Hell's Handbook

Chapter 373

Chapter 373

Su Jin was a stubborn man, and he had been like this from childhood, including the way he treated his own family. His family couldn’t afford to send his younger sister, Su Qing, to school, so Su Jin scrimped and saved to put her through school. He refused to go home because he was unhappy with his parents, but if anybody tried to hurt them, he would become the most terrifying creature in the world. And once the problem was settled, he pretended nothing had ever happened and walked away quietly to continue his cold war with his parents.

Su Jin was not the most lovable person and had never been. He wasn’t even considered humorous. Given his obstinate nature, Kano Mai knew he was still going to choose to walk down this path. But for some reason… his choice made her very happy. This obstinate fellow was precisely the man she liked so much.

“Sigh… I knew you would choose to do this anyway, yet I still said so much to you.” She shook her head with a sad smile, then stood in front of him and stared very hard at his face.

Su Jin started scratching his head because he was embarrassed from being stared at like that. “Uh… do you UNGHHH!”

Kano Mai did not give him the chance to speak and kissed him gently on the mouth, as though she was afraid she would scare this stubborn guy.

Su Jin did get a shock, but he quickly realized there was something wrong with this kiss. He could feel a mysterious pattern flickering on his skin.

After her lips moved away from his, Su Jin asked immediately, “Mai, what… what did you do?”

“Since you’ve chosen to go down this path, I will naturally support you in any way I can. I’ve given you a copy of the thing I’ve used to evade Hell’s Handbook’s search, it’s helped me a lot over the years,” said Kano Mai with a smile.

“You’ve given me a copy? What about you?” asked Su Jin anxiously.

She shook her head and said, “I’ve made more of them over the years just in case, but each one is still very precious! I’m giving one away only because it’s you – I wouldn’t give it to just anybody.”

Su Jin still looked a little lost, so she explained in greater detail, “This is like a backdoor of sorts. We were the ones who created Hell’s Handbook, after all. With this thing, unless the will of the universe is deliberately trying to look for you, Hell’s Handbook itself will not realize that you’re on this alternative path and will treat you as an ordinary owner.”

“That’s… that’s pretty amazing!” Su Jin’s eyes lit up. This was something really invaluable to himself. Not only would the Handbook not try to kill him, but he could continue to use it to strengthen himself.

Kano Mai went on, “But you must understand that while it can help to cover your tracks most of the time, it’s not invincible. If you display levels of power that are way above normal, you might end up exposing yourself.”

Su Jin nodded to show that he understood, then let out a long sigh. “Thank you so much, Mai. If not for you… I would have gone down this path without any worries, but also without knowing how long I would live for.”

“No need to thank me. I really hope someone will be able to succeed too. I really hope someone… can replace the will of the universe,” said Kano Mai gravely.

Su Jin nodded gravely too and said, “I will make sure I replace the will of the universe!”

“Jin, once you replace him… what would you do?” asked Kano Mai suddenly.

Su Jin was a little stunned by the question. What would he do? Kano Mai went on, “The will of the universe is an awful existence, but he is one of the laws of nature. The old has to be destroyed in order for a new one to be born. If you do eventually become stronger than the will of the universe and even replace him, what would you do?”

Su Jin fell silent. He didn’t know how to answer her question. The reason why he wanted to go down this path was to replace the will of the universe and break the shackles that Hell’s Handbook had over all lifeforms. But Kano Mai’s question was also an important one to answer.

If the first universe remained intact, it could take back the energy used to create branch universes. But if the first universe ended up becoming weaker and died because it no longer had any energy and the branch universes existed because of the first one… then if the first one died, would the branches still survive?

“I… don’t know yet, but I will do my best to find a way to resolve this. If I don’t know what to do, then… I will give the right to choose to all living creatures,” said Su Jin with a sigh. There was no perfect situation in the world. The same situation could be a blessing to some and a curse to others.

Of course, Kano Mai had faith in him, so she smiled and said, “I look forward to your extraordinary performance.”

“But of course,” said Su Jin as he smiled back. Then he said, “Hey! Since you’re not dead, come back! Let’s fight this together!”

To his surprise, she shook her head and said, “I can’t do that at the moment because I have to settle some matters. It’s not a road as noble as yours, but it’s one that requires a lot of strength.”

Su Jin was a little disappointed, but since that was what she had chosen for herself, he did not try to persuade her further. Kano Mai piped up, “I’ll send you back now. But be careful, I can only take you out of the Grave of the Gods, so you’d probably have to face the God of Sins.”

Su Jin nodded. Getting past the God of Sins could be tricky, but as long as Hell’s Handbook didn’t interfere with his powers, getting away should be no problem.

“Mai… quickly finish what you need to do… I’ll revive Wu Chen and the rest and we’ll all wait for you to come back,” said Su Jin with a smile.

Kano Mai smiled as she nodded, then she gently pulled at the air, causing the space in front of Su Jin to split open and sent Su Jin out of her hiding place.

She looked at where he was standing just seconds ago with a saddened look on her face. She sighed, then waved her hand again to walk out of her hiding place and reappeared in front of Jing Hua and the team.

“Alright now, I’ve sent him out, so let’s end this meaningless fight,” Kano Mai’s voice resounded as she pressed a hand down gently. Morgan and the other two were crushed as though a gigantic mountain had just come crashing down on them.

After they had moved away, Kano Mai looked at her four companions and said, “The matter discussed earlier between the current gods and that bunch of elder gods… wasn’t a joke, right?”

Jing Hua took a moment to understand what she was saying, then said gravely, “Of course it wasn’t a joke. But if you want to do a simulation like that, we need to be connected to the most powerful calculation system of all time, which is the Handbook’s. And the only person who can connect to it besides the will of the universe is…”

“Is myself, the primordial deity,” Kano Mai chuckled.

Phoenix interjected, “We’d have to convert your soul into energy for the time being, but… you’d be able to revert later!”

“It doesn’t really matter. Since Jin wants to change our current situation, I can’t just sit around and do nothing. We’ve chosen different paths, but we’re headed for the same destination,” said Kano Mai calmly. She looked at the other four and said, “Oh! We’d better get this done quickly! I’ve given away the thing that hides me from Hell’s Handbook, so if we don’t get this done before it goes on its regular search, we might be in big trouble!”

“What!” Jing Hua got a shock. He immediately gave instructions, “Damn it! End this Challenge immediately! Phoenix, tell those stupid gods that within the next… oh never mind that, goodness knows how much time we really have… in any case, we need to activate The Beginning! Now!”

Phoenix did not express any displeasure with the way Jing Hua was instructing her. She immediately prepared to get in contact with the current gods and some of the elder gods who were hiding once the Challenge ended.

Meanwhile, Su Jin reappeared outside the Grave of the Gods as Kano Mai had promised. But he had another problem at hand. Less than 30 meters away, the God of Sins was staring blankly at him.

“Damn… I thought you’d died in the Grave of the Gods.” The God of Sins couldn’t believe his eyes. He mumbled, “I’ve seen a lot of talented folks who’ve chosen the same path as you, but in general, they’ve not been able to walk out of the Grave of the Gods.”

“It’s clear that I’m more talented then,” said Su Jin with a chuckle. But at the same time, he went into fight mode, ready to launch a hard attack at any time.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever! Just hurry up and leave now! I don’t know what are the chances of you surviving this, but… do what you can!” grumbled the God of Sins. His reaction completely baffled Su Jin.

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