He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 149: Infirmary Prince

Chapter 149: Infirmary Prince

She placed her hand inside her bag before taking the book that she had placed yesterday under the desk. As she did that, suddenly a loud exclaimed escaped from her mouth with a face of pain and tears glazing her eyes. 

As her scream echoed, the homeroom teacher who heard the piercing scream quickly faced up to the source of the voice to find Xiao Yun holding her hand which had covered by a white handkerchief. The handkerchief had soaked in blood, making the tinge of red that gradually spread out to the edge of the fabric.

Deep scarlet fluids dripped down splendidly to the floor, creating a pool of dropping red.

Everyone's eyes were stuck to Xiao Yun's pained expression and felt their heartbeat paced up to the highest degree from the scarlet color. The scene was like a sudden thunder bolting down to them, making everyone freeze at their spot. 

"XIAO YUN!" Nie An abruptly ran to her side and gasped when she saw Xiao Yun's hand was bleeding. Stopping in front of Xiao Yun, her hand raised in the air not knowing what to do. She feared that her harsh movements would only make the pain on her hand worse. 

The other classmates also had the same panicked face as Nie An. With eyes of disbelief, they could only look at each other. The teacher quickly pulled his composure with all he could and hurriedly ordered Nie An. "Bring Xiao Yun to the infirmary first! Quick!"

"Move." Nie An looked aside to see Xue Xiu Yong holding a grim face. His hand was quick to save the damsel in distress by carrying her on his arm which was immediately rejected by Xiao Yun with a glare. With a sigh, he coaxed her. "I'm not going to carry you then. Can you walk?"

"I can. Sit down, I could go with Nie An." Even with the amount of blood she had lost, Xiao Yun's voice was still stable and unaffected. 

"Could you help me, Nie An?" Her voice brought back some of Nie An's sense. 

"Y- Yes!" She looked toward Xiao Yun and helped her to lean her bleeding hand on her. "Xiao Yun, are you sure you are alright?"

"M- Mn." Nie An heard her agreeing but saw Xiao Yun's temple which was covered by a layer of cold sweat.

As they left, the homeroom teacher asked with a dark expression. "Would now anyone tell me what happened?"

The classmates all evaded their eyes away from each other. "T- That is..." They were all warry that the bully would start to target them if they said anything or rattle them to the teacher. With a guilty face yet powerless, they could only droop their heads down.

Someone from the end of the class couldn't bear anymore and shouted. "T- Teacher, when Xiao Yun placed her hand inside the desk, suddenly she screamed and covered her hand which was bleeding with a white handkerchief!"

The teacher narrowed his eyes before pushing the edge of his glasses and carefully took out something from the desk.

Shattering all the silence, sharp nails and blades of boxcutters were stuck under the desk as though it were making a trap for anyone who placed their hand inside.

Whispered from the students who were taken back by the bully's out of the line behavior, shrieked.

"My God!"

"How dangerous!"

"Look at that! There wasn't only a single blade but 12! 12 of them! Frightening!"

The other students who couldn't stay down anymore and the one who felt guilty especially the leader of the class spoke. "Teacher, actually it seemed that Classmate Xiao Yun has been bullied."

On the other side, with the help of Nie An, Xiao Yun arrived at the infirmary faster than if she had walked alone with the wound. Nie An knocked on the infirmary door but had opened it without waiting for the nurse's reply. With a hand still lingering on Xiao Yun's wounded palm, she called for the nurse, "Excuse me-" her eyes glanced around the empty room and sighed.

Turning her head to Xiao Yun after they had arrived at the seat, Nie An saw a smaller paper written by the nurse, informing that she will be taking a break at the teacher's room. "I will call for the nurse first. Wait here, alright and don't move or else your wound will open again." Nie An worriedly warned before her figure entirely disappeared from the room. 

With a guilty face, Xiao Yun leaned back on the chair frame and took off the red kerchief with a guilty face. Her eyes stared at her palm which was clean without any wound. Xiao Yun's memory of her bullying was rather clear and she could exactly guess what kind of step the bullies would ascend. 

That was also exactly the case for today, she knew that the last thing they would do in anger was physical harm to make sure it would leave a good impression to her mind so that she would stay away from their idol.

With that in thought, she had prepared her act to get hurt and also the red liquids that looked in a sight as blood. After seeing Nie An's worried reaction that as though she was going to die, her little heart felt guilty. 

Was that too much? Xiao Yun ruffled her hair. When she was already in her mode in revenge it seemed she had forgotten the rest of the things which was bad for her to do. 

Xiao Yun walked from her seat and opened the few cabinets to search the bandages to wrap on her supposedly wounded palm. Seeing two roll of bandage, she wrapped it on her right hand by using her left hand with a great hurdle. Treating wound wasn't her first time but she had never done so with the left hand and even after a few full minutes the only thing she was able to do was wrapping her palm into a big cacoon. 

Undoing the bandage again so she could redo the entire thing, she heard the sliding door being opened from the front and thought it was her friend Nie An coming back to bring the nurse. Thinking that it was actually good timing for her to ask her friend a hand, Xiao Yun spoke with eyes still staying on the wound which had been plastered with cotton. "Good timing! Can you help me with this? I can't seem to wrap this with only one hand." 

"Let me help you." 

The person who spoke didn't have the same high-pitched voice with a bit huskiness, but rather a very deep voice. Flinching in surprise, Xiao Yun faced up to see Zhuang Han Wu standing with his sparkling aura. The aura that had made countless of girls falling in love in a sight, but that wasn't the case for Xiao Yun. Her eyes were wider than ever and her mouth gaped, it was the same exact face she had when she saw a surprising fact. 

"Y- You!" She exclaimed, taking a few steps back when Zhuang Han Wu walking forward to her. Every time he took a step forward, Xiao Yun took three steps backward, making the scene rather unusual and stranger for people who had met for the first time. 

"Yes?" Zhuang Han Wu asked innocently, he saw that Xiao Yun inching back every time he moved forward and had a surprised face. 

Finally reaching the end of her path which was blocked by cabinets caved in a wall, Xiao Yun realized how unseemly she was and composed herself. "What can I help you?" 

Zhuang Han Wu heard her question and stopped instantly. "I'm sorry." He apologized first for keeping an impudent behavior to a girl and explained himself. "You asked for a hand on your wound. So I thought I should lend a hand while I'm here." His eyes laid on the wound which had been adhered to by a cotton gauze and plasters.

Xiao Yun gave a long oh, but the young man was quick with his hand and had gotten ahold of her hand and took the bandage to wrap it to her palm. Xiao Yun parted her lips and wanted to stop the man but heard him talking again. "It wouldn't take a long time. Just make yourself comfortable." 

Xiao Yun had a long thing to say to his face but remembered that Zhuang Han Wu was looking at the waterbottle cinderella which was her and sneakily tried to hide her face by tilting it to the side. The awkwardness of the silence stayed until Zhuang Han Wu was halfway in treating the hand. "Can I ask what happened to your hand?" He fixed his eyes on Xiao Yun's face before nudging on the red kerchief that was lying on the other seat next to her. "That look hurt."

"I cut myself a little, unlike how it looks it isn't anything big." She replied concisely, bringing back the silence which was eventually ended again by Zhuang Han Wu.

"I think, I have seen you before?" His words brought thudding heartbeat on Xiao Yun's heart. She gulped to stay the coolness on herself and wondered again, why in the first place did she have to fear that he would found out the one who helped him was her? She couldn't care less about the gossips, but she did care that Zhuang Han Wu's fans would lend a hand to the bullying out of jealousy which could impact her plan to take them down.

But that didn't mean that she has to stay quiet about it, right? She could have just told him to stay quiet about the fact she was the one who helped him and he seemed like a rational person who would agree...

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