He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 123: Yu Corporation

Chapter 123: Yu Corporation

Tian Yi replied with a confident tone. "If Master Wang has given his permission, then I will teach Da- Jie all my secrets moves!"

Hearing Tian Yi's words, Xiao Yun's lips twitched uncontrollably. "Tian Yi..." 

"Yes, Da- Jie?" The Samoyed Dog brightly asked his master. 

"Am I your master or Li Lei is your master?" Xiao Yun asked with a pressuring smile. 

"Both of you are my master!" Tian Yi answered almost instantly without any second thought. It was as if he had just been enlightened by Solomon's wise words. 

Hi Gu Yan burst into a silenced laugh. Xiao Yun shook her head helplessly and covered her face. Beside her, Jang Hyun had to keep maintain his straight face and gulped down his laughter. 

As soon as they finished their talk, the car had arrived at the front of the Yu Corporation building. 

Hi Gu Yan parked the car for a moment in front of the entrance and faced to the back. "Young lady, we have arrived."

Xiao Yun nodded and her hand reflexively reach out to the car handle. Seeing this, Tian Yi immediately stopped her. "Wait, Da- Jie! Don't!"

"Hm?" Xiao  Yun raised an eyebrow at Tian Yi who had quickly run outside next to the car and opened the car with an elegant and formal manner. 

Xiao Yun glanced once at his face which had an indifferent and stern attitude, giving an unapproachable air that fits perfectly for a bodyguard. 

Xiao Yun was slightly surprised but soon realize that her two bodyguards had really studied everything perfectly under the best secretary, Jang Hyun. 

Chuckling softly as she went down the car, Xiao Yun praised them without any restriction. "Good job."

Tian Yi gave a timid smile and ruffled the back of his hair. Meanwhile, Jang Hyun also stepped down and immediately stopped in front of Xiao Yun before giving a cordial bow. "Young lady, I will be going now to attend the master, please inform me if you do need anything else."

Xiao Yun paused for a moment before bending her neck to the side. "But how will you go? Gu Yan could give you a drive if you need it."

Jang Hyun shook his head. "That wouldn't be needed, young lady Yu. I already have my own transport."

Xiao Yun nodded and part her ways with Jang Hyun together with Tian Yi. On the other hand, Hi Gu Yan drove to the parking lot before catching up with them. 

As she entered the building people in the lobby gave her a weird look, their eyes stuck on her and moved along every of Xiao Yun's movements. 

Since before, the Yu Corporation had only ever affiliated themself with trade and business, seeing a young girl in a school uniform with a beautiful face that they almost mistake for a celebrity stood out instantly.

In their eyes, out of nowhere, without any wind or storm in a bright afternoon, a young girl with a very beautiful and delicate face arrived at the corporation with a large build young man accompanying her from behind. 

Whispers wafted around the silenced room after a long pause. 

"Who's that?"

"A schoolgirl? No, with such a frightening looking bodyguard, perhaps she's a celebrity or an actress? Is she here to shoot something?"

Xiao Yun stopped at the receptionist whose face blatantly froze while gazing at her face. Every time she went to many places, people had always given her that look of surprise that she had gone very familiar with it. 

Ignoring their eyes her lips moved. "I have an appointment with Mr. Xing Fu." 

The female receptionist thought for a moment before replying. "Er... Yes, please wait for a moment." Swiftly, the female receptionist made a phone call to Yu Xing Fu's secretary to verify and notify the appointment. 

Yu Xing Fu's secretary replied with a polite tone. "Yes, that's true. That young lady has made an appointment with the head director."

The female receptionist covered the phone for a moment and whispered while looking away. "Sorry, sister to ask you this. But who is this young lady?"

The secretary kindly replied to clear any misunderstanding. "That young lady is our second  young lady of Yu Corporation- Yu Xiao Yun."

"Huh?!" The female secretary let out a loud exclaim, startling both her fellow receptionist and Xiao Yun. With a meek and embarrassed bow, the female receptionist who had notified and verified the appointment ended the call, stood up and answered with a formal speech. "Young lady, the head director is at his office on the third floor at the moment. Please come with me."

Xiao Yun smiled kindly before following the female receptionist to the elevator, leaving the people in the lobby speechless. 

Yu Xing Fu with an expectant face walked around his office with excitement written all over his face. Since he was a little, Xiao Yun had been an adorable young sister to him. If someone else other than Wang Li Lei engaged with his little sister, he wouldn't give his agreements that easily.

Beside him, a young lady and a young man saw Yu Xing Fu's face and glance at each other with an awkward look. 

The young man spoke to his friend with a covered mouth. "What happened to the head director? Hey, secretary Wan, do you know what happened?"

Secretary Wan pushed the back of her glasses and answered. "I do not know the reason why the head director looks like that. However, it seemed that the head director's younger sister, the second lady of Yu Corporation came- perhaps that's the reason?"

As the two were talking, the elevator's arrived at the floor with a loud ding, bringing Xiao Yun and Tian Yi to Yu Xing Fu's office floor. 

Noticing the silhouette of Xiao Yun getting nearer to his office, Yu Xing Fu cleared his throat and quickly sat back at his chair before acting oblivious to her arrival while reading some documents. 

The female receptionist gave a slight knock. With a cool and mature tone, Yu Xing Fu answered: "Come in."

The female receptionist opened the door for Xiao Yun and Hi Gu Yan before excusing herself without a single noise. Aware of the atmosphere to leave the two siblings for their time, Hi Gu Yan stopped in front of the door and spoke to Xiao Yun. "Young lady, I will be waiting here until you finish your works here."

Xiao Yun noticed Hi Gu Yan's thoughtfulness and consideration and answered before entering. "Mn."

Xiao Yun who gazed up at Yu Xing Fu who was wearing glasses while still looking as handsome and cool as always. However, hidden beneath his act of coolness, Yu Xing Fu's legs were tapping in a fast rhythm, giving himself off obliviously. 

Xiao Yun noticed it and had vaguely guessed her brother's idea of wanting to look cool at his only younger sister. "Ge- Ge, I've arrived."

Yu Xing Fu looked up and stood up with an adult-like smile. "A- Ah, you have arrived Xiao Yun- I didn't notice it at all..."

Xiao Yun gave an awkward laugh and her hand once again almost held the bak of her own neck once again. Putting down her own hand swiftly Xiao Yun gave praise deserved for her elder brother. "Wow, Ge-  Ge, you looked very cool just now!" 

"Really?!" Yu Xing  Fu raised his tone out of surprise and quietly cleared his throat before repeating his previous words in a different manner. "Do you think so? Thank you." He patted her head softly. 

Xiao Yun chuckled. She missed this in the past, but now she had been given the chance to made things right and to er, all the chance that she had made surely brought an uncertain future- but surely it wouldn't be that bad if she could experience all these things. 

"Anyway-" Yu Xing Fu began his words. "You are here to study, right?"

"Yes! Please teach me business." Xiao Yun took a seat at one of the couch. 

Yu Xing Fu felt a magnanimous pride that Xiao Yun relied on him that his shoulder nearly rose up to a mountain. "I heard about what you did with the first uncle."

"You did?"

"Yes, as expected of Yu family's young mistress, you surely have all the skills passed down by father and mother! That was a very great thought and observation. You noticed what was wrong with the documents that even the first uncle didn't notice and also gave a help for the first uncle so he wouldn't lose any face in front of the whole family, but rather took a smart approach to calm him down while repairing their relationship with a soft approach that was needed for a person such as the first uncle." 

Yu Xing Fu who had gone to a full mode of a businessman started to talk without a single pause, giving reasons, conclusions, and praises as he did so. 

Xiao Yun didn't expect her elder brother who was absent at the time to conclude all that down to the tiniest detail. "You're right! Woah! Ge- Ge, you're amazing, how do you know that?"

"I heard the background story from father and made some conclusion based on that- this is the best conclusion that I've made. " Yu Xing Fu answered. 

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