Hell's Handbook

Chapter 323

Chapter 323

Unlike what Su Jin had been afraid of, the monster doctor did not pull his blanket back. The monster doctor only patted Su Jin, then let out a grunt when Su Jin did not respond.

Not bad, not bad! After saying that, the doctor left Su Jins bedside and walked over to the third bed. Just like what he did with Su Jin, he patted the patient and said the same thing.

Not bad, not bad! The doctor then left Su Jins ward. Su Jin did not emerge from his blanket immediately, but waited for some time to make sure the coast was clear before finally uncovering his head.

Hes really gone. Su Jin breathed a sigh of relief. He looked to his left and saw that the man in bandages had fainted. The tranquilizer used by that doctor was a really strong one.

He then looked to his right. The blanket had clearly moved a little just now. Su Jin had been able to dodge this injection because of this fellow.

Hey, the doctors gone, you can come out now, Su Jin said to the patient under the blanket. But the patient merely moved a little and did not come out.

Su Jin hesitated for a moment. He had to know who was on this bed. This patient knew how to avoid getting an injection, so they might know something else too.

He got off his bed, walked to the bed on his right, took hold of one corner of the blanket, then suddenly pulled on it. The patient did not expect this to happen at all, so they nearly jumped out of the bed as though Su Jin had stepped on their tail.

Relax, relax! Its alright! The doctor has already left our ward and wont be coming back for a while, Su Jin consoled the patient.

The patient remained high strung for some time before slowly calming down. Su Jin realized that this patient was actually a woman.

She was in her twenties and was very pretty, but she also looked extremely exhausted. The dark rings around her eyes showed that she hadnt rested well during her time in the hospital.

Dont worry, the doctor has already left. I dont think hell be coming back soon, said Su Jin quietly.

The woman licked her lips and said uneasily, Thats right, he wont be coming back soon, but hell still come back.

Take a deep breath, calm down can you tell me whats going on? asked Su Jin.

She looked up at him and said puzzledly, You you dont know whats going on?

Do I look like I know? I was injected immediately after being warded, so I have no idea whats going on, said Su Jin with a sigh.

The woman felt that he wasnt lying, so she said, Theres a problem with this hospital. It turns into a world filled with demons and monsters after the sun sets. They walk in and out of the wards and harvest the lives of patients.

Harvest the lives of patients? You mean they kill them? asked Su Jin.

She shook her head. No, I I dont know how to explain this. This place this place isnt a normal hospital at all. Do you know about the rumor that says every patient who comes here will recover within seven days?

I heard that from this guy here, said Su Jin as he pointed to the man in bandages.

She smiled bitterly and said, Thats not the case at all. Nobody recovers here. The people who leave the hospital are the monsters after theyve transformed. They theyre replacing us, taking over our lives, our families, our friends! Meanwhile, we get locked in here forever as they suck our lives away.

Su Jin more or less got it. She was saying that this hospital never discharged any of their patients. Those who were supposedly discharged after recovery were actually the hospital monsters in disguise.

Why are they doing this? Just to take over our identities? asked Su Jin.

She nodded, then shook her head. Not just that. Have you seen the other wards?

Yeah, I saw them just now. There are strange fixtures I dont understand inside, but there are humans inside those things, replied Su Jin honestly.

Those are the patients who get their identities swapped after seven days. Once those monsters leave the hospital as us, we will be locked inside those fixtures. Inside there, we cannot move and cannot fight back, but we are able to produce an amazing chemical that makes the monsters stronger and more energetic after consuming it, while the patient becomes weaker by the day and will eventually die, she explained to him.

Su Jin nodded. He now understood why the monster nurse and doctor entered the wards, and what those pipe connectors on the fixtures were. The monsters were using those connectors to suck in the vitality of the patients.

We are the newest patients of this hospital, but weve been here for almost seven days already. After that, we will become food for those monsters, just like how humans keep pets. Her eyes were filled with terror as she pointed to the man in bandages. Like him. Hell be locked inside one of those things tomorrow and a monster will inherit everything he has.

Su Jin frowned and asked, Why do you know so much? Arent you just a patient like me?

The woman froze for a moment, then laughed sadly. A patient? I wish I was just a patient. If I were just a patient, I wouldnt know any of this until the day I die and I wouldnt live every day in fear. But but I already know all of this.

In that case, youre not just a patient. Su Jin narrowed his eyes. The information she just shared couldnt be something a patient could get their hands on. She might have been able to find out that the monsters were sucking the lives out of the patients by observing their behavior in the hospital, but how would she know that the monsters were impersonating the patients and living among ordinary humans out there?

She nodded. Thats because I applied to become a nurse here before.

A nurse? Isnt this a hospital filled with monsters? How could an ordinary human like you become a nurse here? asked Su Jin puzzledly.

This is a hospital controlled by the monsters, but thats only at night. The monsters cannot appear as they are in the day, so so they recruit a large number of doctors and nurses, use a similar method to lock them up, then assume their identities in the day.

When I came to apply for the job, I walked the wrong way and got to the basement of the hospital. I saw a proposal with the details of the monsters plans. I meant to escape, but the monsters found me and so I was brought here, said the woman in a despairing voice.

Su Jin wasnt sure if the last bit was true, but the information she provided before that was probably accurate. The monsters made themselves look like humans and took over the lives of the patients here while imprisoning the patients in order to suck the vitality out of them.

No, no I cant keep waiting. I have to escape from here! The woman suddenly ran out of the room like she had gone mad.

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