Hell's Handbook

Chapter 341

Chapter 341

Su Jins physique was unaffected by the Challenge, so he moved at lightning speed. Once the mirror started falling, he caught it with no problem.

Thank goodness, said Su Jin with a sigh of relief after catching the mirror. He felt that there was something strange about this mirror, and because Ning Ran had disappeared in front of it, he felt that her disappearance was connected to the mirror. If the mirror was shattered, he didnt know what would happen to Ning Ran, so he thought it was best to be careful around it.

Im sorry! Im so sorry! I nearly did something terrible! Qian Yingying apologized to Su Jin.

Its alright, but youd better be more careful when going through Challenges. The slightest mistake could cost you your life. Su Jin wasnt particularly bothered. He held up the mirror and got a shock when he looked at it. Ning Ran was right behind him.

Where were you hiding just now? said Su Jin as he turned around, only to find that Ning Ran wasnt behind him.

Whats going on? Su Jin immediately turned back to the mirror and saw Ning Ran in the mirror. He got it now. She wasnt behind him. She was inside the mirror itself.

Ning Ran, are you able to speak? Su Jin asked Ning Ran.

She opened her mouth, but Su Jin couldnt hear anything. Su Jin tapped on his nose to think. Ning Rans reaction meant that she could hear him, but he couldnt hear her.

Ning Ran was pacing anxiously inside the mirror and knocked into the dresser on her side. The dresser shook a little, and the dresser on Su Jins side shook too.

This A thought flashed in Su Jins head. He went to the dresser and opened one of the drawers. The same drawer of the dresser in the mirror opened at the same time. The dimension inside and outside the mirror were almost identical.

Lets go, Su Jin said to Qian Yingying, and they left to look for Zhang Yang and Xu Ge.

Did you find something? This is the key? Zhang Yang looked strangely at the mirror in Su Jins hands.

Su Jin shook his head and said, It isnt, but take a look at this. He showed Zhang Yang the mirror, and Zhang Yang blinked in surprise when he saw Ning Ran in the mirror.

Miss Ning is trapped inside the mirror? asked Zhang Yang.

Su Jin nodded. The space inside and outside the mirror seem to be connected. Ning Ran knocked into a dresser inside the mirror, and the dresser outside the mirror moved at the same time.

A glint flashed in Zhang Yangs eyes as he smiled and said, Interesting. In that case, that thing can be opened like this.

What thing? asked Su Jin.

Come with me. Zhang Yang did not answer Su Jins question and led him to one of the bedrooms instead. There was a study table inside, and all its drawers were open except for one. Zhang Yang tried to open it, but no matter how hard he tried, it would not budge.

I see. Ning Ran, try opening this drawer, Su Jin said to Ning Ran.

Ning Ran looked a bit scared, but she nodded and reached out to pull at the identical drawer on her side. She didnt have to use much strength to open the drawer on her side, and at the same time, the drawer that Zhang Yang had struggled to open earlier popped right open. A key was lying inside the drawer.

Thats the key. Everyones eyes lit up. Su Jin was secretly glad that it was Ning Ran who had entered the mirror. Otherwise, it might have been difficult for them to think of finding the key in this manner.

Wow, thats pretty evil. If we werent lucky, then even if we knew the key was here, we wouldnt be able to open it, remarked Zhang Yang.

Su Jin retrieved the key from the drawer, then said, Weve got one more problem. How do we get Miss Ning out of the mirror?

Why should we get her out? Zhang Yang glanced at Su Jin with a smile. Miss Ning is well and alive, isnt she? In my opinion the world inside the mirror is the safest, as long as you dont break it.

Su Jin immediately understood what Zhang Yang was saying. You mean this is a prize of sorts for finding the key?

You could say that, I guess. Of course, theres a possibility that if an evil spirit appears, it will kill the person in the mirror first, said Zhang Yang with a cheeky grin. He was clearly trying to scare Ning Ran on purpose.

Ning Ran paled immediately. The world inside and outside the mirror were identical, but she was alone inside the mirror. If an evil spirit appeared on her side, she wouldnt be able to fight it.

Su Jin was already well aware of how annoying Zhang Yang could be, but scaring a clearly helpless woman was definitely worse than just being irritating.

Teehee you dont have to be so scared. In fact, I think your current status will prove useful later on, so theres no hurry to come out! said Zhang Yang with a gleeful laugh.

Su Jin did agree with that part, so he reassured Ning Ran, Dont be too anxious. We dont know how to get you out at the moment, but I dont think youre in any danger for now.

These were just words to try to comfort Ning Ran, since nobody knew what this mirror really was. But making her antsy and worried like Zhang Yang did wasnt appropriate either, so the only thing Su Jin could do was to try and reassure her.

Now that they had found the key, they returned to the first bedroom they had been in. They knew that they had to enter the third story immediately after daybreak. Nobody knew what was in there, but judging from that blood red eye Su Jin saw, he was certain it was no safe place.

Until now, the first story had been relatively safe, but Yu Wenkuo had been possessed. Then, shortly after arriving at the second story, everyone fell into their own dreamworld, and even though all of them eventually escaped their dreams, everyone was probably still very tense, with the exception of Zhang Yang.

Mr. Zhang, earlier on you said that you were a medium. Was that

That was a lie, said Zhang Yang without hesitation.

Su Jin smiled and shook his head. He had guessed as much. Did you do that purely to get protection? Dont you think youd get completely abandoned if your lies were exposed?

Gosh, it wasnt really to be protected. I just thought that this Challenge wasnt very interesting and I didnt want to have to work too hard on it, said Zhang Yang as he waved his hand about.

Then from now on, I hope you will do your best to cooperate with me so that all of us will get through this Challenge alive, Su Jin said to Zhang Yang.

But Zhang Yang paused for a bit, then said lazily, Do my best? That sounds kinda troublesome. Actually, youre not too bad yourself. I think as long as you do your best, well all be fine.

Mr. Zhang, youre counting on the fact that your body isnt affected by evil spirits. But nobody knows if the third story only has evil spirits or if they can control something that can attack us physically. Also, if youre going to maintain this sort of attitude then before we die, Ill make sure I take your body apart and I guarantee youd die in front of us, said Su Jin in a slow voice. Everyone had awkward looks on their faces, because Su Jin was clearly threatening Zhang Yang.

And of course, Zhang Yang caught the threat. He stroked his chin, then said with a smile, Youre threatening me?

You can say so. If this Challenge had nothing to do with you, then I wouldnt treat you like this. Even if I ended up dying, I wouldnt blame anybody for it. But this is a six person supernatural Challenge, and the Handbook has taken into account the abilities of every owner it has chosen for the Challenge. Your presence alone signifies a proportionate increase in the difficulty, so since thats the case I hope that you will at least do what you ought to, said Su Jin without holding back.

Zhang Yang chewed on these words for a while, then stretched his hand out with a smile, Alright then! I hope well work well together.

Su Jin shook Zhang Yangs hand, but when he did that, Su Jin felt something against his palm.

He raised an eyebrow, then took his hand away, to see a thorn on his palm. But that thorn hadnt pierced through Su Jins skin at all.

Zhang Yang looked shocked. You must have some monster of a body. That was a B-grade Spirit Power weapon, the venomous fangs of a snake god. Yet it didnt even pierce your skin?!

Su Jin crushed the fang while Zhang Yang continued mumbling, Its a weapon that can collect enough venom over the course of one calendar month and the venom can kill almost any living thing!

Are you trying to take revenge on me? Su Jin made a face. Zhang Yang had launched a fairly aggressive attack, but unfortunately for him, Su Jins physique had not been affected, so something like that did not work on him at all. And even if the venom did get into Su Jins body, his body was probably strong enough to get rid of it without causing any issue.

Zhang Yang nodded and said, I hate it when others threaten me. But dont worry, I only exact revenge once. If it doesnt work the first time, I dont bother trying again. So I hope to work well with you! He stretched his palm out toward Su Jin once more.

Su Jin nodded, then shook Zhang Yangs hand. But just like before, he felt something in his palm. He pulled his hand away and saw a bright red drop of liquid. It wriggled on his hand and gave off an awful smell. This was probably something very corrosive, but it didnt get through his skin either.

Crap, even the saliva of a venomous dragon didnt work? Zhang Yang looked very annoyed.

Su Jin wasnt too bothered by Zhang Yangs attacks, since he seemed more childish rather than malicious. If you really want to take revenge, then you can get your chance after were done with this Challenge. Also, Id like to remind you that youve already used two out of the three items youre allowed to use.

Zhang Yang nodded nonchalantly and said, Yup. Except that Im only allowed to use two, and Ive used them all up now.

What the

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