He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 138: I Love You

Chapter 138: I Love You

Wang Li Lei really meant his words. Just as how stubborn Xiao Yun was, Wang Li Lei would rank first in stubbornest. 

Slowly, he taunted her by lifting his sharp brow slightly. Her lips quivered. Xiao Yun looked up with him as though she was calling him a big bully. 

Finding no way out, her peachy cheeks that let out steam finally moved as she let her feelings out loud. "I- I am, of course, I am! You're my fiancee, the person that I love. I wouldn't like it if someone looks at you with such eyes. "

While covering her cheeks, Xiao Yun turned her face to the side which was instantly stopped by Wang Li Lei's cold hand that had gradually warmed from the heat of her hand. As it stayed on her chin, he gave the sweetest smile that almost stopped her heart. 

"What did you say?" Wang Li Lei purposely place his attention to the 15th words that she said. 

Even up close, there wasn't any flaw on his pale skin. As though his skin had never once met the sun, the red complexion on his lips turned the color of his skin fairer than how it was. His long lashes flickered with deep intense titillation.

Under the moonlight that adorned him naturally as if he was the moon's king that could control the lighting of the moon. 

Xiao Yun faltered, 'What did I say?' she jogged her memories and repeated the words one by one with an unsure gaze as she read his expression. 

"Of course I am?" 

"No." Wang Li Lei replied, pervading the inner core of Xiao Yun's heart. 

"You're my fiancee?" Xiao Yun placed another guess. 

"No-" He knew that the words he tried to hook out of her were getting nearer at the tip of her lips and walk again another step that was enough for his hand to reach her waist at the moment needed.

"The person I-" Finally regaining her senses after being drunk from the man in front of her, Xiao Yun's eyes slightly widened. 

Xiao Yun was wondering why Wang Li Lei was fishing her words out. This was what he wanted her to say out loud?

The following breeze that blew over her hair swept all the purple petals that fell on the green ground glided from the ground and drifted in a spiral toward them, as though a purple mist had enveloped them. 

At that moment, the small talk that she had with her friends about how men like forwardness came back to her mind. Then she realized that she had never once said those three words ever since she went back to time. 

"I love you." Xiao Yun said the three words out loud, bringing a deep swirl inside Wang Li Lei's eyes.

"I love you too-" Wang Li Lei replied as he slowly gave a heartfelt smile that also curved his almond eyes to softened all his icy features. 

Time played slow when he brought forward her chin up with his fingers mildly at the line of his chin and placed his red lips to the girl's dewy lips.

The sweet fragrance of Hydrangea flowers surrounding them mixed slowly, wafting the serene and romantic view in the middle of the garden as though they were in a mystical world. 

Xiao Yun's eyes that stared at his face slowly closed its black lashes in a tune and received back his kiss with a tender smile. 

Wang Li Lei wasn't the type to refrain himself since he was young. It was truly out of reason and hard work that he was able to pull himself from going out of the line whenever he was beside Xiao Yun. The raging heat that he had tried to drown in cold ice would melt in just a sight of the girl.

Whenever he thought that the girl would come to unlike him out of his sudden abruptness, he chained himself down. 

But now?

He truly had forgotten what the word 'Patient' meant as the girl said those three words out loud. 

Now that he had the girl's honey-like lips that he dreamed for day and night for 11 years ago, as though something in his heart was released his body worked before his mind. 

He took his time nibbling each part of her lips and slid his tongue to her warm mouth. He made sure to taste every nook and cranny of the sweetest part of her mouth without a single pause. As though it wasn't enough, he wrapped his arm to bring Xiao Yun's waist closer and caress the lines of her face. Static like electricity made her spine shuddered from the intense kiss. Her eyes moistened with tears, reflecting the eyes of desire from the man. 

Xiao Yun had never remembered the first time when she kissed Wang Li Lei. Although they had been married for the past four years in the past, there was never once when they both shared a bed or even kiss. 

Being an amateur on kissing, she wasn't able to work her mind as it already stopped functioning. Unable to breathe for a moment, Xiao Yun gasped for air. 

Wang Li Lei noticed it and parted his lips for a moment. However, it was truly naive for Xiao Yun to think that Wang Li Lei could be satisfied by such a short kiss as she heard him saying. "Breath through your nose."

Feverish heat transferred from him to her, giving a hazy layer upon her mind. She was unable to do anything and the slippery feeling on her lips made a litter out of her mind. As she could not focus on the feeling on her lips and tongue, the other part of her body grew sensitive. The hand that tracked her shoulder gave shivers through her back making her shudder involuntarily.

Wang Li Lei knew that there are his servants behind the bushes, and shielded Xiao Yun's stirring expression with his broad back. 

Xiao Yun's knees suddenly lost its power and slumped back on Wang Li Lei's arm. The fervent pleasure that was addicting that arched her back. Tears run down from the rim of her reddened eyes and her cheeks were red beyond word, coloring the tips of her ears.

Just like how a person who was beyond saving in a dessert met an oasis, the addicting taste of refreshment made the man in front of her thirst for her with an unquenched drought. 

Wang Li Lei's pitch-black pupils veiled in desire grew red before he lastly part with her lips, her bit her plump upper lips. The girl's expression in front of him was in a fervid mess, glass eyes slanted down in pink color that blushed her face it was arousing beyond help for him. 

"L... Li Lei- I can't breath" He heard the girl calling for his name, bringing back his leash that unbuckled. His desire for 11 years could in no way be satiate in such a short kiss. However, he saw the girl unable to breathe and didn't want to push his luck to tire her out.

Xiao Yun's eyes filtered in a steamy tears saw his red lips wiping the corner of his lips as though he was savoring the remnant of the delicacy.

He moved his lips down to her neck and gave a light kiss to sate the steamy kiss before scooping Xiao Yun's legs to carry her as he knew that she was unable to walk on.

As though she was comforted in a gentle cloud, Wang Li Lei carried her with all his gentleness, making Xiao Yun wondered whether he had been holding back himself for a long time after such a passionate deep kiss. 

"Would you live with me?" Wang Li Lei asked the still hazy Xiao Yun, solving the nebulous thread on her mind. The garden around them brought his legs away from the cold garden to enter the house. 

"Live with you?" Xiao Yun asked with a dampened voice that had been muffled by his lips a moment ago felt sore and numbed as though she forgot how to open her mouth let alone how to speak.

"Yes. Let's announce our engagement on my grandparent's anniversary." Xiao Yun saw her reannouncing his words that he had been longing to say for a few days ago with a sweet smile. He had thought that he needed to ask the girl in a romantic atmosphere, but who would know other than himself at that moment to allude the girl until she confessed her love orally toward him?

He was happy beyond saving, his heart that begun to race now fastened its pace than a human could ever have. He had heard his childhood friend, Andy flapping his mouth about making 

Xiao Yun heard his words bolted out of nowhere. "This was what you wanted to ask me?" 

"At first, I didn't want to harm you in becoming my fiancee and announcing our engagement as I have numerous enemies; and plan to wait until you graduate from high school. However, after that kidnapping incident the other day, I don't see the need to keep it hidden if it could protect you. Also-" He trailed his words and noticed the girl eyeing him to follow each word that slipped off his lips and fixed his eyes on top of her. 

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