searched to the table beside her and Xiao Yun ruffled something from her bag and picked up a book to passed it to Ming Ran. "Here." 

Ming Ran whispered thank you and opened the note in a hurry to write down the few words that she to remember. When she ended the call, Xiao Yun lifted her brow in question, "What did your mother tell you? Is it something important?" 

"No, she was asking me to buy something that she can only buy in Hangzhou." Ming Ran wrinkled her nose and grumbled. "She had given me things to write before but now add more. If she keeps on adding up, my money would go before I could finish my errand. Anyway, Xiao Yun is it find if I rip the page out of the note?" 

Xiao Yun nodded, "It's fine." 

With Xiao Yun's agreement, Ming Ran tore the page that Choi Kang So wrote bellow it. 

"Tomorrow we have to wake up faster, let's sleep, girls." Nie An pulled her sleeping mask and tucked herself into sleep. 

Xiao Yun stared at the ceiling between the dark. After crying out a little and being comforted by Wang Li Lei, the stain of darkness in her heart seemed to dissolve with the tears she let out earlier. She tossed around her bed, turning to the other side and when she closed her eyes, she could feel traces of Wang Li Lei's hand over her head, calming her from her fear and insecurities. Even though it's painful, scary, and perhaps make him hate her, she would tell him everything tomorrow.

Not wanting to think much, Xiao Yun turned her self to sleep. The night was raining unlike the weather forecast that claimed the night would be calm, but fortunately for Xiao Yun, she was able to sleep all night while ignoring the loud dripping sound in front of her window. 

When morning came, the sky stopped its crying and brought a fresh moist to the land. Xiao Yun being the second to wake up today took an early shower and wore light clothes that would be easy for her to move on as today they would climb up thousands of staircase to Leifeng Pagoda. 

The students were round up today and received a lot of words from the head teacher to keep vigilant on surrounding and be around the teacher's perimeter. No running or playing on the stairs were severely warned as many people had fallen off the stairs before. 

Xiao Yun sat beside Su She In who have a long face and kept on drawing loud sighs between her mouth. Thinking that perhaps the bus was to narrow for Su She In, Xiao Yun turned her face and worriedly asked, "Is it too cramped here?" 

Su She In jumped from her question and shook her head. "Ah- no. I was only thinking that walking must be hard today."

Xiao Yun agreed and pulled out a cooling pad from her bag. "Take this. If your leg began to feel tired, this would be good to avoid any cramping the next day." 

Su She In took the cooling pad from her hand and bent her neck, "Thank you very much, senior Yu." 

"You can just call me Xiao Yun. We will be traveling together for three days and calling by surnames feels a little weird."

"Ah-" Su She In tried a little test. "Senior Xiao Yun?" 

"You don't have to call me senior, but you can choose which feels more comfortable." Xiao Yun warmly smiles, giving light to Su She In who had been stressed by Ji Gu Na. 

Last night, she tried to reason with Ji Gu Na saying that she wouldn't want to take any part in Ji Gu Na's scheme. She had also tried to persuade Ji Gu Na from hating Xiao Yun as she hadn't spoken with her, but her senior insisted firmly before breaking down in tears. 

After failing to persuade Ji Gu Na from hating Xiao Yun, the least that she could do was to distance herself from Ji Gu Na and her plan. But the sight of Ji Gu Na crying kept on haunting her in sleep. 

Su She In became lost in believing who she should trust. 

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