He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 146: SLP Food Company-III

Chapter 146: SLP Food Company-III

"Then, Mr. Zi Gong, would you mind telling me your own story about this?" Xiao Yun tapped the documents slightly with a warm smile. 

Zi Gong had expected Xiao Yun to instantly place her trust in Kim Hui Cha's words and didn't expect her to ask him. With eyes moistened from the tears, Zi Gong slumped down to the floor. 

"My father had been working alone for my college fee as a construction builder. Last few months, his liver illness relapse and had to be hospitalized. Last week, the doctor told me that he urgently needs surgery, but I didn't have the money and senior Kim told me that he would lend me money in exchange for one thing. " Zi Gong turned his face toward Kim Hui Cha and scrunched his brow. "He told me to turn a blind eye to everything that he did. The embezzlement and the fact that he had altered the finance documents!" 

Kim Hui Cha pointed his hand toward the ungrateful brat and pulled his collar in rage. "You damned being! How could you accuse me?!" 

He turned his face back toward Xiao Yun with a forced polite smile. "You shouldn't hear him, young lady. I never did anything he said!" 

"Everything?" Xiao Yun repeated to see Kim Hui Cha vigorously nodded. 

"Well." Xiao Yun took back the document to rub her chin. "That is certainly very weird. 20 million yuan, gone without a trace and you are telling me that you never notice it? As the head finance, I doubt that you are that dumb, right? Or perhaps you are that dumb?" 

Kim Hui Cha ground his teeth. "I really do not know anything about this."

"Mr. Zi Gong told me that you lent him money for his father's surgery. Is that also false?" Xiao Yun asked with an amused tone.

"Y-..." Kim Hui Cha's hand trembled. At his state now, he didn't know what to answer. "No... I did lend him the money."

"You are a very fickle person aren't you, Mr. Kim? First, you told me that everything was false and then you said that it's right? I wonder if I could believe in any of your words now." Xiao Yun trapped him with another question. When someone is angered, they could be used by anyone who has a clearer state of mind and that what Xiao Yun had learned before. 

Kim Hui Cha understood his place was in danger and turned to beg Wang Li Lei. "Please, believe me, CEO Wang. I really do not know anything about this!" 

Xiao Yun giggled, bringing some other noise to the tense room and repeated each of his words. "CEO Wang? Do you mean that stupid man who only uses his face for a living? Do you really think he is some kind of God who could predict and know everything? And did you think you could threaten me by telling what I did to him? He would believe a word from a no one like you? He is only a youngster who lives by riding his parent's coattail! I doubt he even knows what is happening at the moment- "

Xiao Yun leaned back and continued. "Do you remember saying this? Or what about admitting the embezzlement?"

Clicking sound from Kim Hui Cha's jaw filled the room. His eyes were in half disbelief that Xiao Yun could repeat his words smoothly without any mistake. But at the same time, it also confirmed the fact that they heard him threatening, confirming, and admitting to the embezzlement. 

"I- I- don't! I didn't say any of that and Y- Y- You don't have any right to accuse me without any evidence, young lady!" 

"Don't have any evidence?" Xiao Yun took a few recordings and tapes from her bag with a tired face. "I have enough to shut your mouth, now. The words that you said just now wasn't only in my memories, but this recording and also the CCTV of this office when you altered the documents. " 

"There's no way! You are lying!" There was a reason behind Kim Hui Cha's confidence in his words. He knew that sooner or later his deed would be found out by Wang Li Lei and made sure to erase every CCTV video in Zi Gong's office to hid his doing. If later anyone asked the CCTV videos, he could push the blame on Zi Gong for erasing the memories. 

'There's no way such a thing could still be here!' Kim Hui Cha thought but soon heard his confidence shattered by Xiao Yun's words.

"Do you really think just by erasing the CCTV videos, no one would find it?" Xiao Yun giggled as though it was the best joke she ever heard. "You don't have to worry, I have made sure to collect back every video that you erased for the past months." She turned her face at Zi Gong who seemed to be having another evidence written on his face. 

"Mr. Zi Gong, I think you also have one, right?-" Xiao Yun tapped down at the tapes. "-the evidence." 

Kim Hui Cha snapped his eyes to Zi Gong in fuming rage from his spot. Before he could do the same trick again of threatening Zi Gong by using his father's debt, Xiao Yun spoke. "If you are worried about the debt, you shouldn't. The one here who has the authority to give you order is not him, but Li Lei-" Her eyes stiffened darkly on Kim Hui Cha with a smile. "- and also the one who has the authority to fire Mr. Kim Hui Cha is also Li Lei. But this all should be helped by your evidence. What do you think?" 

Zi Gong's eyes focused on Xiao Yun's words before stealing a glance at Wang Li Lei. His eyes and ears were fixed by Xiao Yun's words that he was able to ignore Kim Hui Cha with little concern.

"I have the evidence. The altered document and the one before it was altered. " Zi Gong's words brought horror to Kim Hui Cha, coloring his face to blue. 

With trembling hands, Kim Hui Cha still persisted his innocent, bringing his ugly face to Wang Li Lei who he had mocked. "So what does it have to do with the documents that Zi Gong has?! It didn't prove anything!" 

"Of course it proves everything." after seeing whether Zi Gong was capable of walking off his own boundary, Xiao Yun had finished her demand and didn't want to see Kim Hui Cha's face anymore. " Of course the one before it was altered and the altered is very different. Do you know who made the whole system here? It is him, Mr. Zi Gong do you really think that he would let you threaten him without holding your weakness?"

"What...? There is that kind of a system? All this time when I altered the documents, he held the evidence...?" Kim Hui Cha had never heard such a system and clearly thought he was always above Zi Gong, not knowing that he had been swallowed by his own confidence. 

"So do you still want to deny it?" Xiao Yun taunt.

"I did it- I was the one who embezzled the money for my own use. " After seeing no gap for him to run away, Kim Hui Cha confessed his sin.

"Good." Xiao Yun giggled and wrapped her hand on Wang Li Lei as they stand up. She stopped in the middle of the door to see Kim Hui Cha being restrained by Jang Hyun's subordinate and spoke. "That's right. Actually, Mr. Kim, there had been no such system. Zi Gong's evidence is only a piece of raw evidence. Also, this recording CCTVs are empty. Thank you very much for your assistance."

All this time she was lying? 

Leaving all Wang Li Lei's subordinates to stiffened, including Kim Hui Cha who had become a blued ice block, he didn't expect Xiao Yun to make him confess with only a few fake evidence and words. In fact, he was defeated by her in less than 20 minutes. 

Kim Hui Cha dared to insult Wang Li Lei and it made her overly irritated for the whole time. Making him taste his own medicine of threatening would have been fun, but she couldn't bother herself anymore to entertain him. 

As she walked over to the lift, she spotted Hydrangea Bouquets in the vases of the whole company. She turned her head around, she didn't notice it before but all the flowers in the vase are Hydrangea Flowers, the flowers Wang Li Lei had in his garden when she confessed to him. Lifting her brows she stopped. "Li Lei. That Hydrangea Flowers..." 

"Mn?" Wang Li Lei looked down and saw the girl's fingers pointing at the flower vase. "I'm celebrating the day where you confessed to me." he continued with a smile and left Xiao Yun for the first time speechless. 

She never knew he was such a romantic... 

A smile colored her face, bringing the same smile as the hydrangea flowers beside her. 

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