Hell's Handbook

Chapter 339

Chapter 339

Su Jin felt that he had become unfeeling and selfish, and he had taken the time to sit down and think about this change in him before. But his final conclusion was that he hadnt become unfeeling and selfish. It was the way to fight and overcome Challenges, which became characteristic of owners.

The seemingly unfeeling and selfish nature of owners was really more of a way for them to protect themselves, and there were some who were only like this during a Challenge, and were not like this in their everyday lives in the real world.

Zhang Yang, Qian Yingying, and Xu Ge were still trapped inside their dreams. Su Jin glanced at Zhang Yang. He didnt want to enter his dream, but he didnt mind using his psychokinesis to throw Zhang Yang a few hints.

He managed to connect to Zhang Yangs consciousness briefly with his psychokinesis, but he cut off the connection immediately because Zhang Yang wasnt panicking at all. In fact, he wasnt even dreaming. He had already woken up.

Since youre already awake, why are you putting on a pretense? asked Su Jin gravely.

Zhang Yang opened his eyes and grinned at Su Jin. Ah, so you have psychokinesis! If I had known earlier, I wouldnt bother pretending.

It isnt too late to find out now. I would like a good explanation for this. Su Jin pulled Ning Ran behind him to protect her. Since Zhang Yang had pretended to be dreaming when he was already awake, it meant that this man had other ulterior motives.

Zhang Yang made a face, then stood up and laughed. Explaining is so troublesome!

Getting into a fight would be even more troublesome, said Su Jin as he stretched his arms and legs. He could sense that Zhang Yang wasnt behaving like this because he had been possessed by the spirits. There was an unmistakable sly glint in his eyes, as though he was feeling very smug about what he had done. That expression made Su Jin really want to give him a tight slap.

Alright, alright, Zhang Yang nodded and looked serious as he said to Su Jin and Ning Ran, Let me introduce myself again. Im Zhang Yang and Ive gone through 37 challenges.

Youre a veteran? Su Jin realized why Zhang Yang had that expression earlier. This fellow had intended to fool everyone right from the start. He was an old timer, yet he had pretended to be a newbie and asked Su Jin to protect him. That wasnt the most ethical thing to do.

But Zhang Yang shook his head. Im just an old timer. As for being a veteran its too bad, but Ive not gotten any Spirit Power, so Im not a veteran.

Su Jin frowned and said, An old timer whos gone through 37 Challenges still isnt a veteran? Do you think anybody would believe that? Su Jin had always felt that every owner would be given a fair chance to get Spirit Power after they completed a certain number of Challenges.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, Why not? Ive just chosen to evolve in a different way from everyone else. I gave up the chance to get Spirit Power in exchange for other benefits.

A silver glint flashed in Su Jins eyes as he attempted to read Zhang Yangs thoughts, only to find that he couldnt do it at all. He was surprised as he said, Your thoughts are protected by something special. Its not some sort of force field, its a machine?

To be honest, I really hate psychokinetic owners like yourself, because you guys always pry into the thoughts of others without getting permission. In fact, thats kind of why I chose to do this. I can defend my thoughts from people like you, said Zhang Yang as he threw Su Jin a look of contempt.

Su Jin paused to think about what Zhang Yang just told him, then said, I see. So, youve turned your body into a machine and only your consciousness has been left behind. Your consciousness, or your soul, has been stored within your body in something that can cut off psychokinesis, which is why I cant read your thoughts at all.

The legend that many psychokinetic owners are clever people is true, after all. So, why dont YOU introduce yourself again too? said Zhang Yang as he stared curiously at Su Jin.

Su Jin shook his head. I dont have anything else to share about myself.

You dont? Ill help you then! Youre Su Jin, the team leader of the now-defunct Team Boning Knife. I dont know why you disbanded the team, but that didnt affect your capabilities, and you seem to have become even more formidable without your team. Youve recently ranked #7 among owners, so your prowess is greater than anyone can imagine, and youre definitely an up-and-coming owner, said Zhang Yang calmly.

Su Jin was not surprised that Zhang Yang knew all this about him. Zhang Yang had gone through so many Challenges, which meant that his ranking was probably not low, and it wasnt strange for him to take note of the higher-ranked owners. But this guy seemed to be trying to emphasize that Su Jin was an up-and-coming owner.

Before Su Jin could respond, Zhang Yang continued, Dont worry, Im not a peeping tom like you psychokinetic owners. I know so much about you because one of my friends has met you before.

A friend of yours has met me before?

Jiang Li. You went through your very first Challenge with him, didnt you? When he came out of that Challenge, he was full of praise for you. After you started climbing the ranks, he continued to watch your progress. And because he kept talking about you, I took notice too. I have to say, this fellow had really good judgment. Your growth is beyond everyones imagination, said Zhang Yang quietly.

Su Jin did not expect Zhang Yangs friend to be Jiang Li. He recalled how formidable Jiang Li had been to him as a newbie, killing off monsters left and right in Fengxi Town.

Youre a friend of Jiang Li I think Ive heard about you from him too. Su Jin remembered that Jiang Li mentioned Su Jin reminded him of a friend who was also the strategist type. Jiang Li had also said that this friend of his was very annoying, which did match the sort of person Zhang Yang was.

Oh, did he now? He praised me? asked Zhang Yang curiously.

Ha he said he had a friend who was very irritating, said Su Jin without bothering to sweeten his words. Zhang Yang was not a likeable character, after all. Challenges seemed more like a game to this guy, and he didnt seem to care if he lived or died. Jiang Lis description of this friend of his was accurate.

Tsk! He called me an irritating fellow? Humph! Zhang Yang looked very displeased.

Hows Brother Jiang lately? asked Su Jin.

Hes dead, said Zhang Yang flatly.

Su Jin froze, and Zhang Yang said, Is that very surprising? Were talking about Handbook Challenges here, so never mind him even an owner in the top ten like yourself often finds Challenges tough to get through, right? Take this Challenge, for example.

Zhang Yang was right. That was the way the Handbook was. No matter how powerful you were out there, your life was always on the line once you began a Challenge.

Brother Jiang mentioned that you are the strategist type of owner. Whats your opinion of this Challenge? Su Jin put aside his emotions and focused on the Challenge first.

Zhang Yang replied lazily, Im not really bothered by it. Given the current state of my body, supernatural Challenges arent difficult for me. Besides, this Challenge is the survival type. I just need to stay alive for three days.

Su Jin made a face. Zhang Yang was a robot now, and his consciousness was protected by a special mechanism. So, like he said, supernatural Challenges were of little threat to him, unless the spirits were able to attack his mechanical body.

Fine, you can take a rest then. Su Jin didnt want to talk to Zhang Yang anymore. This guys temperament was seriously unpleasant.

But Zhang Yang wasnt letting Su Jin walk away just like that. He ambled over and asked, By the way, given your prowess and the fact that youre a strategist youve probably sensed the secret of Hells Handbook by now, havent you?

Su Jin raised an eyebrow and shook his head. Nope.

Oh, really? Zhang Yang chuckled, then said in a secretive voice, I thought of exchanging information, since I discovered some historical text inscribed on a monument when I went through a previous Challenge, and deduced some basic information about the Handbook from there. I thought of talking about it to someone who might find it useful.

Su Jin glanced at Zhang Yang and narrowed his eyes as he shook his head again, Im sorry, but I dont trust you.

You dont trust me? Looks like I have to show a little more sincerity. Actually, some of it could be seen after you became an owner, and the most important part is the fact about parallel universes! Great emphasis was placed on those last two words.

Su Jins heart skipped a beat. Parallel universes was the direction in which Su Jin was investigating the secret behind Hells Handbook. Since Zhang Yang had been able to identify this main point, perhaps he did know a thing or two about the secret behind Hells Handbook.

Just when he was about to ask more, Xu Ge suddenly let out a yelp, then leaped up from the floor before collapsing again.

Hes awake? Both Su Jin and Zhang Yang were a little surprised. Neither of them liked Xu Ge, because his character was too seriously flawed. He was a veteran with Spirit Power, and his egoistical side shone the brightest during Challenges where he believed he was the most powerful owner. And any owner who became arrogant and thought his capabilities were sufficient to get through any Challenge wasnt far from death.

Xu Ge seemed to have used up a lot of energy, so he lay weakly on the floor as he panted heavily. Su Jin, Zhang Yang, and Ning Ran even smelled something foul. They looked at Xu Ges lower body and realized he had peed himself.

Im Im still alive? Xu Ges body was still shaking, but a look of joy spread across his face. He seemed surprised that he was actually still alive.

Just then, Qian Yingying let out a sound, and she too, opened her eyes slowly and stared in confusion at the people around her.

Theyve all actually managed to escape their dreams? Su Jin was very surprised.

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