Hell's Handbook

Chapter 359

Chapter 359

What was a god? Initially, gods were something that represented a being that possessed greater powers than ordinary humans, a being that was not constrained by the limits of mortality.

Because humans were fragile, most of their hopes of becoming a god remained just something in their minds. But when they put these thoughts together and created a god according to what they wanted, that was a manifestation of what they really wanted out of life.

But for Handbook owners, godhood was merely the next stage they would evolve into and they kept doing everything it took to reach this next stage. They didnt know how many would succeed, but they knew that some would. Even if they couldnt become gods, they would witness its possibility.

All of this was based on the idea that humans were the only intelligent race in the universe, the only group that had been chosen by the Handbook to go on this journey of evolution. But Su Jins speculation had shattered this basis. Humans were not special at all. They had not been specially chosen and were not the favorite child. They were just one of many children, and might even be one of the most insignificant ones.

For powerful characters like Su Jin and his team, they were going to become gods because they were confident that they could. If they didnt even have the confidence to become a god, they would have been eliminated right from the start.

In the future we might have to set aside any grudges we have with one another, said Durand.

Shen Wu threw Su Jin a glance and let out a snort. Su Jin snorted back. There were some feuds that could not be put aside permanently, but they did not mind making use of each other as long as they had the same goal.

This is a chance to become a god, so the Grave of the Gods is a Challenge open to every Handbook in the universe. Any race picked by the Handbook will gather in this place, and the chance to become a god is this what the Demon Lord and the rest were talking about? That one has to go through much bloodshed in order to become a god? murmured Su Jin to himself.

Becoming a god was very difficult, and now, it seemed like it was impossible to do it by yourself. Every person needed a strong team to increase their overall ability. Perhaps a really powerful lone ranger stood a chance, but that was definitely a very small chance.

And since they had to get into teams, then most would naturally choose to form teams with those from their own race. This was an odd opinion that was embedded deeply in every living creatures genes. It was common for people to believe that those from a different race would not be of the same mind. If the battle was restricted to Earth, then a different race would refer to groups from either different countries or of different skin color. But if the battle was extended to the entire universe, then different races would refer to different lifeforms.

Humans should join forces with one another. If we can become gods, we should be happy to help fellow human owners, Durand said to the group.

They knew what Durand was talking about. He was talking about the fight between the elder gods, current gods, and new gods.

Gods were split into these three categories. In other words, gods went through a replacement process. The newer gods would replace the older gods, then get replaced by even newer gods. Once they became the newest generation of gods, they would need allies. Choosing allies from the same kind would naturally be the best choice, because everyone had similar experiences. Joining forces was certain.

And when a new generation of gods starts leading the world, gods from different races would definitely fight each other. Gods had disputes too, including how many believed in them, resources, territories, and so on. In order to get as much benefit as possible, helping your own kind to become new gods was the best action to take.

Su Jin started to feel a little lost. He wanted to become a god purely to revive Ye Yun and his other dead teammates, and didnt think too much about other implications, so he also did not think it was necessary for him to become allies with Shen Wu and the rest. Besides, after what happened to Ye Yun, Su Jin didnt intend to become friends with Shen Wu at all. This was a man who only cared about himself, so he was the sort of ally who would betray his friends for his own benefit.

While they were still thinking about the fact that there were owners of different races from their own, the team of monster owners had already headed for the third story and had entered it without hesitation.

Oscar immediately moved the entire group to the edge of the third floor, and they were shocked by what they saw again. In front of them was not the floor of a building, but several volcanoes covered in molten lava.

Lava flowed everywhere, and the ground was covered entirely by the red hot molten lava. It looked like a scene from the apocalypse. The strong smell of sulfur made all of them frown.

The team of monster owners were nowhere to be seen. Natasha suddenly pointed at the most majestic volcano among the volcanoes and said, I think we should head to that one!

The rest nodded in agreement. That volcano was way bigger than the rest. It was at least ten times larger than a regular volcano and it looked like it went all the way up into the sky.

Its too far, I cant remain in shadow form for that long, plus high temperatures affect my Spirit Power a lot. It will distort my shadows dimensions, said Oscar to the rest. It was not possible for him to continue hiding them in his shadow to get to that volcano. It was too far.

Su Jin turned to look at Shen Wu and said, Dont we have a walking ice machine here? This is no problem for you, right?

Shen Wu snorted as he stepped straight onto the lava of the third story. But before the lava could burn him, it had become as cold as a rock. Shen Wus Spirit Power was the ability to control temperatures, and the heat of the lava was clearly within his control.

Come with me, said Shen Wu very coolly as he led the way. The other four followed behind him and they made their way to the volcano really quickly, because any scorching heat from the lava around them was also made cooler by Shen Wu, so they were not affected at all.

Meanwhile, a new team of five had arrived on the first floor. The leader was a woman wearing a veil, and the other four were of different shapes and sizes. Only one of them was human like her, while the other three were mythical creatures.

Humph, we were sealed up back then, and now weve been revived at a time when new gods have arisen. Do those idiots really think they can do whatever they like now? Theyre just a bunch of new owners. I cant believe they can handle it, said the man with contempt.

But the woman sighed quietly and said, Jing Hua, you were one of the strongest owners back in your day, but this era the new owners are no weaker than the four of you. If you underestimate them, you will stand to lose out. Also, I think you should know that the wheels of time are controlled by the Handbook. Once it has decided it is time for a new era, nobody can stop it from happening. Even if a god dares to stand in front of that wheel, the wheel will keep rolling and crush that god to smithereens.

Youre different from us. Youre one who will never die no matter what happens. Why do you still want to go through these dangers with us? a woman with phoenix wings on her back suddenly asked.

The woman fell silent for a moment, then shook her head as she said, You dont understand. Not being able to die is not necessarily a good thing. Ive gone through round after round of reincarnation and Ive always had to go through this journey alone. Im very tired of it. This time, I think I have the motivation to do this.

As she spoke, the psychokinetic eyeball that had attacked Su Jins team earlier suddenly appeared. It discovered the five person team immediately and shot out a white laser beam.

Jing Huas eyes glinted frostily as he flung a white crystal into the air. The crystal exploded and transformed into a gigantic creature that grabbed hold of the eyeball and crushed it.

Its a place they passed through before, so theyre really familiar with it, said Jing Hua with a snort. He was clearly very displeased with those who had made them come here.

Jing Hua why bother getting so angry? They stole our right to become gods, but that didnt turn out to be a bad thing for us. At the very least, if we become gods now, wed be new gods. We wouldnt have to constantly live in fear of being killed or sealed away by new gods, said another team member. He had a dogs head, an extremely muscular body, and a giant sword on his back that would require two hands to hold.

Jing Hua eyed him, then snorted, Do you think theyd let us become new gods so easily? I dare say that even if we become gods, we wont be able to escape them. From the beginning of the last era we were already ants in their hands. We cant fly, and we wont be able to escape!

His words made everyones expression shift slightly. Only the woman in a veil did not speak as she kept walking. The group did not care for the pure energy liquid at all and headed for the second floor.

When they got to the second floor, the ghosts immediately rushed at them, causing the team to have looks of horror. Only the woman in a veil was completely unbothered as she continued to move through the second story.

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