He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 160: Can a Handsome Man Come Out From a Tree?

Chapter 160: Can a Handsome Man Come Out From a Tree?

It wasn't Xiao Yun's first time staying at one of Wang Li Lei's hotel, but even though it was late than the year she was in the past, the beauty of the room exceeded the other rivaling hotel. It wasn't a question why Wang Li Lei's works are always remarkable, he placed each through consideration in his works and the tiny details made the larger scene beautiful. 

Xiao Yun washed her face, getting an early shower to dry her hair and bandaged her hand again, she walked out of the room to find Ming Ran and Nie An had woke up. 

"Xiao Yun, you woke up very early," Nie An commented standing up to take her towel to follow her step to the shower. 

"Maybe it's because I can't really sleep well in places other than my house." Xiao Yun replied smoothly, walking to the side of her bed and felt Ming Ran eyeing her. Knowing that she shouldn't look behind, Ming Ran started the conversation.

"Say..." Ming Ran trotted to her side. "Was that really your boyfriend?"

Xiao Yun braided her hair to cheer herself before being in the same group with the two troublemakers and nodded. "He is." 

"I think he's a little older than you, though?"

"He's five years older than me." Xiao Yun explained having Ming Ran giggling to hear more of romantic stories from her. 

"How did you two meet?" 

The question that Ming Ran gave made her go on silence for a moment. How did you two meet?

Remembering the past, she also didn't remember when she first met Wang Li Lei. Once in the past, she heard from him saying that he met a little angel flying from the tree. He had just lost his family at that time and was hiding under the large tree that was in the middle of Wang Family's Private House. People weren't kind at him and adults couldn't care less about a little child's feelings. 

Even though he was saved from the accident and came out of the hospital, the next thing he has to see was the grave of his parents sitting in front of him. They had been buried his parents when he was still in the hospital, by the time he could visit his parents' grave, he had lost most of his emotion and tears couldn't come out from his eyes. 

His grandparents were too sad-stricken by the death of their dear son, and so he visited the graves alone but the news of him having a robotic face without shedding tears for his dead parents travel quickly to many ears. 

In Wang Family's house, the maids' gossips even reached his little ears. People calling him the son of the devil, a robot without heart and adult in a little child disguise for being able to survive the accident with little wounds and that he was able to function normally without weeping for his parents. 

However, the reality was different. That accident affected him too much that he almost couldn't breathe at night, not being able to sleep. He didn't only wasn't able to cry, he couldn't even talk nor smile. But fate wasn't called fate if it hasn't been cruel. One day he overheard his uncle, rejoicing for the death of his brother and wife. He even regretted the fact that his brother's child was still alive.

Raged filled the little boy. He can't feel anything other than anger that drove his whole body. His eyes that had grown dull, light a fire of hatred. But that exact same day, when he was sitting under the tree, a little girl had climbed the tree as a race with her older brother. But her older brother wasn't the same nimbly child that could play with his sister's game and instead went to ask their father to bring her down from the tree. Or possibly scold her not to climb the tree like a little monkey anymore. 

Left alone in the big tree, little Xiao Yun sat on the branches to see a shadow of an older little boy walking while hugging to a book with his hand. The little boy sat down under the tree and began to read a book that only adults could understand the content. 

Gazing at the little boy a little curious, from afar, the maids came to stop at the sight of Wang Li Lei to whisper at each other. 

"Is that him? The little young master that can't cry for his own parents?" 

the other maid nudged her friend with the elbow, taking in a hushed tone, unlike her friend. "Shh-! Don't say that, he's the only future heir to Wang Family! Who knows what will happen if he heard you?"

"He can't hear." her friend said confidently. "And I'm not saying anything wrong, right? He can't cry for his own parents and still study as though his life depends on it. Are you even sure he's a human, not a robot?" Her friend covered the stupid friend and forcefully brought her back to the servant's quarter, leaving the little Li Lei clenching the edge of his book in tightness. 

The maid wasn't wrong, he can't cry for his own parents and his life does depend on the books. He remembered once his father told him that education could beat anyone and destroy them Blessed with his brain,  he could only cultivate it as his weapons. 

Little Xiao Yun hanged her legs on the branches, swinging it and created some leaves to fall down on his book. the little girl was currently in the middle of her thoughts. Judging by the maids who were talking down to the little boy in a not so subtly voice, the little boy that currently got her a little intrigued can't cry for his parents who died. 

But... isn't that a little too sad? Not being able to cry out for the people that died, keeping in everything to himself. 

It was too sad.

Little Xiao Yun imagined the pain that he must be having and had her eyes wet with tears. Releasing both hands from the tree, she rubbed her eyes from the tears only to lose her balance and jumped down from the tree. 

Little Li Lei sensed something above and saw a young girl in a white dress that he mistook for an angel falling from the sky. Fearing the little girl would be wounded from the high fall, he reached out his hand to catch her. 

The two children slumped back to the grasses behind them. For the first time, little Li Lei had his eyes wide open, he looked down to examine whether the girl was free from injury but large eyes shedding streams of tears. 

"I heard you can't cry..." the little girl said, after having a nice seat beside Li Lei under the spot where he sat before. 

Little Li Lei gave a faint frown. Everyone was making a big deal out of him for not being able to cry. He wanted to cry, but he can't and it wasn't something that he could fix out of nowhere. A cold voice slipped out from his lips. "Yes."

Little Xiao Yun tugged the sleeve of his sweater, taking something from her pocket to give a handkerchief for him and mumbled between her sobs. "I will cry for you."

Li Lei snapped his eyes on her, having a bewilderment look to hear her repeating again. "If you can't cry, I will cry for you. If you're sad I will cry for you." she sobbed again, making him to caress her head gently to comfort. "Why are you comforting me?" she asked, stopping his hand and placing hers on his head. " It must have been sad, right? Older brother, don't make such a sad face. You can cry when you're sad. Mother told me that crying is good when you are sad."

Sad face? him? 

He looked down to see the eyes reflecting him was having a very sad face. Before he knew it, tears came down to his cheek. He trailed his hand over his eyes, picking the translucent tears to his fingers. 

Little Xiao Yun took a handkerchief out of her hand, gently sweeping it to erase the tears from his face and accompanied him to cry for hours until Xiao Yun's father and mother arrive in a great shock to see the two children crying for hours. 

"...Xiao Yun?" Ming Ran's voice came flooding to her ears, bringing Xiao Yun from her nostalgic memory that she forgot. The handkerchief that she gave to him when she was a little. Was it the same handkerchief that Wang Li Lei had in his room?

If it was true then, Wang Li Lei had held a feeling for her since that time?

Xiao Yun turned her head to Ming Ran who called her to ask. "What is it?" 

"You were out for a moment there, are you alright?" she asked waving her hand in front of her eyes to see whether her pupils were reacting to it. 

"I am." Xiao Yun replied looking at the balcony's door with a warm smile. "You asked how did I met him, didn't you?" 

"Yeah!" Ming Ran poke her ears thoroughly. 

"From the tree." she replied ambiguously, standing up from her bed as she heard a knocking from the door that came from the teacher who had come to tell them to group up in the lobby. 

"From the tree?" Ming Ran slanted her head, confused by Xiao Yun's answer. 

"Can a handsome man come out from a tree?" 

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